Featured Editorials

Classic Diaries: Four reasons to anticipate postcapitalism

Author's note: this diary was published 25 September of last year -- still relevant today!

You know, postcapitalism -- the coming period of existence after the capitalist system has run its course, after Bernie Sanders' "political revolution" has outstripped Sanders' current promises, and brought us to a world in which we can actually do something about our situation without dragging around the profits system like a giant millstone?

Transgender Center opens in the Bronx

The Bronx Trans Collective is a new drop-in center near Yankee Stadium in the Bronx in New York City.

 photo Berry_zpsqccpwzjm.jpg

[The Center] will aim to bring together people who are often overlooked or disconnected even in New York City, which is considered to be the birthplace of the modern gay rights movement. The center will help transgender people get surgeries, hormone treatments, mental health counseling and assistance with legal name changes and job searches, among other services. It will also host regular support groups, youth counseling, meditation and yoga classes and cookouts on its back terrace.

The center is important for me because it is going to give me convenience, safety and a sense of community.

--Eli Berry, 28, who plans to stop by every week

Major Development in Aisha Dew investigation re: possible sabotage of Sanders North Carolina Campaign

I received a copy of the email Aisha Dew sent on February 11th to critical volunteers and staff of the North Carolina Sanders campaign where she explicitly stated that Reverend Barber did not want Sanders supporters at his events. As you know, Rev. Barber vehemently denied this claim as simply not true.

Hellraisers Journal: "Mother Jones & Her Methods -Personality & Power of This Aged Woman"

I want you to see yourselves as you are, brothers and sisters,
and to think if it is not time you took pity
on yourselves and upon each other.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday March 21, 1906
From The Boston Herald Archives: Report from 1904 on Mother Jones in West Virginia

The correspondent who travelled recently to West Virginia with Mother Jones, and whose report of that trip was featured in yesterday's edition of Hellraisers, has reminded us of a similar report which was published in the Boston Herald's "Sunday Herald" of September 11, 1904. Hellraisers will republish that entire article over the next few days, beginning today with part one:

Mother Jones, Boston Herald, Sept 11, 1904.png

Twofer - Trade Pacts Actively Kill "Buy Local" Employment Efforts And Thwart Clean Energy Initiatives

Here's a good example of how messed up these "fair" trade treaties are. Recently the WTO ruled against India who was attempting to implement a plan to create a green economy by bringing jobs to the masses through the installation of domestically produced solar panels. The complaint was brought by the US who argued that the "buy local" component of the Indian plan discriminated against US solar panel producers

My investigation (so far) into Claim that Bernie's NC campaign was sabotaged by HRC moles (Now w/ New Niko House video)

UPDATE: Niko House's newest video has just been posted so I am putting it here. Slicker than the prior ones:


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