Featured Editorials

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones on Arizona Governor Hunt, "a most human and just man."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Monday December 27, 1915
From the Tombstone Weekly Epitaph: Clifton-Morenci Strike May Be Drawing to a Close

It was reported yesterday by the Tombstone, Arizona, newspaper that a settlement could soon be reached in the Clifton-Morenci strike which began last September:


Clifton Morenci Strike of 1915, WFM local & national leaders, .png
National & local leaders of the Western Federation of Miners.
Back row, 2nd & 3rd from left: Charles Moyer-WFM President,
& Henry McCluskey-Organizer for Miami Local 70.
Front row from left, John Murray, Canuto Vargas, Pascual Vargas, Luis Soto.

Republican Grinch seeks to criminalize all transgender and intersex people in Indiana

We've walked through a doorway we'll never go back through. And we're going to have to address some concerns that are now facing us. If you were born a man, then you are obliged to use the males' restroom.

--Republican state Senator Jim Tomes

Tomes, of course, does not understand the extent of what his bill demands.

Tomes' bill would send someone to jail for up to a year and fine them as much as $5,000 if they were convicted of entering a bathroom that does not match up with their birth gender. Exceptions are made for janitors, first aid providers and parents accompanying children under the age of 8. The measure would also require public schools, including charters, to ensure students do the same, though students would not face criminal penalties.

Please note that this is not segregation by genitalia, as some have pushed...for the safety of the women and children, you understand. This demand of segregation is by chromosomal arrangement. Transgender people who have undergone gender reassignment will be prohibited from using the restrooms of their reassigned gender.

Hellraisers Journal: United Mine Workers Supports Western Federation of Miners in Arizona Strike

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Sunday December 26, 1915
From The Arizona Republican: Mother Jones Raising Contributions for Clifton-Morenci Strikers

The Arizona Republican of December 23rd reports that the United Mine Workers of America has now taken on the cause of the Clifton-Morenci Strikers in Arizona. The strike has been on since September and is being led by the Western Federation of Miners. Mother Jones, it is reported, leads fund raising efforts in the middle west district, which district is raising large contributions for the striking miners:



From fifteen to twenty thousand dollars monthly is being contributed to the relief of the striking miners in the Clifton-Morenci district by the United Mine Workers of America. A concerted movement, inaugurated by officials of the Mine Workers, has resulted in the raising of funds by practically every local in the organization. Some of these donations are sent in by the locals as soon as collected and in other instances the contributions come as from districts.

Following the endorsement of the strike by the American Federation of Labor in convention at San Francisco, James Lord, president of the mining department of the federation took up the matter of securing aid for the strikers. Representatives of the United Mine Workers soon afterwards visited the district and members of the executive board, upon receiving individual reports approved the work and suggested that it be handled by districts.

Mother Jones, on the payroll of the United Mine Workers, is in charge of the work of raising funds in the middle west district. The contributions from her district are said to be larger than from almost any other section, although the Illinois district is contributing largely.

Hellraisers Journal: Merry Christmas 1915 from the United Mine Workers Journal

Say, brave boys, say, the star that rose in Bethlehem has crossed the world,
it has risen here; see it slowly breaking through the clouds.
The Star of Bethlehem will usher in the new day and new time and new philosophy-
and if you are only true you will be free.
-Mother Jones

Christmas Day December 25, 1915
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Merry Christmas

United Mine Workers Journal, Cover, Christmas, December 23, 1915.png


Conclusive Evidence: If you want more economic growth, reduce inequality

Reducing inequality isn't just good for democracy, it's good for the economy as a whole.
That's the conclusions of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and other capitalist outlets.
Let's go straight to their findings at the IMF.

WE NEVER FORGET: December 24, 1913 - The Italian Hall Massacre, Calumet, Michigan

Up above the strikers stood Annie Clemenc,
girl leader of the miners.
She was not the usual militant Annie Clemenc.
She was saying a prayer for the children.

Christmas Eve December 24, 2015

This morning I woke up thinking about the Italian Hall Massacre. I thought of Annie Clemenc and I remembered the miners and their families who preserved through the great Michigan Copper Strike of 1913-14.

Let us always honor their sacrifice and NEVER FORGET:

Italian Hall Memorial Christmas Eve.png
Italian Hall Memorial, Calumet, Michigan

