My Conversation with Markos regarding his Lack of Cred with Bernie Supporters. .
So Kos wants to advise Bernie and his supporters how to help down ballot candidates.Bernie did not do it well enough and Kos has advice.
I say this.
TomP May 02 · 03:54:52 PM
Why would Bernie supporters listen to you?What a useless post.
A front pager jumps to attack:
David Nir TomP May 02 · 04:06:54 PM
So Bernie Sanders shouldn’t support downballot candidates because Markos suggested he do so?Reply 11 Flag
TomP kos May 02 · 04:20:33 PM
And Kos does his little tantrum:
kos TomP May 02 · 04:09:38 PM
I thought you guys wanted a more progressive Democratic Party. I guess I was wrong.So that’s right! Don’t support downballot progressives! Don’t build a bench! Don’t look toward building the party from the bottom up! Just be bitter and angry and then let history repeat itself in eight years because you didn’t feel that doing the hard work of building a truly broad-based movement was useful.
I’m sure that’ll turn out well.
And I respond:
I just think you have no credibility with Bernie supporters, Kos. None.
It’s not about your content.
I never said I would not support down ballot Dems. Those are all strawman arguments that you throw out at me. They really are disingenuous on your part and a bit of a temper tantrum.
You. Lack. Credibility. With. Bernie. Supporters.
That was my only point.
You can have a tantrum, but many folks are not listening to you anymore.
You made this.
The entire thread is here:
Of course, the Clinton supporters attack me with lots of insults. I'm "unhinged."
Kos and the front pagers don't get it.
Bernie supporters do not listen to them.
They are stuck with the Hillary supporters. Rah, rah team!
The funny thing is, I will vote for Hillary. Don't like it, but will.
But why would any Bernie supporter listen to Kos or the front pagers there?
Young folks are the base of the Bernie movement.
And I will follow their lead, and I sure won't know it hanging out at Daily Kos.

thanks shah
Last damn thing in the world I would do is allow those people to use me as their spectacle.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Unpaid gladiators in Kos’s Kage Match Karnage Karnival
Seriously. Who needs it?
Thanks but no thanks.
I’m positive we all have much better things to do with our time remaining on earth.
Yes. That is part of it.
It may be that blogs, fun as they are, go nowhere.
When no path works, it may be time to stop playing the game.
Third party, Dem party, electoral strategies, activism. Lately I ponder walking away.
Real life is so much better than blog life.
sure, always has been,
but I think that LP, OPOL, TomP etc, know that and decided nevertheless to keep their heads up despite all of it and continued marching unimpressed by the "dirt factor" thrown at them. That too can be seen as a positive with regards to be stubbornly marching to your own drummer.
I can't blame them for making that decision. Everyone has his own personal reasons and as long they haven't made their own decision to quit TOP, I don't feel comfortable to judge them for still marching on.
The last week the posts there get more and more ignorant.
I come by and nothing worth reading. CNN is more interesting.
They will bore people away.
But it is not really about Markos or Daily Kos.
Bernie reached millions.
This blog can do well and Daily Kos can do whatever it does.
Netroots is a business.
This blog is not.
Most readers see through
the hillaroid trolling, so the more outrageous they get, they more they destroy their own dwindling credibility and expose themselves and their campaign as vapid and manipulative. Even the 'firewall' groups are starting to realize that they are just being used as human shields.
Dear Mich, I love this place (c99)
but see my comment above. It's fun to rile the goldfish. Then you can always return here for friendly territory. Try submitting something odious, but no so bas as to be banned, then read the comment thread for entertainment. Really, it's fun! I don't take anything over there as serious except for LD, OPOL, Bobswern and a few others. Maybe this comment is not politically correct, but reading most of DK is like watching retarded children trying to play chess.
don't bother with them, they're outdated
it's like you're looking out the back window, yelling about what's in the past.
Very true.
It's not 2005.
The content is declining fast. Back pages are Hilliography, and boring and that.
Front pages and Kos are about the same as always.
Let me say this loud and clear.
Fuck Hillary. Fuck Blue. No fucking way 99% of us will ever vote for Hillary, and no way in hell is anyone ever going to fear, guilt or intimidate us into it. Hillary is worse than Trump and is now losing to him in the polls.
See, not one flag or flash of lightning.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You missed a color. Orange.
They wear selective blinders, on top of being nasty, incoherent, and childish. Their candidate has serious issues. They refuse to even admit the possibility that Hill would lose to trump. When the house of cards that KOS built to replace DK falls apart, I wonder if he has enough wherewithal to know who to blame?
What is that definition of insanity again?
I am not insane, so....I will not be voting for $$$HRC$$$. Nobody in my family will...ever!
That dialogue brings back bad memories.
You're right though. Little Napoleon has no credibility.
And the same goes for his site: The House of $hills.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I soo want to post my latest song there in response to a ...
pro-Hillary diary.

The song is easy,. It's sung to the tune of 'Hark the herald angels sing' and it's easy to sing along with because it consists entirely of 2 words.
'NO' and 'HELL NO'.
Like I said, easy to sing. just sing no or hell no wherever it fits best with the tune as you see it.
Have fun kids!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Big contrast
between the lyrics and the melody.
Beware the bullshit factories.
well, you're supposed to replace all the words in the song .....
with 'no' or 'hell no' . Guess I didn't make that clear.
But if you mean it's like, sacrilege committed against the song, I'd ask you to think again.
I haven't twisted the words or made a parody of the song's lyrics. I only borrowed the melody.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I mean it's kind of an uplifting, affirming melody
and "no" and "hell no" contrasts with that in a good way. I like it. It's catchy.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Great to see you here, TomP.
Great to see you here, TomP. You are one of the writers/commenters I miss. Fortunately, several have moved here. I hope you will move here full time at some point in the future. I appreciate you continuing to fight and speaking your truth (and the truth of many others). I just can't go over to TOP without being triggered.
I think that will happen.
Dkos is boring.
It's a character flaw. That one is what sends me away.
I went off on you upthread
and that was my first reaction, but that is how I react to the concept of bullying. The idea that They Might Be Watching pisses me right the fuck off. Who the fuck are THEY?
I hope they are, though, because they need to understand how meaningless they are to most people in Real Life. I hope to HELL you don't really worry about that shit HERE. Because...and not that I speak for anybody else, but I feel pretty confident in saying...NOBODY here really gives a damn what They do outside their little playpen.
Yes. Just others who hang out on Dkos.
Not Kos or front pagers. Wannabes.
And nobody cares outside of their play pens.
You're right. Remember Ugog and all that. Some folks get attracted to weird games there. The drama. Major Flaw, he and the troll hunters.
It's always something with some of them. Many are bullies. Clinton is just an excuse for some.
PS. I'm fine with you.
We've fought and been on the same side over the years.
What is so special about dailykos or noble about sticking around to get kicked in the gut everyday? Is it a guy thing? The greatest insult is indifference. Just say no, just walk away. When little Markos wakes up with no one there or just his henchman, he won't even care.
I'm sure not getting something.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
My staying or leaving
will have no impact.
I don't dislike Kos. He is who he is. I have no interest in harming him.
I don't care if I get kicked in the gut. It is not real. Hide rate me. Whatever.
I go there less and less because it is more and more boring.
Respectfully disagree
If you and the other half a dozen highest profile Sanders supporters quit TOP the place would devolve to TK and the last PUMA standing fighting it out for the top place on the rec list within six months.
(only half joking)
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
It has already devolved.
I have not written a post in more than a week.
I have little to say to them.
Commenting there does little either way, but I even do that less and less.
I have no interest in harming Daily Kos and don't think I could even if I tried.
I would like to see this place continue to grow.
Agree with your POV
with possibly one minor difference. I do see TOP as being a net negative for the progressive movement - not so much for those of us who have been around politics for a long time but it does act as a funnel for those looking into becoming involved for the first time. Dkos (along with other blogs that grew up during the Bush administration -TPM, C&L, Think Progress et al) are marketing themselves as progressive whereas they have all turned to the middle and become all 3rd way/centrist operations.
This is why this place (and others on the progressive side need to grow) - to shift the definition of progressive back to where it should be. We are living a reality where Clinton can call herself a progressive and not be laughed out of Washington-Dkos and others are responsible for reinforcing this damaging reality on a daily basis.
Short version: If someone Googles 'Progressive' they are very likely to end up on Dkos or a similarly compromised site and that damages the progressive movement.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
The DNC, money, access, etc., etc., co-opts large sites 'to spread the word'.
And you end up with hundreds of sad sacks propelling the Hillary message for $6 an hour.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The more we shore up dailykos,
the harder it is for first timers to see it for what it is. We confuse the issue and provide dailykos with cover. Besides, do you really want first timers to think politics is about name calling, throwing your food, being sat in a corner, and "party no matter what"? I sure don't. No one I know is going to be guilted about and told what to do.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good point. TPM, all of them, were exposed this time.
For a time, progressive views could exist on Dkos. Hard to see that after the Clinton influx. Time will tell.
Yes. The trend is bigger than TOP. It’s been going on for years.
Snowden is a good preliminary litmus test. Take any blog forum and ask yourself, the people who run that place, do they seem to support Snowden?
More generally, do they strike you as having a moral center of gravity, one that opposes war, stands up to money and power, supports the public’s right to know the truth, and links arms with any and all men and women of good will who share such views?
I think Democracy NOW is a site that
consistently has done that:
Just listen to Scahill and Greenwald on today's show (May 3rd). I think her broadcast work site and online web presence (with all her archives) is a beacon in the fog of online media wars and deceptions. Thank God Democracy NOW is still broadcasting. Sometimes I fear for her. I don't know why. I am also interested in knowing how she started her "enterprise" and how she funded it. Is there something I don't see? Because what I see are voluntarily donations and her speaking fees, may be.
I just need to understand how some sites and broadcast outlets finance themselves successfully without compromising their set goals to speak truth to power and give others a safe haven place where they can do that without fear.
DN is pretty poor on I/P coverage
You just have to sift and filter and compare to get some truth out of what's available.
The point is who cares who cares?
It isn't dailykos. It is the DNC's blog.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The reason we should care a little
is because if a person is researching Progressive or center left politics they will likely end up at Dkos and will either be disillusioned very quickly (a deliberate function imo) or will become one of the flying monkeys. Neither option is a good one.
I have made it out to be a bigger deal than I actually think it is both in this comment and my reply to Tom but it is worth thinking about imo.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I wouldn't worry
I was exactly that person not that long ago. It didn't take me long to understand the site was not reality based and lived in a blue fishbowl. Anyone smart enough to work their way out of the matrix to start with will be smart enough and determined enough to see DKOS for what it is.
People who rely on casual google searches were never going to find their way out of the matrix anyway.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
That is reassuring
and good to hear. I have to ask - what sources of information/websites did you find useful?(other than here of course)
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Honestly, GOS was the most useful
By the time I went there I'd already become deeply suspicious of the manufactured reality of MSM. So I wasn't exactly in a trust mood. That made it easy to spot the gaps in reality that are omnipresent at GOS. I probably posted some thought or another that was less than flattering towards Obama and got slapped down. But, of course, by then I was used to doing my own research and every time they slapped me down it led me to research if they were right... which sometimes they were but other times they weren't... and so my actual knowledge grew.
Then, of course, there were a few other brave rebels there... Dallasdoc and Goodservice come to mind. They would post fascinating tidbits like, for instance, information on Libya which I would then dig into at length. Same thing with Honduras and Obama's bomb the world for freedom campaign.
GOS offered enough accurate information (and still does) to be worthwhile and at the same time showed me the face of partisan politics... particularly when KOS came out full throated in support of Hillary so early. It's a lot of research on the internet but finding actual reality is worth it.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
gooderservice? Yes, a good one. Almost forgot about him/her. n/t
I dislike him for what he does.
I haven't always felt this way towards Kos, but I most certainly do now. What amazes me is that it took me so long to see what a pot of floating body parts that place is. He's a nasty little man pitting people against each other for whatever ignorant and self-serving purpose. He's causing hurt and harm to others, and he really doesn't give a damn - maybe even enjoying it. That makes him shit in my book, and I won't look away from it anymore. Whether or not my leaving or staying matters to him or his blog, I could care less. What it matters to is me. Nobody pushes me around for long.
Good news Tom is that Hillary is losing to Trump - hey, hey! I swear we are all going to dance on the Clintons' political grave. I am convinced Trump is better than her and for us so I really don't care if he wins. All I care about is Berniewinning. If I have to help burn the Democrats to the ground to do it, hand me the matches.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Money does something to people...I have seen it time after time
Usually I have seen it in people who did not come from money but made their way up by whatever means available to them. It becomes an "I've got mine" mentality fomented in the base of a very insecure person. I know several people like, unfortunately, is my sister. Dk, I cannot agree more with your disdain of Kos...he is a very small person and one I would never include at my dinner table. The Republican Party is rife with his type.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
yes. Would we go to Redstate and engage with them?
would we think anything we say would make a difference? was gonna ask "if you're a big Louis Armstrong fan would you go to a Led Zep group and try to convince them..." but realized there's more likelihood that you'd find friends there with that kind of discussion than with political tribal groups.
What you just said...times 1000
I have been perplexed at why so many thoughtful people still at Dkos think they can negotiate with "terror-ists." It is such a waste of time. They need to leave that Orwellian place!
Go to Redstate and engage with them?
Yes. We'd actually have a better chance among honest adversaries than among such "friends" as Hillary and DK are.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Too boring
"Have fun, if not, you'll bore us." - Marcel du Champ, iirc
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Ok. Here is my Dkos story
I learned a lot about bills on the House floor before they got on tv, found links to stuff not readily available. I read statistics. I didn't have to search. Someone had done it for me. I found solid research to argue back against Tea Partiers in my damn yard. I saw videos 2 days before they were shown on MSNBC.
In all those "get the news here days before it hits the networks!" years, the only censorship I noticed was CT. Later, racism.
I actually felt very politically aware and poised to give push back for a decade, thanks to the unpaid contributors on Dkos.
I never felt I should self-censor until March 15.
I have a 10 year habit to break. I am in the process.
All I ever wanted there or here is for honest and unpaid people to write about what they had dug up in this wide world of information. I learned to look for them by user name. I trusted them.
I still do, except they are not there anymore.
It is not a hard habit to break as much as it is a hard place to leave that provided so much important information for so long.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So true, on the cusp
Some things I learned over there never made msm. Democracy Now, maybe, but not msm.
And yes, it's an addiction. I started getting clean (self imposed) after Phoenix Woman's English Only lie was allowed to stay up, without so much as a disclaimer. Actually caught myself pacing. Ridiculous, I know, but addiction sucks.
Prior to losing my temper regarding the paid shill/troll post, I'd pop in very rarely to see how sheddhead is doing. She's homeless in Illinois. I'm hoping that one day I'll pop in and she will have landed a badass job. I invited her to post here right before I was put on TO for 7 days.
Anyway, I completely agree with what you said. I felt it too, and I'm beginning to be able to breathe again. The toxicity OT the last 6 months, or so, has been suffocating.
Hope you are able to breathe better soon!
I was put on timeout
For calling her a liar. That's when I knew it was time to leave.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Yes, it is toxic.
This place has a better feel.
Agreed. It was flawed but had uses
prior to recently.
I think it's human
when we've invested time and emotion in a communal endeavor (maybe money, too) to try and hold on and salvage that if possible.
To take a more extreme example, I had a friend who was expelled from the church he had belonged to since childhood, and had a terrible time with that, even though he had ceased to be a literal believer and the congregation had treated him badly. Or...there have been various women trying to reform the Mormon church along more woman-friendly lines since the 1970s; because they feel it's "their" church and they should not have to choose between their long-time religious community and the principle of self-determination, a few Mormon women activists have fought excommuncation for that reason.
Part of the trouble is, there's no true commons or Hyde ParkCorner for progressives; just as if there were no public space to gather in a town, just private land.
You probably don't know me from Adam,
but I have always loved your writing and respected you... I hope you don't mind me saying, it is time to come home Tom...
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Thank you Martha.
That was very nice.
I will start writing here more.
Please, TomP
I have missed your diaries... stay here where you are welcome.
Yessssss.... Do That!
I like your writing, I can't stand the Hillbot Assholes lying and sneering all through the comments breaking up discussion...
Every time I go there it will be hours wasted in a pie fight with an ignorant asshole that is oblivious to the facts...
DKos has ceased to have relevance for me...
DKos is a dying worthless platform with an owner that committed "Webmaster Suicide."
Page Views are down about 50% from the "Ides of March" and continuing to drop...
You are wasting your time and effort there...
Each passing week the valley gets a little deeper and the mountain gets a little shorter, 6 - 12% less page views every week... DKos is Dying!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I think, deep down, it's
really why I felt such visceral anger, reading it here idea that "they are monitoring" wherever else, including here. It not being necessary is one good reason, but more important than that, really good writers need to write somewhere where they can be true to themselves and not have to worry about what they say. I am angry to see TomPs talent wasted on those pathetic little ingrates.
So, I'm sorry for being a jerk, TomP, I second/third/fourth/fifth/whatever number in-line I am for you to go get whatever writing you want to archive, and GTFO that merry-go-round and just post here!!! It just pisses me off that they do this at all. I've never seen another blog abuse regulars like this....
No problem at all. I appreciate that you care.
You should read the vile garbage thrown at me
in that thread.
It just makes me stay longer to piss them off.
Just my name enrages some there. Got to be worth something.:-)
Maybe you or someone here
could make you some sort of MVP regalia regarding your service against-the-DK cause. Take that and walk away.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That was my point.
Kos could have stayed neutral with a Hillary tilt. He chose a different direction in March. It has consequences.
Bernie supporters don't listen to him. Not because I say it, because it is true. I reported a true observation.
Dkos changed. It will survive, maybe even prosper. More power to them.
But the Left is leaving or already left.
When Tasini gets a time out. All the others banned.
Their limited cred with the left is gone.
And they are stuck in the past.
First they came for the 9/11 “conspiracy theorists”
But I did nothing because I was not a conspiracy theorist.
Then they came for the pro-Palestine I/P posters
But I did nothing because I was not a pro-Palestine poster.
Oh god, it's true
Man, I feel a little guilty now for not seeing it before with the other topics.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
He fancies himself
quite the little Social Engineer in meat space, I'd bet.
And that's what he's trying to do--engineer groups of people to speak and think a certain way, much of it learning how to defer to New Authority.
I had not thought of it that way. Very discerning of you. Thank you for pointing that out.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's fucking brilliant!
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
If they came for the truthers, oh well.
Does anyone seriously miss them?
Depends on what the subject is
I really have no more patience for those who knee-jerk lump someone into CT territory because something hasn't been "proven" yet. One can't prove something at all if it doesn't get investigated, let alone discussed.
Who's knee-jerk lumping truthers into CT territory?
Do people actually believe that the collapse of the WTC was due to a controlled demolition, not planes full of fuel and people smashing into it? That's totally reasonable.
Then they came for the election hacking posters
But I did nothing, because I never really trusted exit polls anyway.
This is a really brilliant meme to expose the various spasms of authoritarian control that have wracked that place. In theory, now that true loyalties are more apparent, we could 'walk back the cat' to determine which other areas were 'kos-splained' into HR territory for nefarious reasons. Grooming a posse of deliriously loyal HR wielding authoritarian followers is probably a useful exercise if one wants to open a 'Social Media Consultancy' to provide related services commercially.
Yes! now in retrospect, markos assumed the role
of authoritarian headmaster of a finishing school. With the attendant beatings and torture. Hell, there were even suicides, not that any can be blamed on the treatment those folks received there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Both kos' model and
that of the Democratic party is outdated. Both have been hoping that demographics will save them and that identity politics will sustain them. Mark my words, under this model, the next Democratic President will be Hispanic.
The problem is that they are ignoring the real demographic tsunami and that is millennials. Millennials are not being fooled by superficial identity politics. They know the issues and they know that more of the same means that their future is screwed and they are not having any of that.
Recently at one of our Peace vigils, we talked to two sixteen year old boys, both skateboarders. They already know what is going on and even though they cannot vote, they support Bernie. I asked them where they get their news and information and they said, "the internet. We do not trust television news." Amazing for two sixteen year old boys!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Interesting points.
They want the Bernie supporters without changing polices.
Time will tell.
and you know Ive been saying same on here for several weeks at least.
You can Ask A Millennial (and the next gen right behind them)... What are your thoughts about X Y or Z (I usually ask Climate Change - not that I do this often!), their response is very consistent and immediate: "We're screwed." Thats it. If you try to prompt them further, like what do you think of Hillary or Trump or Dems or whatever? Same response consistency: "Meh. Give me Bernie!" They don't give two squats for the D Party or the shell game.
You are 100% On Target
The Millennials are Post-Gender & Post-Racial which is a big failure of the party establishment to not recognize and their rhetoric is a turn off for them...
Their attitude isn't one where they will buy into the stupid reasons being presented to them to support Hillary or the Boogie Man Wins...
They are more like, "Get the fuck out of my way. You're a Dick."
I guess we taught them well...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
You miss an even more important point.
Kos wants to attract more minorities to his site. So what if a bunch of people left after his edict? He probably thinks that these people will be replaced, and not just by paid trolls.
Kos sent out an e-mail last month, and one of the things that stood out the most was his mentioning of wanting Daily Kos to be "more like the Democratic Party of today: less white and more women." That was the basic gist.
See, minorities are on the rise. It's only a matter of time before they outnumber non-whites, and the Dems want to ensure that they'll be able to maintain the status quo w/ the same good cop/bad cop-politics by pointing out how mean and racist the Republicans are, and that they must vote for us [Dems] if they want to keep the evil GOP away from them.
One can only hope that newer generations will see through this.
Advertising sloganeers gonna advertise slogans
Lots of organizations want more of whatever sorts of humans to use, or just to collect money from. Is this supposed to garner enthusiasm? Are women and people with brown skin supposed to fall on their knees because Markos says he's decided he wants them? This is supposed to be enough?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Thanks to the media, they will.
Lots of organizations aren't the Democratic Party vs. the Republican Party. They only have to look at the Republican Party, that's in the throes of the alt-right, and the Dems will be more than happy to say, "Don't worry. We'll protect you from those other people."
The Democratic Party wants these people b/c they're the wave of the future, and they want to stay relevant. The Republicans make for a fine rhetorical tool to convince people to vote for them out of fear of Republicans.
Also, consider that there aren't any third parties that can compete w/ the two parties, so it's not like people feel like they have a choice, lest they fear "throwing away their" vote, as politicians like to say of third-party voters.
These new people have yet to take the red pill and realize that the Democratic Party doesn't care who wins the election, as long as it's not a populist candidate that's determined to mete out economic justice to the elite scum of the country.
No he couldn't stay neutral...
He's getting paid money, access, or his life for being a Hillary surrogate. After all, it is the LARGEST LIBERAL BLOG - my ass. He needs to shut down the anti-establishment sentiment. The left LOOOOOVES them some Hillary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You wouldn't believe how much stress went away
when I quit Kos. I have no desire to spend my day arguing with Hillbots. I go once in a while now just to see the BNR which is a joyous celebration. All the Hellery diaries are Kos-Diarrhea.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Just reading the comments in the post........... bleh!!!
Why add more stress to life.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I will be voting for Jill or
I will be voting for Jill or if she gets Bernie Bernie as third party IF he gets caned by the Dem-Convention. The fight is not over yet! He may still pull a miracle win in the next few states, but it is a hard fight so, we all shall have to see. The state I am living ion vote May 10th. My ballot was already mailed in for Bernie, another ballot from my friend also sent in for Bernie, her husband and my other friend (I got to laugh when he realized I already knew her), is going to go and vote for Bernie on the 10th. BUT, we all will not vote for Hellery, 3r party voting on a massive scale and seriously placing the lame two in a shaky spot may bee what we need.
Voting for her just to avoid the Reps winning is no guarantee she will win. The Dems love picking the lamest candidates when they have something better to run. Bernie is more FDR style and they do not want that, they like the 1920's style gilded age they have helped make.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I understand. I chose still to be a Dem,
but have no problem with your choice.
the party moved away
The democratic party isn't what I thought it was. It's a corrupt corporate machine operating like republicans...suppressing the vote, playing every dirty trick, led by a drug war prison profit supporting DWS, promoting wall street Schumer as head of the senate, accelerating fracking and arms sales world wide. If that is what the democratic party has become, and it sure looks that way to me, I'm no democrat.
And it's sad to me. This election I've lost the party I've supported for decades. I've lost respect for the media I've listened to for years, NPR and PBS.
But this has been the most excited I've been about a candidate and movement I've felt since the days of MLK and RFK. I have someone I can support. Someone with policies I believe would move our country and world to a better place. I appreciate your writing and comments. We must all do what we think best.
There is a movement. We feel it and are promoting it and will go where it leads.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Both Parties
Will be historical models for corruption. Which is why Bernie and Donald are having tremendous impact. Oddly enough the Democrats may go for the status quo, while the GOP has lost control. Good for them, the grassroots, Democrat establishment should pay attention.
Time for change.
Agree - can't vote for Hillary, under any circumstances
Honestly, I'd vote for Trump before her. Because she's a chronic liar, so there's no way in hell to know what you get with her. Case in point - the asshole can't even be honest that coal is going out, HAS to go out to help save the planet. She could have said, over the next few decades, coal is going to be phased out, but I'll work to bring job training and clean energy jobs to WVA. Nope - she's such a spineless liar that she pulled out her BS "I misspoke" lie - why anyone would ever fall for that, I can't imagine. Misspeaking means you said "Coal mine" when you meant "Coal plant" - not "We're going to get rid of coal" vs. "We're going to keep mining more and more coal." That's not misspeaking or taking out of context. That's lying, and I wish the media would call her out on it (ha ha! yeah, right...)
Just peruse these few articles, all from YESTERDAY alone on one site, and you can see what an incredibly unethical person she is. No thanks.
I like "you made this."
First they arbitrarily silence you, then they punish you for protesting, then they condescend to tell you how to do every little thing, because you are too stupid or childish to figure it out for yourself, then they gaslight you, call you unhinged when you point out that they've become rather short on credibility of late.
Classic abuser behavior.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I love you! You have so many great comments and insights. I am so glad that you are here with us.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you, dear
And back atcha.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.