Community Content

(Hahahahaha!): Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch

This nonsense gets more insane by the day. And what’s really obscene is the American taxpayer is paying for this clown act.

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch


Tuesday Open Thread: Late Night Live edition

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Canticle Farm developed slowly, but after several months, they had fifteen community members living in five houses connected by a large backyard. That backyard became the center point of transformation. Like every other house in the neighborhood, their little houses were separated by fences. . . .

“When we took down the fences between our yards, we were also taking down the fences in our hearts. That’s when we really began to know and love our neighbors and make peace with one another. At the center was the garden. Mother Earth was transforming us.” . . .

NY Democrats Demand Loyalty Oaths to Silence Dissent

Several NY Democratic county committees are demanding "loyalty oaths" from their members. The worst is a proposal by the Chemung County Dem chair demanding all committee members sign on to a "code of ethics" not to oppose "the activities and candidate endorsements made by CCDC, State or National Democratic Committees." This did not come out of the blue (pun intended), but from supporters of Gov. Cuomo.

Worthy and Unworthy Terrorists

My last essay, Nothing Proves Anything, discussed the media's refusal to draw the necessary conclusions from clear facts. This essay discusses a second layer of media failure: the refusal to investigate obviously suspicious situations - usually related to intelligence or Deep State events (i.e., events that can easily be false flags.) - so as to prevent clear facts from emerging.
