Featured Editorials

Open Thread - 05-31-24 - 2024 Campaign Promises & The Trump Verdict

Note: I wrote the following essay yesterday before the Trump verdict. Will the verdict affect the campaign? I don't know, but I doubt it. All bets are off though if he goes to jail.

I was going to forgo publishing this piece in lieu of a trial verdict essay, but I'm going to post it anyway as the campaign promises are more than likely still valid.

Please use comments below if you wish to discuss the hush money trial.

It's that time again, folks.

Every four years our brains are subjected to massaged messages of mendacity and misinformation by those that would cast themselves as All Things to All Men.

I wont call them silver tongued devils, for that, they are not. I wont call them paragons of principle either, for that, they are certainly not. They will delude, dissemble, dissimulate, distort and dupe you with perjurious promises and prevarications. They'll twist words, obfuscate meanings and lie their butts off while they promise you the world, until elected anyway.

Like any good traveling salesman, they need to first get a foot in the door to sell their product. That's what campaigns are for.

Let's take a look at what snake oil they're selling this time around. But first, let me ask you, "Would you buy a used car from this man?


Snippy Text Messages From The Democrats

I get dozens of political texts every month from both parties. Over the last few weeks, the GOP messages have dwindled away while the Blue Team has ramped up their efforts with ever more outlandish passive-aggressive rhetoric.

Here are the four most recent blasts, all sent between 1pm and 4pm on May 29:


FINAL NOTICE: We need to confirm your status as a Biden voter

Open Thread - Thurs 30 May 2024 - Joy and Sorrow

Joy and Sorrow

Joy - Meet Nikko!
It's been a busy week, full of really good stuff, and really sad stuff. Last Saturday we drove a few hours down south and picked up our new puppy. Yes, we have a new puppy, one that was born in late March. Just couldn't be without a dog! So I found a Finnish Spitz breeder that was recommended by Jaska's breeder (now retired) and got on the list for a newly born puppy. Hubby drove us home, I held the new puppy the whole way. We both, puppy and I, loved it, stopped for a couple of potty walks, took the back way home (way less traffic) and played, nuzzled, cuddled, chewed, and slept the whole way (after he quickly got over his anxiety about leaving his former pack).

His first day home. Yes, that's a sock he has!

By the time we got home, I'd decided on his name, picking the one he responded to best. He is Nikko (Nee-ko) which is the Finnish version of Nico. And yes, he's a Finnish Spitz, like Jaska was.
