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I threw away my vote yesterday

For the first time since 1992 I wasted my vote - I voted for some Democrats.
Three of them. None of them got as much as 3% of the vote, but that's not the problem.
The problem was that I voted strategically. You know, "pragmatically". I voted for some Berniecrats in the hope that I could help accomplish something in the Democratic Party, rather than my normal strategy of voting 3rd party down the line.

Reality Winner, The Intercept, and Comey Testimony

On June 8, 2017, James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee the following.

A transcript of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8.

American Imperial Etiquette

(CNU Lecture hall, Late for Class due to sick rooster)


Sorry, was running a bit late this morning. Had to drop the kids off at their school due to missing the first streetcar, and it was a good run. So, excuse the sweat, and I appreciate you sticking around instead of sticking to American Custom on classes.
