Featured Editorials

Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster

In addition to Caitlin Johnstone's essay on the Mueller report release, I especially want to recommend Matt Taibbi's excellent piece, which is a comprehensive report on the entire Russiagate journalism debacle.

In case I transcribed the link incorrectly, Caitlin has a link in her article.

Bad Emergencies, Good Emergencies, and the Shock Doctrine

Politically aware people (and even a slim majority in Congress) are justifiably against Trump's assault on the Constitution over the Mexican Wall. However, Trump's veto will hold because the vote against the emergency declaration was a bare majority instead of a unanimous rejection of this blatantly dictatorial move.

The Weekly Watch

Pruning Out the Dead Wood...

I hope my fellow southerners have already pruned their fruit trees, shrubs, and vines. However you folks in the northern zones still have time. Pruning fruit crops is important to provide sunlight, aeration, and good plant health which in turn improve their yield. It also makes a good political analogy...pruning out the diseased and unhealthy components of government and society. So join in this social and political pruning thought experiment as well as a practical discussion of pruning techniques for fruit crops.


Political Parties (Part Two): The Factions Within The Factions

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Studies of authoritarian personalities have provided considerable insight into the conflicting political factions of “Conservatives” and “Liberals.” There also appear to be identifiable factions within these factions, with their own distinguishable value priorities. Thus, the major political political factions themselves experience internal conflict.

Rachel Has a Sad about Mueller Gate

After two long years of breathlessly reporting on every minute detail of Russia Gate, Rachel who was fishing in Tennessee had to leave the fishy alone and come back to talk talk talk talk talk as usual about Mueller sending in his report.

Crying for indictments? Maddow ‘holds backs tears’ as she discusses end of Mueller probe
