
The Berniemobile at Bisbee's Pride Parade

My partner, sphinxmoth, has been the leader of Bisbee for Bernie, Democratic precinct captain and assistant chair in our county, poll watcher, vote-counting watcher and helper, and addressed the County Board of Supervisors, urging them not to certify the Primary vote here in Arizona until some issues were cleared up. No dice; they had a deadline. I have helped her however and whenever I could, around the margins of my job. This campaign is certainly not over, for either of us.

More, not less, uphill

An ad for something I don't remember said of a spelling bee, in passing as the bee was going on in the background and the ad wasn't for literacy, " words you don't need to use anymore" of a four syllable word "ambrosia." That celebrates pig ignorance, encourages pride in stupidity. The ad was, I *think, for food Fast food. Non-GMO poison. Utterly non-nutritious (oh my, another 3-1/2 to 4 syllable word) crap that people use to fill their guts that they don't have to learn how to prepare for themselves. Crap that costs them more than twice what it would if they made it from scratch. Bad nutrition. A veritable (that's four syllables, folks) PAEAN - hymn of praise, not to a deity but to a word, "food". IOW, it's not only a "word you don't need to use anymore" but also ::gasp!:: heresy.

Hellraisers Journal: Thousands of Chicago Garment Strikers Win 48-Hour Week With No Loss of Wages

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones


Saturday December 18, 1915
From the Chicago Day Book: Thousands of Striking Garment Workers Win Shorter Hours

The Day Book of Chicago, Illinois, reported in its December 16th edition that, although recognition of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America has not been granted, nevertheless, thousands of Garment Workers have won the 48-hour week with no reduction in wages:

Chicago Garment Workers Strike of 1915, Day Book headline, Dec 16.png