My Conversation with Markos regarding his Lack of Cred with Bernie Supporters. .

So Kos wants to advise Bernie and his supporters how to help down ballot candidates.Bernie did not do it well enough and Kos has advice.

I say this.

TomP May 02 · 03:54:52 PM
Why would Bernie supporters listen to you?

What a useless post.

A front pager jumps to attack:

David Nir TomP May 02 · 04:06:54 PM
So Bernie Sanders shouldn’t support downballot candidates because Markos suggested he do so?

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TomP kos May 02 · 04:20:33 PM

And Kos does his little tantrum:

kos TomP May 02 · 04:09:38 PM
I thought you guys wanted a more progressive Democratic Party. I guess I was wrong.

So that’s right! Don’t support downballot progressives! Don’t build a bench! Don’t look toward building the party from the bottom up! Just be bitter and angry and then let history repeat itself in eight years because you didn’t feel that doing the hard work of building a truly broad-based movement was useful.

I’m sure that’ll turn out well.

And I respond:

I just think you have no credibility with Bernie supporters, Kos. None.

It’s not about your content.

I never said I would not support down ballot Dems. Those are all strawman arguments that you throw out at me. They really are disingenuous on your part and a bit of a temper tantrum.

You. Lack. Credibility. With. Bernie. Supporters.

That was my only point.

You can have a tantrum, but many folks are not listening to you anymore.

You made this.

The entire thread is here:

Of course, the Clinton supporters attack me with lots of insults. I'm "unhinged."

Kos and the front pagers don't get it.

Bernie supporters do not listen to them.

They are stuck with the Hillary supporters. Rah, rah team!

The funny thing is, I will vote for Hillary. Don't like it, but will.

But why would any Bernie supporter listen to Kos or the front pagers there?

Young folks are the base of the Bernie movement.

And I will follow their lead, and I sure won't know it hanging out at Daily Kos.

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I felt the same way. if they kept up their bully act

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Kos is an a-hole. I hope his blog dried up after the election and only his "loyal" cult can talk back and forth agreeing with each other. They threw me off for nothing what so ever. . His history is sketchy. too many ties to bad people, some are not forgivable

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Kos is well and a-hole. I hope his blog dried up after the election and only his "loyal" cult can talk back and forth agreeing with each other. They threw me off for nothing what so ever. . His history is sketchy. too many ties to bad people, soem are not forgivable

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This blog you mentioned has 500+ comments. His blogs now has 10 to 12. The most is 100+ but even that is dwindling

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