Be Back Soon; Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch
Welcome to Sunday All Day Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you.
I was going to do part two of the soup recipes but unfortunately I hurt my back and can’t sit at the computer for more than a couple of minutes. My Doctor put me on new medicine and my body is getting used to it and I fell yesterday pulling a muscle in the back.
In the meantime enjoy my Dream Beach which hangs by my bed and where my “happy place” is when I meditate. A nice fire, a beach, a good book, red wine, San Francisco Sourdough bread, and chocolates. Of and Princess Pixie is asleep on the other side of the fire. Can’t forget my cat
I’ll be back with the other part of soups after my back gets better.

Get better soon, Michele
Lovely happy place picture.
Just saw Rudy Guliani on the Stephanopoulos show. He badly needs to have his jacked up glasses adjusted. Looked like he could only see out of one lens because the other one wasn't even in line with his eyeball. Said stop and frisk is constitutional, and something about searching a house, blah blah something, jacked up glasses.
Now Bernie is on dissing 3rd party candidates. He didn't say Jill sucks, but said Johnson's climate policy isn't something his supporters would approve of, but also said a 3rd party vote would be a vote for Trump.
I knew better than to watch this show. Only, I thought it would be Trump or Killary who would piss me off. Instead, Bernie made me sad. Still voting for Jill, Bernie; but have no fear, my voting machine vote will be changed to whomever the vote machine gods want it to be changed to.
North Carolina
I think our only choices are Trump or Hillary. I'm voting to get McCrory and Burr out of office and the polls show we have a good chance if we show up and vote. As for President I'll vote against Trump just to make sure my down ballot votes are counted.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
I understand
In Texas, during the general, I can vote any way I want up and down the ballot, unless I go straight ticket, which I have never done. I'll vote green on every race with a green running, then dem probably, and nothing if it's only a Republican running for whatever office.
That's something I've never, ever done. But, like I said above, it's on a machine, so I might as well stay home, even though I most certainly won't lol.
Rest Michele, and rest your back as well.
I am dealing with high drama day by watching Firefly (lol) and resting, too. If I had more energy I would wash sheets, but the putting-on would cause me to start cycling through that process. Best to Reid and you and Pixie.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.