Dear Hillary Supporters - What you think you know about us is dead wrong
You say you want unity. You say it's up to Bernie to bring his supporters back in the fold. You say Trump is dangerous. You say when November rolls around we'll bite the bullet and pull the lever for Her Highness.
I have some news for you.
We aren't a cult. We will not blindly follow Bernie and do whatever he tells us to do. We're not the PUMAS of 2008, who came back to the party because Hillary Clinton cut a deal with Barack Obama to get her endorsement. We think for ourselves. And if Bernie kisses Hillary's ring and sings kumbaya at the convention (which I doubt will happen) it isn't going to bring us back.
We've seen the velvet gloves come off the iron fists of the Democratic party's naked authoritarianism over the last year. We've watched as the boots of DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and all her minions in all the many state Democratic Parties, have been ground into our faces for daring to support a candidate who doesn't toe the Bought and Paid for Party line.
We've seen the outright lies that have been told and slanders and smear campaigns that have been spread like raw manure on every media platform the Democratic Party controls, smear campaigns jointly coordinated and organized by the Hillary campaign and the DNC directed not only against Bernie and his wife, Jane, but also against all of us, as well. We endured the constant barrage of slurs calling us sexists, frat boy Bernie Bros, misogynists, racists, dumb bimbos looking for where the boys are and unthinking, purity driven and violence prone brain dead losers.
We've watched as the Clinton campaign has subverted campaign finance laws and suppressed the votes of Sanders supporters by any means necessary in state after state. We've seen the exit polls diverge wildly from the "official vote" in primary after primary, always in Hillary's favor, and heard our complaints dismissed as tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, even as those same exit polls predicted the Republican primary results with almost uncanny accuracy.
We've watched supposed icons of the progressive wing of the party, from Civil Rights hero John Lewis to one of the most prominent liberal senators on environmental issues, Barbara Boxer, come forward and dutifully spout bullshit against Bernie and against us, bullshit a compliant and ethically compromised corporate media ran hogwild with, even as they ignored the serious conflicts of interests of her family foundation's fundraising operations while she was Secretary of State, much less the FBI investigations into her misuse and abuse of using a private email server to transmit and store top secret national security information.
All this was done by her campaign, her Super Pacs and her surrogates. Their obeisance to the anointed one was something to behold, the woman who was never supposed to be seriously challenged for the Democratic nomination in the first place. The woman whose political machine sewed up all the big money donors before any other viable establishment candidate, such as Vice President Joe Biden, had even given the first thought to running against her. We've seen her political operatives, such as slimemaster and former Clinton enemy, David Brock,, who was hired to operate the Hillary Super Pac, Correct the Record, openly admit he spent at least $1 million on social media operatives to attack Sanders supporters.
Do you think we will just forget what was done? Do you think we will just sit idly by, take your insults and unwarranted braggadocio and simply say "Thank you Secretary Clinton [and/or supporters], may we have another?"
Do you think we will forget Clinton chasing after Republican donors? Or her endorsements by warmongering neoconservatives such as Robert Kagan and Eliot Cohen? Did you think we would forget about her record of foreign policy disasters in Honduras, Libya and Syria?
Did you think we would just ignore her heavy reliance on financial support from Wall Street, even taking $24.9 Million from the risky "shadow banks" she's claimed she will crack down on once she's elected?
Do you really think we are so stupid or blind that we would just ignore all her crap and vote for her anyway, once Bernie gives us the high sign? Or that her message of "fear, more fear" regarding the candidacy of Donald Trump will cause us all to ignore all the reasons we abhor the prospect of another Clinton presidency?
An administration, by the way, that gave us (1) "welfare reform," (2) "criminal justice reform," (3) "telecommunication industry reform", and (4) the passage of NAFTA, the trade deal that ruined the Mexican economy and destroyed the lives of millions of US blue collar workers. Not to mention President Clinton's hard work to dismantle the last major New Deal securities law, the Glass-Stegall Banking Reform Act, the repeal of which played a major role in causing the financial crisis that nearly collapsed the world's economy in 2008.
This is the candidate whose campaign is printing hats with the motto "America is already great" even as millions of people fall out of the middle class and into poverty. She's so clueless she thinks all the poors will vote for her regardless of what she stands for, regardless of her record, regardless of the fact that her campaign is fueled by donations from the fossil fuel industry, the financial industry, the Tech industry, and billionaires of every flavor imaginable. Even one of the most evil men on the planet, Charles Koch, has stated that a Hillary Presidency could be better than any Republican who might win the nomination (cough - Donald Trump - cough).
You can rail all you want that Bernie needs to get with the program and order us to vote for "Hils" in November, but whatever he says it isn't going to make a bit of difference. You see we aren't robots who can be re-programmed to vote for whomever our commander in chief tells us to. We don't blindly support our candidate no matter what. We support him because of his record and because of his policies, policies he has supported throughout a lifetime of public service.
In short, we ain't like you.

Hear, hear!
An emphatic, determined, and aggressive "Hear! Hear!"
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Not revenge!
I will vote for either Jill Stein if she's on the ballot, or right-in Bernie. And, the reason will have nothing to do with revenge for treatment by Hillary's and her surrogates. It will be because she would be an incredibly poor choice for president.
I sedond that!
I posted on reddit a couple days ago that it should be "Revolution or Bust", not "Bernie or Bust". The Bernie or Bust meme puts too much heat on Bernie to corral us and it makes us come across as "angry' and only willing to follow our leader (Bernie) and not being able to think for ourselves. Bernie has shaken us all up - - now we need to continue building the revolution.
Oops, can't proofread...second not sedond
No worries, mate.
Unlike TOP, we are not Grammatikpolizei here.

Your meaning was perfectly clear.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Hubby and I are almost 70
We have voted (D) almost all of our lives...this is the first time we will not if HRC, a horrible, horrible human being in so many ways, is the (D) nominee. Obama turned the lights on over our are right we have had enough of these sham candidates that pretend to respect democracy. Our founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
Lifelong Democratic voter, and have not missed any chance to vote in over 40 years. Dunno who I will vote for, but it will not be Hillary.
Righteous rant, Steven D. Actually, it's not a rant at all - it's simply a recitation of the facts. The facts just read like a rant.
And the fact is
the way many of us feel about this campaign has little to do with Bernie. I've always respected and admired the senator, and still do. But I'm not excited about (or in thrall with) him as a candidate. It's that he's the only one who understands what needs to happen in order to restore a decent quality of life for the working class. He's the only one talking about the things that matter, and his words ring with authenticity.
If he fails to get the nomination, I hope he wouldn't provide even a tepid endorsement for HRC. But even if he encouraged us all to vote for Hillary, there's no way in hell I could. That option is off the table. A Democrat for 36 years, but no more.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
The reason I admire and support Bernie...
is precisely because he finally opened my eyes all the way to the corruption and deceit I had come to think was just the price of being a politician. And, as you say, its not really about Bernie at this point - although I think having him and a cabinet he appointed in power for four years could do wonders for this country, even if Congress did not one things the whole time. But if he doesn't win or keep fighting after the convention, it doesn't matter, because now I have been shown that lies and corruption are NOT required in politics. For me and so many of us - he has proven that the status quo level of corruption most of us had come to believe is unavoidable, isn't.
Bernie blew me away quite simply because he told the truth, and he never tailored his message to different audiences. He said the same things at Liberty U as he says to a bunch of liberal college students. He says the same things about coal in WV as he says in California. Honesty - who knew it could exist in politics.
And now that I've seen it, I'm not settling for anything less.
and he was respectfully received at Liberty U.
The vast majority do not agree with him in general, but they listened as he challenged them to live up to Christian teachings. No doubt he got a few converts, and just a few % of solid R voters switching over would make all the difference. Bernie gets R voters, and he gets respect. I catalogued first hand accounts over at TOP:
Try to imagine Hillary doing this. All I can think of is that awful phony southern accent she used in S. Carolina.
Thank you
Having spent too much time at a Hillary site today, I appreciate you. Discovered the site a couple days ago. Thanks again.
I just don't trust her period
I just don't trust her period cant vote for her. Down tix Dems no problem
The party is the problem.
Clintonism, a disease, infects if from top to bottom. There are a few Democrats who are worth a damn, but most will just be part of the team of physicians who could treat the underlying condition, but refuse to do so because it keeps you powerless and dependent.
Please reconsider. Overall, the Democratic party is a profoundly harmful institution.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Agreed. Top or bottom of the Ballot doesn't matter to me...
they will only get my vote if they support progressive goals.
If they have no record, I will give them a chance.
BUT if they do have a record of voting against our interests fuck em.
As far as I am concerned the Democratic Party is dead, hopefully all my votes and donations in 2018 can go to members of the New Progressive Party.
Great summation of the facts of the situation.
Sorry Clintonista's, you don't get to shit on me ruthlessly for 9 months, breaking or bending every rule and then at the end give me a. "Good Game" and expect me to throw in for the pizza and beer.
You played your game, and you did it dirty, with the worst examples of sportsmanship ever, so buy your own damn Pizza.
You can do it with your own money and the votes in your echo chamber, or possibly not, but either way you will be doing it without me.
And don't blame me, I voted for Steak and Scotch, not Old Milwaukee and Little Ceasers .
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Beat ya by a year :)
And agree completely with what you've written.
I say the Democratic party left me when it was taken over by the Clintons, Al From, DLC, Third Way. Don't know how many remember it was also Al Gore, AND Joe Lieberman ( still makes me steaming mad when people blame that loss on Green Party candidate) who were original DLC'ers - Gore lost his own home state, and Joe Lieberman - jeez, the same person who endorsed and worked for John McCain/Sarah Palin. THAT PERSON was who Al Gore wanted to be VP.
Yes, I voted for Gore, vomited in my mouth when I did it because of Lieberman! Yes, voted for Kerry even tho' he chose Edwards, Cheerfully supported Obama, and worked hard for my Senator Elizabeth Warren ( no, I still won't vote for Criminal Clintons even if she is VP)
Have been an Independent for years in an open primary state.
President Sanders
righteous anger encourages activism....
Thanks for this Steven! Let's phonebank, canvas, donate, text, FB. Let's win this!
Should clinton
win the primary there is nothing in this universe that could persuade me to vote for her. Not Bernie or God herself.
Bernie or Bust...
I like her, but . . .
I would have no problem voting for her in the general, but I really don't like some of her supporters. And where on Earth did she dig up David Freaking Brock? I fear that might bode badly for her cabinet choices. We saw how quickly Obama disappointed us.
If you vote for her in the general,
you are an enabler. You are part of the problem.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Maybe so, but . . .
If I could vote for Al Gore in 2000, I can vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But I proudly filled in the bubble for Bernie Sanders in my state's recent primary.
Now if enough other voters crawl back to vote for her after being on the receiving end of David Brock's scorched earth policy . . . that remains to be seen.
Well not me. I'm done with the Clintons
And as long as the Democratic Party belongs to the Clintons, I'm also done with it. It has become a "moderate republican" party at best, socially more liberal, sometimes, but on economics and healthcare and war mongering and the rich getting richer while the rest of us keep getting screwed, democrats effectively are now republicans.
No "free stuff" and no single payer, never ever, but we will always have plenty of money for "more planes to bomb, yes!"
That is the Clintons' Democratic Party -- and I will not vote for that anymore. Bernie said the party has to make a choice-- but I think they already made that choice. I'm not supporting that any longer.
I wasn't
overly fond of Al Gore but to compare him to clinton is doing him and those of us that supported him an injustice. And that's putting it mildly.
Me, I'm not much into crawling for no one, especially sociopath like clinton.
Bernie or Bust...
We will not vote for her.
All the polls, interviews, show Bernie supporters will NOT vote for Clintons ( please remember it is PLURAL) a vote for Shrillary puts both of them back in the White House.
Never thought I'd agree with Barbara Bush on anything - but she did say "No more dynasties" before Jeb! entered the race.
Interesting, Republicans were smart enough to avoid a dynasty candidate. How come the Democrats fell for it?
David Brock is a strong, in the fold, surrogate. Did anyone ever think the Clintons could go lower than Triangulation Dick Morris???
Good article up on Politico:
"Democrats cannot remain tone-deaf to the concerns of the party's grass roots,” added an Iowa Democrat. “Many of the people supporting Sanders are new to the process and the party. They are supporting ideals, not a party. It is foolish to think that they will join something they were never a part of and something that they feel is not very welcoming to them.”
Here's your answer
Well that's interesting
David Brock remains cordial friends with Grover Norquist? Haha. After all the Sturm und Drang Jane Hamsher agreeing with Norquist on one issue? Hahahahahaha. I guess Team Hillary reaps what it sows.
(PS - Hillary in private probably doesn't mind Brock bringing out the Paula Jones affair. I doubt plates were thrown as they would be in a Palin household, but still . . . )
Spot on- 100 thumbs up
Steve, thank you so much for putting in writing my feelings!
I am not a mindless person- I think there I am free. Bernie woke something up in me- freedom to see, understand and act. I am not a mindless minion of one person or the democratic party. I am part of a movement to take our country back from the establishment.
I got my first Hillary beg letter yesterday.
I opened it only to see the beg amount and recycled that paper. No. No.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
If there's a postage paid envelope
send it back with a "hell no" message. I've done that a few times and so far haven't had any more
I sent Bernie stickers, twice.
They gave up on me too.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
What an impudent bunch we are!
I got something asking if I was with Hillary. I wrote "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" Put it in the postage paid envelope. And sent it off. And it felt soooooo good!!
I cram as much of the other junk mail I get that will fit into
the only one I have gotten so far along with a hand written note telling them to "send your requests to the Koch Brothers and Goldman Sachs, since they are your constituents, not me. "
Same thing with the DNC one, it had something like, "we must work together to stop Trump, blah blah blah, Supreme Court, Blah Blah Blah."
My note in that one was, "The 3rd way DNC party scares me more than a Trump candidacy. Your fear mongering begging attempts will only be met with my derision and scorn." (That one got filled up with the entire contents of an Adam and Eve junk mail packet with coupons and a free sample of lube. lol!)
I may be a bastard, but I try to be a cheeky bastard.
Stay cheeky my friends...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
only one step left
You only have one step left to go from here: use the reply permit to ship them a nice, tasty case of surströmming.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Ugh! A friend of mine from Finland (who is part Swedish)
Told me about that and keeps threatening to bring that to help me get the taste of Koskenkorva out of my mouth, lol!
I told him that as with the Scottish, I suspect most of their cuisine is based on a dare.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Swedish cuisine
..... is actually pretty tasty as a general rule. One website's comment section I encountered in my researches on surströmming reads in part:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
yes, send it back!
Chiseled onto a 74-pound chunk of osmium.
Make the camPAIN pay.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I don't think that will fit in the standard reply envelope!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Osmium is the densest of all metals, the only one denser than uranium or iridium. One CC of the stuff comes in at a skosh more than 22 grams. However, this means that roughly 1.4cc of osmium will run you around $400.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Gravel and glitter
Gravel for weight and glitter because it gets everywhere and is a bitch to clean up.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Great. I hadn't thought of the glitter thing. Love it.
It will be a great addition to add to those survey/money pleas they've been sending me since the first Datagate incident. I write all over their surveys adding my own questions which I then answer and finish off by stuffing the envelopes with fake Hillary $3 bills to make $27. Last one I got was 'from' Elizabeth Warren who wanted to know what the party needs to do to make things better - I told her to nominate Bernie and sent some more Hillary money.
She'd just sell the Osmium
Now, a chunk of astatine...
(Note to any humour impaired Hillbots reading this with their noses pressed against the glass: The emphasis here is on the "No".)
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Do stuff the envelop
With all the material they sent including the envelope..
Overweight letters are charged double at least
I want a Pony!
I haven't gotten any Clinton beg letters
... but I have occasionally gotten beg letters from Republicans. (Probably because I'm older, white and a professional.) When I bother, I'll open it, check off the $500 donation box and indicate check enclosed, then return it in the postage paid envelope with no check. They'll send dozens of further letters looking for that check, which then get recycled.
I'll probably do the same if I get a Clinton letter. Fuck her.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Best option yet!
I just sent mine back with "Bernie or Bust!" and a folded up paper towel tube, minus the paper with my name.
Thumbs up for the...
f*ck her.
'Cause that's the kind of mood I'm in this morning!
Good one, Dallasdoc...
I've missed you!
If I get one Ill fwd a
If I get one Ill fwd a request to Goldman Sacs for $225,000
found the edit option -fantastic
This was a great, inspiring
This was a great, inspiring read. Thank you.
I think what some establishment types mistake for our "idolatry" of Bernie Sanders is often just sheer amazement that anybody is running on the platform we've been lied to about all of our lives when others sang the melody but only sounded out the words phonetically with no understanding of or no intent of really meaning them. It isn't idolatry of a person, no matter that Bernie Sanders is a fine person indeed, it's wonder and gratitude that our values are being acknowledged, embraced, and stated boldly and emphatically as "the plan", not the "We'll get to one or two of these when the time is right", which it never is, but as The actual plan.
How sad that such a concept, that a candidate would actually forcefully propose the ideas that his supporters want to have come to life as policy and action and actually meant it, is such a departure from the norm, that our reactions of wonder and gratitude are mistaken for idolatry of an individual instead of the rebirth of hope and determination to work harder than ever for what we believe in.
You are right (left)
they speak in Mondegreens, sad but true.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
She is spiritually and emotionally dead
whatever her mawkish quotes of faux religion and calculated effect of sounding spiritual, there is something profoundly missing from her as a human being.
She is spiritually and emotionally dead
whatever her mawkish quotes of faux religion and calculated effect of sounding spiritual, there is something profoundly missing from her as a human being.
Authoritarians and authoritarian followers
believe thet everyone else is like them, but following a wrong authority...
Here's some bedtime reading:
The Authoritarians
Thanks for articulating that
Thanks for articulating that sentiment so well. This could (or should) be a diary on its own.
I love your writing, Steven D.
You, so eloquently, say everything I'm thinking about this whole situation. It's not about Bernie, it's about we, the people. We are for him because he is for us. If, banish the thought, she is the nom, and he says, let's skip down hrc lane, I'll say, "Bernie, it's been real and it's been fun, but this won't be real fun." My vote will go elsewhere.
I just commented in another essay, the revolution is alive and well and will be televised at the convention.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
If you're able to get there,
tomorrow Bernie will be at Santa Fe Community College and the Albuquerque Convention Center.
I can't make it, Happy.
My granddaughter graduates from High School at 6:00 50 miles from ABQ and 65 miles from Santa Fe. I'm very disappointed, but I'll watch it on YouTube later.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I realize this is a bit of a
I realize this is a bit of a hijack, but where is both 50 miles from Albuquerque and 65 miles from Santa Fe? I'm wracking my brain and can't come up with a city that could possibly fit New Mexico geography.
IIRC, it's somewhere in the vicinity of Moriarty.
Congrats on your granddaughters graduation !!!!!!
Orwell was an optimist
Thanks, Knot! eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Great summary!
I only wish you had added Honduras to Libya and Syria as her foreign policy failures.
It has occurred to me that HRC is not running for Obama's third term, but Bill's, especially since she has now proclaimed that he will be in charge of economic policies. That really should scare the bejeebus out of everyone. It is a sign of how she looks at the presidency--monarchs and dictators appoint family to high positions, not democracies.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
That she is announcing their presidency
will essentially be the two for the price of one Bill bragged about in 1992 shows you how tone deaf both of them are. That went over like a lead balloon nearly 25 years ago, and I doubt it will fly any better this go round.
The Byzantines had co-emperorships several times
Usually very unsuccessfully.
from a reasonably stable genius.
another unforced error she had to walk back
Within hours of blurting it out
Orwell was an optimist
I missed that one.
But we can always edit!
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Which I just did so that my comment
would make sense!
Isn't it wonderful ...
being able to edit comments? That's a feature sorely missing on some other websites, and it sure is needed.
I soooooooo love this edit feature. = ) n/t
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Great Column by Gail Collins
in today's New York Times.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
No link?
I think I still have about five visits left for NYT this month, so a link and maybe an idea of what the article is about would help me figure out if it is one that I should give up a visit for. I usually save those for articles that I absolutely cannot find any where else, especially since I generally do not like NYT "reporting."
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Below is a link and a few sentences
The title is "Subtract One Clinton"
She's still short one Clinton
Sorry Gail, thanks for playing.
Please help support caucus99percent!
As a unit of measurement, what should “one Clinton” represent?
List of scientific units named after people
one Clinton
A ten percent increase in CEO pay.
That will correlate to her involvement in Wall Street's success.
"A government for protecting business only is but a carcass
and soon fails by its own corruption and decay."
-- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888), Transcendentalist, writer
and philosopher.
It is a unit used for measuring the quantitative level of lies.
At the bottom of the spectrum you have basic unintentional falsehood.
Then it goes something like (if my memory serves, been a while since I took B.S. 101.):
Being Economical with the Truth.
Fudging the Facts.
Total Bullshit.
Complete and utter bullshit.
Holy hell, did you really just spout that bullshit?
all the way through to, "Wow, that was a straight Clinton...."
(I believe it works like the metric system so 10 bullshits is a Total Bullshit, 10 Total bullshits equals 1 Complete and utter bullshit and so on.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Metrically speaking, the Clinton is similar to the farad,
the standard unit of capacitance (in honor of Michael Faraday, who also has a unit of charge named after him, the Faraday).
The thing is, one farad is an enormous level of capacitance, well beyond anything anyone uses in ordinary electronics. When discussing the capacitors found in ordinary consumer goods, one talks in picofarads and microfarads. The enormous capacitors found in air conditioners, for example, are on the order of 20 to 100 microfarads.
And so it is with the Clinton. In discussing the sort of ordinary deceit and dissembling one encounters in day to day life, the microClinton typically suffices.
(hat tip to an engineering professor who told of being at a conference where in a conversation some folks agreed that the standard unit of arrogance should be the Dijkstra, in honor of Edsger Dijkstra, with the similar observation that in ordinary usage the microDijkstra would suffice.)
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I love it.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
the trustworthy capacitance
of hillary is on the order of a couple of 1.0 E-15 farads (femto farads or 0.000000000000001 farads) if you want to get technical about it.
Duplicate post
Please help support caucus99percent!
Thank you so much for the additions.
She must be feeling pretty confident. If she had made the same statements about Bill earlier on, I think it would have lost her a lot of votes. It is really too bad that states , especially the South, cannot vote again. I believe we would see some different results.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Buyer's Remorse
There is a lot of buyer's remorse out there. Just ask people.
If you're talking about Obama, I'm on that list.
My Corrected Reply "I Understand" is Below
I Understand
I too have buyer's remorse with Obama. I certainly wouldn't have done all the things I did to help him get elected. I would have voted for him because I didn't want to vote for McCain or Romney. Obama ran as a progressive, but much of it was fake. We just don't have many choices. The difference in this primary is that we have a real progressive and we know the real deal now. Never going back again after voting for Bernie. It changed my outlook and if Bernie's not on the ballot, I will write him in. I've never done that and I'm no spring chicken. If the establishment choices for a future President are unacceptable, I will vote another way, as well.
Trying to Smooth Things Over
I read Gail Collins article. She is trying to help HRC because she knows Hillary is looking like a loser. Bill Clinton will not go away, even if Gail Collins wants him too. He loves the attention and this is his "3rd term". Hillary doesn't appear to be able to stand on her own. She called Bill in to help during the 2008 campaign against Obama. Most women would have left a man like Bill Clinton years ago because of his affairs. Look what he did in the White House knowing there was an ongoing investigation.
And ditch her meal ticket?
The only reason she was given a Senate seat in NY (because yes, it was given to her) was because Bill was the ex-President.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Daddy's girl
Yes, HRC always gets what she wants, except she can't control Bill, who has a way of getting what he wants, too. They do need each other to accomplish the goal. I sometimes wonder if I'm watching their personal melodrama on stage. The only problem is that we are a participating audience in this tragedy. The Clintons have remade the Democratic party in their image and it sure shows.
She also played
a key role (see Clinton Foundation/ Pinchuk Foundation ties) in the runup to the Ukraine coup and resulting atrocities. And no surprise with her, the EU's and NATO's ambitions set on bringing Russia "to heel".
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh