Open Thread - 06-03-22 - The Great Reset

The Great Reset. Let's talk about it.
I'm sure by now we all have a pretty good idea of what the Great Reset is all about, Klaus Schwab and the WEF are not shy about their plans. So, let's not focus on the various tenets of the design, but let us take a look at the reasoning behind what seems to be a rush to implement the Great Reset now rather than the previously projected 2030 timeline.
One world government has always been the stated goal of the Reseters, but, IMHO, it's greed and power that are the true impetus. But why does there now seem to be a frenzied rush to get it done?
Here are a few of the reasons I've come up with than may explain the rush to Reset:

Climate Change - Could the projections for climate disaster have been moved up? Recent policies and statements from the US government seem to back this up.
Implosion of the economy - I'm on record stating that the Reset's raison d'être is to save the monied class from the metaphorical gallows. They want to wipe the slate clean and start over, saving their necks while advancing their greed and power to the next level. In other words, they want to swipe all the wealth from the table, implement a new system that keeps themselves as the Masters of the Universe, one that will keep them out of prison, all in one fell swoop. Could the economy be on a fast track to the dumps. Is it even worse than we imagine?
Peak Oil - How much oil is left on the planet? Have we already passed peak oil? Is this the reason for the frenzied push to go green?
Personally, I think it's a combination of all three. IMHO, the monied class want the oil that is left for themselves, for the MIC, for the medical-industrial complex, for manufacturing, etc. They need it for their jets, while we ride bikes. I've been shouting for years that it's "oil for the MIC and MIC for the oil". Without oil our military is grounded and dead in the water. The Medical-Industrial Complex needs it to manufacture drugs, and of course, just about everything that's manufactured involves oil in one form or another. There is no energy substitute that can match oil in both cost effectiveness and accessibility. This could, IMHO, explain the rush to Reset and the push to go green.
I will admit that I am a proponent of green technology, but I don't think we're ready yet. For example; if so many states are barely producing enough electricity now to keep the lights and air conditioners on this summer, with warnings of rolling blackouts or outright outages, how will we produce enough electricity to keep all of the electric cars charged? How will that electricity be created? Coal? Nuclear? What about peak materials used in the manufacturing of the batteries? I don't think we're ready, unless of course, the population is greatly reduced.
But then again, I'm not an oligarch or a member of the WEF, so what do I know?

Good morning folks...
I whipped this up quickly this morning so I hope it makes sense.
Only one question matters
How do we stop it?
This is unacceptable.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Good question...
I would guess we all need to stand up and say "NO", like right now. But with a large majority waiting for the television to tell them what to do next, it does seems daunting.
I think there's at least 1 thing the 0.01% are 100% right about:
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
"Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so."
- Charles De Gaulle
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
@JtC Not just the TV the net
Having psychotic billionaire techies controlling the information we get just cements the propaganda as facts. The government on every level has been taken over by globalized corporations. Even our utilities are privatized. Last I read Oregon's Electricity is owned by some corp.based in Scotland.
Why privatize everthng public? A reset wouldn't be this choatic. This all seems to me to be globalized diaster capitalism at it's tipping point, on the skids. People globally are unable to stop their nasty agenda.
People will find a way. Where are the barbarians when you need them. Guess I better start gardening my small urban plot. It's a gilded age but this time around there doesn't seem to be Roosevelt luring in the wings.
Got to say Im encouraged by unions and humans every where who have had enough. Politics are useless. Even the so called progressives are in the bag. Lawlessness abounds.I also find young'uns encouraging. They aren't as invested in keeping this nightmare myth going. Just my 2 cents.
Good morning JtC. Peak oil has been just around the corner for
at lest 2 decades now as i recall. Sort of like victory or the end of certain wars or the notorious headlight at the end of the tunnel. Alternative energy is, in fact, the answer and the storage solution is already here, but nobody can gouge enough to promote and develop it. Super high tech batteries are only needed for extremely portable solutions, cameras, phones, cars, tablets and notebooks and all that. For a house or apartment complex or store or whatever you can use really cheap tech that produces big-assed really heavy batteries (think shipping container sized) with salt water electrolytes. There's an Aussie who was promoting (& using) the idea a while ago, plus others.
Climate change, the imploding economy and food scarcity, as well as water scarcity look to me to be the biggest overall triggers, aided and abetted by extreme gouging wrt oil and gas by the extracting and producing crooks and the financiers.
Of course, it's a crapshoot and in the end we're all guessing, but, in any event, there needs to be a credible "to the barricades" moment to stop, and it will never come from the US. Since history often rhymes, perhaps it will be France. Barcelona comes to mind too. There's a reason that those assholes meet in Davos and it ain't the climate.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
That may assuage...
the storage aspect, but what about the creation of the stored energy. How will the vast amount of electricity that will be needed be created? Do we have enough resources to power every household? Do solar panels not require oil for their creation? Any solution must include a solution to the peak materials problem.
Good question. Solar panels are currently mostly silicon,
which is shockingly common, but needs refinement, which calls for electricity. We will need to use all available sources until the process can become self-sustaining, and there are the dopants, which are, as I understand it, pretty scarce. With luck, good behavior and assorted highly un-american proclivities, conservation measures can reduce the total need to the point that we, globally, could pull it off, but that requires reducing our needs and waste, something very unlikely to happen.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good News
After falling behind for several years, the US finally got a really fast SuperComputer. Fast enough to think itself out of all sorts of problems.
@Pluto's Republic Jeeze. Like a more
It's amazing how divorced from
natural reality things have become. So far unfortunately, it looks like that's where the future is headed.
Some of the most important issues
which have dialed up the urgency has to be the Russian SMO and its apparent domination in Ukraine, and the banking partnership between Russia and China which allows unfettered trade between the two, which bypass both the SWIFT currency exchange system and the Dollar as the benchmark exchange currency and last, but not least, the neutering of the Russian “sanctions” which seemed now to have actually improved the Russian economy.
These and many other factors weaken the uni-polar based economy that the Great Reset is looking to convert to a World Wide single DIGITAL currency and banking system. The USA and its financial minders are looking to rule no less than the entire planet. Half will not do. Russia actually thriving is anathema to the Davos crowd. It’s a looming total disaster for all of the Resetters, and their friends.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Is it the USA...
and its financial minders that are looking to rule no less than the entire planet, or is it the WEF which appears to have all the money in the world at its disposal and who also have infiltrated most governments, that's behind it all?
Perhaps it would be more accurate to call it the “West”
which is currently led by the USA and its ‘friends’, and the Dollar based benchmark exchange currency. Schwab and other well known financial powerhouses of Davos are only the public faces of the real power, which is rooted in large financial and banking consortiums that work in the shadows. Controlling global capital, who gets it and who doesn’t, could provide enough power and economic tools for both acquiring and maintaining complete control over all Nations, and all individuals. It would be the sine qua non for Ultimate Totalitarian Rule.
Sounds like it’s worth a try. Let’s just sit back and let them give it a go. We proles, of course will “have nothing and be happy” and the invisible bullies will own all the
marbleshouses, land and food. What could be better? If it doesn’t work out so well, we can go back to the way it was, and we’ll get all our ‘stuff back. Right?/s“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Ahh but there’s the rub
Maybe their plan is for everyone to drive electric cars, but not have enough power to keep them on the roads. Or perhaps people will have to have perfect credit scores to plug them in for so many hours each day.
As for the medical industrial complex and going beyond the things made from oil there has been a push to wreck our health care by privatizing hospitals and asset stripping them for higher profits. And hedge funds that have been doing that have also been buying up doctor’s practices and gutting their pay and working hours.
And then there is how Biden is continuing Trump’s push to privatize Medicare and push people into Medicare Advantage against their knowledge and will. If you have seen a doctor connected to a DGE in the last 2 years before you qualify for Medicare they automatically enroll you in Medicare Advantage. See article for description of DGE, but it’s tied to doctors being owned by hedge funds which BlackRock has ties to most of them. Hell they have ties to most things that government has allowed to be privatized!
Also on climate change there is the worsening droughts in many areas of the country and the push for rich people to privatize water too.
Here’s an important article about private equity funds buying up doctors and how that has devastated so many careers.
Private Equity Gloats Over A Doctor Glut
Damn every member of congress that has allowed so many industries to become privatized for profit at our expense! A lot of this started during Reagan, but both parties have been complicit in making it worse and Obama did more damage to the country than people realize. The hideously and deliberately flawed ACA was a setup for private equity firms to gut our health care. Both parties have also been complicit in deregulation of nursing homes that have been bought up by hedge funds and gutted to the bones.
In the comments on the 2 essays people are still thinking that they can vote our way out of what’s happening now. Sure. Just find a way to get someone elected against the will of all the dark money and scores of lobbyists and think tanks and of course AIPAC.
Sorry for the long comment. Might should have done an essay on this crap! Yay for rolling blackouts in this 3rd world country that was deliberately created whilst we fought amongst ourselves.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Billionaires now have enough money to solve many of the
planet's problems with plenty left over to pamper themselves and their heirs if that is their goal. It's not. None of this is altruistic or about genuine philanthropy.
What do you give a billionaire who already has everything? More power.
They are not satisfied with having any thing they want. They want it all, everything. And as long as governmental power centers are splintered into tens of thousands of individual sovereign national, regional, and local districts, manipulating them all is difficult.
In a phrase, they are tired of herding cats. Under a one world government they will have one-stop shopping.
As to the question of
Two factors: 1) the key players are getting up in years, and 2) the internet has given the useless eaters a way to pool their knowledge and connect the dots. Put yourself in the shoes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. They have been building up to this for many decades and they are anxious to see it materialize. If they wait much longer to pull the trigger they might not live long enough to see it come to fruition. And if the internet was allowed to evolve into an irreversibly established and truly democratic (small d) free speech platform they would have an even more difficult time controlling the messaging. So they need to start turning that ship while they still can.
Billionaires NEVER have enough, at least in their twisted
little minds, that’s why they’re Billionaires. People in governments have the right to take some of their millions (in taxes) and to distribute it (spend it) in a way that helps those in actual need, but don’t. Except in Ukraine…for weapons! That’s probable because they’d like to be be Billionaires someday too (if they aren’t already) and might need some help from their Billionaire friends who make said weapons.
It’s a Big F’ing Club and we ain’t in it. Those in the WEF are, however, in the BFC so we’ll not likely be seeing any significant improvement in our situation from any “Reset” of theirs.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I recently read
Jim Kunstler's landmark book, The Long Emergency, about peak oil and the inability of solar, wind, hydrogen, and even nuclear, to solve our energy problems. I've had the book in my house for years and I just read it recently. It was published in 2005.
Kunstler bases his perspective on oil industry studies. We're past peak oil by now, I'm pretty sure he would say. But more importantly, we've continued to try to believe we can live the way we do in the United States by finding an alternative to oil. As at least one commenter here has pointed out, that's a frightening misunderstanding of our problem. It's not just that all the manufacturing that makes our clothes, transports our food, and produces our medicine is powered by oil. The machines that produce these things work by oil as a lubricant and as a chemical part of their own production, as do the trucks that bring us our food, as do the water treatment plants that purify our water. When we run out of oil, all these things literally grind to a halt.
Kunstler's point is that we're going to have to live more simply. MUCH more simply. I didn't see the PBS series, Equus, "Story of the Horse," but I plan to try to find it because I'm starting to think we're going to have to go back to that era of human history in which horses provided our transportation. OK I can hear you laughing! But think about it!
I have been thinking about bicycles
NYC will once again have to deal with horse poop in the streets.
I am not laughing. I am glad I got saddles and bridles in my barn.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The Great Reset is predicated on a One World Government
Controlled by One Supreme Ruling Authority
There is nothing Democratic about it. There will be One Supreme White Ruling Nation (and White Alliance) and 194 Peon Nations. They will enforce compliance with their authority from space, the hand of the White God.
Multipolar consensus is completely out of the question.
Yet every day that passes, the goal seems to recede from the US grasp. They are running out of time. China is running around the world pulling people out of poverty. China is using its wealth to bring a measure of prosperity to all nations in its sphere of influence by bringing the global trading infrastructure to their doors. This way, partially developed nations can participate in the global economy as equals, and not filtered through a commissioned intermediary.
The US cannot compete with this. It does not want to compete with this. The US business and diplomacy model is completely different. The US has very different goals. The World Bank and the IMF exploits and extracts the wealth of undeveloped nations by forcing them to privatize their resources to international corporations and sell off their assets.
Every day that goes by, the world notices this more and more. Africa is rapidly waking up to this reality. Even India is becoming aware. This has always been a brown world. The Five Eyes have made it clear for centuries what they think of the brown world.
The US and the Global Overlords think they are just one proxy war away from claiming the world throne and the world's flow of energy. Every day they wait, they grow weaker. The vision of the West is held together by propaganda, but the narrative keeps breaking away.
nationalist vs globalists
...seems to me. I'm a local vs globalist. Corporate rule or national rule is the current dynamic IMO.
If I could paint my picture it would be market gardeners in every community with eggs and animals around the edge of the cities. I know we won't do this sensible thing, but dreams are nice.
Thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think your painting of an ideal
of market garden towns is absolutely possible! It's very doable, desirable, and workable. Meanwhile, we can design our cities and towns for small marketplaces, neighborhood grocery stores within walking distance of our homes, and sustainable energy sources for simpler living. But we have to redesign the way we live.
In rare moments of optimism
I do believe humanity could fix this, or at least make things better.
[Edited to add this is in response to Linda Wood.]
As you say above:
From Lookout:
From OTC, the idea of going back to using:
From e.l.:
From Shaharazade:
From Pluto's R.:
Your response to Lookout:
That comment puts me in mind of QMS; ( In the spirit of QMS, I would encourage 'all hands on deck' including and especially artists who he has so consistently highlighted over this past year.) This last Wedendsday he presented work from the artist Nele Azevedo. In an interview, Azevedo mentioned that one motivation for her work is deep love for our public spaces yet a "questioning [of] the ideas that lead governments to build public monuments and our relationship with them".
Which puts me in mind of the 'walkable city' you mention above. I love a walkable city with beautiful parks, gardens, museums, libraries, restaurants, bars, markets, etc. etc. all within an easy walk. Add to that a great link to high-speed trains in order to go on trips to the coast, to the mountains, to the bigger-city hubs that have added cultural attractions like great theatre, opera, concerts, art exhibits, lectures, (choose your inspiration).( h/t to QMS again for this Saturday's comment in OT.) We could have nice things if we decided to allocate our money. Forty billion (or more accurately fifty-six billion) that our congress critters just threw away, would be the first baby step to making things better.
Thanks JtC for the conversation.
I would love to see Mackinac Island,
a car-free town in Michigan.
Americans like myself dream of going to hill towns in Italy where no car is really necessary or even possible.
Wonderful. Linda
Thanks for sharing these lovely scenes. I’d love to visit them too.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Mürren is a vehicle free town I was lucky to visit...
What a great place to visit!
I have an ebike that gets me to our little town 3 miles away. We could perhaps live without a car if push came to shove.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”