Featured Editorials

The Weekly Watch

Government Graft and Giant Grifts

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Ask yourself why both parties voted against appointing an auditor to track Ukraine weapons and monies. Greed is the operative descriptor. The US government doesn't care about its citizens. Consider the hundreds of billions going to Ukraine and the total lack of support for the people of Maui. No, we have a government by and for the multinational corporations, oligarchs, and globalists. Is there a way out of this conundrum? I don't see it. I hope you can offer some possible solutions in the comments below.

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Album of the Week 9-9-23

Afternoon folks!

I've got a couple of live blues albums for you this week, one from BB King and one (a UK import) from Albert Collins and there's a Buddy Guy album to keep you hummin' for the rest of the weekend. Following that there's a big bunch of blues rock, albums by Rory Gallagher, Harvey Mandel (guitarist for Canned Heat), slide wizard David Lindley and a live album from Mountain. Finishing it all off is an album from Spirit.


Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Sept 9, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Morning. Farm is keeping me busy and distracted. Harvesting and processing the various fruits, herbs and vegetables has been taking up all spare time the last few weeks. Unusually successful season.

Friday Night Photos Bayfront Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

The lesser of two evils? This week I had a colonoscopy. Next week I have jury duty. Neither one is at the top of my "fun things to do" list. Oh well. At least the weather has been great and for one day this week I can honestly say I wasn't completely full of shit.

It's been a few years since I've done any night time photography so last week on Wednesday evening I went to Coronado Island to photograph the San Diego bayfront and skyline at sunset and the rising of the super blue moon. It was a beautiful evening with clear skies, no wind, and temp in the mid 70s.

My new boat

Open Thread - 9/8/23 - Odds and Ends

While you are reading and commenting this morning, I will be in court, representing the last criminal case I will ever take in an adjacent county. The District Attorney there has not gotten the hang of managing all her assistant attorneys and other support staff. It is a nightmare. What takes an hour in other counties take 4 hours there. My client admits to driving while intoxicated, just wants a reasonable fine and probation. He is in his 60s and has never been arrested before.(And never will be again.)

Meanwhile, the new client I took in today has witnesses he drank 1 beer, 4 hours later, wrecked his truck when he fell asleep behind the steering heel. Well, I asked him about his working conditions, discovered he works in 130 deg. heat during this heat dome over Texas. Hell, the man passed out from heat stress, not a beer! Anyway, he has at least 3 co-workers and his employer who will testify he had one beer to wash down his lunch tacos.

Strangely, no tests, not road side breath test, no jail breath test, no blood draw, not even the walk in a straight line test.
