Featured Editorials

Hellraisers Journal: The Rockefeller Plan, Built Upon the Ashes of the Women and Children of Ludlow

I stand facing the far east
sounding the voices of the babes of Ludlow.
-Mother Jones


No one listened. No one cared. The tickers in the offices of 26 Broadway sounded louder than the
sobs of women and children. Men in the steam heated luxury of Broadway offices could not
feel the stinging cold of Colorado hillsides where families lived in tents.
Then came Ludlow and the nation heard.
Little children roasted alive make a front page story.
Dying by inches of starvation and exposure does not.
-Mother Jones

Monday December 20, 1915
From The Labor World: The Inside Story of How Rockefeller Won the Miners' Vote for a Company Union

CO Justice, Detail, Masses, Nov 1914.png
The Rockefeller Industrial Representation Plan-Established Upon the Ashes of Ludlow

Science tackles human brain structure

I always used to cringe when I heard someone try to explain being transgender in terms of "male brains" or "female brains."

It has been my belief that gender is more complicated than that. But then, it has also long been my belief that it shouldn't really matter why we ar transgender...we're all human beings and should all be according the respect and dignity due all human beings.

Be that as it may...science marches on.

Hellraisers Journal: Sluggers of Chicago Garment Strike Cut Off Bosses Payroll, Crime Wave Follows

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Sunday December 19, 1915
From the Chicago Day Book: Laid-Off Sluggers and Gunmen Causing Crime Wave

Now that the Chicago Garment Workers Strike is winding down, citizens of Chicago are finding that crime is up in their city. The Day Book of December 17th cites evidence that this is due to the 600 to 800 sluggers and gunmen who have recently been released from duty by the private detective agencies and garment shops who had employed them as strikebreakers:

Chicago Garment Workers Strike of 1915, Day Book headline, Dec 17.png

Judith Butler on the extermination of trans women

Judith Butler, well known feminist philosopher and the author of Gender Trouble participated in an email discussion with the feminist collective Broadly on the topic Why do Men Kill Trans Women?. It is intertwined with Broadly's own offering by Diana Tourjee, He's Not Done Killing Her

There were 23 known killings of transgender women in the United States in 2015. That number nearly doubled from the 12 reported in 2014. Broadly published an in-depth feature on these crimes in which we investigate their underlying cause. In addition to contacting police departments, victims' friends, and family, we interviewed the renowned queer theorist, Gender Trouble author Judith Butler.

One of the most disturbing, yet often easily overlooked, aspects of these crimes is the gender of the killers. Butler maps anti-trans violence back to the source, ultimately suggesting that trans deaths were caused by men because of men's need to meet culturally held standards of male power and masculinity.

She also insists that gender cannot be parsed from the other realities of the victims' lives. Ninety-one percent of the trans murders we investigated were people of color. They were primarily poor; many engaged in sex work. Law enforcement agencies have widely failed to classify these murders as hate crimes, maintaining a myopic perspective. By insisting that these facts be considered together, Butler does what the police have failed to do: recognize that the context in which these women lived and died is inseparable from their lives as transgender women of color.


Hellraisers Journal: Thousands of Chicago Garment Strikers Win 48-Hour Week With No Loss of Wages

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones


Saturday December 18, 1915
From the Chicago Day Book: Thousands of Striking Garment Workers Win Shorter Hours

The Day Book of Chicago, Illinois, reported in its December 16th edition that, although recognition of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America has not been granted, nevertheless, thousands of Garment Workers have won the 48-hour week with no reduction in wages:

Chicago Garment Workers Strike of 1915, Day Book headline, Dec 16.png
