Preparing for the New Refugees.
Those who created this place had real foresight. I did not expect the level of toxicity at TOP, but I also did not expect Bernie to do so well. Bernie doing well heightened contradictions. Joking aside, it forced some to reveal their real beliefs. And that was not pretty.
I was very surprised by some folks. It's not so much supporting Hillary as the things they endorsed for her. "Free stuff," wars, etc.
Kos always did best as an absentee Lord of the Realm. When he got engaged in February, early March, it all changed. His blog will survive, but I think he damaged it. It won't be the same.
This is probably good in the long run for everyone. We needed a divorce. At best, things were stale there, at least for me.
For about a year, I wrote very few posts (comparatively, anyway, going from 5 or 6 a week to not even 1 a week). Then the primaries came. Even then I was detached, until I had to act. The lies of the Hillary campaign were too much for me. And Bernie was the candidate we had been waiting for for so long.
Anyway, we soon will get another influx of damaged refugees who have been enduring the campaign of hate at TOP. I stopped by this morning to recommend BNR and made the mistake of seeing a cartoon on the front page. I won't link or describe, but I commented and had a short dialogue with a front pager. The cess pool still stinks.
We should welcome the new refugees and let them vent. Many have not been able to speak freely for a long time. The new ones will have endured the ratcheted-up hate campaign this week. The hate is high there, and it is being pushed by management.
Divorce sometimes is difficult, but it can be liberating. For both sides. The centrists will be happy we are gone, because they can play "progressive." We can speak freely.
As Branch Rickey said, sometimes there is addition by subtraction.
One of Rickey's most memorable phrases was, "Luck is the residue of design." Another was, "Addition by subtraction," meaning sometimes a team is improved by a player's departure.
By subtracting TOP, we add to our serenity and actually improve real action. TOP created the illusion that personal disputes and insults were political action. They are not.
Oh, if folks can, a donation to this place is a good idea. I gave today. Unlike TOP, this place won't sell your email addresses and no ads.
And no cult of personality for a blog owner. That's worth a partial Bernie at least ($27 or less).
This is A Good Place. Thanks for creating it.

Non-Tip Jar
There have been several similar posts
since I landed here in March. I understand from those who came before me that most felt the same when they joined and several had written about it. I sure did. I was told the adjustment period would be a month or so. That seems about right in my experience. Welcome. I always enjoy your writing either here, now, or there in days past. I look forward to more but only here. I have made a clean break without burning the bridge and only for specific reasons will I briefly return. Who knows when an insurgent might be useful.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Thanks vttc73.
I have not burned bridges either, unless they punish me for writings here. I've seen it done in the past.
But I only return for specific posts like BNR.
I just like it here better.
Yes, the many small minded
paranoids from "there" do lurk about C99% looking for things to tattle to papa kos' minions. Middle school shit which I suppose explains the attraction to Trump and Republican outrage porn continuously spewing from the front page. The thing is its all a distraction from the organization and actions that actually go into their stated goal of "more and better". I'm thinking feature not bug. I couldn't see it before kos ripped off his own mask showing the little man working the levers. I think we should thank him for his kindness.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I can only agree TomP
Each morning I check to see if the insanity has waned at TOP, only to find the vitriol pumped higher and higher.
I also think Moulitsas has poisoned the well beyond redemption, starting with that ridiculous and ham-handed Ides of March edict (how much clearer could he have been to pick the date historically noted for those who stab their allies in the back?).
For readers here, would it be acceptable if I were to launch a drawing for the Netroots Nation quilt donated to my campaign by Sara R & winglion here? I don't want to do it over there.
Thanks -- angie
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Fine with me.
They will tell you if you can't, but I cannot imagine any reason why it would be a problem for JTC or others.
Please do Angela...
feel free to launch a drawing.
You can always tell when things are bad at TOP
When a bunch of new people come on over and want to complain about TOP.
Starting to feel like the old bartender... just want to slide over a tall frosty one and listen sympathetically.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Make mine a Guinness Extra Stout, please.
Must Share
I love Guinness Extra Stout. I also have a couple of recipes that use Guinness. One for Guinness Cake And one for Beef and Guinness Stew Which of course means I have to have extra Guinness on hand.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
One of "those", you are‽
Cake and stew, damn, how am I supposed to stay on my diet now‽ The stew looks good, but I am thinking bison. We have a local bison producer, better for the environment, et cetera. When I have moved back to Oregon (approx two months) I will dig up some wild onions and sniff out some morels for the stew. I will report the results of these modifications.
Love the Oscar Wilde: I am that guy in the neighborhood that likes to climb the hill to see the dawn before the rest of the world.
Just so long as it doesn't turn into...
...your blind date talking about their ex the whole night...
I want my two dollars!
This too shall pass.
Or at least slowly lose its attraction as new people get settled.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I'll have an Alien Wheatbeer,
with a lemon wedge. Yum! Can't wait to get off work!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hey DMW, how are you, mate? I'm learning to be patient
myself :=) I'm not exactly backwards about coming forwards, as my beloved Ouma used to tell me :=)
So it's been weird hearing about folks who got stuck at top enduring a lot of crap.
Anyway, I hope you're doing all right, mate. A little worried here. Take good care of yourself, my friend, you're worth it. Enjoy your evening with your beautiful kids,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
It's not just TOP that's facing a divorce.
All week I've been talking to my friends all over, and there appears to be a heavy divorce going on with the Democratic party itself. The numbers of people not voting for HRC are growing and becoming much more vocal on my social media over the last week, especially in light of the NY and AZ investigations and now the Nevada results.
While TOP may survive, and I'm sure the Democratic Party will as well, they will not be what they once were after all this. Which actually, is probably a good thing.
I have this sense too
though I confess its not based on much outside of social media. In real life, I mostly hate people and avoid them as much as possible.
I've gone from
visiting GOS several times a day, to just a couple times a week. Mostly only after I posted something myself.
Even with the GE approaching, I'm betting that traffic there has leveled off and maybe even dropped.
It'll become church-mouse quiet after November.
Maybe before that.
Hillary Open Threads only draw so many people.
Attacking Bernie supporters gets old if none are around to be victims.
The traffic will drop by 80%
once all the hillaroid shills are laid off sometime around convention time.
You need to check out his numbers...
They are low and trending down. The only thing about dkos that I want is title to most progressive blog. At some point, I'd like to see what we can do to promote c99. We have really great writers that should have everything they write tweeted and FB. The links are there. All it takes is a click. Their writing deserves a bigger audience. I believe that is why you go back there periodically. I remember voting for dkos on some site that was picking most """read?? favorite??"" blog. Do we have marketing folks here? How about trained social media folks?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Reminds me to do that. Thanks
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I think its time for another dose...
Wash out those bad vibes and enjoy the fresh air!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
LOL Lookout :=) Oh, I wasn't supposed to take the Brainbleach
orally? That explains a lot.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thanks for the kind words Tom...
and thanks for the donation. We are working on a server upgrade and can surely use the funds. I'm sure you've all noticed the slow downs in performance recently, the added traffic is stressing our current server and we need to upgrade pronto.
I make it a point to stay behind the scenes mostly, I refrain from adding my opinions on most issues. A blog owners opinions can and will be used as a bludgeon by some against others, we've all seen that before. I wish this place to be a venue for free thinking and open discourse without the hindrance of an official site mandate, especially as it pertains to electoral politics. This site is not about me it is about us. It's about giving voice to the 99percent.
Bernie's slogan of "It's not me, it's us" has restated the basic idea of democracy and of the Democratic Party which the Clinton's, the Republicans, and neo-liberals generally have been doing their best to erase. You guys here at C99 are putting it into practice. It can't be easy not entering the fray with your own essays or comments. This seems to be a good time for me to add a "thank you" to JtC and everyone else who makes this place possible.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
A Website Reflects its Owner
Kos has always said that his site was about the Democratic Party. You and I...we are for the 99percent who have suffered from political subordination by the political establishment.
Thank you, JtC. The absence of advertising speaks volumes to me.
And "Thanks" to TomP, who mentioned that he posted here.
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Please send me an email
With the c99 donate link URL
and up to 50 characters so I can send out a message to my 6000+ Twitter followers to come check out c99 and send you a little seed money.
Have some new New Media progressive friends as a result of running for office.
angela.marx at
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
All the donate links are in the right top corner, but maybe you need something more specific or different from him. A bigger server would be nice. I've been locked out more than I like, and I am not known for my patience.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This is why we luvya, big guy! I'll be back at the donation
button after payday on Friday. Thanks for making c99 a free place and a free space. Enjoy your evening, mate,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
That is so great!
Such an improvement to what we were used to.
My thanks too, JtC
I'm finally kicking my Orange habit, and this place is a wonderful alternative that doesn't raise my blood pressure.
Donation on the way.
Please help support caucus99percent!
That's wonderful, Doc.
So nice to see you.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I only go to TOP for the BNR. Once it is done I will delete
my account there. Kos does not deserve your writing Tom. I'm hoping OPOL, BobSwern, LD, and the rest will do the same at some point. DailyKos has become a place only for neolib/neocon type 'Democrats'. The party is too far gone for any hope of repair.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I'm envisioning the Recommended List filled with...
..."DELETE MY FUCKING ACCOUNT, KOS!!!!" diaries. And to think they all made fun of ErrinF. I think she was prescient...
I want my two dollars!
delete account at DKos
DKos got too acrid for me, took suggestions to heart and came here. I've looked high and low for a way to unsubscribe there, and can't find an "unsubscribe", or delete anywhere. Any suggestions?
you can't delete your account on TOP
you can move all your diaries as long as you are not banned and then you can delete your diaries over there, but the account itself stays.
Thanks, Tom
Thanks, Tom. Good to be here among fellow Bernistas. :O)
Oh man, it is terrible at TOP right now.
I just took my daily journey there, which I usually do just to check the mood of the place. Today, it's all Bernie hate, all the time. They have jumped the shark there completely, and they're literally making crap up out of whole cloth now. Plus David Nir has a shitty piece up on the FP badmouthing Bernie, because ALL OF THIS IS CLEARLY WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU WANT TO UNIFY THE FUCKING PARTY!
Sorry, I feel a rant coming on.
It really is amazing, once you leave that godforsaken place, how different your thinking becomes. Small, subtle things, like noticing that some of your Facebook friends who are also still on Dkos buy into this anti-Bernie garbage.
Anyway, c99p is a little slice of heaven on the internet, at least for me. I can't send money yet, but I am still good for those cookies I promised to send.
Love you, JtC and Joe and all y'all else who started this wonderful blog! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!
I miss Colorado.
Hey girl!
Glad to see you here.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Angie! Wonderful to see you here, too!
How is your campaign going? I am in a position to help you out with calls needed (or what-have-you) in the next week or so. Give me a buzz with anything I can do from far away, ok?
Love to you!
I miss Colorado.
They don't mean the same thing
by "unify" that we do. They mean "go back to being easily manipulated suckers that support the neoliberal/imperialist choice because lesser evil and where else are you going to go".
It's what I call "middle aged man (or woman in this case) disease". When I was young, I became successful by doing X. Now that I'm older, X is still the one and only solution (proven by how successful I am) and if it isn't working then we just have to do it harder. Plan B is to make plan A work.
Yes, they really think demoralizing and abusing half the Democratic voters and most of the Independents will work. Again. Hey, it worked 20 years ago, and it's still the 90s, right?
It's starting to sink in to them that it isn't going to work this time, which is going to make them desperate and dangerous.
Oh, and Colorado misses you too, Shiz.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
The nader bashes are all stuck in the same syndrome...
If I hear Bill Maher and Rob Reiner blabbing on about support the D because it isn't an R because NADER!!!, I might just have to block them too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Especially considering the fact...
...that recounts of the entire state show that Gore actually one, plus the fact that 20,000 registered Democrats voted for Bush. But some people cling to that myth like a lifeboat, even though it sunk long ago...
I want my two dollars!
TOP does not exist when I'm not there.
None of it bothers me.
Such liberation.
Post your rant here, not there.
Share it with us, not them. They don't deserve your writing anymore. They don't like us, so why should we continue to interact with them. This election has made clear two things:
1) The Democratic party is a party of "free market" capitalism and imperialist foreign policy, and if you want actual left-leaning economic change or foreign policy based on peace, they will throw the kitchen sink at you.
2) Young people increasingly don't identify with this bullshit ideological philosophy, but the Democratic party cannot help but demonize those who criticize from the left. They just can't speak to anyone without patronizing or vilifying them. Because of that, they will bleed support and eventually become irrelevant. Although, with inequality and climate change, the damage may well be done.
Oh, I'll never write another diary over there, never fear. :)
I quit cold turkey over two months ago, and I'm OK with it. I've only posted one comment at GOS since then, essentially to tell a Hillary supporter to get her head out of her ass. That was fun.
Hee hee.
As to your points:
1. totally agreed, and
2. totally agreed.
LOL. Good to see you, Ranger!
I miss Colorado.
I love the smell of collapsing cognitive dissonance
in the evening. Does the shrill panic reveal confidence in their candidate?
It would be fun to become hillaroid purity trolls, and get even the remaining shills and dupes to turn on each other. It would be more fun not to, of course.
I made the decision just this morning
to quit cold turkey. I emailed my Women for Bernie sisters to say they could find me here and washed my hands of it. I didn't write a lot but I was a complete addict. This won't be easy but I've kicked things before so I know I can do it, especially with all of your help. Thanks again for this place.
Most of us found this place to be helpful in the weening process
Instead of having a cookie when you want a smoke, c99 is more like talking a walk outside in the clean air when you burn the cookies in the oven and the house is full of toxic smoke.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good decision.
It is toxic, way beyond politics. And it was deliberately done.
Who needs that shit?
And, in time, the anger disappears. I simply don't care about Kos and the front pagers there. It's their blog. Say what they want.
I am much happier away from the toxicity.
there is one thing I want to do at dKos
the day after Election Day I want to go and write a diary titled "Aww, you didn't get your pony!" with the text simply "We told you so".
Having the ability to go back and do that (or something similar) one of the few reasons I haven't written a GBCW diary there. Neener,neener, Kos! I'm almost halfway into my 12th year there and I do have some good memories of TOP. I love reading LD, OPOL, Bobswern, etc. but I haven't been over for 3 days (not even to check out BNR, OPOL, etc). Feels pretty fucking good.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
After 12 years there...
I too am saving my banning for post election. I prefer to go out in a raging blaze of glory, Berning the bridges behind me!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Don't forget
Please help support caucus99percent!
Everytime Lil' Nap makes a proclamation
we get a new glut of users.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
haven't been there but I assume each new proclamation....
consists of a lot of snideness, condescension and "salty" language.
with an extra large helping of personal insults
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I gave my first contribution last week
and I am damn proud to do so! I never subscribed or donated at TOP. Then again, they served ads to me as a non-subscriber, so I didn't feel quite compelled to donate since I knew they had a revenue stream from display ads. After giving to Bernie this campaign season, I will continue with donating to C99P. I like it here.
For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still.
John Maynard Keynes, 1930
Well I thought it was time to leave March 15th
but I had to put aside a bunch of time to delete old diaries and put them on my WordPress account:
Oh and:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Hey cassiodorus: c99p's more like:
[video: width:480 height:360]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I've thought about that
For those of us that are still able, to go back and delete everyone of the diaries we've written over the years. For those that want, they can save them for future reference but it would be somewhat comical what it would do to the comment history and links in other diaries that now point to one that is deleted. I wonder if the Little Man would notice all the extra disk space on his servers?
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I've thought about that.
The conversations in the comments sections of my old DKos diaries were forgotten a long time ago.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Hear! Hear!!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
It sure is good to see familiar names and faces :)
I signed up about a week or so ago for c99, but couldn't find my password LOL, so I've just been lurking here. I only go to TOP to read BNR and a few others, like OPOL, etc. But I stay out of the shit storm diaries.
One of the things that I did find about myself, is wondering if I should rec & tip diaries, comments, etc. This morning when I saw that disgusting photo with the morning round-up, my mouth dropped. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. So I just spent a half hour looking for that damn password and I found it. I will NOT lose it again.
Again, it is great to see the familiar names and faces!
Yes, it really was a disgusting cartoon.
Glad you are here.
I really despise authoritarians.
They come in Democrat as well as Republican.
Twain Disciple
Maybe there could be a end to the venting at some point,
like after the election, or even better, after the primary. If not, this could go on for another year. Or worse, this could turn into Daily Kos Too. Personally I've heard enough of this Daily Kos place.
Unfortunately I called this one
Just over a month ago I wrote GOS could get a lot worse very soon.
What I didn't suspect is the effort to paint Bernie supporters as being no different than Trump supporters.
When all you have is tribal identity politics
every opponent is a racist/misogynist/nativist...
Since they never have any policy to support, other than 'don't make waves or they may cut your gruel ration', it was always about finding things they could twist into some sort of slur.
What is TOP?
From the Light House.
"The Other Place" (or, polite-speak for Daily Kos) ;-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.