
Be happy for coal miners losing their health insurance. - Kos

I haven't read this book, but the image is too perfect...

I know, I know, who gives a shit what happens at TOP, but sometimes, just sometimes, things happen over there like Dallasdoc's wonderful diary, and I love to read the comments to see what is on people's minds... for better or worse.

Oh Laura

I just want to know, are you in the basement or has he given you a room upstairs?

State Department audit faults Clinton and past secretaries of state on email practices

An audit by the State Department’s inspector general is critical of Hillary Clinton and her predecessors for their handling of email:

Nice try.

Nah. Ain’t buying it.

No previous SOS has done what she has done.

It is not a FBI “security review”

My Conversation with Markos regarding his Lack of Cred with Bernie Supporters. .

So Kos wants to advise Bernie and his supporters how to help down ballot candidates.Bernie did not do it well enough and Kos has advice.

I say this.

TomP May 02 · 03:54:52 PM
Why would Bernie supporters listen to you?

What a useless post.

A front pager jumps to attack:

The Daily Kos Exodus has begun

Holy crap! OPOL banned at Kos. I obtained this website from a comment link in a thread from DK just a few hours ago. So I flew around, and like Birdie, I have landed in a friendlier place. Does Kos know WTF damage he is doing to his empire. He is about to find out very quickly. I predicted climate change coming to the Kos Pond after the ides of March edict. Lo, and it has come to pass. The icebergs have arrived. Us Alligators do not like cold water.

The GBCW that is too good.

So I wrote it. I sat there, thinking about it. Reread it. Reread it again. And then realized it was too good. The intended audience won't listen. If they do, it won't change their minds.

But Dammit, It deserves to be out there. So, here's the GBCW Kos and his ilk don't get to read unless they come over here. Because, to put it in a vulgar yet horribly appropriate manner. Fuck Em if they can't take a joke.

GBCW (Get Bent, Censor Website)
