
Amerika, Land of the Haves and Have Nots, or, Where Art Thou Occupy?

The rich keep getting richer. That's as old as the hills. Hard to say when the first time that was said, maybe when Grok said it to Gruk. It's not a new thing that's for sure. People used to complain about the Rockefellers, Morgans and Rothchilds back in the day, still do. Now we have the rich, the very rich, the very, very rich, and the very, very fucking rich. Some of them we know, most of them we don't.

Letter from a friend

of a friend. I am close friends with some of my former high school teachers (I met them in their first year teaching...they weren't much older then, and are far less older, now.) My old civics teacher has me included on an email list, and this came through, yesterday. I thought it was worth sharing, and the writer, "Ron", said yes, go for it.

Occupy Trump - it's happening

I speculated in an article yesterday that from here on out all the way through the primaries, the general, Nov 8, and potentially beyond, we would se Occupy Trump every day. It's happening. The day after his Chicago Surprise, Herr Drumpf saw peace warriors protesting his rally in Kansas, MO. Opposing groups, cops gone wild, pepper spray, etc. More below.
