What our "best" Candidate Really Needs to Win is for her Opponent to Quit
So I come home yesterday after a long day of work and began making dinner with my husband. Politics is our favorite topic of discussion but I was completely floored when he opened with, “So, do you think it’s time for Bernie to drop out?” Now for the 2 second back story, when I first met my husband he was a bit of a fence rider and that is something which I cannot abide. After years of living with me, he almost invariably finds himself on the progressive side of that fence. But back to my state of shock.
At first, I cannot speak but to say, “et tu, Mr. Scrappadoo*”? He told me he had read some articles that day from “Bernie supporters” who were “concerned” because Trump would have a 3 month head start on Hillary towards building party unity before November. See she needs this primary to be over so she can be competitive with Trump. After the assumed string of expletives was released and after congratulating Team Hillary for capitalizing on the nation’s mood after the false media narrative regarding the Nevada Convention, I was able to continue our conversation and make my case.
Really, America? Is that what our “best shot” to win the election needs? For her opponent to quit so that she can just win already? No, no, no that is weak sauce. So weak in fact the Bernie owes it to America to stay in this race until he is, literally, escorted out by security. He should, most definitely, take OUR case all the way to the floor of the convention. Yeah, it’s that important.
*Names have been changed because reasons.
Hillary wants EVERYBODY to quit.
Everybody just needs to go home, after giving her the coronation she deserves. (Elizabeth ain't gonna have SHIT on Hillary when she gets done.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
she and the DNC never wanted...
...anyone to run against her in the first place. i commend the few that stepped up to opposed the Clinton machine. the party should never have promised her the next nomination when she lost in 2008. good thing they never saw Sanders coming. he's upset the cart and that's a good thing. lots of things being exposed in this primary process that we, otherwise, never would have seen behind the curtains.
These people
really don't get it,Most Bernie supporters don't give a shit about hrc or the Dem. party if he is not the nominee. Bernie or bust!
Not being a member of Die Partei, Die Partei's 'unity' is of very little consequence as far as I'm concerned.
Or in MMspeak 'I really couldn't give a shit'.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You need to monitor what the Mr. reads. His sources sound a bit fibby to me.
Maybe so.
It's like he found some poison but brought it to me before he did himself any real harm --
Baby locks
For his Internet access!
You don't
suppose he's been sneaking around on you over at TOP???;)
Bernie or Bust...
Cable news, I would guess, plays a big part
As it does with a couple of my pro-Hillary relatives. You need to break free of the media lies completely to get perspective.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I'm old, I'm fed up with partners who don't support....
I'd kick the fucker out of the house and sign up for phone banks...
And regardless of the end result, don't let the bastard back in.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Oh, I couldn't have married him if he
had been a republican. And he has been a consistent Bernie Believer up until that conversation. I think he saw the light so I'll give him one more chance.
Well, best of Irish luck to you, scrappadoo
It didn't occur to me to ask what party he.. or back when he was living, my own spouse... supported.
As long as men weren't hitter's, weren't jealous of the time I took painting or making art, weren't breakers of objects, burners-up of decent cooking pans; I put up with them, without political discussions.
That usually didn't last long, as two of the things I did with my time were clinic escort (both prior and after the assumption of the kevlar vest) which often took up weekends; and safe house voluntereing (most of which was the middle of the night). Once guys found out that the volunteering was non-negotiable, therre wouldn't be a second date.
I thought I'd found a good egg in my late husband but the bugger managed-- with my concurrence,, which will *never* occur again -- to tie my time up in fetching and hauling for him 24/7/365 -- as he worked from the house.
Good luck on politics. I prefer living alone, even if It's difficult to pay for. (sigh)
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Bernie is all that's holding Trump back!
The only reason we're not seeing Trump launching an all-out assault on Hillary is that he doesn't want to destroy Hillary now and end up facing Bernie in the general. If anything, Bernie staying in the race gives the Clinton campaign more time to prepare.
I had not thought of that.
Good on you, Scappadoo! Well played. Enjoy your weekend.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
The last thing I'm worried about is the Democratic Party
In fact, part of the discussion of BNC over at the reddit/kossacks for Bernie is that the BNC as a faction of the Democratic party may be unsustainable, but could be moved away and become a party in itself.
What I do want to do is wait for Bernie's endgame, because I'm sure he has one. I've always known about the "long game" as a concept, and certainly the 1% have played the long game ever since FDR was elected, but I've never been consciously aware of an individual playing the long game until Bernie, and that realization came slowly. With the ups and downs of the campaign, I've had my moments where I thought, he can't pull this out but he has. And here we are with millions of counted people unwilling to take the status quo - and how many more millions who have yet to be counted. How many people weren't for Bernie only because he "couldn't possibly win"? How many people who will see things differently withing the next few months?
It's Diffictult To Care
About the party which offers kisses and lies before they rape you and leave laughing at you for believing them. At least the other guys don't pretend in the slightest to care about you.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
If she ain't competitive against Trump already,
meaning having the ability to string two sentences together in a coherent fashion, then she's the wrong person for the job.
I believe if it's Hillary vs Donny we'll have a Trumped presidency. I feel we've reached a tipping point where people will no longer stow away their ethics and principles merely to have a D, who is anything but democratic, in the White House.
If by some miracle she's able to buy off enough delegate to actually win the election, all her time in office will be spent putting out brush fires like she's had to do her entire campaign.
She should do the responsible, patriotic thing and just drop out of the race. For the good of the Party.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Bernie Shouldn't Quit
as long as I have a penny to share, I will keep donating to Bernie. I want him to stay in this race and rub HRC's nose in the shit that she and her vast propaganda machine are creating.
I spent eleven hours of my life watching HRC before the Benghazi committee. I allowed myself to be tortured because I thought I might have to vote for her in the general. At the time, last October, I thought I might be able do it.
But since then, I've done a lot of research and HRC has done a lot of campaigning. HRC is not just a flawed candidate, she is toxic. She is so disgusting to me that I am literally and physically sick when I think of the next four years. I have to remind myself that I did survive Nixon and Reagan, though my contempt for HRC is exponentially worse. For the first time in my life, since I cast my first vote for McGovern in 1972, I will not vote for the Democratic nominee for president if that candidate is HRC. Sure I've had to hold my nose, most especially in '92 and '96, but the GOP, to their credit, made me actually defend WJC, even when I didn't like him or his behavior and policies. Now, the Clintons' destruction of the Democratic Party is complete, and I'm seriously thinking of changing my party affiliation. I'm furious that Pres Obama has allowed DWS to remain as DNC chair, even after she's been demonstrably ineffective.
Sorry I've wandered off the trail. The bottom line is that HRC will never get my vote, even if she makes concessions to Bernie, even if Warren is her running mate. She really is poison, not only to me, but to the nation and to the world, and to the very earth. Please keep your husband safe, Scrappado.
The difference between '92, '96 and now is a couple of decades
Then the rascists really did have a majority and the Clintons could pose as holding them off. Now they are holding off a progressive majority. Bernie's major proposals all poll from the high '60s to over 80%.
And don't forget: Chairs, chairs, chairs, chairs, chairs,
chairs, chairs, and more chairs.
chairs, energy bars, bandanas and or gas masks,
and don't forget portapotties.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
They're all a bunch of shitty
They're all a bunch of shitty concern trolls, the fat lot of them:
"Oh, but think of the Party! You know you don't want to be responsible for anything bad happening to the Party!"
As if.
"I'll pray for you that you find it in your heart to think of the well-being of......the Party." Ha! I bet you thought I was going to name somebody that the Party actually helps, but nah!
The only concern trolling these people do that actually makes me hesitate is when they talk about the effects a Trump presidency would have on women (I iz one and likes me a whole bunch of us a hell of a lot.) and people of color (I have them in my close family including two adorable baby boys that I fear for when they get old enough to make some poorly-trained or poorly-socialized police officer "fear for his / her life"), but then I remember that, while Clinton would likely get her rich lobbyist buddies to pony up some cash for Planned Parenthood and the like, and she might select a Supreme Court Nominee that's enough of a "moderate" Republican Dino that he or she wouldn't tear down every civil rights gain made in the last sixty years, that Court probably wouldn't do jack about Citizens United, not to mention she would be fought at every turn by the Republican hate-fest from doing anything other than continue her husband's unraveling of financial regulation and what's left of the social safety net "for budget reasons", since we all know that running a country's budget is just the same as running your family's budget - can't get too far behind on that horrible, horrible debt!
Trump is basically an enigma, yet one reeking of misogyny and actual general misanthropy that he hides with bluster and babble inciting his supporters to blame whoever they don't like themselves, just so he doesn't have to touch too many peons personally (I'm surprised he doesn't carry a monogrammed handkerchief drenched in expensive man perfume to get the stink of the commoners out of his nostrils after he has to be in the same room with them for more than a minute or two.), so I have no idea what harm he would actually do other than it would give his supporters cover to act out more. It's all very troubling, but so far I just can't see myself voting for her. I'm planning to vote for Bernie if at all possible, but I'll vote for Jill Stein if he isn't an option.
It won't be my fault if Clinton loses because she is too stubborn and egomaniacal to see the writing on the wall and quit the race herself. It'll be her and the ex-Pres.'s fault.
Edited to fix a typo.
Identitarian politics creates monsters
like this Clinton-supporting asshole who posted at TOS:
"Right, but the reality is there is a spectrum of opinions in both parties. I’m gay and happen to be very concerned about social issues but not so much with paying for other people’s kid’s educations as I have no children and have already paid for my own. So we differ but not as much as we differ with Republicans."
There is absolutely no self-awareness here, and that freaking statement could have come from any Log Cabin R. smdh
Wow, that is quite a gobsmack
Wow, that is quite a gobsmack. I don't have any children, but I give a shit about everybody's children, and I would sure rather have my tax money going to educating them and making sure they're safely housed and fed and oh, I don't know, have air that can be breathed by humans who haven't mutated yet into whatever climate change, if we don't f'ing do something about it, will require rather than their age cohorts with various shades of brown skin in other countries like a certain presidential candidate makes a lot of her dirty cash facilitating.
What that person isn't even willing to consider is that if we just changed how the tax money pie gets sliced, his or her taxes wouldn't go up, and they might even financially benefit. I guess people like that are so sure the "pie" is up in the vasty skies that they won't even consider trying to improve things for everybody (except for the very wealthiest who won't exactly have to go on the dole) by voting for Bernie.
Once you slice and dice and separate and label humanity
then class consciousness goes out the window. The fruits of a half century of propaganda selling the neoliberal mantra of "individual effort" and (quoting Thatcher, the witch) "there is no such thing as society", then you get the kind of ideology that refuses to consider the commons-which is the center of all that makes our society work. I blame the left for falling down on educating and agitating and organizing. Unions don't even hold labor history classes like they used to, and now are themselves housed in large marble institutions in DC. Left political groups, including the Greens, don't extend themselves to engage and enlighten the proletariat. At the height of repression in coal country, when the workers were putting in 12 hrs/7 days a week, they still managed to gather together to learn and organize and fight back against horrific violence. I don't know what we can do now, but it must happen soon. It's a class war, and the oligarchs are winning.
You make some great points.
You make some great points. At the same time I do think there's plenty of blame to be shared with the right, since they put a lot of time and effort into specifically pitting different identity groups against one another. It makes sense that a lot of the ideology that the right-wingers spew isn't based on the politicians agreeing with those citizens who base their intense desire to deprive other people of their civil rights on their own personal religious beliefs. Instead, the politicians co-opt those people's views to keep everybody arguing and most of us fighting to keep the hard-won rights we do have, while the sociopaths at the top rob us all blind.
It's the way it's always been, but every now and then it ends up letting the faction that thinks they can control their own monsters in for a bit of a shock when their monsters start turning on them. Thus, Trump. It makes for great theater, but I guess we'll have to see if the groundswells of discontent coming from the right and the left are able to generate enough force to do more than rattle the fine china on the banquet tables of the uber-wealthy at the top. Of course, the faux-left is right there with a chair pulled up to the buffet, but a lot of us can see that the fancy linen tablecloths are actually covering the overflowing pig troughs of filthy lucre they swill from.
Actual pigs are much cleaner, nicer animals, so no insult to them is intended.
Gotta feel sorry for the guy
After all, he is all alone in this world. He has no brothers and sisters, no nieces or nephews, no cousins, no friends with children or grandchildren and no potential to have any of the above. Surely, everyone can understand that paying for an educated society so life can be improved for all absolutely does not affect him.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Some people never get out of the selfish 2 year old stage
I've heard other folks yapping about how they don't want to pay for Trump's kids college. First of all, the rich are only a small percentage of the population. So you're talking about giving about 5 students out of a hundred a freebie, while giving 95 kids a great shot at a better life. Secondly, do you even know any rich people? They send their kids to fancy private schools and are aiming for ivy league colleges, which aren't part of the public university system, so don't worry - the rich will no more take advantage of this than they do of our free public schools.
Backwards: HRC needs to quit so our best candidate can win!
If the Democratic Party's goal is to win in November they would be backing Sanders. It isn't about winning and it sure isn't about small d democracy. I think it is about hoarding of wealth & power in the hands of a few.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.