And now a little "noise" at least in the eyes of my party hack "friends" (Rant of the day)

So for context and because to be blunt about myself I'm an asshole (and proud of it) I dropped this little list on the page of a friend big in the Democrat party and gushing about Obama after his good riddance, ahem, farewell speech.

So if I was to tell you that Trump had or planned too.

* Assassinate US citizens with drone strikes.
* Repeal the Propaganda ban, making it legal to spread government propaganda via news outlets.
* Sign the Monsanto Protection Act into law.
* Push for the TPP Trade Pact.
* Do a TV commercial promoting "clean coal"
* Open up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.
* Brag about his use of drones - I'm "really good at killing people."
* Deport a modern-record 3 million immigrants.
* Use the Espionage Act to prosecute more whistleblowers than all previous administrations combined.
* Sell $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.
* Despite campaign pledges, planned a $1 trillion progam to add smaller "usable" nuclear weapons to the US arsenal in the next 30 years.
* Drop bombs on 7 Muslim countries.
* Not bring justice to Wall Street for the economic crash.
* Back neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
* Despite campaign pledges, not close Guantanamo.
* Put troops on ground in Syria
* Started a new war on terror - this one on ISIS.
* Said, “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.”
* Start a new war in Iraq.
* Initiated, and personally oversee a 'Secret Kill List.'
* Support Israel's wars and occupation of Palestine.
* Deploy Special Ops to 134 countries - compared to 60 under Bush.
* Drastically escalate the NSA spying program.
* Unconstitutional suspension of habeas corpus: signing the NDAA into law, making it legal to assassinate and imprison Americans w/o charge or trial.
* Sign more executive memoranda than any other president in history.
* Sign an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.
* Back the coup in Honduras
* Open a military base in Chile.
* Tout nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.
* Mandate the Insider Threat Program which orders federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues.
* Defend body scans and pat-downs at airports.
* Sign a new the Patriot Act extension into law.
* Launch 20,000 Airstrikes in his first term.
* Continue Bush's rendition program.
* Says the U.S. is the "one indispensable nation" in the world.
* Wage war on Libya without congressional approval.
* Start a covert drone war in Yemen.
* Escalate the proxy war in Somalia.
* Escalate the CIA drone war in Pakistan.
* Sharply escalate the war in Afghanistan.
* frack USA & the world
* fast-track big-oil pipelines;

Scared yet?

No need to be, Obama already did all of the above.

Lesser evils and all...

True to Democrat form these days of course he deleted it rather than debate it, and when baited on that little fact I got this gem of a response about my "Drive by trolling."

"Here's my point: Unless you've picked up a clipboard, recruited a candidate, and organized voters then all you have is antagonistic views with nothing to back them up. It's hard for people to take your opinions seriously if you've not backed them up with the work it requires to get them done. We worked to elect Obama because we believed he would make a better President than McCain or Romney. We worked to elect Hillary because we believed she would make a better President than Trump. We work under the constraints our political system give us to make positive change in the community. It's really easy to attack *every* candidate and say things like "Actually do this" or "Actually do that" but you've got to show up and work to make these things become a reality.

I welcome your opinions, and I honestly believe that you feel slighted by the party. I'm sincerely sorry you feel that way, but tossing bombs and antagonizing the people who are out working to bring progress to NC and the Nation isn't going to bring about any of the things you want.

The only thing that will change our political landscape is organizing people, convincing those who disagree with you on the issues that matter, and making those things happen within the constraints that you're given.

I can assure you of one thing: The people you are attacking are the ones that are actually fighting for the things you believe in every day. Meanwhile, the extreme right is doing everything they can to diminish your voice and stay in power.

To your point though, the Watauga County Democratic Party and Democratic Party organizations across the state came out in support of single payer, made calls to voters to get them active in the discussion, and called on elected leaders to support it.

Your local party, led by Pam, launched a landmark law suit that struck down unconstitutional attacks on voting rights, as did the NCDP and several other progressive groups. We also contacted thousands of voters across the state to walk them through voter ID and ensure they had everything they needed to vote. Then we registered thousands more and have repeatedly fought for equal and fair access to early voting. Given that we're in the minority in both chambers federally and statewide, we identified our constraints *and STILL made positive change* within those constraints.

The progressive wing of our party showed up at the convention and brokered a plan that moves the DNC forward. I'm all for moving the ball forward with actionable steps that folks are willing to work hard to make happen. Everything else is just noise."


After giving him this wonderful gem seen elsewhere on C99 I little counter that is my rant for the day on this. Which honestly could be directed at any Democrat who thinks they're somehow still on the right side of this fight. So apologies dear readers, I'm about to get a little self cathartic again too. this one felt really good to get off my chest too I'll confess, had a lot of bottled up anger this week.


And you're still deflecting from that high horse Jesse by trying to bring up what you and Pam did locally and have yet to address what has happened nationally. What Obama has done that hasn't helped people like myself thank you much, and why the Democrats as a party are a failure for the people. As you work within a party that I don't feel "slighted" by (nice trivialization attempt there) but a party I feel utterly betrayed by would be a much better turn of phrase. And not just me.

But thanks for also saying how unless I "work" within the party system too with my clipboard I and my voice don't matter. In case you haven't noticed that arrogant bullshit is exactly why you, hillary, and the DNC are where you are now. So you registered and walked people through ID laws? Good on you, now where the hell were you when the Democratic establishment was stealing a primary?

Where were you when voters trying to participate were denied their voice in Iowa when Robertta Lange and the media lied about the "violence" of sanders supporters?

Where were you when Bill intentionally blocked polling places?

Where were you when registrations were being switched and rolls were being purged across this country?

Where were you when exit poll results were off by levels that would have caused UN intervention had it been any other country?

Where were you when ballots were being Shredded, machines were being hacked, and people were being denied their rights everywhere else?

Where were you when the Media was Blacking out real progressive voices? As we learned through those emails at the behest of Hillary and Co?

Where were you when we learned just how rigged this game was with the DNC by a guy so dense (podesta) his password was password?

Oh right, you were supporting a red baiting, war mongering, media buying, big money, wall street friendly, pro fracking, Republican courting, Identity politics playing, triangulating "Democrat" endorsed by the people responsible for the Iraq war (wolfowitz) and mass murder in South America (negroponte), and the war criminal of war criminals (kissenger) who told us "single payer will never happen." whose surrogates were telling women "there's a special place in hell" for not voting for her, who used sexism to hide her failings, and promised us four more years of the same, including endless war, increased income inequality, and the same cronyism (see DWS failing to the top) that solves nothing!

Cause Trump is "worse"

You have to show up to make things a reality? Why would I show up for a candidate who can't do the same for what I believe in?

Did you even read the link I posted above? (i doubt it)

Let me make it perfectly clear. As long as you continue to support a party that is corrupt, is rotten to the core, and party that has betrayed every value it once stood for Jesse you aren't a friend of liberalism, or progressive values, you're in the way of them by supporting without a question a party where those values go to die. so take your indignation on display exactly how that link highlights, and cram it! Put it right next to your "actionable steps" and you flippant "bomb tossing" remark. What this actually is, is the undercurrent of anger that is the direct result of the attitude you and the Democrats have been displaying.

And it's an anger you had a chance to have on your side again, if you had actually decided to be a progressive instead of pretending to be one. Oh but it's fine, you're voicing progressive proposals to the DNC, remind me again, how strong has the opposition to that been? Do you ask why, or do you continue to support them anyway?

You want to have an earnest debate? Debate the fact we dropped 26000 bombs this year alone. Debate the fact you peace prize winning president has been at war longer than Bush, debate the fact he legalized the drone killing of American citizens, debate the fact Gitmo is still open, the patriot act was expanded, or one singe solitary thing off the list I gave which you are still ignoring! If you can stop for five seconds patting yourself on the back for all the "good" you did.

Fuck you Jesse, and the donkey you rode in on. You aren't a progressive, you're a party hack whose has put it ahead of people. And pragmatism ahead of any principle you think you have. You and I don't believe the same things anymore, that's the thing you can't see beneath those blue tinted blinders you're wearing.

Until you realize that and actually question what's in front you instead of trying claim you're up there with your "work" and i'm just down here with my "noise" you're going to keep losing elections, and you know what, you deserve to lose them, just as you deserved to lose this one too. How many state houses and national seats did you lose in the process this time as well? Maybe you should try looking at why?

Find a mirror, grow a spine, and wake the fuck up.

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mhagle's picture

I very much enjoyed it. Smile

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

sojourns's picture

Very well ranted. Nice, cohesive (difficult to maintain sometimes in a cathartic rant), assault upon their shameless stupidity!

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

As I was reading the smug response you received, I was thinking of advising you to tell "jesse" to fuck off. And then you did. Well done. I can't bare those types because they are impervious to reason.

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Lists are good, they help the feeble-minded such as me, remember things. I used to think that I was one of the few who needed such a pathetic crutch in order to remember things and felt that suggested a lack of intelligence on my part. I am so relieved to see that a huge percentage of the Democrat party is with me in this regard. They all seem to be having a terribly difficult time remembering things. I am so glad I am not the only one.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

That you missed...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,

And of course Jesse isn't going to actually answer any questions, these people can only tell you how to think but cannot think for themselves. And now we've got two loony parties in the US instead of just the one. After all their ranting against the Tea Party these assholes are no damned better. They make me angrier than the Baggers, at least Baggers have their prized ignorance brought to them by Faux Noise, these idiots have no excuse. Personally, all I hope for is that one day they see the error of their ways and cringe when they remember just what they said. I know I still cringe at some of my defenses of Obama and always will.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


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Mark from Queens's picture

Thorough list and righteous beat down.

Neoliberals, Dem partisans and causal political observers are still mired in pathetic groupthink, embarrassingly being led around by the nose by the discredited corporate mainstream media. Thanks for trying to shake your friend out his partisan sleepwalking by calling out the whole fraudulent machine.

Enjoyed it!

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

snoopydawg's picture

has done or didn't do. Or even try to do.
He is as responsible for Hillary losing the election as she and the DNC and democrats are.
They knew about all the garbage that has followed the Clintons during their entire careers yet decided to have her be the candidate instead of Bernie because they would be able to continue not passing decent legislation.
One other thing to add to your list is that Obama upgraded Malaysia in order for them to be included in the TPP.
They had been on some type of list because they were involved in sex trafficking and they used slavery.
When I heard that he had upgraded Malaysia and they didn't have to stop being involved in those activities, I heard MLK rolling over in his grave and saying " What the fuck"! The first Black president of the United States of America being okay with slavery?

I have seen quite a few comments on DK stating things like Rahm did about the progressive left or that centralism is okay from the Democratic Party.

Thanks for sharing this.

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Putin isn’t going to make you homeless or kill you or deny you health care.
Your government will allow it to happen though.

snoopydawg's picture

for the times I need when I run in to people like Jesse.

0 users have voted.

Putin isn’t going to make you homeless or kill you or deny you health care.
Your government will allow it to happen though.

Alligator Ed's picture

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CB's picture

of living in Africa. A country that used its oil wealth to fund free health care and education, that had the most women's rights of all the majority Muslim countries, that had fewer people, percentage wise, living below the poverty line than in the US due to subsidies for food, fuel and housing.

This one can be put directly on Obama and Hillary Clinton's heads.
GDP is estimated to have declined by 10 percent and per capita income has fallen to less than US$ 4,500 compared to almost US$ 13,000 in 2012. Inflation strongly accelerated last year driven by high food prices. Lack of funding to finance imports, especially subsidized food, generated chronic shortages in basic commodities and expansion of black markets activities. This situation was exacerbated by households attempting to stockpile food. Inflation averaged 9.2 percent in 2015, mainly driven by a 13.7 percent rise in food prices. Prices of flour and bread quintupled.
Amid tenuous United Nations-led peace talks, Libya’s political and security crisis deepened as two rival governments competed for legitimacy, control of vital institutions, and international support. Despite some factions signing a political deal in December, there was no end in sight to the crisis. As armed clashes continued, the country edged towards a humanitarian crisis, with almost 400,000 people internally displaced and increasing disruption to basic services, such as power and fuel supplies.

Forces engaged in the conflict continued with impunity to arbitrarily detain, torture, unlawfully kill, indiscriminately attack, abduct and disappear, and forcefully displace people from their homes. The domestic criminal justice system collapsed in most parts of the country, exacerbating the human rights crisis.
Warring factions indiscriminately shelled civilian areas, arbitrarily seized people, tortured and looted, burned, and otherwise destroyed civilian property in attacks that in some cases amounted to war crimes. Some forces also used cluster munitions and antipersonnel landmines, which are internationally prohibited weapons.

Meanwhile Killary Clinton proudly crows, "We didn't lose a single person in Libya", "We came, We saw. He died. hahaha"
She was as callous and uncaring as Albright about human deaths and suffering. If there really is any truth to that "special place in hell" trope, these two women each have a complete suite awaiting them.

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... Meanwhile Killary Clinton proudly crows, "We didn't lose a single person in Libya", "We came, We saw. He died. hahaha"
She was as callous and uncaring as Albright about human deaths and suffering. If there really is any truth to that "special place in hell" trope, these two women each have a complete suite awaiting them.

I suppose they're probably figuring on top management positions, tormenting trillions? of other helpless people, all at once and for all eternity, for personal amusement...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.