Openly Eccentric - Open Thread 4/24/2016
Welcome to Sunday, and another Crazy week it has been. We all know what happened with elections and for me it created a bit of a shift in my thinking. If anything it changed my attitude from one of a person living in a Democracy to a Burgher living in a kingdom with a corrupt royalty. We can't change anything on the big scale, and have to accept that because the King has the Army. We can however, make life pretty freaking miserable for those who think they have power by deliberately screwing with em as much as possible, until they get a clue and back off the stupidity.
After all, it wasn't so terrible to be a peasant... (Long Video, but rather fun)
I must say it's been one of those weeks where I feel like I can make a positive change. I'm really looking forward to the first C99 Meetup next week on the 1st. For those of you that missed it, we're meeting in Portland at Noon, and the address and details are in THIS diary. I am charging my camera, and hope to have plenty of great photos late next Sunday.
Been a bit of a broke week for me, as I've been catching up on bills and doing some volunteer work, but it feels good, and reminds me what's good in life. It's doing something that you feel good about doing, IMHO. Pursuit of material goods has taken a decidedly lower station in my life as opposed to enjoy experiences, and I think that's all to the good.
Moving on to the news,
Our President has essentially told the UK that Hillary Clinton won't work with them unless they stick with the EU. Yep, one guess what this one is about. TTIP. UK leaving the EU throws a wrench into that one, because the Corps don't get to dictate to the UK about it. Sad to see our president shilling for the corps as hard as he is.
And the UK isn't the only one telling the free trade fanatics to take a flying leap. German folks ain't too happy either. 30,000 people. Or as the US media would call it, a small gathering...
We have to go to Australian news to get this one, but apparently Republicans are now admitting that bribery is legal, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it. If the Rethugs are open about it, that just says to me that the Democrats feel the same way, but won't admit it until there's somebody low level to blame it on.
Irony exists it seems to day, from Australian news about America, to Canadian news about Australia. Apparently a Member of Parliment set a river on FIRE thanks to fracking. Of course the company who is responsible claims there is no danger to the environment, assuming of course you like to go fishing for well done fish you can eat right off the line.
And once again, we end up with a little metal for your Sunday. Because I am a Metal guy, and I enjoy music to get pumped up with. So a Little Italian Goth Metal, and a Pirate Metal Cover for the fun of it...

Some decades ago hub and I road-tripped
around Britain, no Isles. I was most enchanted by the re-created village or farm scenes with entire buildings replicated or moved. Some caught a moment in time, others showed things like attached rowhouses, each replicated to a different era. One in Wales was perfect, mostly thatch-roof. And plain, similar to Amish sense. I thought cold and smoky inside, vermin in the ceiling, no-fuss cleaning, sweeping a dirt floor, I could do that. Entertainment like a cock-fighting ring. Better than miniature golf! Or a casino!
It would take the "fun" out of fishing for me if I could not smoke in a boat. Formerly.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's amazing, especially when...
you see how much WORK it is to maintain a technological existence on your own. Low key is fairly easy to adjust your life into, and the withdrawal from the net, etc... is actually fairly easy to deal with when you've lived without for multiple periods.
That just my opinion of course.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"Tyrone, who did you cast your vote for"?
"Anderson Jackson Perot Bradley Dean Sanders Chisolm. I figured that was the only candidate who could create real change. Of course, Reagan Bush Gore Bush Kerry Clinton Nixon Clinton won in the end."
"That one almost always wins."
"No change is always easier than change."
Spare Change?
-- Candorville
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Pretty good...
Although at a certain points the ClintonBushs will just start making rules that effectively make it impossible to vote for anybody else.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It has been a crazy week! I
It has been a crazy week! I haven't commented much but am checking in every day and really like what's happening here. Mind if I share some random thoughts?
I'm #BernieorBust. Don't feel the need to defend that. If you trust me with a vote then let me have a vote.
A year and a half ago I told my neighbor that his dead tree would be falling on my house if he didn't take care of it. I was slightly wrong. Yesterday it fell on my car and my house. The worst part is, I don't know how to tell the dog that he won't be allowed in the rental car and that our daily trips to the river will be on hold. He's not going to be happy about this.
I do not understand people who like Hillary. I don't mean those who support her....some people like the idea of an evil warmmonger with a vagina being in charge....but those who actually like her? As a human?
I'm not religious but I smile at everyone because I think there is some sort of god like thing in all of us. Occasionally, this gets me a stalker.
I love how peanut butter tastes but the smell makes me want to hurl. How is that possible?
That's all. Thanks y'all.
Sorry about the house and car.
I trust your Ins Co is going after neighbor's Ins Co?
I concur on PB. The taste is fine, I have fun amendments, but the thought of it. Yuck. Some of that yuk factor may have been exposure to rancid PB oils, I do a sniff test on the jar, if it smells rancid to me (no other victims), it's relegated to baiting mouse traps, with Sharpie warnings.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Mystery solved! Thanks,
Mystery solved! Thanks, riverlover! It's the opening of the jar that I fear. I know I'm either about to make a really good sandwich or I'm going to be hit with an odor that makes me gag. Rancid. Huh, makes all the sense in the world.
Not sure what will happen with the tree invader, just happened last evening, and the neighbor is an absentee landlord of a vacant property so.....who knows. It'll work out though.
have you ever tried storing your pb in the fridge?
mr bluezen & i have lived in hot climates most of our lives & always put our pb in the fridge. that way it practically keeps forever, & if you want it to spread better, just take out the jar (or the portion you need) & let it come to room temp.
I have not done that but will
I have not done that but will try it. Thanks and happy peanut butter eating to you!
I'll give you my recipe for a new fave snack:
saltines (salted, of course), schmear PB, top with Cinnamon Maple sprinkle (It's a commercially available product). Nom.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This sounds tasty. Thanks riverlover
with Sharpie warnings.
Your mice can read? Whoa, I'm impressed.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
My visiting aldult kids can read
mice and dog, not so much. Top shelf of the pantry for the nasty stuff.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks for speaking up...
Nothing wrong with any political opinion you have. Bout the only one I can't understand is "Less stuff for everybody except the rich!"
Especially if you're not rich.
Good luck with the pup. Hopefully you can find an alternative that he enjoys.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I am openly worried
I just read this article and it makes me so upset that I just might quit online conversation anywhere altogether. There is no safe haven nowhere anymore online and more and more in real spaces too.
The 'Freital Group': German Prosecutors Go After Right-Wing Terrorism
It's a long article and a detailed one. Lotlizard is near Dresden, so I just wonder how it feels like living there among those folks. I don't want to talk anymore.
Holy s-it.
Who to believe? The article seems unfortunately credible, but are those underground groups really so stupid as to use code words that sound like a Hollywood script? And agents were so doubtful as to the message to do nothing? When we are all assured or scared that we all live in surveillance states?
I know I have on damn phone conversations made innocent comments like "I heard the owls last night" and in the recesses of my mind think that could sound like code.
After witnessing the DK course change I know I can't recognize early recruitment. Not that anything nefarious (?) is being pushed there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
it's credible and yes everybody involved is stupid
and those folks don't know "Hollywood" scripts. They just know hate.
I had a comment hidden on KOs yesterday.
I commented that the facts in the public record about Hillary's email showed that she had committed at least 22 felonies under
section 793 of the Espionage Act.
I did not give the specific paragraph. One guy quoted sections A-D as inapplicable to Hillary and said that I did not know the law, then the gang evidently hide-rated it.
Notice it is section 793(f) that she violated.
SHE had original classifiction authority and SHE was supposed to classify the information in those 22 emails and not send them to her uncleared aids.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
when mr bluezen worked for the feds, he had one of the
highest security clearances granted, & he said if he, or any other govt employee, did what hillary did, they'd have been fired on the spot.
but just like bill electioneering at polling sites, the rules don't apply to the clintons.
I did too, bluezen.
Arrested on the spot was more like it. Leavenworth.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Good morning!
This week we found out that my husband gets to vote in the CA primary by mail (we're in Canada). When he moved here, he was a registered Republican and a low-info voter. He had signed up as a Republican because his friend was recruiting for them and somehow felt ever after that he was obliged to vote Republican. His political info comes from talking points on the TV.
After a few years of living in Canada, seeing democratic socialism in practice and hearing me talk politics, he wants to vote for Bernie in the primary! And he was so excited when he received the email notice about the primary! Major progress.
I'm with you, dmw, about feeling pretty down about the state of democracy in 2016. Not sure yet how much our Prime Minister is in collusion with the global elite, and still trying to support/demand the progressive values he promised -- so I haven't given up yet.
I learned about aeroponic gardening this week. Planning to grow as much food on my residential lot as possible.
Good morning ThursdayN. I"m outside Ottawa and an
immigrant of 25 years. Canada has had such a positive effect on me. I am proud that our kids grew up with Canadian values. It is real cool to hear about similar experiences.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Heh. Starting to feel similar about Oregon...
at least as far as the change in values and positive effect.
Although I do admit Canada has better improv and comedy.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Is your husband still registered as a Republican?
If so, he needs to change to "Democrat" or "No Party Preference" to vote for Bernie (and not the party with "Independent" in it's name, because that's actually a tea party esque party using name trickery). I would advise "Democrat" because "No Party Preference" needs to request a "Democratic" ballot, while it be automatic for "Democrats." The deadline to put it in the party change is 5/23 (although you'd probably want to do it as soon as possible because I'm not sure when they are sending out their ballots).
Glad you got him to see the light though!
Thank you!
He found out after I wrote my comment that he could only vote in the R primary since he is registered R. We didn't realize there's still time to change.
Here's something that might be helpful
This lists the various CA counties; a lot of them have websites that allow you put in the registration request online. I re-registered as a Democrat using Los Angeles' system a few weeks ago (I already was one, but I just wanted to be sure about all the horror stories this election cycle) and it's handy because you can keep checking to make sure it went through correctly.
I was able to find out that CA is still mailing out ballots on 5/9, so there's still a lot of time left.
Make a copy of the online information
on your voter registration status. I did, in NY, date-marked, and carried that with me. I had no problem, not being in Brooklyn./s
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
nice addition of comment tally.
this place gets better everyday
Morning DMW and all. TY for this mate. Enjoy the day folks :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Hub and I have been listening to our own Prince tribute...
We start with a Prince version then go to others we like. One that is a favorite is Purple Rain from the Solo album by Martin Sexton. It's live. You Tube blocked the version I love, but this will do as a taste of Sexton's version.
He is known for singing in falsetto, but Prince sang it first.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
According to the Supremes, of course, no bribery
has taken place, which is why it is not illegal. The government does have a legitimate governmental interest in preventing corruptin and may, accordingly, prohibit it. That means that it can outlaw bribery, and it has done so in various situations. However, the Supremes have largely defined it out of existence, so the prohibitions merely prohibit gross stupidity involving big ticket bribes.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Might as well have just outlawed honesty in politics...
Because once you start getting used to dishonesty in the way you fund your campaigns, it's a small step to being dishonest in the way you RUN your campaign.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Denise Oliver Velez has an extraordinarily good essay on TOP FP
Well, I know some people have not hold back their feelings for Denise here. I couldn't often understand her sort of hostile style to engage with some of her readers and had at a certain point in time no understanding for what she was expressing.
But I think the essay Blacks, black Jews, and Black Panthers in Israel is very educative and interesting and gives some insight about Denise background and what formed her thinking. At least that is the way I see that.
I need to take way more time to study the whole diary. There is lots and lots in it I have never seen put together this way. And several videos which for me are a must watch.
I understand for the first time why an independent Jewish food and pharmacy store in Washington DC, which is well known (and very good in its international food selection) has exclusively Ethiopian employees. I believe now to understand who they are, but will try to find out for sure.
Would have wished to recommend her essay. Can't do that. So, I do it here.
Anyway, it's worthwhile reading it.
ok, not one rec, something is there that I don't see /nt
Mimi, re: Denise
I once told her to stay out of a person's diaries since she said she didn't like them. I'll take my own advice. I don't like her, and I don't like her diaries. She's a bully. You make it sound somewhat interesting, but no thanks.
there are lots of things to not like about her attitudes,
I came here, because of her, to a large extent. But that specific diary was good and to me it also explains why she has the attitudes she displays. If I can make sense out of person's life story and what made her tick in her life, it helps me to "put the not so likeable things" into context and with that easier to deal with. Hope that makes it clear.
Updated - Mimi, that is ironic
Ugh, now I might have to go over and read it.
The irony is that I told her to stay out of David Harris-Gershon's diaries. She was in attack mode (obviously pro Israel to a fault, with little to no compassion for the Palestinians) and I asked if she had ever read his book. She had not. I told her that after reading it I realized he has more grace than I, and I wasn't sure I could be like him should I change places with him.
So, here we are. You say it might explain why she's such a hostile person. David's story left me in awe of his palpable grace. I will read it.
UPDATE: okay, I read it. I'm not sure why you think it would help us understand her defensive or high and mighty attitude. It was interesting, but she's not Jewish. Do the stories in it correlate with her being persecuted for being a woman of color? Probably - she doesn't say, though. It, in no way excuses her Mean Girl attitude, but the first two fawning comments kinda do.
Sorry, Mimi, I tried. I see her like Golda saw one of the groups mentioned in the diary - not a nice person. Smart? Yes. Nice? Not even close, even though she can be likable in person. Her potty mouth at the mic during the Texas Meetup helped me like her. Wish she'd stick to cursing online, and stop with the Mean Girl, pack-leader, get-behind-the party-nominee-or-just-die-already shit.
I do not want to even try to go into "her" any further
because to me it makes no sense. It's not of any help to discuss her "being nice" or her "being a bully" or her "being racial". She is what she displays and I didn't say anyone has to like her or agree with her views on current political issues. But the political history she describes in her essays are very well worth to know about.
All I am saying is that despite the feelings she can arouse in her readers, she has written essays which are worth reading and historical facts worth knowing and her personal way of seeing everything racial to the point that it being divisive in her readership, is not reason enough to not read and mull over the content of her essays. I would say that is as valid a point to make to herself as well. She has dismissed essays and political views she doesn't like or doesn't understand as well (though smart enough to catch herself fast, when she let it slip out)
I see a lot of flaws in her way of communicating with those she disagrees with in the same way people here tend to communicate with those who disagree with your own views.
I just try to ask for "more understanding" of each other. I can't stand the divisiveness.
It's a question for me I have not answered to myself in how far historical events of the past, knowing them in detail and then using them to justify your political views of the current political situations is always helpful or advisable. You can learn from history, but the question is in how far you can use those historical events of your ancestors as justification for current political problem solving. It seems to me it's not always as helpful as people think it is.
to add to them. I don't.
My first experience with her
was a cheerleading diary for Loretta Lynch; when I brought up that Loretta Lynch had a pretty spotty history on corporate matters, she seemed to only care that Lynch was a black women (I'm not sure she ever responded to my counterpoint that there are many qualified black women who didn't give banks a free pass on money laundering).
The second was when she basically opened a can of worms that lead to some pretty major anti-semitism and she basically doubled down on the whole thing.
Since I don't really go to TOS anymore, I'm happy to say that I'm not expecting a third.
When she was going by Deoliver
I had nice interactions with her, but it never even came up she was black. Something changed...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
She reuses material from her teaching,
most of it is pretty good. But personally, I never liked how she made up new rules, like we have to introduce ourselves in her diaries. What's the DK profile for then? She was very divisive early in Obama's admin exaggerating the "them" and "us" factions on the site. Her power grab worked out well for her. Except she's on a rather boring blog.
To thine own self be true.
Not surprised
Thanks DMW.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Obama et al.
Recently, I was asked: "How can any American not be proud of him (Obama)?"
I answered: "Well, Guantanamo Bay's still open, we're still fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan...." I never got to the Free Traitor Shilling part of things, either.
What I do know, however, is that I stand in complete solidarity with my German and British siblings who oppose the TTIP. Fuck the shills!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Next round Medicare cuts coming-higher 'combined' deductible. NT
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hello all
Hope your weekends were good
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Please share
If you or anyone you know has access to social media platforms, please share this, particulalry with those in the upcoming states.
Thank you!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Shared WindDancer13
But I'm getting tired of retyping, on my phone, my replies. Second time I've had my reply just poof and I had to retype.

Shared with a 21 y.o. & a 17 y.o. Just the 21 y.o. could take it viral.
I cannot use my phone(s) for sending messages.
They are just too hard for me to see and type on. One is strictly for phone calls, but is the one that had a slide out keyboard. The other is actually a smartphone, but it does not like my touch, so I just read books on it (good thing it was really super cheap).
I thank you. I am spending a tremendous amount of time sending out messages right now. These remaining states are too important not to do everything I can. One of my tweets/pictures did hit 80,000 so I am happy with that, but viral would be just too fantastic.
Meanwhile, I am working on a couple for Sanders that addressed the same (bottom) topic in a 2011...that I want to juxtapose against Clinton's comment about guns.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
It's a good one, WindDancer13
Since attaining a computer science degree, the last thing I want to do is sit at my desktop, and still haven't cared enough to make my little old XP laptop a functional and safe Linux laptop, so I'm always on my phone.
I do love to read my books via Kindle app on my phone. My kindle stopped charging
. It was the best Xmas gift ever, and my teen son got it for me 4 or 5 years ago.
Message me when you get a new meme, and I'll send it to my kids. The kids are not only our future, but super savy about spreading things across social media!
LOL, I am more attached to my desktop computer than
I am to my kids (good thing they are all grown). = ) I do a lot of graphics work--in fact, that is how I supplement my ss--so the desktops are a necessity for me. I had thought about a Kindle at one time and plan to get something better than what I currently have someday, but I haven't decided what yet. Give your son plenty of warning that Mother's Day is coming up. = )
I have a lot of them ready to go out already, and have three in the works now (going back and forth between reading and Photoshop). I might set up a Facebook page with just the tweet stuff (people do not need an FB account to access the pages). That way anyone who wants to can send what they like. Will that work?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
A FB account w/Tweets would work for me.
I already have a FB account, but no twitter account (that is on purpose, see below). I don't have a lot of FB "friends" but if I could link your FB page, I could do my limping part.
No twitter account, because son who lives away has one, and I can spy on his interests, and he doesn't know. Likely wouldn't care, but it's a mom thing for me. Keeping track.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Every bit helps
to get the word out. If I can spend more time creating them with other people doing the posting, I could make a lot more available. Currently, most of the posts are on HRC's record or statements, but I have some one coming for Sanders hopefully today.
My FB page with the posts is LmWolfSpirit Airwaves
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Listening to the Pulitzer Prize winning
The Looming Tower: AL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11. (This is a fact, not a conspiracy theory.) In the late 1990's President Clinton was offered Osama bin Laden by the Sudanese government if the US government would press charges against him. He had a long history of financially supporting terrorism in the Sudan, particularly against Christians, and the Sudanese wanted to get rid of him. He had been expelled from his own country Saudi Arabia and so he was offered up to the US on a platter. But Bill Clinton thought he was just a rich eccentric and no threat at all so he declined the offer. That was the lost opportunity of the century.
To thine own self be true.
post rain storm and I find this message on my foxglove
a heart shaped bite.. can you see it?
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I see it, Janet! & Damnit I love your user name. Always have /nt
A heart shaped bite out of the Digitalis Plant, I
sure hope it wasn't swallowed.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I'm sure it was a critter of the bug variety
and therefore deserved his just desserts.
First, I thought it was torn due to the rainstorm but then saw it was a heart... made me think of Prince.
This is one of my Bearded Irises. Purple Rain indeed.

"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Bearded Irises crying Purple Rain. Oh my :(
Beautiful, and I'm tearing up too. Awww.
Damnit Janet, you made me cry. Sigh. . .
I hope his perfectionist father is alive to feel the global mourning. He was an iconic genius, and is already dearly missed!
Hello Deja!
Thanks! Good to see you in here.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Within Temptation!
One of my favorites and one of their best songs! But they are from the Netherlands, not Italy. In terms of songs about the Earth, Lapis Lazuli is an amazing band and their last album (The Downfall of Humanity) is all about climate change and the effects of war.
BTW, dmw
That Terry Jones BBC series is wonderful! Thanks for the introduction.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.