Just looked At The Comments On TomP's Diary at Hillary Central
It's hilarious.
Someone asked me why I wouldn't stay and fight for Bernie, what the hell is the point they are just making up shit [like their heroine] as they go along. Why stay and fight when they have zero intention of listening?
All I will say to them now, you made your bed now lie in it, don't even think of asking me for help. My thoughts of the upcoming campaign is that it will disgust the majority of voters; who rightly will see that there is nothing it it for them. I predict the nastiest campaign of all time and I will sit on the sidelines mocking the lot of them, they will deserve it. I won't defend the lies from either side and they will be legion. The corporate media will hype it all to the maximum effect without even trying to get to the truth. The Matthews' and Limbaugh's of this world will cover us all in spittle, both sides will claim the other is worse.
The only ones that will benefit from this three ring circus composed only of clowns won't be us and that is exactly how it has been designed. They will pour whitewash down each others pant suits whilst the ring masters run off with the house takings and the authorities will give them an armed escort.
Party Democrats and Republicans are both the same, they scream and shout and their ears are plugged with wax, it's painful to watch the collective ignorance being demonstrated. It's all perfectly fine when our side are jackasses and we will defend their perfidy to the hilt.
I don't think I have seen so much willful bullshit in my lifetime nor such a feckless media. My mind has finally been boggled at the sheer volume of mendacity on display that has gone unquestioned. I thought the film Idiocrasy was moronic at the time, I'm not so sure now, low brow satire at best, but perhaps that is the only type that works such is the disconnect. When I watch supposed intellectuals following party dogma I begin to despair, is there no refuge?
When the following generations are looking at a steady decline in living conditions as the wealth is funneled off at an ever increasing rate to an ever decreasing minority, then someone tells me one side will do it more slowly than the other I want to howl. When their mouthpieces say we cant afford the rest of you, I begin to rage against the machine.
When following generations are looking only at ever increasing debt from education, housing and health care costs.
When following generations are looking at instability and uncertainty because our "leaders" refuse to tackle climate change.
When following generations watch democracy via TPP and TTIP being given away for nothing in return.
These issues are independent of Party since both broadly agree.
Then it is long past time to fight back, it is long past time for a revolution.
Don't tell me your candidate is not as bad as, they both suck and need to be sent out to pasture as soon as possible.
Just a thought

Go LaFeminista!
(and bring all the good ones here if you can!)
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
the good ones will leave on their own account, a few will stay
many are however Republican lite and will be as happy as clams
Tom is persisitent
He even engages what to me appear to be obvious trolls.
Don't know why.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I have noticed the paid and unpaid trolls sadly they agree with
the owner of the site.
My opinion is that Tom is wasting his time, unless he enjoys it.
I had a date who wanted to be spanked.
Naive as I was, I had no clue what she was seeking.
I didn’t fully get it until Madonna released “Hanky Panky”. n/t
I think of folks like TomP, OPOL, others
who still post/comment there as being similar to when Bernie Sanders spoke at Liberty University -- while many will not be willing to listen, there might be a few who will hear.
The difference, of course --
is that the conservatives at Liberty University are honest about what they want, whereas Kosers are only as honest as their candidate, which is to say, not at all.
At the end of the day TomP and OPOL salute the Daily Kos flag and pledge loyalty to the Democratic Party even when it's clear to the rest of us that they've got better things to do.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
This is a very valid point.
We have to always keep in mind that while the commenters may be toxic, there are LOTS of lurkers. (I was one for many years myself) that just read but don't participate otherwise.
Since they don't have Mojo because they don't comment they don't up or down vote, but they can be persuaded in the comments.
If Bullshit statements get placed and nobody calls them out at least once (without letting it turn into a thread jacking) someone just reading might think it is true if nobody counters it with the facts.
It's a tough job, and I don't envy them for doing it but I do respect them for it. I can barely even go over there anymore, it literally gets me so riled up I want to scream.
I don't see the point in putting myself in that kind of mind-frame voluntarily. I got enough negative stuff to deal with lol!
There are ton's of things I can use my internet time for, spending it arguing with the disingenuous and willfully ignorant trolls over there is not in the top 100...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I suppose that's true -there are sites I only read the articles
and avoid the comments because they are invariably nasty and idiotic. Pretty much any mainstream media site.
So there may be some poor souls out there who assume that DK is a progressive blog, and avoid the comments but read the articles, because lord knows the comment stream over there is every bit as nasty as your local ABC affiliate website.
Good for OPOL, TomP, and others. Its good work, but I can't do it.
he refuses to give up hope that one sinner could be redeemed.
I am sure you will enjoy this piece ;-)
"Forget Bernie or Bust. This is Bernie or Operation Take Down. Party elites, in particular the Democratic National Committee (DNC), have proven themselves so biased against Bernie and so willing to turn a blind eye to voting irregularities that the entire apparatus needs to go.
Even if Bernie ends up asking his supporters to vote for Clinton in the general election, many still won’t. Personally, I don’t care if Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven — wielding lightning bolts in both hands and commanding me to join Team Clinton. It.Ain’t.Gonna.Happen.
The party has become so depraved and anti-democratic that it needs to be destroyed so that a better version of itself can rise from the ashes like the mythical Phoenix."
And you just know who they will blame for their failure
It's a good piece and I agree with it
As Lambert at NC always says:
" Notice, also, that the Democrat Establishment never takes responsibility for failure. The Democrat Party can never fail. It can only be failed. Specifically by voters."
It won't matter whether they take responsibilty
or not. An entity that has self inflicted the mortal wound of another Clinton presidency won't have the relevancy needed to even think about taking responsibility. When Trump beats her, they will be the laughing stock of the entire world. Both parties will crash and burn, Trump will be impeached and resign within 2 years, and the progressives will rise up to take control with a new party.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I would happily share in the CREDIT for their failure
The Clintons' power over the party needs to be destroyed, or there will never be any chance for the party of FDR, Truman, and JFK to resurrect itself. If the party nominates her- and it appears it will, since the whole filthy gang has been bought by the largesse given to Hillary and then doled out to other Democrats according to price -- it needs to lose. That is job one as far as I'm concerned. As long as Clintons keep winning, we will continue to have two Republican parties in this country, both funded by the same set of Wall Street jackasses. We have no chance ever to improve this country as long as we have two Republican parties. Furthermore, rhetoric aside, hasn't anyone noticed that Trump is the most liberal person the Rs have run for decades? That's the real reason the R establishment hates him. He insists he won't cut Social Security or Medicare, and the R Party has been after both programs like rabid dogs since REAL Democrats put them into place. Donald Trump's trade policy is better than Hillary's, and I think he's telling the truth when he says he won't let the poor "die in the streets" from lack of healthcare. No, I won't vote for him, but I won't cry great salt tears when he defeats Hillary this fall either.
Twain Disciple
My sentiments exactly!
Thumbs up!
I don't understand why anyone would call T-Rump "liberal"
He is racist, xenophobic and authoritarian by nature. He openly expresses deep scorn for "losers" (i.e., anyone who might need the social safety net). His automatic response to criticism is to threaten the critic with anything from a lawsuit to bodily harm. He displays boundless disinterest in facts on the ground, with total shamelessness in misrepresentation. (For example, "Hispanics love him"!) He masterfully monopolizes the attention of the simple-minded. Politics to him is display. He has never held elected office. He has gone bankrupt four times. He took as one of his role models the late Roy Cohn. Since he will say anything, what he would actually do in office is unknowable, but you can bet it wouldn't be good news for democracy. Every now and then he says something audacious and true, just as a stopped clock can be right twice a day. And as a poisoned stew might contain some nutritious ingredients together with the amanita mushrooms; you still wouldn't want to consume it, I hope. As for those people claiming T-Rump wouldn't do the awful things he talks about, because the power elite wouldn't let him or something, that is exactly but exactly precisely the sort of thing that was said about a certain short-statured sociopath with a silly mustache, back in the 1930s, and we all know how THAT turned out. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. Wake up and smell the stench of evil.
Some people confuse the terms
Some people confuse the terms "populist" and "liberal".
I know the difference,thanks.
Condescend much?
Twain Disciple
Don’t kid yourself. By now the Democrats are part and parcel of
an evil system just as much as the GOP is.
Just like President Barack Obama, a President Hillary Clinton will, in a calculatedly reasonable-sounding way, expand every aspect of the American culture of military empire that I find morally abhorrent.
A Trump presidency might make Democrats realize, “Gee, you know, maybe it isn’t such a hot idea to have total government surveillance of everyone. Maybe it isn’t okay to have the president blowing up folks, torturing them, or imprisoning them for life without a trial.”
The bankers own both wings of The Party.
Always have and always will until . . .
they don't.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
If GWB/Cheney didn't
"make folks realize," T-Rump won't. The concept sounds reasonable that maybe people will suddenly realize how far they have gone down the wrong road and reverse course, but it doesn't work that way in practice. History shows that the boiled-frog process merely continues to the point of disaster. Such as WWII.
Oh, I'm awake.
And there's not a damned thing wrong with my sense of smell. I can smell the stench of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party she bought with Wall Street money from fifty miles away. And yes, Trump is to the left of Hillary on a number of issues. I think the middle class has a chance with him, and I think it has none with Hillary. Yeah, Trump's mouth is awful, but I sure don't think that's why Wall Street hates him.
Twain Disciple
Have you read this article
It's about how Clinton was one step away from privatizing social security. All he needed to do was sign it.
Fortunately, he cheated on his wife and then lied about it.
Good lord, he went on national tv and told the nation that he didn't have sex with that woman.
And there have been plenty of articles about how he hasn't changed very much since them.
I guess that is Hillary's business whether to stay with a cheating spouse. I know that I couldn't do it.
But what are the chances that Hillary will continue where both Bill and Obama have left off?
Pretty damned good if you ask me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Why she stays with Bill
To me, this is proof that their partnership is calculated and their purpose together is to gain wealth and power. It's not about love, it's about valuing each others' skills and strengths. As long as their power grows, they will stay together.
Hillary's campaign would have gone nowhere if she were the ex Mrs Clinton.
I posted an interview with Jill Stein.
Kshama Sawant, the leader of Socialist Alternative, has launched the #Movement4Bernie, which involves him running as a Green. Jill Stein was asked if she would be VP to Bernie if he was willing to run on the Green Party. #BernieOrBust (Bernie or Green) apparently came out of the Green Party. While they've been cheering Bernie on, they've also been preparing for Plan B.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That came to my mind today as well
having Jill Stein as VP to Bernie and him running as a Green. This would make the theme
"Bernie or Bust" obsolete (I have the feeling many of the Bernie Supporter don't like the term "Bust" and are probably therefore not very willing to join those Bernie Supporters, who won't vote for Hillary no matter what).
It's pretty hard to have a justification that would be critical of a Bernie running as a Green with Jill Stein as VP. Who can these days be against the Green party platform? No one.
I wished something like it would be possible. "Bernie or Green". Heh, you can't help but having to vote for that.
where did you post the interview with Jill Stein? /nt
I could see a Stein/Sanders ticket
1st woman prez-check
A Green/Dem Soc alliance-check
A yuge middle finger to the Vichy parties-check
"Dear Senator Sanders,
I congratulate you on your historic campaign and the inspired grassroots movement for progressive change you have generated. I am writing to see if you would consider joining me in a conversation to explore possible collaboration, in this hour of unprecedented crisis and potential for transformative change. At a time when the American electorate is rejecting politics as usual in vast numbers, I invite you to join me in pushing the boundaries of that system to a place where revolution can truly take root."
I could see that also
but inexplicably Bernie seems to be much more terrified by the scary republicans than I am. He's worried about being a spoiler and I'm asking what, exactly isn't already spoiled?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I don't expect him to publicly make any real comment about this
until after the Primary.
It would damage his campaign.
However, with all the dirty tricks the Clintons and DNC have pulled out this primary season, he could easily make the argument for doing so.
"They didn't honor their end of the deal by giving me a fair, unbiased primary so why should I continue with the agreement to not run against them. These issues are too important and time critical to wait another 4 or 8 years to address!" or some variation on that theme.
I don't thing it would hurt his credibility like some fear, I think it would make it even more apparent how seriously he really does treat these issues.
All it takes is one win by a third party, and then we can finally break this stranglehold of the two party system for good.
Just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it cannot be done...
We can do this, it's just gonna take a shit load (That's metric right?) of work...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
mimi, is this maybe the interview link?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
yes, thank you, dancingrabbit, I had found it
and right now still listen to it. It's quite good.
If they just could unite. I wonder if Jill Stein could give in and accept the VP post to Sanders. To me it would be a dream come through.
Here it is Mimi
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
that medium.com piece
Loved that piece, JuliaW! And I'm very much of that same mindset, too.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
TY! Yes, I read that and thought of the peeps here
If Jesus promised a well-aimed lightning bolt
at Clinton's rear end the first time she broke a promise after her inauguration, I might vote for her just for the entertainment value.
That last bit
Would just be more evidence for me to not vote for her. No offense to any folks of the Christian variety around here.
Well, if the other medium article has any validity
Then the fix is already in, and Clinton will win the election. Its fairly easy when votes don't matter.
I posted it elsewhere, but I'll include it here.
I'm starting to wonder if I should even vote at all. Even if I vote for Jill Stein, will my vote magically go to Clinton? Maybe this explains the Trump run from the beginning, he knew he couldn't win so he could say any damn thing he pleased.
Is that too CT? I'm starting to think there's no integrity to the voting system at all. I've been uncomfortable since they instituted electronic voting - it seemed such an obviously horrible idea and I just can't understand why no one seemed to have any problem with it.
And every election, things get worse and worse... I'm so angry this morning. Sigh....
This is where we need anonymous. I wish they'd get on this and fucking prove it. Take the entire system down so we can go back to paper ballots like any civilized country.
yep. n/t
yep. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Remember kids:
Progressives have nothing to do with any victory and are the sole cause of all defeats.
I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it."
John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)
Yep, same everytime. You stayed home at the midterms!
Rather than thinking why many didn't swallow their crap and stayed home. It's a lot easier to blame rather than ask why.
I voted for Jill Stein in the 2012
midterm. She got less then 1% of the vote. Why? Better then the Mormon or delusion? I voted for every socialist, green or commie down ticket, with the exception of Senator Merkley who at least apposed the 60+ = a majority.
I'm not a partisan anymore it's stupid in a duopoly where the only difference is do you want a vagina probe with your austerity and bloody endless war. There are not two parties there is only the one and it's freaking fascistic no matter which complicit side you fly under. It's global and I do not want either side to 'win'. Fuck them all.
A friend of mine from France said to me when I was bitching about Obomber in about 2010 said You should have voted for Hillary at least you would have known what you were getting. I know what the Democrat's are about and it's nothing I want anything to do with no matter what the Republicans are about. This primary is the theater of the absurd. A Hairball vs.a Mad Bomber and both of them are totally mad.
I'm an independent. You know, those people who don't count because they aren't a democrat. Since Hillary doesn't want my vote in the primaries, she won't have any problem with me not voting for her in the general.
She's going to gave to figure out a way for all those dems who voted for her in the south to count in the general if she's going to win.
The Hillarybots write diaries
And declare them safe zones, yet every diary about Bernie and the bots flood in to them and repeat the same damned talking points.
When Bernie supporters write about Hillary, it's about the actions that she has done from her days as FLOTUS to being SOS.
What bothers me the most about her supporters is most of them were against all the things she has done when they were done by the republicans.
Do you think if a republican SOS had a private foundation like the CGI, and gots millions in donations from countries they had just sold weapons to, they wouldn't have a problem with that?
Once upon a time, TOP used to be against the wars of aggression, big money in politics and all of the other activities that Obama and Hillary has done.
I'm with you. Once Hillary does what Obama did, I m saying that we tried to warn you.
But there's so many of them that think Obama is the greatest president ever.
Even though he went back on almost every one of his campaign promises.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Safe zones hahahahaha. Well Kos declared the whole site a
safe zone for Hillary so I suppose there is a precedent.
Yesterday I was treated, yet again, to
that clip of the Hillary interview from last month where she boasts that she is "the most transparent public official in modern times". I wasn't as disturbed by the fact that she said this as I am by the fact that I think she is really beginning to believe her own lies. That's a bad trait for one aspiring to be the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the history of the world. Just sayin'.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
It just gets sillier and sillier
The question is
does she believe her own lies when she repeats Bernie's stump speech?
(Silence, filled only by the sound of one hand clapping...)
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
She's mad
just look in her eyes. Not sexist. I know scary crazy when i see it.
There is definitely something wrong with her.
I see it too.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That may be our choice, sadly.
(Not mine, I am voting for Bernie no matter what.)
But, which crazy criminal gets your Sharpied oval?
The ability to pivot directly to a flat-out LIE
without having the judgement to understand that it's not 1992 anymore and lies don't take weeks to unravel.
The Internet trumps the American News Cycle within hours (if not minutes at times). Not only does Clinton not get that, she doesn't seem to care. It's win no matter what for her. Depending on the situation, Trump's narcissism has nothing on hers.
Pivot to lie?
I consider every word out of her mouth a lie.
She is a megalomaniac.
The answer: No
She's waiting to "pivot to the general," when all her Bernie drag will be doffed so she can make her rhetoric safe for the Koch brothers to declare neutrality. She doesn't give a shit if their billion is spent locking up the Senate and House, and buying up some more states.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Yep the progressive coddling will end the first day after
Then the hippy bashing will begin in earnest
And the DFH contingent that wanted Bernie
are now being treated like naughty children who ran away from home and now are expected to come back by a corporation who has bad parenting skills. I am still a naughty child, buck authoritarianism.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
See, here's something else
these folks refuse to understand about the DFHs: if we are "children", then it's been 8 years since they plumbed new depths of treating millions of us in such a way. In the meantime, we've all grown into our "teenage" years (some of us even beyond that, to stretch this metaphor as far as possible...).
Most parents have been clueless at some time in their parenting 'career'. I don't think these wannabe-parents Dem "leaders" understand just how many DFHs they've actually flat-out lost since Obama's first term commenced. Many, many of us are packing our shit and running as far away from these assholes as we can get, as fast as our legs will carry us. And this time, a whole honkin' lot of us are never going back "home". We are outta there...
There is a great deal of literal truth in her quote.
If one is truly objective, it isn't at all hard to see right through her.
It's been observed by quite a few that even she doesn't really know who she is anymore. If not for the path of deceit and destruction left in her wake, i'd have some sympathy for her.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
Well, Obama sold Hope and Change
So I guess Hillary feels she can put across whatever bullshit her millions can sell. I may ask one of her creatures what about the transparency on her Delaware shell companies, or the CGI donations that coincide with favors from her State department, or the fucking Goldman Sachs speech transcripts.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Yesterday I Was Treated
Hill's been believing her lies for ages. Why? Because psychopaths are always right, will do anything to get their way, and don't have a conscience. So, because Monica Lewinsky was in Hill's way, Monica "must be a liar". Done. Because Bill's womanizing was hurting his presidency, it didn't exist, or was a rumor by the "vast right-wing conspiracy". Done. Because amassing a fortune of $3 billion after Bill & Hill left the White House is unseemly, even for them, Hill turned it into an heroic quest to fundraise for down-ballot Dems. Get the point?
I'd as soon hang around RedState as TOP. Ugh.
The vast majority of the people there are sheep.
Twain Disciple
I'd as soon hang around Redstate
Most are paid trolls or Hillbots.
I'm going to keep my activism and effort local.
Portland's a great city and needs all the help it can get to keep it from turning into California 2: Now with More Rain.
Hillary can make all the pronouncements she wants as queen, but she can't stop the tide, the heat or the earthquakes. All she has power over is imaginary numbers pushed around by other people pushing around imaginary numbers. That and a group of people she's already committed to fighting wars elsewhere...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's where it started in Vermont.
thanks dmw
We need more people here like you. Your presence and spirit are appreciated by this Portlander. I have lived here half my life, the other half was spent in California. I prefer 'Little Beruit' to little California. I think locally we can make some noise and keep Portland weird.
Keep Portland Pepper Sprayed?!?! :)
I've had one too many cameras fucked up by Pacific Northwest pepper spray. It's a nasty mixture that holds up to rain and wind. And it eats your digicam.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Let's face it.
DK is just an icky place. Last time I stopped in to check the headlines, it just felt slimy. Yuck.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
that place is sooooooo sloooooooooooooooow
It makes molasses seem like quick silver. I reccd Toms diary this morning when it first went up, now I can't get the damn thing to load. Not that I care, really. But I thought I might enjoy spectating. Can't even do a good job of that. And I am running a simple chromebook with 4 gigs of ram. That place has become bloated beyond function on so many levels.
Which is why I rarely even look there anymore. But I do like some of the diaries like fishoutofwater and I like to rec any Bernie supporters.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
I think it's the comment rendering in the browser
I only read highly recced diaries by friends, and the comments are often legion. That seems to slow it down a lot, especially on the old iPad I tend to read on.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Muddy Boots,
Here is the link to the mobile version.
It is streamlined with no bells and whistles and just one small ad. Should load pretty easily. At the bottom, you can click to load the comments. They usually load fine even with older or smaller capacity computers. Videos don't load, but have a link instead which cuts down on a lot of the lag.
I should add,
or, I don't know why I want to add, but I do, that I haven't read it or the comments. I just went over and grabbed the link for you and anyone else who might want it.
I bookmarked the mobile link
It sure loads fast but it isn't that easy to read. I think it is all the comments. For all his money I am not that impressed with Kos software.
Thanks for the link.
In the scheme of things I am scratching my head at this point. I am not that bothered by Kos and his shifts in attitude. Well, I am, as he is on the wrong side of history. But I am just watching wondering how this shit storm will unload next. Bernie seems unlikely to be president, which would have been a great development. Bernie is right there needs to be a revolution, and he is right he is not doing it alone. He isn't even the only speaker of the truth. And he doesn't need to move into the white house to make it happen. I think this time it is happening regardless. I like to read some comments sometimes just to see the crazy. I have a very dear friend who is hardcore Hillary. I try not to damage the friendship but I won't let her faith go unchallenged. She is actually a connected lesbian socialist and I worry she is in for a rude awakening if Hillary pulls this off.
Well. Thanks again - that was a useful link.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
I wonder what will happen
if/when we go into some other unnecessary war -- it was the Iraq War that was the impetus for the founding of Daily Kos, but will Hillary's War be the death of the site? Will protestors be shouted down and told to support the President as the coffins come home to Dover AFB?
This is so very true:
At this point — and this point has been reached repeatedly throughout history — change cannot come from the inside. Certainly not in the "total awareness" 21st century, after the federal government has already been largely privatized.
Bernie used his "inside game" to get where he is. Soon that won't work anymore: the federal government will drop the faux democracy kabuki. Poor damned people, dragging their asses to go vote and getting nothing but a shit sandwich to show for it. The intermittent reinforcement that might have hooked them nationally hasn't happened since the sixties. Mostly it has killed them or their kids.
The folks at the site you're talking about are Political Amateurs. Seriously. They've never been able to get their legs under them, geopolitically. And, geopolitically, their One Big Skill doesn't work: Ardent Denial. They're all Mr. Magoo's on the highway to the future. Geopolitically speaking, right this very minute, the entire world is "betraying" the US, in the same way Bernie is "betraying" the establishment. From the outside. A new world paradigm is on the march and denial cannot hold it back. (Perhaps it's a blessing that inconvenient news is suppressed in the US.)
Anyway, it would be great if folks here could embrace the fact that Bernie is bringing it, in the most effective way it can be done. From the outside. Certainly, everyone saw what happened to Obama on the "inside."
Nobody serious is buying that pitch, this time.
If the Green Party
puts Bernie at the head of the ticket, gobs of people will follow him.
But the Green Party would be changed in a lot of ways. Are they ready for that? Would they welcome it or would it feel like a hostile takeover to them?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Out of curiosity, what ways?
I'm pretty content with their platform and when I take one of those "who should I vote for quizzes" it's about 93% Sanders, 90% Stein.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I don't know how TomP does it.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Vote HRC!
Sure, she'll take your first-born for human sacrifice, but the GOP will take your firstborn AND your second-born!! So grow up and get on the bandwagon!
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
You're getting it ........
It was a warning gone just as unheeded as 1984.
Not sure if it's the constant distraction from critical thought, the 21st century hubris of thinking it unimportant or unnecessary, or the sheer weight of force thrown against it by infomedia, but it has definitely gone out of favor in BlingLandia.
21st Century America: The distracted, superficail perception of a virtual reality.
I'm tempted to go look...
but haven't been over then for a while.
I'm gonna focus on getting Bernie elected and local, sustainable politics. I'll do more physical protesting against war, hunger, and the 1% and marching for workers rights, education and the 99%
All the things DKemocrats don't like.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Are you talking about the TomP Diary at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/04/23/1519161/-Unlike-Clinton-Super-P... ?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The next step
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Im done
Im done with the Dems and that piss poor propaganda machine Marco hillary kissass! The country has the chance to elect another FDR with Bernie and its going to be stopped not by the GOP.But by the corporation loving Clinton Democrats,it makes me want to puke,when is this country going to be rid of this Clinton corruption?
Clinton isn't the problem. The people are the problem.
The US is the ingrown toenail of democracies: a nation of the easily fooled and the proudly uninformed.
What's worse: They vote.
No, they don't vote.
We have like 30, 40% turn out in a good election. And as we've seen in nc, fl (I think), az, il, and now ny, not even all of those votes are counted.