Featured Editorials

A Campaign Manager's Perspective on the anti-Trump Protests

A lot of people lately have been commenting on how the anti-Trump protests could hurt Bernie Sanders' election chances. I thought I would share my views on this issue from the perspective of a campaign manager. Caveat: this is not my *moral* opinion on how things are or how they should be. This is my political opinion of the effect of anti-Trump protests on Sanders' electoral viability.

A few points about the situation:

Her name was Jasmine

 photo jasmine_0_zpsyvamphqw.jpgBack in January...January 22 to be exact....police found the body of Jasmine Sierra, a 52-year-oldtransgender woman of color, was found in an apartment in Bakersfield, CA. According to the police report, the body showed signs of trauma and foul play.

While police reportedly interviewed neighbors and witnesses about hearing gunshots and fighting, they won't release further specifics about the circumstances of Sierra’s death. Calls to Bakersfield police were not returned by press time.

Unfortunately, at the time the coroner and media identified Jasmine as a male and used her birth name, while asking "anyone with information helpful to the investigation to call police."

Because of the deadnaming, none of Jasmine's friends and acquaintances could help out because they didn't know she was dead.

Hellraisers Journal: NY Socialists Plan Mass Meeting for Moyer & Haywood; Mother Jones to Speak

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday March 13, 1906
From The New York Times: Socialists Rally Behind Moyer and Haywood

From the Times of March 12th:


Ex-Mayor of Haverhill Wants Them to
Fight to Save Moyer and Haywood.

Socialist Party of America Button.gif

A appeal was made at yesterday's meeting of the Central Federated Union By John C. Chase, Former Socialist Mayor of Haverhill, Mass., for co-operation with the Socialists in protesting against the punishment of President Moyer, Secretary Haywood, and other officers of the Western Federation of Miners, who were arrested in connection with a number of murders, including the assassination of ex-Gov. Steunenberg of Idaho. These men are now in jail in Boise City. Capitalists and corporations were denounced impartially by Chase. He said that the unions at a meeting last Thursday decided on a perpetual agitation on behalf of the imprisoned men and asked to attend the first conference to push along the agitation which will begin in the Grand Central Palace to-morrow. Referring to Moyer and Haywood, he said:

If these two men are hanged, and if any man in this body, or any other body of the kind, is not then willing to shoulder a gun and fight for his class, he is a coward.

Occupy Trump - it's happening

I speculated in an article yesterday that from here on out all the way through the primaries, the general, Nov 8, and potentially beyond, we would se Occupy Trump every day. It's happening. The day after his Chicago Surprise, Herr Drumpf saw peace warriors protesting his rally in Kansas, MO. Opposing groups, cops gone wild, pepper spray, etc. More below.

Occupy Trump - some speculation

Could 1968 replay in 2016? On the GOP side this time.

Update: It's happening as my article indicated: Drumpf's Kansas rally got disrupted by peace warriors protesting his racism and threat to democracy. Go Occupy Trump!

Chicago 1968.jpg

Herr Drumpf has a rally scheduled for Cincinnati, OH, tomorrow, Sunday afternoon. Media speculation is swirling on the Cinci rally. Is it still on? Would it be cancelled? Would the security arrangement be complete? Or suffice? Here's the Guardian saying it is still on/off/on/off:

The big question is whether the young peace warriors of Chicago have inspire the compatriots in Cincinnatti to try the same tomorrow? Circumstances differ, of course. I have no insight into the state of play among peace warriors there, but it wouldn't surprise, eh? And then the question becomes, what thereafter? Could the following scenario unfold?
