Outside the Asylum
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 01/19/2020 - 5:03am

Why Don't I Care That Dr. Who is a Woman Now?
or, Am I Still a Feminist?
Part II
Why Don't I Care That Dr. Who is a Woman Now?
or, Am I Still a Feminist?
Part II
The Great Handshake Freeze-Out of January 14 was the glacé cherry on a shit sundae of malicious, precisely calculated smears on Bernie Sanders. I initially thought that Elizabeth Warren brought some poltergeists from the Omnishambles Clinton campaign into the fold to advise her on gaining some momentum. I no longer believe that Warren was trying to only boost her polling numbers.
Liz has been backing away from Medicare For All for months, but she finally made it official.
I don't believe Warren about M4A. I think she'll settle for a public option at the first sign of resistance.
I also don't believe that she'll stand up to the MIC.
Say what you will, Liz Warren has the momentum.
Harris is now along in 5th place and continues to hemorrhage voters to Warren.
Sanders has gone nowhere since April. OTOH, the constant smear campaign has not dented his support.
Biden's support is only starting to decline.
Speaking as a Bernie fan, this is good news.
Liz Warren has not been battle tested yet. Not by the media, not by other candidates.
I'm not convinced that she's a good debater yet.
MrWebster reminded me that the Podesta emails mentioned Senator Warren several times.
This gives us a window into Warren's "private" positions.
A few months ago we were told to digest the fact that Saudi Arabia was giving U.S. weapons to Al Qaeda in Yemen. Our Defense Department said they would look into it. Where are we now?
Elizabeth Warren demanded answers. Where we are now? We are now at Trump conflating Rep. Omar with 9/11 terrorists as he consorts with Al Qaeda's sponsors.
Elizabeth Warren has proposed one of the most important bills of the decade - the Accountable Capitalism Act.
Don't get me wrong. Elizabeth Warren is much better than the Blue Dogs and Third Way Dems.
OTOH, there is Senator Warren's performance over the past few weeks.
November 3: The Bold Warren