A Way for Hillary Clinton to Heal the Wounds Dividing the Democratic Party (Sarcasm)
If Hillary Clinton is a true liberal, as Markos Moulitsas has so definitively asserted, then it creates a framework for healing the wounds that have divided the Democratic Party.
At the same time, it stands to reason that Hillary Clinton’s refusal to acknowledge the growing rift between party members creates an almost insurmountable obstacle. As is common in all sick families, a problem that isn’t acknowledged can’t be cured. And there are many grievances to be healed.
When former Clinton advisor Bill Curry recently said the Democratic Party -- as it currently exists -- is soulless and corrupt, he was simply stating an uncomfortable reality. Under Obama’s leadership, Democrats have embraced too many cruel Republican policies, choosing to turn their backs on millions of Americans who would have normally found solace and support in traditional Democratic values -- and the Obama followers supported those conservative policies to allow the President room to escape accountability for implementing corporate platforms that favored Wall Street over Main Street.
And the Democrats felt no shame.
After the financial collapse, when Obama stood before the American public and said we must all pay our fair share to ensure a healthy financial recovery, progressive members were the only Democrats who said: Why should we be punished? We did nothing wrong; the people who were responsible for inflecting this terrible suffering on the global community were your donors, Mr. President; not your constituents. But he ignored our protests, and we paid dearly, and his criminal donors escaped accountability for their crimes; even worse; he transferred 99% of all net profits made during his tenure to the top 1%.
And the Democrats felt no shame.
When he failed to hold any of the Wall Street criminals accountable for their misdeeds, we complained and he assured us they had done nothing illegal. Only now, because of their recent admissions, we know it was all a lie. And two of those banks, JPMorgan Chase and Citicorp, have been top contributors to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. They committed egregious crimes that caused immense suffering, but he let them go free because they gave him money. It was a clear example of recreancy at the highest level.
As Katrina vanden Huevel recently wrote:
"The unwillingness to hold bankers accountable for their frauds and crimes is a great and continuing failure of our justice system, one that poses a clear danger to this country in the years ahead."
And the Democrats felt no shame.
When Obama allowed the dismantling of our social safety net – programs that previously protected millions of vulnerable people -- his followers pointed at the Republicans and said, “See what they made him do.’ And once again, he escaped accountability; but because of those cuts, America now has more children going to school hungry each morning, than at any other time in modern history.
And the Democrats felt no shame.
Knowing that NAFTA had eliminated over 850,000 U.S. jobs – after Bill Clinton had promised it would create 200,000 positions did not stop Obama from pushing through KORUS, the U.S. Korean Trade Agreement. Like Clinton, he promised American workers KORUS would create 70,000 American jobs, but it did not; instead, it eliminated 75,000 U.S. positions between 2011 and 2014.
And the Democrats felt no shame.
But jobs weren’t the only safeguards lost to Obama’s free trade agreements; U.S. wages took a big hit, also. The Economic Policy Institute said full-time American workers who lacked a four-year college degree lost $1,800 a year because of cheap overseas labor, one-third of it caused by trade with China.
And the Democrats felt no shame.
And now, there is the TPP, the single most unpopular bill being pushed through Congress in modern times. It is despised on the left and right; it is hated by millions of physicians, laborers, environmentalists, legal experts, human rights activists, food workers, and scientists. But members of the OFA and Obama’s followers have decided to protect it no matter the damage it incurs. And the pushback against the TPP has demonstrated how bankrupt and hypocritical Obama’s followers have been. They have expressed incredible indignation at white people for incarcerating too many African Americans; yet it is Obama, the first black president, who is leading the fight to keep slavery and the sex trade business from becoming a defining issue of the TPP.
And yet, the Democrats have no shame.
But the tide is turning against the Democrats because the American public has finally started fighting back. Consider this statement published in a Politico article:
The AFL-CIO was blunt in the call that went out to Rep. Scott Peters, a Democrat who represents San Diego: Vote yes on fast-track authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership…and they’d spend a million dollars to knock him out in next year’s primary. If he managed to win, they’d drop another million against him in the general election.
As Elizabeth Warren recently said:
"The only way we get change is when enough people in this country say, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm fed up, and I'm not going to do this anymore.'"
But Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren clearly understand the anger roiling at the grassroots level, and they know that people have every right to be furious because the system is rigged. And they understand that when constituents try to protest, DNC leaders minimize their voices at every turn. Foolishly, the Hillary camp and the DNC insist on pushing the meme that there is no dissention within the Democratic Party; and unfortunately, it makes them appear out of touch with average Americans because it fails to acknowledge the intense amount of anger that is being directed at Democratic leaders.
And liberal members are furious at neo-liberals for absconding progressive ideals to conceal their corporate agendas. This can’t be said enough: progressives will not accept anymore third way candidates pretending to be liberals -- the Democratic Party simply cannot afford to install another faux populist in the White House.
So here’s a simple outline for Hillary to follow if she wants to prove she is a “true liberal.” These are policies that all liberals can passionately support.
1. Acknowledge the truth: the Democratic Party is divided, and then address the issues that have caused the division.
2. Repudiate third way and neo-liberal policies, which are the antithesis of traditional Democratic values. The Democratic Party will not survive another faux Democrat.
3. End political triangulation, and stop using agenda politics to divide the party
4. Acknowledge it was a mistake to allow Wall Street criminals to go unprosecuted, and then vow to hold them accountable, including the prosecution of JPMorgan Chase and Citicorp executives.
5. End the kleptocracy in D.C. There is no other issue that will resonate more with liberal voters than advancing a plan to end the wholesale corruption in our nation’s capital. Specifically:
· Close the door to lobbyist influence in D.C.
· Establish iron-clad protocols that will end:
o Conflicts of interest
o Political cronyism,
o Influence peddling
o Illegal campaign contributions
o Prosecute officials who receive kickbacks
o Clamp down on price fixing
6. Secure the future of the American labor force: Lead the fight to stop Fast Track and the TPP
a. Refuse to hand over the sovereignty of our country to international tribunals
b. End trade deficits
7. Promise the DNC will stop promoting faux Democrats
8. Put some teeth behind your campaign rhetoric:
a. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act
9. End the militarization of American police forces
10. Stop NSA spying on innocent Americans. Enforce the free speech protections provided under the Constitution.
11. Nationalize all natural resources. Wall Street and foreign investors took advantage of the financial crisis to seize many of our natural assets including water and farmland.
12. Implement a real low-cost housing plan. Establish programs that will protect homeowners from predatory lenders.
13. Repair our nation’s infrastructure, which will create millions of new jobs.
14. Prosecute corporations who are contributing to climate change. Protecting the environment should be a high priority if you are elected.
15. Tax the wealthy…and then some.
16. Staff your administration with true progressive Democrats. Absolutely no Republicans; no Wall Street insiders.
17. Break up the too-big-too-fail banks.
If Hillary Clinton is a true liberal, as she claims to be, then these issues she should be easy for her to champion, and she should be as outraged at the state of our nation’s economy and justice system as the rest of us. That should help motivate her to lead the fight to defeat the TPP.
Otherwise, she’s just another faux populist trying to lie her way into the White House.

Yeah right,
like because she says it, I'm going to believe it; and I'm sure as hell not voting for her to find out.
Kos and Hillary are peas in a pod. I would put more trust in a Nancy Reagan astrological reading than anything either of them have to say.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The Clintons
have always been about the Clintons. I have been waiting for months for Hillary to articulate why she wants to be President. Any candidate for public office should be able to tell the people why they want the office they are seeking. I have never heard Hillary do that. I have not heard her even take any strong policy stands that would affect the American people as a whole.
As someone stated in kos' diary yesterday, Hillary is a pragmatist. Pragmatism is the very last thing this country needs right now. For years we have been hearing via kos and other "in the know" political types about her inevitability. But even from them, we have never heard why we should want to elect someone who appears to be terrified of any real policy stances. Instead we get shit like this which bbb posted in kos' diary.
I am so sick of identity politics. Identity politics does nothing to help the American people with the real issues. Apparently it is supposed to make us feel good about ourselves that we are electing a woman to be President. I do not buy it. If the Dem's plan goes through, we are simply electing another war mongering corporatist who happens to be a woman. Whoopee! I refuse to play.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It's nuts isn't it. It's like a horror movie where people
are lured into a room and forced to play a game with two sides. They are given rules and narratives to follow and
by the end of the movie they start killing each other because they've become so invested in the game.
It's like...
the famous episode of The Twilight Zone where Billy Mumy is a little kid with special powers to do horrible things to people that cross him. All the grownups around him walk on eggshells so not to piss him off. It's got that creepy last scene where the guy is turned into a jack-in-the-box.
It's a Good Life
It's ALL about the game
for people like kos and most of the others there. Policy be damned as long as team blue wins. Meanwhile the people keep losing but by god, team blue elected the first black President and now are gunning to elect the first woman President. It is disgusting.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Kos had a diary yesterday?
About Clinton? I didn't see it and can't find it.
you have to wonder: dumb? or conniving?
Markos made the point that Podesta has written stuff for Obama that shows Obama has moved left (ha!) so if Hillary has hired Podesta then she's going left because why would Podesta want to undo what he's done with Obama?
To which anyone with eyes would explain that these are marketing campaigns. They are not beneficent, from the heart, we-mean-it-and-feel-it expressions of the soul. They are only interested in selling corn flakes. There is nothing to undo, fool!
The Hill is a good place for that thing though. Those left on dKos are too smart for that nonsense. Not the 'bots, of course, but any of you who still post there. But The Hill has an idiot twit readership that will believe it.
There's got to be a little conniving going on, but overall
he appears to have topped out long ago.
This would indicate some wires crossed somewhere
First he calls Hillary Clinton a liberal, then he calls the Daily Kos blog liberal, then he says this about Sanders.
That makes me think all the more highly of Dennis Kucinich.
"Well within the American mainstream" is how we got to where we are now: morally and financially bankrupt.
He is and always
has been a wanker. All he knows about are the polls of mass deception. He is a disgruntled ex Republican want to be a CIA agent, who fancies himself some kind of major political mover and shaker. One good thing about this freaking mess of a Democratic party is even kos has a problem toeing the illogical double speak current Dem. storyline. He's slipping and floundering in his lame authoritarian pronouncements of victory's for compromise. The pundirts, strategist's and power brokers all seem to think people haven't lived through the nightmarish Democratic reality since 2006-now. I tried reading his diary and it hurt my head.
Reality based my ass, liberal my ass. Hillary will win yes indeedy. Who cares what once the Dems. win happens. Just call it liberal and remind people that this is the inevitable world as we find it and the Republican's will kill yer family. Look to me like if the inevitable one or any other Democratic tool wins the primary the election will be down to the 30% dead ender partisans and culture warriors from both parties who bother to vote in this farce of an election . I notice kos never talks about HRC's negatives. He's not even a very good political wonk at this point. I vote for dumb /stupid and a piss poor conniver. Of course that might just be what it takes to be a player in this era of surreal unbelievable politics.
Hillary's negatives
Way back last fall, I pointed out in more than one comment at GOS that Hillary Clinton already had negatives approaching 40% based on two polls taken over the summer. Now we see her negatives are 42% in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Her negatives are climbing while her positives are slipping. It is much harder to regain positives than it is to gain in the negative column. As of this latests poll, her negatives and positives are even. not a good sign for someone who is a terrible campaignerl.
With negatives that high already, she does not have much room to continue to slip, which I believe will be the case. She is a terrible campaigner who comes off arrogant and aloof, so the minute she opens her mouth, it is not going to help her. As the "inevitable" front runner, she cannot continue to hide forever. It is my opinion that the longer she does hide carries with it another negative too. She is already allowing everyone else to define her by default as they stake out populist positions on the issues. So once she begins to speak, she will come off as uninspired and "me too" even in the best case scenario.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I really doubt
that once she begins to speak she will be capable of containing her arrogance and nastiness and her true ugly colors will shine through. Her campaign 'team' is so populist tone deaf that I doubt even her focus grouped speech writers can pass this red queen off as anything but what she is. A seriously scary woman with her crazy bad ass cackling about killing drilling and corporate let them eat cake, glass ceiling breaking.
With only 6 debates the DNC evidently knows it has
to limit her airtime. And tells you all you need to know about the DNC. It's never about the people, for the people,
it's always for the establishment by the establishment. I probably would not have felt differently about Sander's run for Prez
if he'd gone as an indie, but running as a Dem is the Democratic party and now, in 2015, the Dem party is my opponent.
Bernie Sanders support up to 15%
My diary on the GOS.
Hillary's negatives have never dropped below 40%, and the latest poll I saw shows them at 47%. How is that not a HUGE deal for Ms. Inevitable? Her name recognition is near 100% and her negatives are alarmingly high. Her numbers have nowhere to go but down.
Meanwhile, Sanders' numbers have 62% "don't know enough". The "not serious candidate" meme in the MSM only works if people continue to ignore him. That meme doesn't generate negative numbers for him.
the comments were so painful to read I posted something
I hoped would uplift the humor-meter of some, but nope, people take themselves very seriously over there. Of course I am a clown. That's the only way to survive the next campaign season. I will be a Sanders supporter on the gos, but I can't vote anyway, so don't take me to court for that.
I'm teaching myself conjoint analysis
and one thing that's important is the positive/negative split. The higher positive (at this point) does NOT mean that choice is the best.
This is a good piece, but
Thursdays piece was just brilliant, well written, easy to read, good pacing, insightful, and spot the fook on.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Thanks, Roger
I'm still trying to recover from a very nasty case of the flu...I have to write daily or I get out of the routine, so the second piece wasn't very inspired...it was more mechanical than a passionate blog entry...I have to spend the next two days working on a different project, so at least, I'll still be writing, but I probably won't be able to squeeze in an article for this site, even though I enjoy it more because I feel less restricted when publishing something here..
That flu was murder....
Two weeks it took me to recover from that nasty virus.
Please don't apologize for the quality of your essays. They're great. I am not known for my sense of humor, so snark often goes over my head. Heck, I'm whining about an open thread because I don't think I can do a worthwhile job. It's because I'm surrounded by writers like you. Feel better soon.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It was the pits.
I caught it from my granddaughter who had just started a new kindergarten class...she had the flu and a case of strep throat, so guess who was the first one to catch it from her....the flue was much worse than the strep throat...
dkmich, I always read your comments because they come from the heart, and I value honest communication above everything else...so, don't knock yourself...you're doing a great job.
Twigg cuts Markos a new one
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
I was actually
shocked over that one.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
shocked at whom, the author twigg or the comments?/nt
that the author
twigg wrote that. I always thought he was an insider.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
by insider you mean a Markos loyalist?
It's amazing how often I don't understand comments. I am sorry that I ask those questions.
He's an insider and a centrist.
I was shocked to see that diary too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
it's one thing to have to support the incumbent President
and another thing to go along with being told to support someone who has zero delegates at this time.
kos told us that she was the nominee at least eight months before she even announced that she was running. Since then, she has laid low to avoid alienating even more people than she already has. I can hardly wait until she opens her mouth and sticks both feet in it. She will implode.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sorry I'm late to this conversation.
Of course there's a flaw in the central premise here: in the 2nd paragraph you indicate that HRC refuses to acknowledge a rift in the party. That may be true to all outward appearances -- she may not have voiced anything personally -- but it is demonstrably untrue in actuality. Markos, ever the wannabe "player" in the party, and someone who clearly had it drummed into him by the mandarins that he needed to pony up (money or voters) for the mandarin-anointed candidate if he would ever have a chance to be that player, reveals that with his every (thankfully rare) diary.
First, two years out, Markos writes his "she's inevitable" piece, setting the stage to scare off any challenge. Why do that? Who'd benefit? Only one camp. Thing is, that piece had just the opposite effect: it incensed the many who did not want an inevitable Hillary at the top of the ticket or the nation. DKos saw its longstanding split between the lefties and the centrists widen dramatically over that post, to the degree that many of us left (or mostly left) that site to come over here.
Don't think for a second that the HRC camp did not notice that. The MSM did, and talked of divisions in the Democratic Party. Knowing it may not be able this time to count on the left-leaning votes it had enjoyed in the past (the legacy of so many of us holding our noses to vote for the lesser of two evils as we were instructed to do again and again), the HRC campaign made a big noise about reaching out to another bloc of votes, minorities, with her only words approaching a campaign platform, words devoted to immigration and police reform. The minority vote is crucial for any Democrat, of course, so it's a savvy move (and Hillary, having no fundamental motivations but her own coronation, does nothing but calculated moves); it would be indispensable if the left-leaning did not stay on board. Still, without the Left her chances in the general election were far too precarious even with minorities on her side. Time to be nice to lefties again. Surely they could hold their noses one more time.
The Left is itching meanwhile for Warren or Bernie. Loudly. Markos's diary of her ineviitability showed the HRC campaign that the Left was not easily won -- it perversely was easy to anger if taken for granted. So, when Bernie announces, Hillary tweets a kind welcome. Don't want to piss off the pro-Bernie folks, now, do we? No, let's be nice to them, instead, is the obvious stratagem.
And in a remarkable synchrony another wave of diaries and commentary appears at the Orange Satan. We are told by Markos that Bernie has won, just by being Bernie, that adorable tousled-haired firebrand. No Dennis Kucinich, Markos's favorite dartboard, who could be mocked despite being off the stage for years now. No, Bernie was a good kind of rabblerouser we could appreciate. One who had already won, and his supporters could take delight that their battle was done. Hillary would still be too far ahead to be bested, but Bernie, and by extension all his supporters, should feel the warm fuzzies for having put on a good show and dragging Hillary to the left in her rhetoric, for the moment at least but we won't mention that.
So HRC makes a public (Twitter) demonstration of being nice to her opponent and his Twitter-using supporters, and Markos makes a public (DK front page) demonstration of being nice to her opponent and dK-visiting supporters, just moments apart in the grand scheme of two-year campaigns. TOTAL coincidence, that. And under Markos's diary, dKos's centrist cohorts make as much bowing and back-patting as they can, claiming they always want Bernie to win, but he can't, and they'll absolutely vote for Bernie in the primary and then they'll dutifully vote for Hillary, the centrist they'd certainly not prefer over Bernie, no, never, in the general.
It's all just coincidence.
The Hillary campaign does not acknowledge a rift in the party. They'd not make plans to offset or diminish a rift in the party. They'd not put soldiers in a row to carry a united face of welcome across the political landscape. Everything that has happened is just a coincidence of her general warmth to lefties and to their tousled-haired firebrand. And Markos is not a puppet on the mandarins' strings. And dKos does not have operatives amid its membership.
Now, if anyone is disinclined to regard all this as coincidence, then the ending list of things Hillary must do to heal a rift becomes a cruel piece of humor. HRC will do none of these things. Not one. All those things are what got Hillary where she is. They're what's holding her aloft. Cut those strings, and all you'll have is a tangle of wooden appendages in a heap on the stage floor.
Bravo, dance you monster
what a spot on well written comment. I hope you write more here as this was a real treat to read. thanks.
I agree also
This comment could have been a diary of its own too.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The "voting" left.
I think at this point there's a big division within the left as well. I would have to consider myself
the left, in that I'm certainly not the right. But I'm what the DK partisans call the far left although I prefer the radical left. A lot of people used
to be the voting left but now are just too fed up with the system to participate any longer, and will accept nothing less than systemic change
to our government and the major systems. Radical change because the system is too corrupted to salvage and all we're doing is wasting
time thinking Obama, I mean Bernie will be the one who puts down the bankers and money powers controlling the government. That doesn't make me a righty. It doesn't make me a libertarian. I'm still on the left relative to that general definition, left/right/ but I'm certainly not part of the left that want's Sanders or Warren.
Or maybe the Democratic party left because there is a
significant segment of the left that does vote for third parties. But still, with about 100 million eligible voters now sitting it out
a large number of those are of the left persuasion, probably many more than of the right side.
Your comment is spot on! You say,
They don't have to--many of the so-called progressive groups, and perhaps O'Malley, are giving her cover regarding her corporatist agenda.
O'Malley is a former DLCer. He was a FSC supporter--even standing in for her at campaign rallies when she ran in 2008, especially in New Hampshire.
Of course, it could be O'Malley's in the race to do the bidding of the Dem Leadership--in case one of the mini-Gates takes her down before the General Election. IOW, in case some illegality is exposed during the upcoming Gowdy hearing.
[I've participated in Federal Court hearings--testifying against illegal use of government resources--and I can tell you that I'd sure as heck not want (House) Rep Gowdy to go after me. I saw him light into a HHS official during a hearing--one who soon stepped aside to spend more time with her family.
He's one of the better FP's that I've ever observed.]
I've got C-Span video of two (so-called) progressive leaders (Bold Progressives/Move On) who are flat out laughable--they are so transparent in their tactics/strategizing to help the Democratic Party nominee (likely Clinton), while pretending to back Elizabeth Warren, even though she's not running.
It's been 2-3 months, now, but I heard Markos on the XM radio program, Make It Plain with Matsimela Mapfumo (Mark Thompson), and Markos is very well aware of (some of) the Base's dislike of FSC--specifically, their objection to her corporatist agenda.
So, I agree--the Clinton Camp is leaving nothing to chance!
Anyhoo, agree with Shaz--great comment.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving." --Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
This is why I believe the Republicans will win in 2016.
The Dems have simply squandered the last 8 years, proving that their liberalism is a mile wide and a millimeter deep.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Spot on
I have a feeling DNC leaders are clinging to their ideology by their fingernails, hoping they can stop the tidal wave headed their way.
Well, their rhetoric says they're clinging to their ideology...
Their actions? Not so much.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon