Jimmy Dore Just Left TYT. Like With Jimmy Baldwin, A Strong Backbone Is Neccessary When Criticizing The Fear Mongering of Lesser-Of-Two-Evil Voting.
On Friday afternoon I noticed on my YouTube account page that there was a little icon saying that there was a new Jimmy Dore video, and under it said "Live Now." There was also something saying that there were over 8k viewers at that moment. So I clicked on.
I've become a pretty big fan of his show these past almost three years, having been lifted by his fearless and often times extremely hilarious commentary during the 2016 primary, and recognizing that, similar to how I feel about fellow comedian and social/political critic George Carlin, I agree with his views to a large or very large extent (though they're not quite on the same intellectual level, though in all fairness not many come close to Carlin, who stands atop, along with Hicks, to me).
As I listened to the free form live show he was hosting with (his wife, I believe) Stef Zamorano, I noticed, once I could pry my eyes from the entertaining and provocative real-time discussion board that was scrolling by at a clip, that there among the related videos on the sidebar was a similar "LIVE NOW" video for TYT. It had 9k viewers. As someone pointed out in the discussion board, Jimmy was now drawing about as many viewers as Cenk and Ana, the main anchors of TYT, were. That, I thought was pretty impressive. During the time I was watching he indeed did crack 9k viewers. On this broadcast he dropped the bomb that he'd be making a special announcement the next day.
So I'm not surprised at all really that he's left the umbrella there. We've all here at C99 levied legitimate criticism of TYT that still stands: that when the chips were down after Bernie had been cheated they went all in for $hillary. They espoused the LOTE vote, and then dove deep in on the massive Russian Red Herring Hysteria Meltdown, otherwise known as Russiagate. Jimmy didn't pull his punches on where he stood on these issues, as he continued to appear there on the Aggressive Progressives show (though I didn't watch it that often) and then didn't appear on the main show (as far as I know) much at all; while at the same time his own show just kept getting bigger and bigger, in my view as a direct result of the positions he took which were not getting much airing at all on mainstream media channels.
I don't know what any of this departure means in terms of his media associations, only that he certainly deserves all the accolades and success he's earned as a truth-teller and one who refused to tow the company line there. There's potentially a very big audience for him, which is evident in his now over half a million subscribers.
Jimmy spoke loudly and a lot about the fear-mongering farce of LOTE voting. A few weeks ago during the little free time I get I chose to get on my bicycle and meander around the city, which I love to do. But I kind of knew where I was going: to my favorite bookstore (Human Relations, the sister store of the other fave, Book Thug, owned and operated by Occupy Wall St mates). It's difficult to leave either place without a short stack but this time I was lucky enough to find an absolute gem in the first 5 minutes. And as I moved it with me around the store looking for another hour and a half while reading passages of a dozen or so other books, I decided I would put all others aside and plunk down the top dollar they wanted (relatively) for a rare James Baldwin book, more than twice as much as the usual $6-10 range of stuff. When I brought it up the counter, my Occupy mate smiled proudly and simply said, "Fuck yeah...(shaking his head) This book online goes for easily $40 or so."
Anyway, I've read about 50 pages, relishing every single sentence of this extraordinary writer; and every time I pick it up it's uncanny that I hear it in my mind in Baldwin's distinctive, high oratory voice.
This passage, from an essay called "We Can Change The Country" written in 1963, hit me hard (as so much of the book has already). He speaks fiercely (I think this one, like others, was the transcription of a speech) as a clear-eyed, dissident critic of American empire, capitalism, racism and the farce of our democracy, particularly LOTE voting. And when I heard Dore's announcement and thought of his consistent critique of LOTE voting I thought I'd include this (which I couldn't find online and so dictated into the speech-to-text command so that I could share it here):
New York is a segregated city. It is not segregated by accident; it is not an act of God that keeps the Negroes in Harlem. It is the real estate boards and the banks that do it. And when you attack that, that's where the power is. For example, I ask all of you to ask yourselves what would happen if Harlem refused to pay the rent for a month. We've got to bring the cat out of hiding. And where is he? He's hiding in the bank. We've got to flush them out. We have to begin a massive campaign of civil disobedience. I mean nationwide. And this is no stage joke. Some laws should not be obeyed.
Secondly, when I talk about our political institutions, there's no reason for any American to continue to be victimized by what we still refer to as the Republican and Democratic parties. Speaking for myself, I cannot imagine voting for any Republican, because the party contains Goldwater. I cannot imagine voting for any Democrat, because that party contains Eastland. It is important to bear in mind, or to recover the notion, that we are responsible for our government and the government is responsible to us. The government is supposed to represent us. It is time that the government knew that if the government does not represent us, if it insists on representing a handful of nostalgic Southern colonels, the government will be replaced.
For a very long time, we have operated on the theory of the lesser of two evils. For example, I myself was so terrified of that salesman called Nixon that I allowed myself to be stampeded into the Kennedy camp. And I believe that was done, if you remember, by a phone call to Martin Luther King, when he was in jail. That swung the Negro vote. Well, the man has been in power for quite some time. If we care about the country – and not only the area of civil rights – it is time to serve notice on our representatives that they are under obligation to represent us and that they cannot be said to represent us if they continually betray 20 million citizens. It is time to let the government know that we will no longer accept this peculiar, pathetic excuse: “We have no right to act.” If they can invade Cuba, they can act. It is time to say, and unequivocally, that I – speaking now for myself, Jimmy Baldwin, and speaking for myself as though I were white even – I don't see any reason why I shouldn't invade Havana. I would much rather invade Miami.
The moral leaders of the Free World are in great trouble. This is not a free country, and if you doubt me, will you leave here, walk or ride up to 125th street and walk through those streets and ask yourself what you'd feel like if you lived there, why you lived there if you did, and why it looks like a concentration camp. I mean the police walking two by two and three by three. Ask yourself what chances you have, if you lived there, to get theft or fire or life insurance. Now, this, as I said, it's not an act of God. It is an act of the nation, and it began not quite 100 years ago when the North signed a bargain with the South: they would take me out of the cotton fields and lift me over to the factories, where I've been ever since. If you doubt me, check it out with your labor unions. Ask yourself why the Puerto Ricans and the Negroes are pushing carts in the Garment Center and nobody else…
And finally, let me leave you with this: the government pretends it has no right to arrest Governor Wallace, but I know that governors have been impeached. The FBI has not been able to find a single bomber. And Alabama alone, 50 bombings and not one culprit – not yet. The FBI can't find them. Let me tell you why they can't find them. They can't afford to. They stay at the homes of the people who did the bombings. And when they come into town they investigate the students. We are the guilty party when they come into Birmingham and Mississippi, they don't investigate the Ku Klux Klan or the White Citizens' Council or the mayor. They investigate the people in the streets.
Here he is in his own words (joined on the set by Abby Martin):
And a sympathetic view from Jamarl Thomas,
And then Jordan Chariton's take (another ex-TYT guy):
(Edited to correct some of the speech-to-text errors in the Baldwin transcription)

If there ever was a time when the power of the comedian/humorist
is once again so essentially needed in society it is now.
From Voltaire to Swift to Twain to Shaw to Bruce to Gregory to Pryor to Carlin to Hicks to...Dore. As George Bernard Shaw put it about his profession, "“Mark Twain and I are in the same position. We have put things in such a way as to make people, who would otherwise hang us, believe that we are joking.”
There's a sprawling essay on this subject waiting to be written. I've been contemplating it, especially after attending the street-naming for George Carlin a few years back and being inspired to collect video bits and transcriptions of and anecdotes about him. But I'm overwhelmed by the thought of it, because there's so much to cover individually about each of them. But I love the topic.
Anyway, in the video above Dore expresses how much he loves going out on tour and being in a room full of progressives, and that epiphany that strikes one and all of just how many there are of us. We're. Not. Alone. That's the key.
I'd love to see him expand his touring to include other progressive/radicals, such as Lee Camp, Judah Friedlander, Ted Alexandro, Janeane Garofalo, etc. I think they could fill arenas. What could be better than that? Uplifted by that energy, meeting one another, drawn together by comedians doing what they should be doing: speaking fierce, unadulterated Truth to Power (which is not what Colbert, Stewart, Fallon, Myers do at all - please see this excellent piece from the Baffler in 2012, "The Joke's On You").
I'm not long for the night, folks. And I'm trying to finish another piece by tomorrow. But thought I would throw this together because there are so many fans here.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks, Mark.
Appreciate it, bro.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Saw the news on Tim Black's Twitter
Good for Jimmy. I enjoy his commentary and hope he gains a bigger audience.
Jimmy was quite nice..not burning bridges
...which I respect. I feel like I have grown along with Jimmy and many of you. He owns his own channel and can speak for himself. That is a good thing.
We must make use of media while we can. The issue of net neutrality and Julian speak to the need.
Good night and sleep well. Tomorrow will be the time of the young.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good for him.
I never understood how he could stick around when Ceynk and the rest showed their true neolib colors. Looks like he was able to springboard it into what he’s got now. So good on him.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Congrats, Jimmy!
I saw him announce this on Twitter yesterday and he said that he is now doing his show from his garage. He is very grateful that TyT gave him a place and opportunity to be on their platform, but it's time for him to move on.
I'd love to see him expand his touring to include other progressive/radicals, such as Lee Camp, Judah Friedlander, Ted Alexandro, Janeane Garofalo, etc. I think they could fill arenas.
I've seen a few shows that have Jimmy, Lee and the two regulars together and they were great. Jimmy does a lot of touring as does Ron Placone, but I'm not sure if they get a big audience.
From the quote.
Been hoping that people would do something like this because it will get the Borg's attention pdq. If rents are too risky for people to do then let's start with something easier like boycotting certain purchases Gas maybe? But lots of people in big cities are being hit with massive repair bills because their slumlord bank landlords are not fixing the problem in people's homes and apartments. Rats, cockroaches, black mold and just deteriorating buildings are what people are having to live with unless they fix it themselves.
What surprises me is how far back people have been seeing that there is something very wrong with the country and its government.
The cops are very much more dangerous now than 50 years ago. Back then there was a good chance that when they murdered someone in cold blood they would be held accountable for it. Now only one in tens of thousands are even charged and they get off because the juries won't convict.
People shouldn't be afraid of their government, their government should be afraid of them.
- V
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Jimmy, Stef and Ron Placone
Those shows are a joy.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I admit I thought the shoe would drop the other way, and that one day Jimmy Dore would tell me I have to vote for some Democratic centrist. You know, like what happened to Keith Olbermann.
Admit I didn't expect this. Good news (I think).
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
hell, no. Wasn't Jimmy
that rolled when Hillary
won. That was Cenk.
Jimmy never has been a LOTE
guy, and never recommends it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I've had Jimmy Dore recommended to me...
...but having not "gotten in on the ground floor", where do I start with him?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Start with his YouTube page
You can scroll through the episodes (choose Videos in the menu at the top to see them chronologically), and my recommendation is to start with something that piques your interest.
YouTube channel (the show): http://bit.ly/22AHYDV
Stand Up: http://amzn.to/2jDMgwH
Podcast: http://apple.co/1P9cd0x
Website: jimmydorecomedy.com
There is no beginning or end.
Whichever video grabs your interest. Just be prepared however. He is a self-proclaimed "jag-off comedienne), no Chris Hedges he. So be prepared for some genuine anger and a stream of cursing that attests to the depth of his feelings. Not in every video, but definitely some.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I've been watching Jimmy Dore on YouTube
for several years now. Yesterday, I finally signed up as a paying supporter. I'm also supporting Cailin Johnstone via Patreon. At the same time, I've let go of several long time sources. Current events are really shaking out who's who. It's very disappointing in some cases, but I want to focus my time and energy on people who are thinking for themselves.
I recall vividly the exact moment when TYT turned. It was (surprise!) the evening of the New York primary. Yep, the infamous Ides of March 2016, the date the Dem party hammer went down.
Up until then, Cenk had been on fire, consistently advancing progressive issues and pointing out what the establishment was doing. During the first part of TYT's NY primary coverage, he acted as per usual; then he cut to a commercial break. We were hearing reports of all the DNC shenanigans going on, so I fully expected Cenk to be on fire when he came back from the break.
Instead, he had this hang-dog look on his face, and said something like, "Let's face it, folks, it's not looking good."
That was the exact point when he pivoted to Hillary. I remember sitting there, rather stunned, thinking "what just happened here?"
By the way, there's another edit needed in your speech-to-text quote. About halfway through the third paragraph:
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I think I will also start contributing something
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Only takes a buck
or two.
Imagine if half of Jimmy's 500K
Subscribers kicked in a buck
a month! He wouldn't be working
out out of his garage!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Good idea about Aaron Mate
That's bringing in approx. $4,100/month (US dollars), which she says is enough to let her write full-time.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Good for Caitlin!
He is really good. His reports from Venezuela were beyond measure.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Michael Tracey
I think I'll add Michael Tracey to the list. He's been speaking out and doing some great interviews.
If there's ever a time for us to show support for independent journalists, it's now. They're pretty much the only practitioners of real journalism we have now.
The rest have all been captured. Those are the ones who are insisting that Assange is not a "real journalist" because they have a college degree in journalism and he doesn't.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Tracey is also
We need this law, this precedent, that you are a journalist if you get paid by CIA owned media outlets, and if not, YOU ARE A SPY!
We can make that happen, since we no longer have whistleblowers. amirite?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
"Licensed Professional Journalist"
If the current state of affairs continues uninterrupted, the next step could be for the government to issue licenses to journalists and publishers. The field of journalism would be highly regulated, with regard to who qualifies to be licensed, and with strict rules for what's allowed and what's not (euphemistically known as "Standards for the Practice of Professional Journalism"). Caught practicing journalism without a license? Uh oh. Prison time for you.
First Amendment, you say? I think if the Pentagon Papers case was being decided today, it would go very differently. I could easily see today's Supreme Court deciding that the "freedom of the press" cases are no longer good law.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Thanks for the correction.
Yeah, the speech-to-text thing is a great feature. Especially when you can't find something online and don't feeling like sitting there typing all day. But it obviously has some drawbacks in its accuracy, despite speaking slower and trying to enunciate as much as possible.
Looking for that essay also reminded me of how much is not online. There's just this false impression among many that we don't need books anymore because "everything's online anyway." Which is just not true and one that appeals to folks who perhaps value convenience over all else.
But the thing that encourages me most about the internet - and this just doesn't get talked about enough - is just how socialist in nature, rather than libertarian, it truly is. The intrinsic nature of it is to share.
Think about what underlies probably the most ubiquitous action online that almost everyone now reflexively says without much thought, to "google it." Setting aside for a moment the danger of giving so much power in our lives to one company to trust to provide an honest search (not to mention how the pact they have with the surveillance state and marketing companies to whom they sell your information), so much of the data that is available because people freely posted information for the purpose of sharing information, instead of commodifying it. We take for granted just how much sheer information is out there that is designed to help people solve problems, i.e. tips on how to troubleshoot everything from medical to car problems, with instructional videos on that and everything in between.
That said, not all the accumulated knowledge from mankind's history is available online. In fact I read somewhere a while ago that only a small fraction is, despite Google's hyper focus to attempt to do so.
Hold on to your books!
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
What happened there?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Thanks for reminding me of what a good comment
by Centaurea that was. Very interesting observation about that moment during the coverage of the NY primary. Can't recall if I was watching at that moment. I do know that I was out canvassing up until about 8pm that night.
Wonder what the chronology/behind-the-scene machinations of this deal was...
Controlled Opposition: Clinton Machine Caught Funneling $20 Million to The Young Turks (Clinton acolytes are buying influence in progressive outlets in an effort to maintain power for the political and financial elite)
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Taking advantage of an opportunity to slip in a fundraising
reminder for c99. If you aren't contributing, please do. It does take money to operate our server, and it is always a good thing to throw JtC a thank you for all the works he does on our behalf. Sending Dore and Caitlin a bit is a great idea too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks for the reminder to us
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
You are all long-time viewers and researchers on
tyt and cenk uygur. I was and am obviously not, but the way Cent Uygur interviewed Tulsi Gabbard was for me the sign, that Cenk Uygur was an ... (I don't want to put in a word here) and I said so in one little comment here in my way.
I realized how much we are surveilled, because the little thingy I said in that little comment was picked up by another guy who interviewed Tulsi asking if she would mind that little thing I mentioned in my comment. She did not. The whole thingy made me smile. Not the fact that some folks read everything here and surveille us, but that Tulsi Gabbard smiled.
So, I still want to know why Tulsi Gabbard is considered a war hawk, btw.
Jimmy Dore is authentic, I did not know he was dependent on TyT. So, I guess I will donate to his show for him to swim on his own. Thank you, Mark from Queens, it's complicated to read through your essays for me, but they are always very enlightening and the information included is necessary to know.
What happened to Cenk?
I remember him being driven off DailyKos because he criticized and wasn't sufficiently loyal to the Democratic Party. Old age? 20 mil the Democratic Party gave him? Both? Sad to watch another one bite the dust.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I wonder how you all know who is who on dailykos
I had no idea he was on dailykos.
I spent 10 years on dailykos.
I was there everyday. Sometimes just to drop in, sometimes for hours. People who were driven off dailykos include Cenk, David sirota, Greg Palast, Cindy Sheehan, and Ted Rall. Rall is a pretty famous political cartoonist, and he did a caricature of Obama with exaggerated facial features. He was attacked as a racist and driven off because they said he drew Obama as a gorilla. Jane Hamsher was driven off because she dared to suggest that the right and the left join forces to take on something the Democrats wanted to do. I'm sure there are many more. That's all I could think of off the top of my head.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Even Obama got run off
He showed up for two or three posts, got a less than cordial reception, and left never to return. Kind of ironic, don'tcha think?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I don't remember it like that.
He showed up. Scolded us. Turned up his nose at us and left. They were keeping their powder dry on the SCOTUS for the millionth time, and we got on ???? case. Obama told us to shut up, using 1,000 more tactful words.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Shyeah, maybe - it was while he was still Candidate Obama
so that puts it back a few years. Anyway, he tested the waters, didn't like the temperature, and didn't stick around.
That didn't stop the Kool Kos Kids from kissing the ground he walked on at any and every opportunity.
Go figure.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.