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Open Thread - Thurs 13 June 2024 - A Funhouse Mirror?

A Funhouse Mirror?

New York turning to Mormonland:
In reference to Gaza and the holocaust Israel is inflicting upon the Palestinians, this sarcastic analogy by Caitlin Johnstone about giving New York to the Mormons really hit the spot with me. Depending upon the time we are looking at in history, most any religious group could replace Mormons in her piece, we would just have to change the location as necessary.

Artwork for Johnstone's article from SoundCloud, where you can listen to a reading of the article.

Doctor Doug Texting for Sleepy Joe

It’s George Clooney.

We’re still in the battle for the soul of our nation. We know who Trump is, and we know what he does. We can’t let him take us backwards. And we can’t let fear drive our country.

Joe and Kamala’s message of hope and belief in a better future for all is one that I believe in, and I know that this election is the only way to guarantee that future.

The Weekly Watch

A Law unto Themselves

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By now I suspect everyone has heard that Scott Ritter was stopped from boarding a plane to Istanbul and on to St. Petersburg by three storm troopers. Larry reported Friday that TPTB basically used a technicality to take his passport. He is in the process of getting another with the correct codes. The trial against Hunter also seems a reach. Ironically there are so many things for which he could be correctly prosecuted...like not registering as a foreign agent, taking bribes from foreign countries, passing money to the Biden cartel, and so on...not to mention drugs and prostitution. I suspect he will not be convicted. Of course there's the ongoing lawfare against Trump, not to mention Amish farmers like Amos Miller, Alex Jones, and many others. TPTB definitely think they are a law unto themselves.

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