"Super Bunker Buster Bombs Fast Tracked for Possible Use Against Iran and North Korea Nuclear Programs"
Is there any way to stop this?
The above title is from an article written in 2009.
"The Pentagon is accelerating by three years plans for a super bunker buster, the GBU-57A/B or Massive Ordnance Penetrator or MOP, a powerful new bomb aimed squarely at the underground nuclear facilities of Iran and North Korea."
I was reading about this bomb that the warmongers dropped in Afghanistan and looked down into the comments. Comments that were favorable to Trump's madness received a lot of thumbs up, it seemed more than those that were critical but of course that's not an accurate poll. Still, it's depressing so many Americans still have their heads completely up their asses.
"Early in 2008, as concern about the nuclear programs of both Iran and North Korea began intensifying, the defense establishment started focusing more attention on a delivery system. By February, 2008, the Pentagon proposed a contract to integrate the bomb into B2 stealth bombers. In May 2009, the project was fast-tracked via “Quick Reaction Capability” purchasing rules that allow an accelerated defense contract for urgent needs. In mid-July 2009, Boeing’s McDonnell Douglas Corporation was awarded a $12,100,000 contract to provide MOPs for B-2 bomb bays. In mid-August, McDonnell Douglass Corp. was awarded a second contract, this one $12,500,000 cost plus fixed fee contract with performance incentives to provide for three MOP separation test vehicles, associated aircraft and handling equipment and technical support for release on a B-52 bomber.
In describing the accelerated program, Lt. Gen. Mark Shackelford, who heads weapons acquisition for the Air Force was quoted as saying, “These are purchases beyond just those needed to test the capability," adding, "In other words, build a small inventory.”
Those of us against this better start speaking up.
"In early July 2009, the Defense Department told a Congressional committee that the MOP was the "weapon of choice" for an “urgent operational need” enunciated by both the U.S. Pacific Command, tasked with North Korea, and the Central Command, tasked with Iran. In doing so, the Pentagon accelerated the program by three years."
Ya, they got their small inventory now. The military industrial complex has delivered the "mother of all bombs", MOAB for short, sure to cream the jeans of any self respecting chickenshit American who wants their government to keep them safe from ghosts.
Now they've tested it in real conditions. Just in time for the new imperialist game to start, "Let's Bomb Iran and North Korea". Hey, it's not nuclear and the world just proved to Trump and his insane clown posse that no one, NO ONE, will do a thing to stop him. So it's all good, just doing a little "ISIS hunting", everybody should understand that.
Trust your president, man!! Trust your leaders! They know what's good for you. They're trying to protect YOU!
How about we just forget about all the speculation as to why Trump is doing this or that, whether or not he's been "turned" by the deep state or actually is the deep state, and whether he's going to order an attack on Syria or worse, and just assume the worst.
Because that's probably what's going to happen.

heh, NBC reporting US prepared to take...
conventional weapon attack on North Korea if they test a nuclear bomb.
War rhetoric begets war and 'what is it good for, absolutely nothing.'
Macho BS escalates...
Well, they've just now given it a battlefield test.
It seems to work fine.
Your tax dollars at work:
The solution to US bombing all over the world would be to drop
one on top of the Pentagon and one on the WH.
The great thing about this bomb is it leaves no witnesses
and any body parts found afterwards are indistinguishable from one another. Just small brown pieces of flesh and bone attached proving all the casualties were terrorists.
Yep. As much a chance of determining who a fleck of disseminated tissue might have come from as anyone able to determine the particular millions of beef, pork, chicken, etc. in any hot dog in your local supermarket.
With a blast radius of up to a mile. It will save on
And here I sit, mad as hell at the fear
they're ramping up. A friend just emailed thinking she needs to get a bomb shelter built, worried about N Korea. I hope I talked her down a bit, but now I read this and wonder if I should have. I guess maybe I keep thinking these idiots just use the fear to keep us complacent and would far rather bleed us to death by inches than nuke us. And now they think they can use these things as an "alternative" to nuclear winter I guess. Madness. And yes, they see there's no one to stop us doing it either. Well, when it gets here "we" will surely deserve it.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Time to dig fox holes?
There was something way back about even just protecting your legs with a foot or two of earth, because those long bones have enough marrow to produce white cells even if the rest of you gets irradiated. Very basic survival stuff. It's really a shame to have to think about these things now.
Apparently, the MOAB can't be used in N Korea as it...
is transported by a large cargo plane that flies low and slow, the talking head said.
I guess that would make sense.
Maybe they don't know what the fuck they're doing.
I thought the talking head's statement to be strange...
it was on NBC a few minutes ago. I don't know; I believe trump was asked today if this MOAB was a warning to N Korea, and he ducked the question.
He's off to Florida, hope he doesn't eat chocolate cake this weekend.
Sure they do
Those pockets are filled with our money, they have the power, own it all, and you and I just bark about it, powerless. I think that latter point is also a factor of the decision; they want to clearly demonstrate that message to us. I'm inclined to think the last president and the current, with the glaring, near comical levels of flip-flop between message and deeds, is meant to be a strong message. This is more blatant than in the past, all subtlety gone. We are pwned.
Could be they wanted to build it
just for the hell of it. I believe they sometimes do things like that.
But then they want to try it out,
too, just for the hell of it. And then ..,
Little boys love big kabooms.
Light a fuze.
I shove you.
If you shove back, I shove harder.
If you hit me, you better knock me out because I believe in revenge.
Sounds like a typical playground bully.
Welcome to our not new, but now nation.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Trump has finally come up with a solution to global warming
- nuclear winter.
That's some sick thinking.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
b at Moon of Alabama offers
typically trenchant commentary:
for mooning me.
Been a while.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
A number of ways to stop this
Unfortunately all of them will be opposed by humans so not going to happen today.
After we are all gone, yeah nature will bring back to a balance.
We're not going to leave any nature - what remains is already undergoing an accelerating die-off and the slated increase in industrial pollution and the geoengineering now officially under way will polish off anything that remains, even without nukes.
No more oxygen production without the ocean currents and plant life, which requires adequate nutrients, water and sunlight - the latter to be dimmed by pollution, including that of geoengineering, acidifying water and soil, as well as directly poisoning life and making survivors more prone to disease, not to mention increasing drought. With the pollinators and everything dependent on them gone, (and they are going fast, thanks to GMO/petrochemical monopoly-seeking profiteering also polluting air, the food supply, waterways supporting aquatic and all life and sterilizing the soil, eliminating essential soil organisms required by growing plants,) there goes other wildlife as well as most food-crops, especially fruit of all kinds.
The Psychopathic Parasite Class is going to ensure that life on Earth goes extinct any time from this year to within the next few decades - unless they are stopped.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
We must encourage our young
to resist participating in the military. I've been touting this since HRC became the nominee and now we have HRC in drag bringing us to the brink of war.
The millennials must resist the urge to join the military even when no job can be found! To me, that's the plan, to have most jobs in the military and police/security fields. Frightening, but possible.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The answer to Fermi's Paradox
"Why haven't we been visited by intelligent aliens?"
Because there are no intelligent aliens - they all blew themselves away. And so will we.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
And here was I thinking that intelligent aliens would stay the hell away from us...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Quick Scroll
I was scrolling through C99 pages and misread the title.
Thought it read:
Super Banker Buster Bomb
Got excited for a moment.
@Strife Delivery
Wish that was true! That would be a sound investment bringing great benefits to mankind. Probably cut back on the warmongering/'globalism' crap a lot, too.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.