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The Logos of Helen

Some say that my father was not my father,
that such beauty could only come from the gods,
and that I was delivered from a glorious egg,
For my father had taken the form of a swan.

before ravaging my mother with his lusts.
And when men came seeking divine wives,
I was chosen, and taken from my home,
and only the actions of my brothers prevented disaster.

Mark Warner, another Demonratic pile of shit.

Sorry to stir up the fetid waters of the c99 swamp, but we, c99'ers, are insignificant compared to the huge Potomac Swamp, positioned in the Heart of Darkness, er, Washington, District of Corruption. Now, folks, as Obomber used to say, this is ugly, no matter how you look at it--even in the dark of night. So, while I might later compose some stuff about our Californicated Respresentive Trash, such as Rep. Swalwell (rhymes with "doesn't smell well"). today I shall sing the praises?
