Community Content

Hey! Just a thought here, but ...

I've been busy with recent personal issues, house and yard and my weekly vapid but hopefully entertaining OTs and thereby missed a bunch of major sturm und drang. Being curious I looked superficially into it and came up with dozens of great ideas for essays. I chose, however, to write this instead.

First, some basics:

What the hell is this place, anyway? It is a blog, a website, a community, a collection of authors and essays, commenters and comments, and music.

Eat Food

“Eating food seems too common sensical to be an exhortation even once, but in a time where sugar dipped reconstituted corn bits are advertised 24-7, the guy who said a proper diet starts with "eat food" was a revolutionary and his wisdom is not repeated nearly often enough, because the obverse position is so incessantly stated. If Kellogs doesn't like it, fuck 'em.”

A few brief remarks

Hello there. I recently read some of the meta about what's been going on. One thing that caught my attention was the lamented absence of Hecate, Phoebe Loosinhouse, Dallasdoc and others people miss. I can't speak for them. No one person's reasons for writing or not writing on a blog are the same, even one with as generous a community as this one. But I can talk a little about the reasons for my own infrequent appearances here of late as compared to past years.

How Democrats Win -- Quit Voting for Wars

I supported Bernie Sanders during the 2016 primary. I turned around and supported Hillary Clinton when she won the nomination. I fought tooth and nail on Twitter against people who decided otherwise, blocking hundreds. However, from that experience, I have come to realize that creating a permanent progressive majority requires us to elect candidates who are not beholden to the Military Industrial Complex.
