Follow up to the "3 Birds, 1 Stone Strategy" essay
Thanks to everyone who commented in ‘3 Birds, 1 Stone Strategy.' A pleasure to see people thinking real thoughts, and saying them well. [
Frankly, I expected that everyone would slap their foreheads and shout "Of course!" But there were a number of objections and considerations expressed. Here, I'll address those that seemed to me the most common.
First, to summarize ‘3 Birds, 1 Stone Strategy’
Apply massive pressure by the entire political spectrum of Americans to Big Media. Get them talking about the fact that most Americans see both Parties as fully corrupt; Big Media as a liability to Democracy.
"Massive Pressure" means the tactic of 1-, 2-million, or more, contacts about that point, addressed to Media and its players, daily.
The pressure's intent is to disrupt the One Percent's sufficient-to-their-purpose degree of control of narrative making. Stymying and limiting their ability has to occur before anything else could possibly be discussed. Plus, it is necessary so that they can't keep pushing the citizenry at each other's throats.
For this to work, it has to come from every political demographic. This means people of every persuasion need to avoid wasting energy fighting with each other -- if only for a time. For now, just turn all our powers toward achieving this one end.
There's a saying that "When danger threatens, it threatens all alike." That's where all Americans are right now. I don't see how it is possible that anything changes for the better in this country without new things being discussed in public spaces.
Now to the main hesitations I noticed:
1. Media is just so massively embedded and powerfully backed, it can't be changed.
That truism is the foundation stone of Big Media's mythical Invulnerability. It's like the Democrat's "Can't be done, so not even worth thinking about" style of pre-surrender.
Here's what is not mythical: Big Media has feet of clay, and "even the Mighty Babylon has fallen." We know Media is widely distrusted and despised; and there's nothing they can do that will reverse that daily-growing trend against them.
To reify "Media" at a certain point leads to faulty reasoning. There's not one Towering Media Beast pronouncing the Approved Narrative. In the world where things actually occur, "Media" is a shorthand, referring to thousands and thousands of people.
Massive Pressure. One, two, million a day. A veritable firehose of contacts coming to Chuck O'Reily Cooper and their Editors and their Bosses and reporters. Would I be surprised if 95% of media apparatchiks have managed to slay or suppress their Conscience? Wouldn't go anywhere near discussing what everyone's telling them to discuss? HaHaHaLOL! Of course not.
That leaves 5% who haven't fully betrayed their own souls, though.
So then, if One Journalist
publicly asks One Party Leader
"Why do you think the American people see both Parties as bad for America?"...
Whatever the answer, is that clip seen by every civics-interested person in a day or so? Does that Journalist have their ratings explode the next day? Do other Journalists start asking that question? And if Democrats and Republicans are having to answer these kinds of questions, does this at the least throw a wrench into their operation; that pause an opportunity for the populace to advance our interests?
In the world of flesh and blood people, now and then someone wakes up to what is really going on around them and says "No, this cannot stand, damn the cost to me." If that someone knows the public stands behind them, I think the likelihood of seeing many media whistleblowers in a short time is great.
Big Media is not invulnerable. It has feet of clay.
2. Because Big Media is Invulnerable, we need to build an Alternate Media.
Insufficient, as what's Necessary for us to survive and thrive is that the Public Common Media reflect the American people's interests and issues.
Please ponder: the six major media corporations can reach 300 million, regardless of political identity, with the identical message within a day. If they headlined "US to Invade Liechtenstein" today, tomorrow 90% of the "alternate medias" -- left, right, center -- will be talking about the plus and minuses of invading Liechtenstein.
To get anywhere near that "full-spectrum" coverage, we'd have to crowd-fund the purchase of NBC or Fox or someone. And that ain't happening. Moreover, an "alternate media" would be just more of the self-ghettoization along ideological lines. MSNBC and Fox already give us that: the viewers of one don't tune in the other. "Divide and Conquer"requires "no meeting and hashing things out."
And anyway, we've had a quarter-century of Internet blogs, and news aggregators, and videos, Air America, underground papers in the '60s, Al Gore TV, Young Turks, Talented Comedians....
And all along The 1% have been consolidating their gains steadily, with advance after advance and no major setbacks the entire time. Because alternate media doesn't actually "alter" the narratives that are seeded by Big Media into the minds of almost all the Public. And that they do overnight. There's no competing with that ability.
No, we need to alter the one space every American sees in common. We need to create a Media Commons where everyone can get their issues on the floor, agree or disagree with what those issues are.
3. It's the military/finance/intelligence bloc and its corruption that's the real problem. Dems, Repubs, and Media are just their puppets.
Got that right! But that can't possibly change without the topic being introduced in our collective national narrative. Right now, you can't criticize the Forever War in Big Media. Media shapes the narrative according to the War Mongers and Banksters and lunatic's wishes. You can't do more to Banksters than to grab a percentage of their loot.
It's like when I want to mop the kitchen floor, or organize my papers. Before that task can be done I've go to move furniture, or clear desk space. To beat the tyrants, we've got to, first, interfere with their primary apparatus for keeping us down. And that's their narrative-making.
Nothing, nothing, nothing changes until the narrative-making changes. There's no possible scenario for meaningful change and relevant public discussion that doesn't require that Big Media has to be directly and substantially, altered.
As to what happens next, well, Oligarchs will be Oligarchs, and as they have throughout time do everything then can to remain Oligarchs. There's no stopping them about that; and yes we'llneed to anticipate their moves.
Whether my plan sucks or not, there's not a snowflake's chance in hell of us winning without a plan that forces changes to the narratives. First, let's get the failure of the 3 Birds on the Table for Discussion. Then the rest can possibly follow.
In conclusion
It is a Necessity for our survival against the doings of our Psychotic Ruler Class that their ability to shape opinion is countered, if not destroyed. Maybe the boat is sinking and the sharks are swirling, but the fact remains the boat MUST stop sinking if we're to survive. And it doesn't matter a rat's ass whether that is probable or likely or not; Necessity doesn't care about odds.
If anyone can come up with an alternative to "3 Birds, 1 Stone Strategy" to achieve the necessary ends, I'm all for that. But frankly, in my opinion, I've not seen better to this point, and I believe I've demonstrated the limits of the main objections.

Well, the web radio
part is simple enough.
I know you're looking at "pirate radio" and "real" terrestrial radio, and "we" do indeed need those efforts! Some here may have access to that. It's something I would try if I had access.
But web "internet" radio is simple enough, and something we could do with enough people willing to have a go at it. The software is Free or Cheap, just need a decent mic for $50, $60, and so-so headphones for $35. So, for under $125 (or $100 maybe) you're in business. Manning the microphone is the hard part. A 2-hour show is not as easy as it looks. Three hours is easy for el Rushbo, Vanity, et. al, becuz they have 2-3 mins. of commercials every 6-8 minutes. So, you've got 2-3 mins. to get ready for a 6-8 min. segment. So easy a cave man could do it! With no commercial breaks, however - unless "we" somehow get advertising - 120 minutes is a LONG stretch! I used to do 3 hours until it finally caught up to me. Was just impossible. But even two hours is no walk in the park! But nuthin' ventured...
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Must be someone else on Pirate Radio.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
That very good point seems to be flying by some, but
I am all in on the 3 Birds one Stone. I have several friends who are journalists and they will be getting links to your two essays very soon.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thanks. I want to point out
I'll probably be doing another version of "3 Birds, 1 Stone" to incorporate both essays. Probably rename it "Apply 3 Birds, 1 Stone Remedy if you want America to live." But if you can spread any version of the idea, well, that's exactly why I'm writing these things.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
And somebody looking for

the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thank you for this.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
np. :) n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
and this ain't
a bad idea...

the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Same as what TOP+the usual Dem blog suspects did to Jane Hamsher
and the forum FireDogLake, after she suggested leftists could work with Ron Paul supporters on certain issues.
I scanned your first essay and now your follow-up
I will make a non-intelligent comment, as I am not member of the club of the intelligent elite. So please forgive me for it. I can't do better.
What I do not understand in your thinking is that you seem not to see what caused 'the media' have the role it has today, overpowering all-inclusive manipulative powers to oppress the peoples way of thinking independently. What enabled that role?
In my opinion beneath any huge changes in the way political power can be used, there is a technological and scientific developmtent and invention beneath it, which made it possible.
Going back to electricity, nuclear fission and its weapons, the role the media has today would not be possible without the technology of the world wide web and the internet. The creator of the World Wide Web said it himself here and it is clear to me, that if you don't change the technology that enables the suffocating all inclusive power grab of the media over the population, you will not be able to change 'the media' with the methods you suggest. I believe you have to attack and-or change the technology to change what it was capabpe to enable.
That is why I am sceptical your approach would really change anything.
Peace and Nothing for Ungood.
My comment above does not mean I wouldn't
help to use your methods to try to make an impact and change something eventually. Just the belief and therefore the enthusiasm I might have had years ago is not there anymore.
Just saying.
They bought up the competitors and there's nothing else than that consolidation.
When I was a little boy, my morning task was to go to the Deli and get 5 of the 11 or 13 newspapers (morning editions) that were available. Then the family would read them and say "this story is bull, they left out; this story you can trust because he makes sense" ....
There are now 6 companies that generate everything the Public hears together. "The Public" being 300,000,000 people. And the tech is exactly the tech we had 60 years ago, which is a screen in the house and talking heads delivering contexts. Yes, you had to get up to change the channel, and you couldn't program the TV to record a show while you were away, but "Guy Talking on a Screen in My Home" is fully identical.
It's been the consolidation that has changed. Nothing else of substance. (And as noted, even the Internet is dominated by those 6 Corporations -- Corporations all of which have military, bankers, insurance, pharma people sitting on their interlocking boards.
The point remains: we don't break that up, we get exactly what we've been getting in terms of agitation/propaganda and the disempowerment of the people; only progressively worse.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
I hear you and think I got it, will reread your first
essay and think about how those consolidated 6 companies could be broken up. Need to think about it way more than I had so far. I am sorry. Beyond my paygrade.
You made a very interesting point. Think jim p was a
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I actually had an idea about this a while back....
The media should be:
- decentralized
- privately-owned
- publicly-funded from the federal level at a set, equal rate
- have its headquarters evenly-distributed across the empire
This would help the media (and THANK YOU, jim p, for pointing out what I've been saying for years, that it's not "the media IS", but "the media ARE"):
- keep a safe distance away from Deep State puppeteers
- have some incentive to compete for quality performance, but not for profits/ratings
- sidestep the perennial pitfall of alternative media: developing an echo chamber - and from there, a hivemind - that just tells subscribers what they expect to hear
- avoid REGIONAL media bias, which I have concluded is very real; "liberal media" may be an infuriating lie (and more's the pity; media MUST be liberal just as Walter Kronkite said it should be), but it definitely seems to have a NEW YORK bias (because gee, that's where it's mostly headquartered!), and even beyond that, an EASTERN HALF bias; I've lived my entire life west of the Rio Grande, and I'm starting to feel like we're treated as second-class Americans; it just isn't the same out here. While the East has gone back to re-fighting the Civil War, the West has created whole new paradigms that are, at best, ignored. It's all only gotten far worse in the past few years. I feel like we're ALL being forcibly turned into either the South or the Tri-State Area. No, New York and the Bay Area are NOT interchangeable! New York, from what I've slowly gathered, is FAR more comfortable with authoritarianism and group identity (which, around the same tame as everyone else was apparently rushing toward the "group identity is all there is" cliff, I'd been at long last arriving at the conclusion that group identity - or if that's too strong a cup for you, group loyalty - itself is the enemy, and we must at long last evolve beyond it. Ayn Rand and Mao form a lethal yin-yang prison, both aspects of which are equally wrong; Altruism comes from egotism).
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Good ideas, but what's the first practical
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
The first step is having a goal
For macropolitical projects like this, I guess that's where your ideas come in.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
"I've lived my entire life
west of the Rio Grande, and I'm starting to feel like we're treated as second-class Americans... "
Anybody living west of the Hudson or north of 125th Street are pretty much ignored by New Yawkers as irrelevant. And has been that way since the Dutch purchased Manhattan from the natives a million years ago. If it doesn't happen on the island of Manhattan - the center of the universe - it doesn't.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Apt here: Steinberg’s “View of the World from 9th Avenue”
What would be visible in a “View of the World as seen by the Council on Foreign Relations”?
Ha! Indeed.
Thing is, Many Manhattanites have Never ever been more than 10, 12 blocks from their apartment, except maybe to see a B'way play, ballgame, event. Ever. Pretty much born, live and die in their neighborhoods.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Big Media Failed in 2016
One of the biggest events of the entire 2016 Primaries and General Election was that Big Media lost its influence and failed in its attempt to be the King/Queen maker (once again), and was exposed and "called out" like no other time in U.S. History.
Given the glorious track record (sarcasm) of the U.S. Media: [ Kennedy Assassination, Vietnam, MLK/RFK, Iraq War I, Stolen Election in 2000, Sept 11 2001, WMD charade, Iraq War II, U.S. Torture, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA Spying, etc.] ---- it is surprising that it took this long for the American public to finally revolt against the U.S. "Fake News" Media (CIA-run) Establishment.
But to be fair it did take the development of a mature and ubiquitous Internet, and Smart phones, to give people a powerful distributable alternative outlet and an alternative voice, and to also catch the U.S. Media in their lies and bias and double-standards as they happen.
Alternative Media is thriving now and has become more influential today than Mainstream U.S. Media narratives and their manufactured hysteria. The term "Fake News" has now been connected with Mainstream Media in the Zeitgeist of culture in a way now that cannot be easily undone.
But the sad thing to watch for me is how all the Entertainment vehicles, Celebrities, Pop Stars, Music Stars, etc. have attached themselves to the manufactured Mainstream hysteria, and anti-Trump pro-Establishment narratives. Entertainers who used to brandish anti-Establishment credentials have all transformed and fallen in line into a goose step march in total lockstep for opposing all things Trump --- even if that means: supporting totally unregulated Borders and Lawlessness, supporting the so-called "rights" of MS-13 gangs and Drug Cartels, opposing the mere existence of ICE, supporting the oppressive NAFTA/TPP/GATT/China-Trade and existing unfair Tariff arrangements, rejecting new Peace Treaties with North Korea and Russia, supporting failed "regime change" policy in Syria, fomenting a new hot War-III with Russia (demonize once again), and rooting for a new Economic Recession (as the U.S. Economy is actually strengthening on multiple levels).
So there is more than just the U.S. News Media to contend with, there is also the self-appointed "Politically Correct" culture, and "Thought-Police" gatekeepers that have sprouted up all over the place -- who tell us things like we should give infants as many vaccines as possible in the most compressed time period possible without even looking at the ingredients otherwise we are evil "anti-Science" conspiracy theorists ... or maybe we're just racists (which seems to be applied toward everything now).
So there has to be a two-pronged Strategy:
As part of this, we must recognize that all the familiar Institutions that we were taught to revere and respect need to be exposed as the cesspools of corruption that they really are, including..but not limited to:
The awakening is coming....
2016 provided the opening.
Populism is on the rise, Globalism is being exposed as authoritarian repression and tyranny.
Globalist Thinking and Strategies at work
You make me uncomfortable
I'm a globalist, and proud of it. The UN works miracles on a comparative shoe-string, and if only we'd moved to make it STRONGER after World War II, things would be very, VERY different.
OF COURSE criminals have rights. This is kind of important.
I live much nearer the Mexican border than most. The most obnoxious gangsters I've run into are the Albuquerque Police Department.
Vaccinations? The fact that they DON'T cause autism...well, more's the pity. I wish they did, and it would be all the more cause to make them mandatory. Far from being something that calls for a "cure", my view, after a lifetime of viewing Humanity from a perennial outsider's perspective, is that autism IS the cure.
That being said, I should get to my principal concern:
Vanilla avatar
Overgeneralized pablum
shoddy writing
I smell astroturf.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
You speak like a Mainstream Media puppet
Globalism is submission to an unaccountable Power Elite, Global Government, Financial Enslavement by Multinational Monopolies, Perpetual Warfare, Crime, Violence.

Soft-pedal the insults, please
or JtC will have to smack you with the clue stick.
We can disagree without being obnoxiously rude - an art that requires constant practice in these days when slanging and smearing your opponent passes for "rational discussion".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Needless to say, that warning also goes for the “astroturf” insinuation F.S. was replying to.
Please keep mudslinging with O'Reily and that ilk.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
How do you explain Trump's support of Fox news?
There is no good News to be found on TV at this point. I can't explain how Fox News supports Trump. Because Trump's populism/nationalism policies are very, very different than the Bush "New World Order" policies. So either Fox news has changed or (more likely) it is just rooting for laundry (red .vs. blue).
As for Trump, he is one-half anti-Globalist/populist/nationalist and one-half status-quo GOP hack. He see saws back and forth between the two -- which is disappointing because I think he knows the difference between the two. To the extent that he can be emboldened to really go with his instincts rather than fall back with the DC-Establishment Republicans will determine his degree of success as a transformative President -- and -- whether our Country can actually reclaim its Independence again, its manufacturing strength, local economic prosperity, and self-sustainability again.
Brexit (will of the people) is currently being overturned now in Britain. "Brexit" may not succeed in the United States either. But if Trump can't do it ... then who will even try?
We the People brother.
Good observations all around.
People still think it's Assad who used chemical weapons in Syria, for one example. That Russia is a real enemy without the US making it so. Etc, etc, etc. That AltMedia is chipping away at Big Media's authority is true, but we've still got Media Central able to plant a view in the minds of 300,000,000 Americans in hours. And even the Alt Media -- itself not a unit, but various little pockets of like-minded people each in their little Matrix view of it all -- is often the tail wagged by the Media Dog.
See, from my view, we've got an entirely falsified notion of both Conservative and Liberal. Cartoon caricatures that the factions buy into. In the world of effective and beneficial Civil Society, you need real Conservatives and Liberals to act as "Yin and Yang" as the moment requires. Sometimes it's right to push forward, other times to hold back.
So my ultimate goal is to create a situation where both genuine views can be placed before the entire 300,000,000 people. For example, in 50 years I've never once seen or heard any Corporate Media put on a panel where people try to work out compromises on abortion or guns. The issues are presented as if there is only one side that can win.
And the way "Left/Right" politics is put forward, and absorbed, is that either side must, in the end, completely triumph over the other. Which in reality can only be achieved by the extermination of one or the other side. "Divide and Conquer." And even the aforementioned Alt Media is subject to this conditioning, though we speak of it as a whole.
Make Big Media function for a vibrant Democracy. That's my underlying purpose in "3 Birds, 1 Stone Remedy."
[Edit: deleted last, stray, line of comment]
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Can Big Media ever be changed?
By its definition, Big Media (CIA-infiltrated) is vested heavily in not changing its ways.
Is it changeable? I don't think so. A good example of that is the Kennedy Assassination (55-years of a big lie). It is not changeable without first destroying the controlling forces that operate over it (CIA, Wall Street, Defense Establishment, Big Pharma, etc.). But that won't ever happen without alternative media first breaking through the noise (and a sufficient popular uprising occurring).
So along with the corrupted dysfunctional Democratic and GOP political parties, we have to make a clean break from the old institutions and build new parallel structures (alternative media in this case) to create new mediums and avenues for honest reporting, information, and debate.
You've not read nor reflected on
the essays, then? Likelihood or not, the Necessity remains.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
I think you've shot the target in the bullseye.
I've loved both these essays and been excited by the ramifications of them.
I've been too busy with life and babies and working and being a stay-at-home Dad to comment much these days. But for this I just had to make some time.
Everything else stems from this. Just as one can't talk about political affiliation and the issues without talking about the linchpin influence of Money In Politics, all the issues we should be talking about are purposefully re-directed by the hard-to-overstate massive influence of the MSM and instead explicitly re-packaged for Divide and Conquer/Keep The Status Quo Intact/Distract From The Reality of Our Personal Lives.
Seems to me the time is so ripe for such a strategy as yours. There exists right now incredibly, wildly high levels of dissatisfaction with the media and government that we find ourselves perhaps in the best scenario for an anti-establishment coalition of folks who see through the farce of it and to come together. Exposing, as you say, that "the King is Naked."
My philosophy lately is to talk to as many people in person as I can, pulling them in with a little rant about anything that might be relevant or appropriate in that setting.
For example, I found myself this weekend in a line of pissed off people enduring a long wait with no communication as to what was going on. Various people were rightfully pissed off and began to spout. I went into a spiel about how we can't expect workers to care who are employed at a company they have no stake in and are getting shittier wages and cuts to their benefits/This is what capitalism does - enriches the few CEO's and upper mngt while workers get shafted/If this was instead a worker-run coop with everyone having an equal stake in the company you could be damned sure there's be people tending to this problem and making sure there was clarity to its customers. So a woman gets on the phone to call in a complaint. The first thing she does is ask the "customer service" rep if he's in the Phillipines, "where are you then?" Telling me that though this rampant corporate outsourcing is never covered in the "news" she and everyone around us understood on an intimate level that corporations have been selling us out - even though we don't get these stories and their fundamental causes and effects in the MSM. Point illustrated to me that people get it more than they're being explained by the nooz.
Another instance was running into a woman on primary election day here in NYC in which Ocasio won. My entree to conversation there was overhearing her say she didn't like Crowley (the Neolib Wall St asslicker) but didn't know her opponent. After I gave her mouthful we had a highly animated conversation on a street corner. She told me she was a Trump supporter, and after some time admitted she would have voted for Bernie. We both concluded there was a lot of common ground for us to forage. If course it was also clear to me she was a Faux News robot. I told her I used to watch cable news but many years ago turned away from it. I suggested she do the same. Point is, she began to see the light that a flaming librul Soshulist wasn't that bad a guy and that she agreed with lots of what he said.
There's evidence everywhere of big-time potential power.
I really like the idea of concentrating on exposing the stark nakedness of the media, for all their fraudulent distractions, disinformation and divide and conquer. You're right, creating an oppositional media has been tried and can't compete, for all the reasons you remind us. But getting to maybe 5% of those inside, appealing to their sense of dignity and righteousness I believe is one of the best options we have, short of chopping off the heads of Wall St Economic Terrorists. Eventually that could bring the whole edifice down, if not rapidly. The Media Empire Has No Clothes.
So, how do we expose by directly challenging this conscience-less whore-driven sector?
Think about it. Where does news even come from? Who inside these publications are making those decisions? Who tells the big show hosts what will air and what won't? Then there's a whole staff of flunkies for each show. People how book the guests/prep them what they'd like to hear (with the inference that they won't get called back if they do). I'd like to see a full listing of the entire staffs of all the major cable news stations. We could start there.
We saw Ed Shultz come out forcefully about how MSNBC, from the top down, interfered with Bernie Sanders in a concerted effort to dispose of him. We've seen other similar incidents in the MSM. Dylan Rattigan, Krystal Ball, and a few more take courageous stands using their platforms to challenge the status quo. Bernie's townhalls in Kentucky or WV come to mind - weren't supposed to see evidence of "red" voters agreeing with the Socialist.
But we've yet to see the Network-style, complete break from protocol to speak from the heart about the destructiveness of a media that isn't asking the right questions.
Anyway I'm just thinking aloud here...
Depriving media, and its extension to propaganda, is the pivot through which we can restore civility, sanity and dignity to a world starving for it, one in which doesn't truly grasp how badly its been deceived by the consolidation and the mechanization of an all-powerful, narrative creator. Take their agency away. For years I would say if I was given a genie bottle with one wish in it I'd opt for the complete disappearance of corporate media for the citizenry. Media is the linchpin for why were in this mess so deep. Just as Money In Politics is the linchpin for a dysfunctional government.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
And we're cursed with the most powerful, ubiquitous agit/prop machine in all of human history. Nothing can possibly change until that machine is made to malfunction.
I'll be doing the idea again soon, but with a change to "Apply 3 Birds, 1 Stone Remedy if you want America to Live." That'll be the final draft I intend to place everywhere (Left and Right commentators) I possibly can to get the ball rolling. Thanks again for "getting it" and your examples of how real life operates!
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Worth repeating
True dat.