Community Content

India & Iran drop dollar in oil trade to bypass US sanctions – report

I guess we’re not the boss anymore.

India & Iran drop dollar in oil trade to bypass US sanctions – report

India will reportedly pay for Iranian oil in rupees as the two countries seek to bypass the US economic pressure on Tehran, industry officials have told the Sputnik news agency.

(Someone tells the truth about ‘Liberals’): A Silent Coup in Italy

This article makes an important statement on how liberal Liberals really aren’t. It even contains an absolutely hypocritical (but true) statement from The Clinton Creature lackey Paul Krugman.

A Silent Coup in Italy

(WTF is going on here?): When the President Testified: People in the Room Recall Clinton’s 1998 Interrogation

The NYT slways has an agenda. What is it here? Is this a backhanded slap in the face at Cheetolini for not sitting down and letting Mueller try to entrap him into saying something stupid, or saying something that could be, or actually is, a lie?(Something Cheets does constantly out of habit?)

The Cults of the Late American Empire.

(A lecture given at the Cascadian National University, 2517)


Morning, Class. Hope everybody had a decent BBQ Day. I didn't do much, just had a few ciders and the block splurged on a deer. Which got me thinking about the old cults and how they used to worship BBQ day. So, you'll have to forgive me if my notes are a little fuzzy this morning.

Tuesday Open Thread: the chanting "Om" edition

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Chanting as a contemplative practice naturally draws our focus to the present and embodied presence. The very physical act of breathing and forming sounds brings body and mind together. Chant has a place in many sacred traditions, from Gregorian melodies to Native American drumming to the polyrhythmic chants of West Africa. There are as many ways to chant as there are bodies and vocal cords. You may enjoy exploring different kinds of chant, or even creating your own, as a way of entering into contemplation.

Perhaps the simplest, most familiar chant is “Om.” In the Hindu tradition, Om is the original and basic vibration of the created world, the sound that holds all other sounds, the unity that embraces all diversity. The mantra is also called pranava in Sanskrit, meaning it infuses all of life and fills our prana, breath. Om represents the fullness of reality and encompasses all things; it has no beginning and no end.

You might practice chanting this single syllable alone or in a group, from five minutes to more than twenty, followed by a time of silence. Begin by sitting tall and straight so you can breathe deeply. Inhale, and on your exhalation, vocalize the three sounds of Om, AUM, on a single tone. Feel the sound moving upward with your breath: beginning in the bottom of your belly—aah; moving to your chest—ooh; vibrating your lips and nasal cavity—mm. Take another deep breath, and sing AUM again, slowly shaping the vowels and gently closing your mouth to a hum.

If you prefer, you can simply hum for as long as you’re able, lips barely touching and teeth apart, before breathing in and humming again.

Repeat the chant as many times as you wish, letting all other thoughts and sensations disappear. If you are distracted, return your focus to breath and sound and the way it feels in your body. When you are ready, let the chant subside into silence.
