It's not all doom and gloom: big oil is going bankrupt.

Just got done reading this article and really, what's not to cheer you up about this news:

Noble Energy, Halliburton, Marathon Oil and Occidental have all lost more than two-thirds of their value. Even Dow member ExxonMobil is down 38%.

Whiting Petroleum became the first domino to fall when the former shale star filed for Chapter 11 protection on April 2. But it certainly will not be the last.

All that stolen Iraqi oil and Halliburton could lose it all. Now if that don't put a smile on your face, I just don't know.

U.S. oil market has crashed. The price of U.S. oil turned negative for the first time in history. The U.S. oil industry is facing a doomsday scenario. Hundreds of U.S. oil companies could go bankrupt. Many U.S. oil companies took on too much debt during the good times. Some of them will not be able to survive this historic downturn.

Doomsday scenario for the Deep State? It kinda seems too good to be true.

The price of U.S. oil turned negative means oil producers are paying buyers to take the commodity off their hands over fears that storage capacity could run out in May.

Yeah, it's so bad that we are running out of storage capacity.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused oil demand to drop so rapidly that the world is running out of room to store barrels. At the same time, Russia and Saudi Arabia flooded the world with excess supply.

That double black swan has caused oil prices to collapse to levels that make it impossible for U.S. shale oil companies to make money.

Makes ya think they might, I don't know, need a major war or something.

Nah, don't worry. What is really happening is the big fish gobbling up the small fry. Soon it will be One Corporation, Over All, with Liberty and Justice for shareholders.

The nightmare scenario could present lucrative buying opportunities for the industry’s biggest players. That is because struggling oil companies, either in bankruptcy or before it, will be forced to sell off prime acreage — at fire sale prices. Exxon and Chevron, the industry’s supermajors, could be tempted to make acquisitions.

Consolidation. So not quite as bright and cheery news as I promised. My bad. But hey, lots of corporations will vanish and as you all know, the only good corporation is a dead one.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Thanks, universe! Pleasantry

8 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Some of the tankers filled with unwanted oil are owned by the gamblers of Goldman and other giant financial firms.

Their game is to buy the oil and hold it until they can get the highest payment. It's more complicated than that, of course. Storage space to hold oil is expensive and right now are capacity. Think of giant tankers idling in ports around the world. No place to go.

Banks. Hedge funds. Those who insure the oil. Lots of financial wizards must be quaking in their boots.

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CB's picture

of the situation - they've increased their daily rates for storage 8-fold. Prices have gone from $30,000 per day to $250,000 per day. Eventually the stored oil will have to be given away to stop the bleeding.

This has become a perfect shit-storm for all the greedy oil connected bastards who have caused so much war, strife, destruction and death in the world for the last 100 years. They get to fucking drown in their shit.

12 users have voted.

Maybe someone will take HIM duck hunting?

12 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

To have it crash like this really means that we are now in a deflationary global depression. The repercussions of oil collapse are massive, for global GDP, wealth, and employment. This was a perfect storm with the supply rocketing into space and the demand crashing. The US, Saudi Arabia and Russia all contributed to creating supply way beyond reason. The world pandemic seriously shrunk the demand. But the demand for consumer goods and capital goods is crashing amidst hyper bubbles busting everywhere. The price of housing in the metropolitan Boston area could easily crash by a factor of 4 in normal times. Now we may be looking at a factor of ten, or no market at all. The Fed is printing trillions of dollars, but putting it where it will do no good at all, big corporations. They need customers and people are in debt, losing jobs, and have no money to buy their goods and services. So what if Boeing is building planes again. The airlines are retiring planes as fast as they can and laying off workers since they don't have customers. Do they need new planes? Besides having no customers the driving force behind new planes is fuel efficiency. At near zero dollars for a barrel of oil that factor disappears. If we were smart we would build out high speed rail now as an emergency project. It creates jobs, and real estate will be dirt cheap. And it runs off of electricity, not fossil fuel. But we are much more likely to support a dying market as air travel gets ground into the dirt.

If the government really wants to save the economy and minimise the downturn it would be about relieving consumers of debt and also sustaining their incomes. But the government and both political parties are fully controlled by the ideological Right and the oligarchs and would never directly help the people. OK, but if you don't do that then there will be no consumer economy and that's 70% of the US economy. Supply side is ideological junk economics, but it dominates in the US today. Keep the big corporations going and preserve the wealth of the oligarchs and all will be good. Nonsense!

20 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

CB's picture

@The Wizard

7 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


that no one would say that.

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wendy davis's picture

@The Wizard

re: electric trains (and cars): the electricity comes from some source, most likely coal in this nation. even with solar panels, the chokehold is always lithium, which is what got evo morales overthrown in bolivia. other large deposits are chile and argentina, recently found in mexico. think: the lithium wars. wars for oil may commence later, as well.

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CB's picture

@wendy davis
would require a 40% increase in lithium production. China now makes and buys the most EVs in the world. All new buses (99% of the global supply) and taxis in the major Chinese cities are now electric. It owns the two largest lithium suppliers in the world, one in Australia and one in Bolivia and controls more than half the global supply.

Tesla's GIGA factory in Shanghai is being enlarged at this time in order to keep up with Chinese demand for electric cars. Tesla's three factories in the US are currently shut down due to coronavirus. Here's video from Apr 16, 2020 showing China going all out to build the enlarged factory.


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wendy davis's picture


was speaking of high speed rail in amerika, wasn't he? i added cars and solar panels...

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CB's picture

was the greed of the US frackers. They refused to cut back. Without a constant flow of new dollars, their (effectively) ponzi scheme would collapse. They figured the Saudis and Russia would cut back first because both these nations use oil to fund their national budgets (Saudi Arabia 80%, Russia 30%). But Putin wasn't going to play this game. He had the buffer of 3 to 4 years profits tucked securely away in Russia's national welfare fund for such a rainy day. For him, it was to be an all or none cut back by every player in the game.

The Saudis figured they could wield their big stick and force Russia to comply so they pumped up the supply. But Putin stood firm until he got all the other players in the game to also make cuts. He knew he had all the high cards in the game. This, of course, doomed the US frackers.

Did you know that the US, despite this glut of oil on the markets, was still purchasing shiploads of Russian heavy oil?

There is an overabundance of light oils in the American market and, at the same time, there is a shortage of the heavy oils needed by the gulf refineries. These refineries are what produce all the chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics that are such a huge part of our and the world's economies. Hundreds of billions of dollars were spent on these refineries to process heavy oils when the country was experiencing a "peak oil" crisis at the turn of the century. It was expected the heavy oil would come via pipeline from the Canadian tar sands. Light condensates from fracking would be sent up north to thin the tar enough to flow and then be sent to the huge gulf coast coking refineries via the now defunct Keystone XL pipeline.

Enter option #2 - Venezuelan Orinoco heavy oils which could be shipped relatively cheaply across the Gulf. But greed got in the way. The US oil majors wanted full privatization of these fields and the Venezuelan government said "Fuck you. This oil belongs to the poor people of Venezuela not the greedy capitalists. You can buy it at regular market prices." Then the US then had a tantrum and set out to destroy the economy of the country and try to steal the oil. Old habits die hard. Scratch an anti-Venezualan legislator and you will find some black oil oozing out.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused oil demand to drop so rapidly that the world is running out of room to store barrels. At the same time, Russia and Saudi Arabia flooded the world with excess supply.

This statement is not quite accurate. It was the US itself that set the stage by their overproduction during the last decade. The Saudis were the only ones to actually increase production. The Russians refused to increase or decrease production. They simply stayed the same until everyone at the table took their fair share of the necessary cuts.

Another factor adding to the collapse was the US oil interests failed to get authorization for 3 billion dollars slated to buy oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in last US budget.

One last nail in the fracker's coffin is that tight oil tends to get gummed up when shut down. This will effectively destroy these wells leaving a lot of the oil permanently sealed off.

So, maybe there is a small ray of sunshine coming through the coronavirus clouds.

14 users have voted.
QMS's picture

and your oil is free.
May Cheney take a heavy crude oil bath
followed by a sweet light enema.
The Texas oil party is getting crude
up the butt Bob.

6 users have voted.

question everything

Jim Kunstler described the shale calamity. NOTE THE DATE:

James Howard Kunstler: Fracking through the shale oil illusion on the road to peak oil
Published on April 24th, 2018

It was an impressive stunt and it had everything to do with the reality-optional world of bizarro finance that emerged from the wreckage of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

… The shale oil industry was a prime beneficiary of this new hyper-debt regime. The orgy of borrowing was primed by Federal Reserve “creation” of trillions of dollars of “capital” out of thin air...”

… The discovery of new oil had been heading down remorselessly for decades, to the point that the world was fatally short of replacing the oil it used every year with new supply. The last significant big fields — Alaska, the North Sea, and Siberia — had been discovered in the 1960s and we knew for sure that the first two were well past their peaks in the early 2000s. By 2005, most of the theoretically producible new oil was in places that were difficult and ultra-expensive to drill in: deep water, for instance, where you need a giant platform costing hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention armies of highly skilled (highly paid) technicians, plus helicopters to service the rigs. The financial risk (for instance, of drilling a “dry hole”) was matched by the environmental risk of a blowout, which is exactly what happened to BP’s 2010 Deepwater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico, with clean-up costs estimated at $61 billion.

Technology — that El Dorado of the Mind — rode to the rescue with horizontal drilling and fracturing of ”tight” oil-bearing shale rock. It was tight because of low permeability, meaning the oil didn’t flow through it the way it flowed through normal oil-bearing rocks like sandstone. You had to sink a pipe down, angle it horizontally into a strata of shale only a few meters thick, and then blast it apart with water under pressure and particles of sand or ceramic called propants, the job of which was to hold open those fractures so the oil could be sucked out. Well, it worked. The only problem was you couldn’t make any money doing it.

The shale oil companies could get plenty of cash-flow going, but it all went to servicing their bonds or other “innovative” financing schemes, and for many of the companies the cash flow wasn’t even covering those costs. It cost at least six million dollars for each shale well, and it was in the nature of shale oil that the wells depleted so quickly that after Year Three they were pretty much done. But it was something to do, at least, if you were an oil company — an alternative to 1) doing no business at all, or 2) getting into some other line-of-work, like making yoga pants or gluten-free cupcakes.

… The unfortunate part of the story is that the shale oil miracle only made this country more delusional at a moment in history when we really can’t afford to believe in fairy tales. The financial world is just now entering a long overdue crack-up due to the accumulating unreality induced by Federal Reserve interventions and machinations in markets. As it continues to get unglued — with rising interest rates especially —  we will begin to see the collapse of the bonding and financing arrangements that the fundamentally unprofitable shale “miracle” has been based on. And then you will see the end of the shale “miracle.” It is likely to happen very quickly. It was fun while it lasted. Now comes the hard part: getting through this without the nation completely losing its marbles and doing something stupid and desperate — like starting another merry little war.

10 users have voted.

Jim Kunstler let us know this was coming. NOTE THE DATE:

James Howard Kunstler: The coming oil bust of 2019 (oil companies are fracked)
Published on January 3rd, 2019

Welcome to the American hall of mirrors… and mind the broken glass all over the floor. That’s Nature’s way of saying the country has run out room to punk itself. 2018 was the consolidation of bad faith in everything we do: politics, the news media, economics & finance, show biz, regular biz, jurisprudence, medicine, education, and relations between men and women — the year of peak dishonesty and self-deception. Of course, the trouble with dishonesty is that it doesn’t comport with Reality, and Reality being Mother Nature’s husband, bats in the cleanup position. Entering 2019, the bases are loaded with delusions, misdirections, and turpitudes…

The shale oil “miracle” was an impressive stunt. For a while, it goosed US production way above the former all-time production peak of 1970, and it achieved that with astounding speed — about a decade.

But this is oil that is very expensive and complex to produce. It was made possible by massive borrowing at artificial low interest rates...

But the price is a deceptive metric. If it zoomed up to $100-a-barrel tomorrow, the effect would only be to crush economic activity, because industry requires cheaper oil to pencil out its operations and citizens can barely afford to drive when gasoline hits $4-a-gallon at the pump. At the lower $45-a-barrel, the price crushes the oil producers.

Take your pick. There’s no “Goldilocks” price.

… The character of the shale oil wells is also way different from the old conventional classic oil wells. The old wells cost about $400,000 (in current dollars). It involved just sinking a pipe into the permeable source rock. The oil came out under its own pressure at the rate of thousands of barrels a day.  Eventually, you put a simple pump-jack on the well (the “nodding donkey”) and it produced for decades, like running a cash register.

Shale oil wells cost between $6- 12 million. They require technically demanding horizontal drilling and fracking, with additional costs in highly technical labor, water for fracking, sand to hold open the fracks, chemicals to aid the process, and a gazillion truck trips to deliver all the water and sand (and take the oil away). Shale wells produce maybe a few hundred barrels a day for one year, after which they typically deplete by over 60 percent. After four years, they’re done.

The oil is also different. Shale oil is typically ultra-light. It contains little-to-none of the heavier diesel, kerosene, jet fuel, and heating oil distillates, making it less valuable.

As the damage becomes more obvious, we could hear calls to nationalize the oil industry. The attempt to do that would collide with the aforementioned trend for government to become more strapped for revenue, more impotent, and more incompetent...

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WoodsDweller's picture

@Linda Wood
And let me just add that the fracking companies, even those owned by major oil companies, are limited liability vehicles in their own right. They finance operations with 10 year bonds, to drill wells that are fully depleted and plugged after four years (or less).
The first well you drill shows a profit. But the cash flow for debt service runs out after 4 years (at best). So you sell more bonds to finance a second well that has to service its own debt plus the first well's debt. You do it again with the third well, which may manage to finally pay down the first well's debt, but it's servicing the debt for three wells, which typically doesn't leave much if any profit, depending on the price of oil.
So your field stabilizes at a very low profit margin. If the price of oil falls below profitability they still need to service debt, so they don't have the option to shut in production until the price rises. If they did, a bankruptcy court would order them to produce what they have and sell it for what they can to pay the bond holders. So they have to keep producing until the wells deplete, selling at a loss.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of land molesters.

8 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

CB's picture


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I hope this subject finds its way into Joe Biden's and the DNC's and the MSM's faces soon because the Ukraine catastrophe, its war and its plunder, was closely related to our Global Shale Initiative, another Ponzi scheme based on U.S. taxpayer loan guarantees, to the tune of a $billion, being thrown around by VP Biden in 2014 to control Ukraine's energy policy.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture

The oil speculators are losing their shirts. Oh, sad. Sad
The earth has a moment to breathe! Good. Smile
Sorta the way the capitalists get sad for us when
there is no affordable health care. Not even a tiny bit.
So cry your oily tears as the investment class gets
their own. And watch the petro dollar correct on a new
multipolar value. Bring home the troops.

13 users have voted.

question everything

Sure this bad guys suffer....along with the rest of us. We’ve always been in this together, like it or not. Too bad we (collectively) never seemed to grasp that fundamental fact nor found an enlightened understanding of the reciprocal nature of our interdependence with the rest of the natural world to inform our choice of human endeavors.

5 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

QMS's picture


to un-copulate with the demons now

4 users have voted.

question everything

wendy davis's picture


and i'd add that globally, we are all brothers and sisters under the skin, and descendants of a common DNA genetic pattern. for the male gene, the san bushmen in the kalahari (spencer wells' Genome Project). it never had to be that competition ruled cooperation, did it?

after all, we're all made of stardust. it could have been different, but as the late talking poet john trudell said: 'but we weren't different'.

how did $ > ♥ become to rule so many? or as buffy saint marie sang: 'their eyes rustle with million dollar bills..' profit over people.

thank you. ovals49.

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longtalldrink's picture

"opening the economy", the elites are losing their shirts.

4 users have voted.

Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin

@longtalldrink Too bad it's involuntary, people have died and the poor are getting ripped off by predatory lending, but if, in the end, it brings down the elites, some good will have come out of it.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!