Hillary Clinton losing her edge against Donald Trump
Hillary is fighting a two-front war, something which no army would ever choose to do if it had the choice. But HRC does not have a choice. This is hurting her, and I predict, it will hurt her badly--even mortally in the political sense. The New York Times, an unabashed proponent of Hillary just echoed this thought earlier today.
According to the most-recent least favorable poll, showing only 55% of Bernie supporters would consider voting for Medusa in the fall, this ain't good news for her at all. I have predicted an irretrievable party schism if Hillary's support amongst Democrats falls below 50% resulting in two splinter parties. One party of course, is the corruptocratic wing of the "Democratic" party. The other splinter faction would be an amalgam of Progressives including, but not limited to, Progressive Democrats, Greens, and other like-minded left-leaning political groups.
An essay earlier today by Steven D describes the upcoming pro-Bernie demonstrations planned for the Philadelphia DNC nominating convention. Seems like the expectation is that at least 30,000 non-violent protestors will be there. This should provide a wake-up call to Hillaryites inside the Convention Hall, although most, as judged from DKos, seem oblivious to the obvious.
Unlike 2008, when Hillary threw her support for Obama, presumably after being offered a deal to serve as Sec. State for her support, this year's election, is not between two individuals, both representing corruptocratic Democrats, but between a shrill, strident, unsubtle corruptocrat and a man with life-long principled stances on numerous progressive policy issues. If I may be so bold as to call this race as between greed (status quo enrichment of the already rich) and principles, then I shall do so for it is fitting.
As things currently stands, barring an indictment from Obama's politicized DOJ against Hillary, really if Bernie does not get the nomination, Trump becomes President. This conclusion is drawn NOT because a lot of Bernie supporters will vote for Trump, although some will, but because of the #NeverHillary, aka Bernie or Bust, defections from her to other destinations (such as Green Party, Bernie write-ins, or simply not voting for President at all).
Now that Herr Drumpf has taken the muzzles off his heavy artillery, aiming it straight at "crooked Hillary", expect her approval ratings to plummet further. The NYT author of this linked article points out that in recent years, each party's presidential candidate experiences a positive "bounce" in their favorability ratings after they are officially nominated. In Hillary's case this bounce will be quite muted or non-existent.

i guess B. Clinton's game of coaxing Trump...
...to run for president isn"t going according to plan. H. must be pissed. don"t blame Bernie, blame Bill.
Yeah, if it's Hillary and Donald it will be one big slime fest
garnished up with mud and excrement like we've never seen before. The worst of the worst fighting it out and we are told we have to cheer for one of them. Fuck that. I'm ready to take the fight to the winner of their shit-slinging contest. This battle doesn't end with Bernie, though he has been a great inspiration for millions in the US and around the world. What is amazing to me is that both candidates are so horrible. They are like watching a clown show where the orange clown can't even juggle but does a great impression of it and the crooked clown who can juggle seven objects while stealing your child's cotton candy and rifling through your wallet. Talented juggler of death rays against inept idiot clown who wants to play supreme'jung leader. If Sanders doesn't win the nomination (which is unfortunately very possible) then my fight begins, not to support Hillary, but to begin the fight against whichever one of them wins the presidency.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Simply put,
Democrats only win elections when they motivate large turnouts. Can Hillary generate that kind of enthusiasm? The GOP has spent decades training their authoritarian followers to loyally vote for whatever clown gets the R label, and they are all in for Trump. Meanwhile the proud party of 29% of the voters has forgotten what majority means, and thinks they can shit on young or independent voters and still beat Der Drumpf. It may have worked for a generic GOP candidate, it will not work against a candidate with his own enthusiastic movement. The Hillary/Trump matchup will match two small groups against each other, say the Brown Shirts vs. the Brown Shorts while most voters watch from the sidelines with fear and loathing. That is not an election Democrats will win. And the toxicity atop the ticket will be devastating down ballot, for those dems who have already served as involuntary money laundries for the Clinton campaign con.
My preference would be a huge turnout
in which everyone voted Green, another progressive party or wrote in Sanders. That message would be unmistakable rather than a low voter turnout. It would greatly help the down-ticket candidates as well which will be incredibly important for the coming debacle (whoever wins, if it is not Sanders).
It would make for a very interesting GOTV to have everyone informed of what the real choices are.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
That was the world's shortest sad song played on the world's smallest violin.
It's easy to imagine a catastrophic loss for the D party. Where do Independents fit into this equation?
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While those nasty folks over at TOP keep speaking with
contempt about Bernie not being a Dem, they fail to realize that most independents were once Dems or Repukes who felt their party no longer represented them. So, if the Dem Party turns its back on independents, who the hell is going to vote for Hillary? Natural attrition (is that what you call it when old people die?), and non-acceptance of independents and young folks kinda leaves a rather small group of the "right" people. And then there are the Dems who don't like Hillary's platform, and won't vote for her (that'd be us). Okay now, repeat after me: President Trump.
And then there's the fact that she's middling to OK with her
guns blazing on offense, metaphorically speaking (her enthusiastic embrace of weaponry, as user and seller, is a big reason for the #NeverHillary defections).
But Hillary does not shine on defense. Her weaknesses become harder to mask, her dodginess more apparent. Her "I'm about to lie" tics escalate (I was 2 for 2 predicting those during debate liveblogs, and if I've seen that pattern, so have others). On defense, she reinforces the reasons voters don't trust her. Bernie's had her on defense for months. [Anyone want to count her "evolutions" Bernie has already forced? I'll start: TPP] Trump would have her on the ropes in the first round and down for the count in short order. Hardly a contest.
Now, a Bernie v. The Donald matchup would be lively and actually informative, because Bernie knows how to stay on point about his issues, clearly, concisely, and believably. He's nimble; the blowhard would find it harder to land a punch, and Bernie's a master at counterpunch--offense as defense.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
The corporate media will make a much bigger profit
From Bernie v. Donald than from Hillary v. Donald. Who wants to watch evil vs evil and be subject to whichever evil wins. Good vs evil, optimism vs pessimism, light vs darkness is where the ratings are at.
Beware the bullshit factories.
They don't believe that any more
and would rather show a mud-wrestling match staged in piles of pigshit.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"This should provide a wake-up call"
At this point in this season, that's a good one! It really should and it never will.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Bye bye Debbie
I saw that the democrats are ready to throw DWS under the bus. Good that should fool the Sanders supporters after all we are simple little folks that are easily distracted. I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to believe that Debbie all on her own is responsible for the cesspool that is the democrat party. All they want is for us to shut up vote Clinton and hand over Sanders donor list. If we are stupid enough to fall for the sacrificial Debbie our money can't be far behind. Sorry folks you can't have my vote or one dime of my money. We are going to start donating to Jill Stein. Still haven't given up on Sanders. Miracles happen!
Hell no, we won't go along.
IF Bernie's run ends at the convention, my $$$ will be flowing to Stein, and I hope a lot of other Berners consider doing so as well.
$100 million could really change things for the Green Party, whatever the outcome of this election.
they can get rid of Debbie. fine. but why does even Bill Moyers think that will unify us? i'm not voting for Hillary. period.
and it's a coward's move at this juncture. if they had done it months ago, maybe you'd think they had some shred of concern for democracy. but at this point, it's simply a chess move. and not a very good one.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I think its funny they even consider that firing DWS...
would matter. Granted, it should be done. But doing it under pressure just proves that the party leadership is only doing it because they have to, not because they recognize that her "leadership" has been unbelievably inept and corrupt.
Yes, DWS should be fired. But the reasons she should be fired are the same reasons that Hillary should be fired, along with all the other corrupt party players.
They really don't get it. I can't decide if they are just that blinded by their membership in their little bubble of prosperity or if they really believe that we are all so stupid.
Once someone's eyes are opened to the pervasiveness of the corruption, its not possible to NOT see it. And while I'll cheer if they throw DWS under the bus, if only because it proves that they are willing even to eat their own to retain power, it will not matter one iota in regards to my vote, my money, or my membership in the Democratic party.
She's expendable now anyway.
She' did what was planned - what she was supposed to do.
Coming in now and firing her is just more theater.
They probably think that firing her shows how 'on top of things' they are and makes a good gesture to the masses.
It would be like the Clinton's hiring a goon to rough up someone, and then walking over after it was done. They stand there, looking down on you, and pay this person for services rendered, and that person walks away.
They're not going to help you get up. They are smirking to one another. And in an attempt to supposedly make you feel better, they say they are going to fire this person.
Empty And Meaningless Gesture Is Empty And Meaningless.
you changed your avatar! or should i say your hair?
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
I did! This is my normal "hair" avatar across the tubes.
I changed to angry pink wig kitty at DK because I was grumpy. I've gone back to happy kitty face here at C99.
Too Little, Too Late.
If they removed DWS last summer when the debate schedule came out, maybe that would have been a sign they would accommodate Bernie and his supporters. But they wait until after the convention - after all of the dirty work has been completed? Bullshit.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
She is fighting
a war on 2 fronts? I thought she had it in the bag. Surely it can't be Bernie. Just go to any MSM outlet and you'll see that Bernie Who? is like a fly on a water buffalo. "hillary has 18 million pledged delegates and Sanders only has 2. Why is he still in this race?? Waaaa!!" "we have to get into general election footing! waaa!!"
But of course she may be fighting trump in public and the FBI in private. Not to mention all the allegations we don't know about concerning one bill clinton and his "indiscretions". Poor poor hillary.
Fuck this shit
Bernie or Bust...
Watch the "shrill"
Not to mention "strident". The rest of the characterization is fair, but that word choice smacks of sexism and we need to avoid that.
Otherwise, you make some good points, and the drop in support from Bernicrats is interesting.
We really need to figure out how to get the other choices counted, though. In order for write ins to be counted (instead of just tossed) most states require some kind of filing/affidavit from the candidate. This means that Stein/Green is the best option unless Bernie leaves. Without that, writing him in without registration is no different from not voting at all.
Note that this is different from being printed on the ballot. That is a higher bar and requires (at least in Washington) a bunch of registered voters for the party. Since many people registered Dem to vote for Bernie, that seriously cuts into the needed base. So we need to be sure that there is a countable write in candidate in as many states as possible.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Really tired of this. Hillary is a horrible person. It really doesn't matter that she happens to have a vagina.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Then call her on her crap
Revile her for what she does and I will be right behind you.
But mocking people for physical attributes they can't change is cruel and unworthy. I was on the receiving end of that shit in grade school and I won't let it pass without comment.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Nonesense, enuf with PC Police already!
Hillary is shrill and she also cackles. Both words are accurate whether or not she is a woman.
I've been a feminists since I was 19, that's 47 years now.
Women were being beaten, raped, and living in poverty then and they still are now. Can we stop getting all bent out of shape over the use of words that happen to be accurate and focus on issues that matter?
$hillary as President means death and destruction for women all over the world and more poverty for women and children in the US. And those are the issues matter.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
you have a choice!
You want your shit sandwich on rye or wheat?
Bernie or Bust! Too bad the Hillbots aren't as smart as this baby.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bernie Sanders,
presidential candidate, U.S. Senator, grandfather, and, always the comedian, tricks another unsuspecting toddler into playing the infamous "pull my finger" game!
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
Thanks RDS! I laughed... and I need it this morning.
I'm a sucker for a good fart joke (thanks Dad for raising me with such high-brow humor taste).
For instance, we bought my Dad a fart machine for something like his 55th or 60th birthday. It has a remote so you can hide it and make it make fart noises from some undisclosed location. My Dad was literally in tears laughing, him and the 8 year old nephews. For HOURS.
And I have to admit, the rest of us, too. That is what passes for entertainment and family bonding in the Haikukitty extended family.
I love that picture of Bernie! When I first saw it weeks ago, I couldn't help but think of the line above.
As they say, "keep smiling and keep laughing!"
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
you're right!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hillary Will Not Win
so Dem's need to get their shit together and rally behind Bernie. Not only is he the right person for our time and the job but he is the only Dem in the race who can beat the Fascist Trump
If Trump wins he wins.
I won't vote for Her Highness, (for more of the same), so... "They" can blame HRC's loss (and Trump's win) on Berniecrats and BernieBros all they want, the fact is she sucks as a candidate, does not represent the democratic wing of the party.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
and Elizabeth Warren is now a Clinton surrogate
note that she spends her time attacking Trump. That's the current Hillary strategy. Warren could have come out and supported Bernie but hasn't and won't. Instead she'll be the "progressive" who does the same thing as Hillary to give us the impression that we're united as Democrats.