More, not less, uphill
An ad for something I don't remember said of a spelling bee, in passing as the bee was going on in the background and the ad wasn't for literacy, " words you don't need to use anymore" of a four syllable word "ambrosia." That celebrates pig ignorance, encourages pride in stupidity. The ad was, I *think, for food Fast food. Non-GMO poison. Utterly non-nutritious (oh my, another 3-1/2 to 4 syllable word) crap that people use to fill their guts that they don't have to learn how to prepare for themselves. Crap that costs them more than twice what it would if they made it from scratch. Bad nutrition. A veritable (that's four syllables, folks) PAEAN - hymn of praise, not to a deity but to a word, "food". IOW, it's not only a "word you don't need to use anymore" but also ::gasp!:: heresy.
No, this "diary" or "blog" entry, isn't about diet or spelling, either one. It's not about diet. It's about stupidity It's about pride in stupidity. It's about stupidity being Amurkin. It's about stupdity being manly. It's about looking up to stupdity being womanly. It's about the weaving of a glamour around stupidity, making the acquisition of (or, in reality, the rapid slide way down into the depths of) stupidity being desirable. It's about cupidity combined with stupidity into being the national ideal, a meme for the 21st century for this nation.
It's about why people are going to vote for Donald Trump, regardless who runs against him and why it just got a whole lot harder to keep him from being elected, not easier to keep him from being elected.
He's already running against Shillary. IOW, he's been assured, behind the scrim -- look up the meaning of the word, NOT the "urban dictionary meaning," the theatrical meaning -- where hoi polloi on whom he depends with strong foundation won't notice it -- by representatives of the Kochs (IMO, and I'm confident that eventually evidence to support that presumption will emerge, true to pattern) that his opponent will be Shillary, not Sanders.
Short of a very high pressure mob push at the convention, even if Sanders and that fake non-Democrat put forward verbally as HIS choice for president over ANY of the "republicans" are neck and neck at the time of the convention, the fix for Shillary is likely in and it'll take several near-riots carefully applied in a timely fashion right before and DURING the convention, including on the convention floor to keep that fix from sticking or being upheld.
That gives me an extremely sour stomach. I really see no difference between Trump and Shillary. NEITHER must be inaugurated.

I love your rant. Maybe we should all defy the dumbing down
by choosing the occasional big word and then providing the definition. Education in action!
Furthermore, I love the idea that Bern and Hill will be neck and neck by the convention. And if that happens, that we need to be prepared to take action. Absolutely we should!!
I was just at TOP, where a rural resident of Idaho was actually arguing with me that $9 per hour was JUST FINE where s/he lives, we don't need no $15 TYVM, and actually getting hostile about my defense of his/her right to earn more than that! I give up.
I feel like I am living a waking nightmare. A popular orange hairball? Racism in the ascent? Abortion rights denied? Schools as a prison pipeline rather than one of the best educations in the world? People confronted with the reality of income inequality, with no disposable income and living with the parents after college saying "Sure, that's okay!"?? Where is my FDR-to-LBJ America? Who would vote - even advocate - against their own interests like this? It is unreal, a dystopian fantasy. When will I wake up??
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People get the government they deserve." -- Somebody Famous
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