Democratic Convention

Letter from a friend

of a friend. I am close friends with some of my former high school teachers (I met them in their first year teaching...they weren't much older then, and are far less older, now.) My old civics teacher has me included on an email list, and this came through, yesterday. I thought it was worth sharing, and the writer, "Ron", said yes, go for it.

And the Democrats are Republicans

Just when you think it is so obvious, out comes even more evidence of the absolute corruption of the Democratic Party.

Watch the first five or six minutes of this 11 minute interview (if you can stand it). The remainder is about Monsanto's corruption.


Bernie at the Democratic Convention: Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now

The lies of corporate politicians are the foundational cause of every crisis America is facing. Let us not talk falsely now is Bernie’s message to the despised political establishment, to the depraved economic establishment, to the degenerate media establishment, to the degraded military establishment, it’s his message to everyone in power, to everyone in authority at every level of society, to the police and the judges, to business owners and employers, to every American trapped in this twilight struggle for survival as the pursuit of corporate profit strangles the economy and the GOP casts the shadow of fascism across the entire political system.

Let us not talk falsely now.

Sidney Blumenthal email to Hillary Clinton may be crux of FBI investigation

For those following the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton the following article will be interesting. "Why Hillary Clinton will be indicted," by Chetan Hebbale, provides the best summary of the possible charges and evidence that I've found so far. Published in the Chicago Journal of Politics it contains several dozen links per page to document a wide variety of sources.