Hormone therapy for transgender people improves mental health
Anti-transgender forces like Breitbart or Lifesite or Family Research Council like to drag out ancient transphobe Dr. Paul McHugh, the man who shut down the nation's leading gender clinic at Johns Hopkins because he thought gender non-conformity was a "lifestyle choice" or notorious ex-transwoman Walt Heyer to prove that treatment of gender dysphoria does not and cannot work.
The latest from Breitbart:
But medical students at Georgetown and other schools are being forced-marched though the post-modern, post-scientific ideological swamps of vanity politics instead of spending their precious time learning actual medicine.
You see, treatment of transgender people is not actually medicine.
Their purpose, of course, is to erase transgender people from the community of human beings. How very Christian of them.
A new study by Jaclyn White Hughto of Yale School of Public Health and Sari Reisner of Harvard Medical School analyzes three studies of transgneder men and women who began hormone therapy as part of gender transition. They found that across the studies participants reported significantly less depression and anxiety 3 to 12 months after beginning the use of hormones.
Indeed, the studies found improvements in almost every form of mental health and well being measured.
This paper is the first to analyze the effectiveness of hormone therapy to treat mental health.
Medical treatment for gender dysphoria—clinically significant distress related to one’s initially assigned sex and gender—is individualized, but hormone therapy is a typical first step.
While many public and private health plans recognize hormone therapy as medically necessary and effective, some still deny coverage due to bias or a failure to review the latest scientific evidence.

Ah yes, those Xtians who so make a show of their faith...
Can you say "bearing false witness" Dr. McHugh, Mr. Heyer? How about you good folks at Bretbart, who seem to revel in it?
Good on those that take gender dysphoria seriously. Thanks, as always, for the diary, Robyn.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon