This situation (with the NV DNC) is an attempt to deter Berners and poison the well against super delegates. Stand up and call lies "Lies."
Look, responding in a defensive manner to the patently absurd claims being made right now against Sanders delegates (not supporters, but elected DELEGATES) in NV is the wrong tack to take. It legitimizes the MYTH that there was any violence at the NV convention, which there was not. The Casinos are all under 24-hour surveillance, for one thing. For another thing, there are thousands of eye-witness accounts and tons of videos that show nothing of the sort. Finally, no one was injured (including any chairs).
The Clinton people have obvious gain from passing this meme along. They have gain from US acting defensively too since again, it lends creedence to the spectre of "guilt." However, we are NOT GUILTY OF ANYTHING. So there is no need to act guilty. In fact, we know that Team Clinton has done something absolutely horrible, undemocratic, and frankly offensive and insane, and so over the line that we are ALL angry about it. There is such a thing as righteous anger, and they would like us to forget that and for other people to denounce that.
When Bernie Sanders protested segregated housing and was arrested, were people happy about it? Of course not. They thought he was a hooligan, a bad person, all kinds of stuff. The same was said about MLK Jr when he marched across the bridge at Selma. History now shows that these were good things, brave things, things done without a FUCKING SINGLE CONCERN for social approval. When Occupy happened, no one cared that it wasn't "sanctioned." I would be OFFENDED by the Sanders campaign if they were saying "Oh, we will just placate the powers that be by going along with what they consider acceptable behavior."
Acceptable behavior, as defined by the Clinton campaign, is murdering innocent people, is violating basic Democratic precepts and cheating in elections, is laundering money, is deporting children, is normalizing war, is saying it is okay for Wall Street to rip off people who engage in predatory lending so that people lose their housing and become homeless, is strangling human beings with global capitalism, is playing "victim" despite all of this, is lying whenever opportune, is giving billions of dollars to maintain the injustice in Israel, is sending US troops to fight on the ground with ISIS thus placing a target on the back of this nation in a whole new way, is saying there is no need for net neutrality at all and we own your thoughts, words, and the medium itself, is killing the earth and her trees and animals with global fracking and offshore oil drilling and deforestation of rain forests by sanctioning multinational corporations, is saying "corporations are people too," is saying "lobbyists are people too," but is saying "you are not people too -- you threw… an invisible chair… after sixteen hours of disenfranchisement… and even though that never happened, I am going to make you answer for it."
Don't. Don't answer for it. Reject it, and play offense, not defense.
Stop worrying.
She is every bit of a lying sack of shit that you thought.
Never vote for her or any of her people, anyone who has endorsed her and thus has enabled her. Ever. I don't care if they claim to be a "Progressive." Actions speak louder than words.
Refuse them and reject them.
And Clinton is trying to scare you out of going to Philly. Don't take THAT bait, no matter what you do. You want to go to Philly because you reject the things listed above, correct? Don't let the mythology of a single chair, unproved, be the thing that swift boats our movement, okay? That would be truly stupid. Please be more strategic and think carefully about what they want you to do, and refuse to do it, even if that means they reject you (of course they do; you reject them -- and so yes, it's a little war of sorts, fine! There is, again, such a thing as righteous indignation, and they are banking on the idea that you will get scared and CONFORM again to the expectations they set for you, like you are crazy -- CRAZY -- to think for yourself).
Fuck their framing. It's no different than Bosnian Sniper Fire.
And does she REALLY think this will hurt Bernie's unfavorables? I would think it would, if we lean back and keep telling the TRUTH about what happened with no concern for HER LIES, I would think it would be a much bigger stain on her. She looks like a damned fool for making such outrageous claims, and we all know it's because she wants to distract people from the overstep she made in Nevada where she chose to break rules, disenfranchise delegates, and make a mockery of Democracy and normal process so that I could have sworn I was looking at an election in Liberia… so please… don't argue with irrational people.
Counter them factually and firmly. Who cares what they say or think? YOU THINK THEY THINK WELL OF YOU ALREADY? They think you are a piece of very stupid piece of shit to be duped into a general election vote, basically. You can decide if you agree with that, I guess. I think more highly of my own insights however.
"Cautious, careful people always casting about to preserve their reputation or social standards never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest are willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathies with despised ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences." -- Susan B. Anthony -- props to penelopepnortney
-- And hello to all here! It took a while to get over here, apologies, but you all know where to find me, where I am a busy bee. Cross-posted here by request from angstall.

Thanks for the pep talk, as always!
I still hope and plan to go to Philly!
However, I am at a loss as to how to counter the lies when we can't get any airtime for OUR side of the story.
if all of the MSM says a thing, it becomes so, at least in all the ways that matter.
Well, to offer more thoughts
I am so not worried about MSM perceptions though. I think we have airtime -- online and face-to-face
We are bigger than the MSM if we get our voices out there and talk to people. And the MSM has a 6% "trust" rate. That's it! Only 6% of the American public "trust" MSM news, so their spin is easy to counter. Talk to people. Post online. Share your posts with others.
I have an amazing compendium of accounts with video links that you can share with anyone.
And as someone on the political Left, I know I will always be disregarded by the MSM. I don't care. I do what is right and ignore the 4th branch of government's judgements about my actions or character completely -- convincing human beings is far more important, and like Harvey Milk proposed, person-to-person advocacy and activism is the best sort of all.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
Excellent post, MO.
Thanks for coming by.
Thanks TomP -- nice to see you
It is taking a long time for comments to connect, and I'm in multiple tabs/sites, but saying hello and trying to share my thoughts.
I have crossed a new point with this that I was not at before:
I will not vote for Clinton in the general, nor will I vote a single down ballot candidate who has endorsed her. I don't care if they claim to be Democrats.
I am not going to be scared into "loyalty" to a morally shitty and bad group of people whose values are corrupt.
What I saw in Nevada -- and I liveblogged the periscopes and watched about eight hours of these from the convention floor -- was worthy of Kinshasa.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
Thanks for sharing that.
I respect and trust you. Gives me something to think about.
If I chose not to vote for Hillary, and I still plan to do so, I would support GPUS.
That you have taken this positions hows how much damage the Hillary people have created. Bernie's statement is good also.
I would love to see tow Bernie wins tonight.
I am so happy to see you here, mahakali overdrive!
Your presence makes us better. I agree with every word, many thanks.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Me neither. Not ever voting for Hillary
or a Dem who supported her.
I just lost my right to vote in a closed primary. I have been registered here for ten years as a democrat and I got a non-partison ballot. Waited to get a provisional ballot that might not even count. Same thing with my husband - 10 years registered here as a democrat at same addresss.. .and somehow after April 10th when I last checked our status... we were changed to non-affiliated.
I've reported it to berniesanders voter protection people.
Today was the last time I will ever want to be registered as a Democrat. And they took that from me.
I've voted all my life, and overseas at times. This is the first fucking time for me and in an easy state to vote in as well.
Fuck this shit. Good to see you MO!!!!!
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Wow sorry to hear that
This shit is going to rebound on Team Clinton so hard that they are not going to know what has hit them. There is no way that they can win the GE after running this strategy across the states.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
They *could* cheat even harder
but that risks exposing the whole dirty scheme to public view.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
And the result will be the same.
And the result will be the same.
President Donald J. Trump.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The lesser evil is Trump not Clinton.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thank you stevej
OT but I really like your avatar photo.
Been a long rough day. My husband couldn't get out to get his provisional which we don't even know if those will be counted, we have to check in tomorrow.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thanks the pic seemed right for here
I hope the news in a couple of hours goes some way to make up for a crap day. We are on tenterhooks here. 80% - 20% would be nice
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
welcome to c99p, mahakali overdrive!
First order of business: welcome to c99p! I've been waiting to see you here!
Now, to the matters at hand:
That's an insult to Kinshasa, whose people were struggling to learn how to run a national government independently of ancient tribal feuds for the very first time. This is something that we know how to do, have done so successfully before, and have utterly failed to do in Las Vegas. In that respect, as a nation, we actually did worse than the people of Kinshasa. And yes, I'm both pissed and ashamed.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I've missed you, MO!
Your voice is always soothing and calming. You are absolutely correct in this essay. We must move forward in solidarity! Thank you!
edited for typo
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Nice to see you too, RA!
Missed my Women for Bernie. In absolute solidarity, as always.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
There you are! :-)
Nice to see you here, Finally!
Righteous reminder, that rant up there. Totally agree.
Because F that shit!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
MO, great to see you here.
The only thing that Hillary Team has inspired in me as result of their Corruption is that I am finally done and finished with the Democratic Party. My vote for Bernie in the Texas primary is likely the last vote that I will ever cast for anyone running on the Democratic Party ticket.
Even if a particular candidate is the best candidate on earth, still they corrupt themselves by running on the ticket of a corrupt Political Party. It is time for all progressives to leave the stinking rotting corpse of the Democratic Party behind and move on, even if that means we will have to build a new Party from the ground up, or unite in some sort of coalition with the Greens, if they are willing.
Enough is enough already. This party cannot be reformed. Some of us have been working within this party for the past 40 some years and, not only have we not succeeded in reforming the Democrats, we have not even been able to slow their steady and relentless march to the right. They are now further to the right than the Republicans were that we used to vote against 40 years ago when we so pragmatically voted for the "lesser evil" Democrats.
Ha Ha Ha Ha, we have been played and the joke is on us.
This is where the "lesser-evil" strategy gets us. How evil does evil have to get until it can no longer be considered the "lesser evil" ???
I am still sticking with Bernie, donating etc. But if he should lose the nomination to Hillary and then give her his endorsement, then I will immediately switch my support to Jill Stein. I will never vote for the so-called "lesser evil" ever again.
How much more evil does the "lesser evil" have to get before we wake up and and tell the Corporate Elite to take all of their candidates and shove them. When will we begin to vote in the interests of all people everywhere and in the interest of our Mother Earth?
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Yes, I'm there too
It really surprises me, but I am not going to yield because it is not pragmatic to cede to centrism. And if some people are hurt in the process, that is the direct consequence of the sins and evils of Clinton and her people trying to take over the Democratic Party from within, so to speak (but no, literally, this is obviously way, way to the right of the current administration, as she picks up even some Cruz supporters? And the BushCo people who are funding her campaign… no… not interested… voting for Clinton's party is like voting for GWB in my mind).
I'm ready for a new party. I'm not up for negotiations. That's not my style.
I voted out every person affiliated with her in my primary in CA. Steve Stokes for Senate rather than Harris, and a Rep who is an independent Berniecrat.
In the GE, I don't support Green Party for TONS of reasons -- but -- I won't vote Clinton IF she is the nominee. Not happening. I'm also not voting for an installed replacement Dem like Biden. Either I'm writing Sanders in if he authorizes write-ins in CA OR I will vote Peace and Freedom Party, who I generally am in support of and who are on the ballot in California and Florida. So that's kind of a done deal for me. There is literally nothing anyone can threaten me with here. I have considered this ethically. A few months ago, sure. But now, things have changed, and these are a direct consequence of Clinton's own ego feeding her actions in really unsavory ways, to say nothing of her Republican policies.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
Me too, and your last line IS the reason
completely. If she didn't feel the need to be such an idiot, if she didn't feel the need to constantly insult Bernie's supporters, if she didn't feel the need to rig a primary, if she didn't feel the need to act like Bill is our economic savior when he helped do us in, if she didn't feel the need to brag about Henry Fucking Kissinger being her friend, if she didn't DO all of those things, I might have pulled that lever for her just to keep the Repugnant out. But NO MORE, damn them.
While I no longer subscribe to the NYT I did check out the headlines today. Made me sick to my stomach. And one of the latest ones about Harry Reid asking Bernie to "disavow" the "violence" and that Harry "thinks he will" makes me want to throw something.
And as for hurting people by not voting for her corrupt ass, I myself will be on the line to have my SS and Medicare cut too, so they can take that bullshit answer and shove it. And while she'll "allow" us to have gay marriage and abortions, if we cannot afford to pay for those things, they're a moot fucking point. Yes, pissed off today.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Those social issue positions will evaporate like smoke the second she has progressives' votes. She'll do exactly what the fundagelicals and the super-rich boss class tell her to do. Take it to the bank.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The NV convention is MSM's Dean Scream for Bernie
He didn't do anything they could scandalize himself, so they have to make up shit his supporters supposedly did to pin on him. It's just more "BernieBro" slander.
The best way to react to this primary season is to realize that the mask is off: the Democratic party has no intention of representing working class people anymore. The media is giving up any pretense of objectivity, tattered though that pretense might have been. The face of oligarchy is plainly revealed, unashamed and not bothering to conceal its intentions anymore.
The Democratic party is useless. Just as useless as the Republican party is to its former adherents. Both parties need to fall apart, so we can find new ways to associate politically. Supporting the status quo is a Chickens for Colonel Sanders situation anymore.
The corporate media is useless. It's as bad at propaganda as late Soviet-era Pravda, or a North Korean mass demonstration. It serves no other purposes than manufacturing consent and increasingly incidental profits to the oligarchs who run it. It is a waste of our time and attention.
The Sanders campaign has begun the process of building the next politics. Social media gives us alternative sources of information. Building from the ground up is probably the only way forward that offers any chance of success. In the meantime, whether we write in Bernie Sanders, vote for Jill Stein, or leave the top ballot line blank, the net effect is the same. We withdraw our consent to being dominated by Money.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Amen, brother.
You are so right. The only thing the Dem Party wants from the working class is their vote, and for them to shut up and get out of the way. Helping the working class would not sit well with the fat cats who contribute $$$ to Hillary and her ilk.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I am deciding which list to make
to avoid voting for anyone who supports the Clinton way.
A list of current Dems who back Clinton (thinking Schumer, Gillibrand, Cuomo to start).
A shorter list of Bernie supporters running for office.
Everyone on the C side deserves no vote ever again. I wrote in Teachout for Gov, after her unsuccessful primary bid.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Priority for real Democrats.
#1 - make Bernie to win
#2 - make Hillary and her billionaires lose
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Time for Plan B
Plan A was to reform the Democratic Party from within. But when the party establishment acts like a Mayor Daley or a Boss Tweed and shuts out all reformers, and the party has finally sold what's left of its soul and values to the highest corporate bidder, then that's no longer possible. Leaving a vacuum for a party that actually represents people and democracy.
Which means we're on to Plan B -- form The Progressive Party. It is NOT a third party -- it's the replacement for the rusted out Democratic Party, which goes the way of the Whigs. So we can have a party that is of, by, and for the People.
The time is right for this. 42% of Americans are Independents, a historic trend and an all-time high. Within Democratic voters, over 43% are now Berniecrats. The approval rating of Congress is 11%, an all-time low, reflecting how severely people do not feel represented in their own government. The younger generation has been awakened this year, they seek authenticity and do not follow the old model of party politics, and are acutely aware that the status quo is not working in their lives. We can do this.
If the Democratic Party locks Bernie out I think he should
request his supporters to vote Green. I am aleady there. If nothing else, we will qualify the Green's on all 50 state ballots for the next election by giving them 5% of the vote. Many Republicans are doing the same for the Libertarian Party. We need more options since neither party represents the interests of the average American.
This is spot on Jaye:
I've never described myself as a liberal, let alone a Democrat, but I typically held my nose and voted that way. No more. Only maggots live in a rotting corpse.
The Dems are going to wake up one fine day in shock and dismay as they realize their "automatic" voters have found a bold new home. Consider Michelle Alexander for instance--the most acute political thinker I've read in decades and a solid Sandernista. When asked if she endorsed Sanders she declined to do so despite her outspoken support for him, because she understands that only a new progressive party can drive the change America so desperately needs. This isn't a new position for her, but her conviction that the Democratic Party has no answers to any questions worth asking has only solidified as Clinton's nomination becomes likely. This past winter for instance she said this in The Nation:
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
thx for this, Phil, I'm gonna try and find that article.
Here it is:
"Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported—decimated black America."
By Michelle Alexander FEBRUARY 10, 2016
I'll try and find time tomorrow to read the whole thing. I'm beginning to wish more and more that Bernie had not run on the Democratic Party ticket. Up to now, I supported that decision as a way for him to get wider exposure.
I can't imagine that he would run as an Independent should Hillary get the nom, but really, I don't think he needs to honor any agreement that he made with Dems after all the fraud that the party elite has engaged in throughout this primary.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
What do you think of the Green Party as an entryist project?
I like the Greens, but not enough to make them my home just yet. If there were say, a Watermelon party, green outside and red inside, and committed to both, I'd join in a heartbeat. Do you think it could be made so?
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
We used to have a project called the "Green Alliance USA"
It was an attempt to push the Green Party in an anticapitalist direction. I attended the opening meeting in January of 2002 in New Orleans. Nothing really came of it unfortunately. If you can find Howie Hawkins or John Clark or Carl Romanelli or, well, there are a bunch of other people whose names escape me right now -- ask them about it.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I think the Greens are too narrow and that to really
establish a viable Party, we would need to build a broad coalition. I like the Greens and hope they would join in building such a coalition. I think certain sectors of the labor movement might finally be ready to make another attempt at party building. I was involved in such an attempt way back in the early '90s but it never really went anywhere.
I was on a few conference calls with Labor for Bernie. Some big names on that call, former head of CWA, Larry Cohen, I think it was him (don't quote me tho on that) who went off on the Democratic establishment. I've never before heard a labor leader speak about the Democratic Party establishment like that, he spared no words on how the Dems have been screwing the working people.
So there could be some labor leaders who supported Bernie who might have finally had their fill of getting screwed by the Democratic Party. Chicago Teachers and National Nurses United, also, perhaps.
Nina Turner is being treated like crap by the Democrats, and she would make an amazing leader if she would be willing to come on board. She is well known by labor in Ohio. Here she is speaking to USW convention:
[video: width:500 height:315]
And then on the Socialist side there is the great Kshama Sawant
[video:" width:500 height:315]
Now, I don't know who would or who wouldn't be willing to join a party building movement, but I am saying that it would need to be a broad-based coalition, broader than just the Greens, and we will have to put our heads together to figure out how to pull it all together. And we'll have to simply ignore those who say it can't be done.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
PS, I nominate Nina Turner for President and
Kshama Sawant for VP.
Imagine having a President who say that to working people and poor people and mean it!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thanks for your thoughts.
I'd like it to be a good idea. Like everyone else, I'm starved for effective, organized options.
I think it's a nut we can crack, but we have to know how this election shakes out so we know who we're dealing with at the "top" and who was pissed off enough (and aware enough and determined enough) to turn their backs on both parties.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
The lesser evil is a false dilemma. The only way to end the
dilemma is when a majority of people vote their conscience. We must not perpetuate the lesser evil paradigm. #NeverHillary #NeverTrump #BernieOrJill #BernieOrBust
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
yep Zim, and even if Bernie doesn't win,
if his campaign inspires many of us to finally bust free of that good-cop/bad-cop brainwashing that the two ruling class parties have us locked into, then he will have accomplished something amazing.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Yes, yes, yes.
IIRC, it was Debs (maybe it was Jesus) who said "When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for evil." But my favorite Debs (Debs, or maybe Jesus) was "I would rather vote for what I want and not get it, than vote for what I don't want and get it."
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The Clintonistas may as well be shrieking "War is Peace!"
Their brazen campaign to rewrite what happened in Nevada by painting Sanders supporters demanding transparency and democracy as aggressive bullies is an absolutely classic example of the Big Lie.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
There is now video that
There is now video that proves this never happened:
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
For all the frustration and anger in that room
you gotta give the Berners A+++++++++++++ for staying as cool as they did.
Glad you've made it over here (where we can post images and little happy faces)
Well said!
This recent Hill camp dirty trick is just par for the course. There was no violence and likely those anonymous texts were not even from Bernie supporters.
This is happening mostly on twitter and blogs (with just a little msm reporting) so the audience is limited but it will severely set back any unity efforts should she get the nomination.
It's also going to damage down ticket candidates because there will no doubt be more Bernie or bust people after this nonsense.
MSM Leading With Bernie Supporters Evil Meme
No, mon frere, the MSM is LEADING with crazy, evil, dirty trickster, wild-eyed Bernie supporter stories, and the obvious conclusion that Bernie attracts these loonies because he's one too. Usually, Bernie gets crickets in coverage, but before a major Tuesday primary he gets ginned-up scandal-palooza. Paul Krugman, Dana Millbank, and other screaming Casandras on the WaPo, NYT, Politico, The Guardian, even Salon, all telling readers how much of an evil loser Bernie really is. The source of these coordinated, pre-primary hate screeds? Must rhyme with Bill & Hill.
Never ever EVER allow your opponent to define the parameters of the debate.
Turn about is your friend and can be done within the confines of the gos gag rule and be every bit as cutting...
Orwell was an optimist
About preserving ones social standing
Old saying....
I used to walk into a room, look around and wonder if the people there like me
Now that I am old I walk into a room, look around and wonder if I like the people there
Orwell was an optimist
You are doing good things on Reddit....
So you stay there and stay busy fighting for Bernie. Just come by once in awhile to say hello and share your insights.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks a lot
I'm fighting like Hell over there, daily, and trying to make sure truth gets out wherever possible.
I may not be old yet, but I'm fiery still and know right from wrong.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
VICE just posted this an hours ago
Nevada's Democratic Party Is Accusing Bernie Sanders' Staff and Supporters of Inciting Violence
As it is proven over and over again, you closest friends are often the worst traitors. If it weren't such an old feature of your best friends, it would be more interesting. But it isn't. Always same 'ol same 'ol shit.
Just resist.
Thank you, MO!
So good to see you here.
I need to run, but I wanted to drop this comment so I can easily find this diary later, and fully absorb it.
Today has been truly surreal.
Good to see you too, eagles92
and everyone here.
Yeah, surreal, but also, quite a truth-telling moment. That veil was pulled all the way back for a grand peek at life-with-Clinton. The sheer lies and drama make me sort of want to throw up in my mouth for a few weeks straight. I hope she leaves her oily stains well outside of the White House.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
Bernie needs to file for an independent run!
It is that simple...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
That would be a game changer.
I do not expect it.
GPUS would give him the ballot space.
I still think he will endorse Hillary. We will see.
I sure hope he doesn't
His recent press statement is moving farther away from that possibility.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
He might, he is sounding pretty pissed off these days.
I think we won't know the half of what's gone on until after the primaries.
Agreed. Don't think he will
but it would be so nice if he did.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
Bernie likes to keep to his word
And he pretty much promised to endorse Hill if he did not win.
I didn't promise Bernie I would vote for Hillary even if he is
force to endorse her.
Bernie likes to keep to his word
And he pretty much promised to endorse Hill if he did not win.
Hey can spare the humiliation
Hey can spare the humiliation. Most of us don't want to hear it. I know I am in the majority to say so and not some radical fringe. Most Berners want no unity and will not vote Clinton EVEN IF Sanders says "Hey, she's not that bad." We support him. Unlike hillbots, we don't take marching orders from the man.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
I agree
bernie should run as an independent if everything goes to hell.
Thank you for coming here, and posting.
Good post. Hope to see you here from time to time (though I know you're super busy at /r/KfS.)
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Poor put upon Hillary
This subject line is my new mantra because she must be frustrated that this little white haired man, and most especially his supporters, will not sit down, shut up and do what they are told. Her henchpersons must have some internal polling, focus group results or other data so unfavorable that she has to quickly get rid of Bernie so that her pivot to the general is quick and she can then go head-to-head with someone as disgusting and crooked as herself - Drumpf.
She stepped in it big time when she said Bill would be in charge of the economy so vile slander and deflection are required to change the subject. Even Donald isn't stupid enough to fall for this so look for him to double down on his scurrilous attacks on a corrupt and weak democratic nominee. All you have to do to confirm this panic is look at the crap posted on the front page at TOP.
The smell of desperation from Poor Put Upon Hillary in the morning. It smells like....victory.
Good one!
I might say, poor aggrieved hrc.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Oh my... duplicate
I'm still hoping....
the bird was a sign. We need Bernie, and he still might win. Here is my preferred scenario:

And here's my dream:

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Kevin Gosztola wrote about this just now
Go to the article for an extended discussion
Awesome, thank you -- I'm sharing that
Nina Turner was there. So was Erin Bilbray. Both made very strong public condemnations of what happened. Erin Bilbray's father, former Rep. James Bilbray, a pro-CLINTON Democrat, found the process so sickening that he tore up his delegate ballot and left, proclaiming the whole thing the worse offense he had ever seen of the Democratic process. The Bilbrays have been in Nevada politics for eighty-five years.
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
I posted Erin's tweet last night
in Scan's diary and what she wrote was dismissed just because she is a Bernie supporter.
I'm beyond disgusted by Hillary's tactics in so many states and by her supporters that won't admit that this election season has so many problems with it and every time it has happened, Hillary comes out the winner.
She has to cheat to win this election and her supporters don't care nor will they admit it.
They just keep blaming Bernie and call him a sore loser.
If after everything that has been done to him during this election and he comes out and strongly supports Hillary, then I'm going to agree that his roll has been sheep dogging to get people back in to the Democratic Party.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
sheep dogging
Frankly, I don't think there's much room for him to do that now. If he tries to sheep-dog the progressive community back into the Democratic Party, he's liable to find himself trying to herd a bunch of cats.
BIG cats.
Big pissed-off cats.
I respectfully submit that Bernie strongly consider not attempting anything so stupid.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
This is typical crap. I saw this in Texas during 2008.
The precinct I was in was heavily Obama. The chair made the process just miserable. She delayed and delayed and delayed to punish the people there for not towing the party line and voting Hillary. This is not new stuff.
Ya know, if History discusses
Ya know, if History discusses this and the investigations are made, I am betting the Party will say "We played by the rules fairly, we could not control what Hillary supporters did in her name" and throw the Hillbots under the bus to avoid smears on the Party Establishment, make me wonder if the Hillbots are thinking this or not? Probably not, "they're with Her" and how could She and the Machinery use them as patsy's for political expedience?
So long, and thanks for all the fish
The hillbots won't even care
Just taking one for the team.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thanks, MO, good to see you here.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
hiya, MO!
Glad you came around to this place, and came around to a firm stance never to vote for Clinton.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
hiya, MO!
a duplicate/ignore
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
hiya, MO!
a triplicate/ignore.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hi On the Cusp!
Second time here. Last time it was freezing up on me, so I had to jump ship. Giving it another college try, especially since I did want to say hello!
“It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” -- Gilles Deleuze
Something smells
Has anyone found any evidence that formal complaints or even arrests have been filed for the alleged ruckus at the NV delegate meeting over the weekend? With all the LEOs at the event I would think that something would have been filed or an investigation opened by now. Unless it's all BS...
It's all BS - there's video and periscope of the whole thing
There was no violence or chair throwing. There was some verbal complaining... oooh scary....
Escaping the Lord of the Flies
Had to join here today to escape the frenzy of hate and retribution over at the big orange site that doesn't work very well. They've sharpened their spears, greased themselves up to dance around the fire imagining Bernie in the flames, except it's their own demons hounding them.
I'm glad to see familiar names upthread already.
C'mon Oregon scare them a little.
It's so much nicer here.
Welcome to the site
Yes you will find a lot of familiar faces here where we have freedom of speech and expression.
Many of us were here before the great purge from the orange Satan, but many more joined because they couldn't take the bullshit of what that site had become.
There's no discussion of facts over there. Any criticism of the Annointed One" is called right wing talking points even when the evidence came from progressive websites.
Their minds are closed to the corruption of both the Clintons and the Democratic Party. But especially the corruption of the Clintons.
I'm sure that you know that Hillary has been vetted for over 30 years and has so much more experience then Bernie has.
Her supporters won't look at the carnage that she helped create in the Middle East nor will they look at the corruption of the Clinton foundation and how it has interfered in Haiti, Honduras and Libya all the time they have been lining their pockets with money from corrupt governments and people.
Corrupt to the core is the only way I can describe how I feel about the Clintons and their actions.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This Berner
Won't be deterred! Thank you for posting here, mo, and for all of the great work you've been doing.
Nina Turner, eyewitness, tells the truth
In LD's BNR primary thread, someone posted a video of Nina Turner's interview on the Benjamin Dixon show. This 20-min video is well worth watching for the energy and the accuracy of Nina's account of the events in Nevada.
Nina Turner interview video -- direct, no facebook, no DK
[video: width:640 height:360]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Jai Kali Ma! (nt)
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
We need some Kali right about now
to come in and wipe out the DNC.
Don't know if this is how you meant it, but...
the way Winter around here keeps refusing to leave for the season, I figure Hecate is still hanging around for one reason or another...
And it don't take much to figure out what reason I'd like that to be!
OT-Thom Hartmann re: NV
So I was listening to Thom this afternoon, (I know I wrote last evening that I was done) but I was curious as to what he would say to callers regarding NV. (I actually hear it a day late). So I'm listening and a caller is explaining in great detail, even mentions the Rolle video, which Thom acknowledges he watched, but I can tell in his voice he's walking a fine line. It's like he's a smooth operator towing the party line. It's the same gd thing I noticed at DK. I was just a reader there for about 1.5 years or a little more and I could just tell something was up.
I held Thom in high esteem. How could you not? He had Bernie on his show for years every Friday. I would hate to think Thom used Bernie. I held him in high esteem because he would have credible people on from the left of the political spectrum that made me feel I was at home. Now, he's just pissing me off on a daily basis.
And, maybe it's just me, but somehow when a caller is defending Bernie, I freakin' swear they get cut off. Caller is in the middle of making an excellent point but *poof* they're gone! Happened to another caller late last week.
Thanks for the space to vent. Peace.
Quit listening to Thom, a while ago, Christine,
for the reason that he [sometimes] appears to allow just 'so much truth' to be spoken.
Eventually, I came to believe that he was in the tank for the Dem Party (truth aside), and just quit calling and/or listening. IMO, he got much worse after he moved to D.C.
If you recall, his moniker--from when he was on IE America Network, before he was on Air America--was something about 'being in the Radical Middle."
I don't think Thom's against Bernie--just that he's going to toe the Dem Party line, which means that he'll continue to tell his audience that 'they must vote for the Dem nominee, to keep Trump out of the White House.'
(The same routine that Dem Party shills/talking heads have been spouting for years.)
At one time, I enjoyed talking to Randi Rhodes, especially since she was interested in talking 'policy.' But, eventually, she seemed to toe the Party line, as well.
I'm sorry that Malloy decided to leave XM Radio. I've considered buying his podcasts, but haven't gotten around to it. He never said what prompted him to pull the plug on satellite radio, but I suspect that it wasn't his choice.
Somehow, the Dem Party PtB always seem to find a way to silence 'the most left voices.'
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