Occupy Trump - it's happening

I speculated in an article yesterday that from here on out all the way through the primaries, the general, Nov 8, and potentially beyond, we would se Occupy Trump every day. It's happening. The day after his Chicago Surprise, Herr Drumpf saw peace warriors protesting his rally in Kansas, MO. Opposing groups, cops gone wild, pepper spray, etc. More below.

Here is the link (I hope!) and the opening paragraphs:

Police used pepper spray on crowds outside a Donald Trump rally in Kansas City as the Republican frontrunner continued to face angry protests that a day earlier forced him to call off a major campaign appearance in Chicago.

As Trump’s electoral machine regrouped after a humiliation at the University of Illinois Chicago Pavilion, there were further disruptions inside the Midland Theatre in Missouri. Trump was just a few minutes into his speech on Saturday night when the protests began. “I’ve got plenty of time. ... We’re in no rush. We’re in no rush,” he told the crowd.

The protesters appear to be scattered throughout the theater and Trump remarked on how many were in the crowd, bemoaning they were taking seats from his supporters, “thousands” of whom were waiting outside.

Kansas City police confirmed pepper spray was used amid protests in the streets around the theater and also said a “fogger” was deployed to disperse “two large groups (200+) preparing to fight”.

Welcome to 1968 and Occupy Trump - the real fight for democracy. Elections matter. Stopping fascists before they win elections could be even more important. To paraphrase Ben Franklin, "a democracy, if you can keep it."

As this new phase - Occupy trump - is gathering steam, please keep a peaceful heart. Remember MLK, remember Ghandi. Keep a level head. Please do not get suckered by the MSM and the elites coming spin (same-old, same-old) of "Clutch pearls and be afraid of the protesters; we'll wipe them out so you can go back to your regularly scheduled programming."

Update: The right-wing meme is launching everywhere from their silos in the MSM. Here's The Hill with the feathery GOP chairman Priebus: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/272800-priebus-violence-only-begets-...

GOP Chairman Reince Priebus condemned the violence that has broken out at Trump rallies in recent days and called on both parties to help calm tensions.

“While we have differences, our right to free speech should be just that: speech,” Priebus said in a statement. “Violence is never the answer. Violence only begets more violence.”
“Leaders and activists in both parties bear a responsibility to ensure that the discourse we engage in promotes the best of America,” he continued.

You'll see this "violence only begets violence" meme - it's a truly Orwellian beauty - in your MSM feeds every day from now on. Think of how Nixon used the human rights protests of the 60s to win the 1968 election.

Please don't get sucked into opposing our brave peace warriors, who are nonviolently resisting fascism. They're rowdy and there's some hooligans hiding among them, but they're OUR protesters fighting for OUR democracies. Buckle up, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Go Occupy Trump!

Peace be with us, if we work for it with peaceful hearts,

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

But I'm really hoping for #7.
Either #1 or #2 would be disastrous, in one way; in another, we would all know exactly where we stand with no chance of ever mistaking our situation again. And we would still have the same task we do now. It would just be harder.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Gerrit's picture

major difference even since OWS. The level of income inequality has skyrocketed since the 60s. Real hunger produces real rage - and also real supine begging. The second difference is that the momentum of social media is now overwhelming.

Add one cup of real hunger rage and one cup of real-time granular communications = real resistance.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

ppnortney's picture

is now unacceptable in a way it was not in the 1960s. The dots have been connected between racism and the INjustice system and for-profit prisons. The dots have been connected between the people's decimated standard of living and the corporate abuse that has allowed their jobs to be shipped out, their retirement and pension funds plundered, their home ownership stolen, their Social Security put on the bargaining block. It's the failure of ALL of our institutions - the government, the church, the media - to act ethically and responsibly, to serve the purpose for which they were instituted. It's not just hunger rage that we're seeing here, it's rage at the Greedmeisters who could not be satisfied with all the wealth they had accumulated, more than they could waste in ten lifetimes, and started coming after our little nickels and dimes. It's rage at the government that not only failed to protect us but actively helped them to victimize us. It's rage at all the elitists in those institutions who view us as less than zero if they bother to see us at all. To me, that's what is different now, it is at a whole different level than it was in the 60s.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

Gerrit's picture

the second thing I've read from you and I knew you get it from reading the first comment. Sometimes we use shorthand and sometimes longhand. It's great to meet you.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

thrownstone's picture

With whatever else might be true, trump conceives of himself as a deal maker. There's a meter running in the back of his mind calculating where his best position is. He is ALWAYS angling for something. There is a curve analysis going on projecting upswings in power/leverage balanced against threats and downward pressure. In the past, when he has gotten close to the top (but not quite there), he has sold out: converted his leverage into money and influence. It's not a plan, really, just an instinctive probing of the path of least resistance to see how far he can get. One question might be: What is he angling for? Can't see him really wanting to limit himself to the restrictive duties of a President: too small. I think that to start with he just wanted to prove (not to himself, but to everyone else) that he COULD do it if he wanted to. Wonder what he is willing to trade for?

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

thrownstone's picture

The MSM is totally and completely complicit in trumps rise to political power. The MSM is the voice of the establishment telling us what to believe, what to want. Yes, they are into ratings, but they are OWNED. What do the owners want out of this? What's in it for them? The same masters that can make Bernie Sanders disappear (from the airwaves) can make ANYONE disappear...why not Donald Trump?

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

detroitmechworks's picture

If there's a more perfect candidate for somebody who will favor the 1% at the expense of anybody else, it'd be Gold Plated Toilet man. Bush was going to pander to the Hispanics, as were Cruz and Rubio. Trump fully embraces a future where agriculture/manufacturing workers stay at starvation wages.

Trump also has an unhealthy obsession with tech toys, which means he'll fall for every sales pitch the MIC throws at him.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

intends to throw the Republican nomination to a 'brokered convention,' putting Kasich at the top of the ticket, with 'Little Rubio' in the Veep slot.


If Kasich wins Ohio, I'll be posting about his austerian fiscal record and current proposals.

BTW, a hearty welcome to C99P!

(Music City) Mollie

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

I think the 1% wants Hillary in that chair real bad.
I think Trump will get money out of this, one way or another (also time in spotlight, which he loves). At the very least movie deals, book deals, speaking tours. At the most, maybe some nice cherry of a deal through Hill's international connections?
Trump is not really there to become President Trump, I don't think. He's there to get her into the Oval Office. Although man, is she stumbling! Needs all the help she can get.

I feel like I'm really through the looking-glass, in a world where both the CBC--or most of it, anyway--and Donald Trump are pushing Hillary Clinton into the Oval Office!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Gerrit's picture

math of how ongoing, daily, real street resistance will destroy his brand, his income, etc., you'll see him negotiate himself "brilliantly" out of the mess he made. He's always done that. Occupy Trump and he's done. Then we have to deal with Cruz - today's Jefferson Davis - a real weasel. And we will. With peaceful hearts. Cheers, mate

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

thrownstone's picture

go easy on Jeff Davis. He wasn't a bad man. Cruz makes him look really Presidential. At least Jeff got elected to be President.

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

petral's picture

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Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Hello. First time poster on this site. Gerrit, you did ask for opinions about
this, so here goes: I think this is a very, very BAD idea. Apparently we
learned NOTHING from the way Occupy was taken apart by the Corporate media. If
you give them a non-stop choice between possible violence, screaming and
yelling, and on the other hand, polite laying out of Bernie's message, guess
which message will fill the bloody airwaves. We needed to concentrate that
message, not dilute it with this new Nazis VS. Commies reality show. This
weekend could have added a few sound bites to the positive case for Bernie, and
instead, it was taken up with him having to defend himself against charges of
communism, and supporting violence. Sure, he did it well. BUT IT KEPT HIM FROM
TUESDAY, if he doesn't want to drop further behind HRC's delegate count.

I'm suspicious by nature, but I have to wonder if these demonstrations were
encouraged more by our camp, or HRC's camp, or Trump's camp. If we spend the
rest of the election cycle screaming on camera, it DOES give HRC a chance to pit
both her rivals against each other, both looking out of control. OTOH, it has
to appeal to Trump's truly bloated narcissism. Now it's all about HIM, and the
media fawning over him will increase. So, way to go with those protests. Has
everybody forgotten what the fruit of the Chicago riots in 68 was? That's
right. Nixon. The Conservative, Law and Order candidate. Plus DECADES of
hippy-punching denigration of the Left. The slide to the Right of the Dems,
too. So, double score! Scare strangers and alienate people, because that's
what Bernie's message is about. At his rally, I only heard about uniting and
caring for each other, but apparently I missed something.

Oh, and BTW, lose the "peace warrior" label. Anybody with English as a first
language will feel embarrassed FOR you, if you keep it. That oxymoron will
supply the RW propaganda machine with hours and hours of snark, pointing out
that it conforms to the first law of Orwellian "Double-Speak": "War is Peace".
Seriously??? -Invent a word. Borrow one from another language. Find a slang
term. Call yourselves after some animal. Anything. Please? That word is
one more reason to suspect opposition plants in our midst.

I worked for a day on the Michigan campaign, and I only heard of one probable
conversion, and it was a Trump supporter, who had never had Bernie's message
laid out calmly, and politely, sans media filters, one human being to another.
-Or did you think the Left was the only portion of this country tired of the
status quo? Tactics like these protests deprive us of possible converts, and
alienate the great American middle, in case you've forgotten about the General

These protests are also doing a fine job of playing into the Oligarchy's scaly
paws on another front: when you make it any variant of US vs. THEM, you open the
door to dehumanizing both sides. You close the lines of communication. What
Bernie has been talking himself hoarse for is a lot closer to an inclusive,
FDR-style Socialism, not the virulently stupid variants of socialism on the Far
Left and Far Right that FDR had to deal with on the world stage. But here's the
part you REALLY won't want to hear: Trump is no Hitler. Not even close.
Two-thirds of his supporters stated jobs and the economy as their main reasons
to support him. I work with a Black Trump supporter. When we finally get to
that discussion, I had hoped to peel him away from Trump with polite arguments,
and the longer he's being called a white racist Nazi, all over the news, the
more likely he is to just close up and laugh at me.

Yeah, Trump is a demagogue. Yeah, I have been wishing for DECADES now that he
would just lose his voice. But he's not even disciplined enough to be a Hitler.
Hitler had a Messianic Crusader breed of psychosis. He actually WANTED the job
of saving all of western Europe from the forces of barbarism, as determined by
him. Trump just wants attention, and he will get it any way he can, including
poking that big, red "Anti-Fascist" button so many of you are wearing on your
foreheads. As long as you bring the hate, you weld his followers together into
something coherent. As long as you're screaming at him, he's the center of
attention, and the media that already approach him on bended knee will increase
their toadying.

-And Bernie's message will get further buried. A young
campaign worker from New England said it best: "When we get Bernie's message
out, we win." You are making that harder with these protests. Every time these
protests can be used to exclude Bernie from air time, they will be. Our camp's
coffers are not essentially limitless, like those of the Oligarchy. Bernie has
been running a polite and positive campaign, up to now. Why can't you take that

Yeah, yeah, I know -- "We have to stop Fascists from taking over! We have to
stop Racists, NOW!" I have a secret for all of you that think that, and I know
you don't know this, based on your targeting of Trump-ville: You already live
in a Fascist nation. Has been for decades. We never purged ourselves of
Fascism after WW2. We have had both the son, and the grandson of a Nazi
sympathizer and collaborator, as President. Search for "Businessmen's Plot".

Benito Mussolinni famously stated that "Fascism should more properly be called
Corporatism, because it is the union of State and Corporate power." And what do
we have here, folks? We have elections that usually devolve into a "choice"
between one wealthy, ostensibly Christian, war-mongering, tool of the oligarchs
and corporations, and another one, with nicer hair. We have Government
bailouts of failed and incompetent banks. Wealthy corporations that pay no
taxes, while the lower classes still pay theirs. A GIGANTIC Military, the
equipping of which makes a very few people a MOUNTAIN of taxpayer money. A
high-tech police-state, in the making, and mostly completed. Privatized
prisons, making money off of incarcerating black people at insanely imbalanced
levels. Sharing of our personal information between corporations and the
Government. And for that distinctly Nazi touch, we are scapegoating the
entirety of global Islam, and largely for the benefit of fossil fuel interests,

Corporatism. The union of State and Corporate power.

-All the things that Bernie wants to change!

If you want to stop Fascism, stop worrying about a small bunch of desperate
bigots showing you antique symbols of oppression. Stop worrying about one
stinking demagogue. That whole camp is only a single-digit part of the population,
the hard-core bigots a fraction of that, and he's already alienated much of the
military. The Trump-ites aren't going to take over. He's not a Nazi, he's not
Hitler, but he is definitely punching your buttons. -And he will keep doing it,
as long as you react, because it's more attention for him. More chances to
fill the airwaves with his babbling. PLEASE STOP GIVING HIM MORE AIR TIME.
It's what he wants. Please, stop giving the Corporatist media an excuse to
further smother Bernie's message. Demonizing Trump, and his supporters, may
weld them into a coherent force. Picking off the ones that want a better,
longer-lasting, rational solution to this country's problems, may drive a wedge.
Ignoring him gives Trump the gold-plated opportunity to self-destruct from the
weight of his own ego. It gives him a chance to split the Republican party in
two, possibly creating fallout for them all down the ticket. Please let him get
on with that. Please let me watch him self-destruct.

With the energy expended on just one of these protests, you could have all got
on the Bernie dialer, and done the phone equivalent of carpet-bombing an entire
state that votes on Tuesday with Bernie's message. I understand the urge to
confront. I have it too. It's hard-wired into us apes; screaming and
chest-pounding. I'm begging you all, do the harder thing instead. Use your
head. Use your heart. Roll up your sleeves, volunteer for Bernie, and call
people, or go door-to-door. Talk, in person, one human being to another, and
get Bernie's message out. Be polite, even if they're rude to you. Remind
our supporters to vote, make sure they know where their polling place is, and
make sure that they can get there. That's what wins elections.

Because, yeah, Fascism is bad. And I'm tired of living under it.

-In Solidarity,


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"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes

Gerrit's picture

article. It is exactly the kind of in-depth type of discussion we should have regularly on c99. Tolerance for a wide range of opinions is what distinguishes us from the other place. I will respond in more depth today. I agree with much of what you wrote about fascism in American history. Meanwhile, I thank you for helping me think through this. We're all in this together.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

pfiore8's picture

exactly the kind of conversations to have : thinking ones. convos that can pull our own ideas further and further outward.


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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
