Essay Title Contest
Submitted by snoopydawg on Sun, 02/16/2025 - 10:46pmThis is a crazy exchange.
Does the media really think the holocaust was caused by free speech?
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 16, 2025
This is a crazy exchange.
Does the media really think the holocaust was caused by free speech?
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 16, 2025
Every once in awhile in my various diaries here at c99% you will see citations of the philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis, born 1922, died 1997. One of Castoriadis' most important ideas is that of pseudo-rational pseudo-mastery. This came up when Castoriadis was discussing the future, in a quote which I think dates back to the Eighties:
It's the hyperbolic shifts fomenting insanity from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and the associated Russiagate narrative, to the Covid mindset with vaccination, lockdowns, and masking controversies, to the Ukraine coup, NATO provocation, and Russian invasion. Now lets add in a war with China just for fun and maximum disturbance. Everyone has whiplash from these knee jerk reactions to events. The propaganda machine is running overtime trying to control the narrative, and the people are left confused and misled. Meanwhile back at the ranch the economic sanctions on Russia have come home to roost, and though the west is winning the western PR propaganda war, they are losing the economic and military confrontation.
Greetings fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry,
Yours truly has long espoused the belief™ Never underestimate human stupidity.
Our very own "Dear Leader", Trump, fresh off illegally firing Tomahawk missiles into Syria killing six children and the Mother of All Bombs into Afghanistan, is "thinking about" sticking it to American peasants to make the Democrats negotiate away our health care. These bastards.
After a year in which everyone is moaning Democrats unadulterated stupidity, intransigence and just plain greed, Republicans are showing that they can also be quite stupid. We already knew they could be heartless, but also incredibly stupid.
Sometimes when you look at something analytically you come up with apparent answers that you don't like. This is one of those times.
No, I am not talking about "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" or am I? Some of you may have already picked up on the bipartisan nature of this rant. Of course "tiny hands" is a synonym for Emperor Trump. Thin-skin applies equally to Hillbots and Trump. Giggles and brain rot applies to Nancy Pelosi in particular. And, of course, stupidity has always been a bipartisan virtue. It must be a virtue because so many of our politicians shamelessly exhibit their own stupidity.
In the race to the bottom of the most awful presidential election in U.S. history, one of the most potent reasons for losing the White House, as noted by Jazzenterprises, was Killary's loss in part due to running as Obama 2.0.
An ad for something I don't remember said of a spelling bee, in passing as the bee was going on in the background and the ad wasn't for literacy, " words you don't need to use anymore" of a four syllable word "ambrosia." That celebrates pig ignorance, encourages pride in stupidity. The ad was, I *think, for food Fast food. Non-GMO poison. Utterly non-nutritious (oh my, another 3-1/2 to 4 syllable word) crap that people use to fill their guts that they don't have to learn how to prepare for themselves. Crap that costs them more than twice what it would if they made it from scratch. Bad nutrition. A veritable (that's four syllables, folks) PAEAN - hymn of praise, not to a deity but to a word, "food". IOW, it's not only a "word you don't need to use anymore" but also ::gasp!:: heresy.