Featured Editorials

Dear Hillary, Environmentalists Have a Life: Trying to Save the Planet From People Like You

As we are now well aware, Hillary Clinton doesn't think people who are concerned for the environment are leading worthwhile lives, certainly not a life as wonderful and fabulous and useful as hers.

RT banks accounts blocked in UK, Assange account shut down

The National Westminster Bank has informed RT UK that it will no longer have the broadcaster among its clients. The bank provided no explanation for the decision.

“We have recently undertaken a review of your banking arrangements with us and reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities,” NatWest said in a letter to RT’s London office.

Vote Shaming

I don't have to explain to anyone here about the various versions of intimidation this season trying to beat progressives and other (let's call us) 'skeptical' liberals into voting for Clinton over our objections. "TRUMP!" is bullhorned into our ears, and now, in addition to all the racism and and various other-izing, now we have to listen to an assortment of sexual vulgarities.

The election has served its purpose and the damage is already done.

The role of elections in the system we live in is to distract people from the hard job of surviving the crushing imperialistic oligarchy that dominates everything. It is working very well one more time.

Let us start by recognizing that fascism and imperialism are the epitome of the reductionist philosophy. Break a complex whole into parts and lose the reality of the whole while being fascinated by the parts. Elections are but a part of this scheme, but a central part.
