
Seven timescales on which we seem to be at a turning point

I can think of seven different timescales in which changes seem to be happening right about now. Of course, you can probably take any point in time and construct such an edifice since everything is changing all the time, but this seems to be a moment in which it is particularly compelling to do so. Anyway, here they are.

Evidence in Psychology for Moving Away from "Self-Interest" in Economics

There is a good "economics" website that I stumbled upon a few months ago called Evonomics. I think I found it on a link at Naked Capitalism. One article I found on Evonomics that I really like is: We’re Not as Selfish as Economists Think We Are. Here’s the Proof.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Mojitos, Tourismo, Cooperatives, and CUCs for Cuba by Geminijen

For leftists, Cuba has always been kind of like the promised land. The country that has stood up to the imperialist giant to the North — the United States For the past 60 plus years, it is Cuba that has led the fight for liberation and socialist struggles both in Latin America and around the world. The country that never gave in, or gave up, no matter how hard the United States came down on the socialist island.

No, Mr. Sorkin, "Capitalism" didn't do that.

I watched the Maher show earlier this morning, and the followup on Youtube. The guests included Barbara Boxer, Katie Packer, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Ana Marie Cox and Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine). The latter was basically the lone sane voice, when it came to the brief discussion of capitalism and socialism, both during the show and "overtime." But he was all but shouted down when he tried to school the panelists and Maher on their errors.

Hellraisers Journal: Haywood: "It is good to know that at last the working class are aroused."

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Saturday June 2, 1906
From Ada County Jail: A Letter from Big Bill Haywood

HMP, Moyer Haywood Pettibone, ab 1906_0.png

Slipping into Coma: Art and Cultural Heritage Held Hostage by the 1%

A friend sent me this article from the New York Times yesterday, One of the World’s Greatest Art Collections Hides Behind This Fence: The superrich have stashed millions of works in tax-free storage. So what does that mean for the art? It inspired me to come out of hiatus and write something for a blog.

We Can Have a Living Earth Economy—But It Won’t Be Easy

“I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand!!”
― Charles M. Schulz


It is very satisfying to point out the inequities in life, to rail against the obnoxious ones among us, yet in doing so we become the obnoxious ones. We become the person cutting into line at the grocery, or cutting off another driver trying to get out of the parking lot, just to secure our 'proper' place in line, but in reality just sowing more inequity behind us. Such counter-productive behavior is almost human nature; I myself can be obnoxious and casually, even unconsciously and inadvertently, spew inequities and insults toward others who will then cut me off as I try to exit the grocery parking lot later on today.
