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Tuesday Open Thread: Fannie Lou Hamer editon

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Delegates to the 1964 Democratic Convention heard an extraordinary speech by a woman who went on to match Martin Luther King Jr as a civil rights leader. She demanded the right of African Americans to be included in civic life, and it shook her nation.

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Fannie Lou Hamer's 1964 Civil Rights Speech

You aren't wrong. Modern music sucks, and it's getting worse

It's not that you are an old fart.
Well, maybe you're an old fart, but that doesn't mean you are wrong - modern music sucks.

What's cool about this video is that the reasons why modern music is bad and getting worse isn't just a matter of taste. It's measurable.

UPDATE 6/5: Google Plans Not to Renew Its Contract for Project Maven, a Controversial Pentagon Drone AI Imaging Program

Update on 6/5 with more info. See bottom of page.

Google Plans Not to Renew Its Contract for Project Maven, a Controversial Pentagon Drone AI Imaging Program


Colombia formally joins NATO: wtf? & woe to VZ and Bolivia

…and any other leftist/socialist nations that might unwind the recent putsches in Brazil, Argentina, and Central America to install US-approved neoliberal leaders with the consummate aid of CIA fronts USAID, NED, and new to me: the DNI (Instituto Democratico Nacional).

My guess is that this diary will be largely copy/paste, as there’s too much info to reinterpret in my limited time, an longish to boot.  I’ll add that the wtf? answer will ring as clear as crystal goblet tapped with a tuning fork by the end.
