The Democratic Party of FDR is DEAD.
The Democratic Party of FDR is DEAD.
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
THE SECOND COMINGTurning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
The primaries of Arizona, Nevada, and now New York have shown me that the DNC's and HRC's lies, their contempt for the average person, their selfish arrogance & uncaring political machine sponsored manipulative cheating and election fraud, their reduction of the MSM to a level Pravda would be proud of, and HRC campaign's use of 'slash and burn' campaign tactics to denigrate and destroy the New Left as personified by the Youth Vote have put the final nail in it's coffin.
The new Corporate D Party will shamble around like a zombie for the next few cycles buying as much power as it can before it's stinking putrid carcass rots totally from within.
There will be no mending fences this time around.
We on the Progressive Liberal Left need to stay strong and be ready to pick up the pieces after the Oligarch's win the General this fall.
We must remain in Solidarity and hold the 'centre' for The People and minimize the damage until 2020. Then we Will come together, and either take back the old D Party or better yet create a New Modern 21st Century vehicle to field a winning Champion, following in the footsteps of Bernie who is the pioneer that is showing us the way.

Worthless Government
It's now clear that for my whole life as an adult, the country will be run by the same people no matter who is elected and no matter how I or anyone I know votes. What is the point again?
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
There is a point...this Class War has been going on forever.
I feel your pain mate.
I feel hopeless at times too...but then my desire for my nieces and nephews and the Children everywhere to have a chance at a good life in the future years to come makes me get up and fight again. History proves We Progressives will win in the long run...we must stay strong when the days seem short.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
There is a Difference This Time.
When the French and Russian peasants revolted against their aristocratic oppressors, they didn't have a care that the very planet they lived on would become uninhabitable.
Gaius Publius posted a dire report tonight ( ) showing that the fakery of the recent rounds of "climate talks" have been for nothing, and the atmospheric CO2 levels have shot past the publicly proclaimed goal of 2 parts per million:
In other words, that isn't the light at the end of the tunnel. That is instead the end of the tunnel.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Or worse
Run by the likes of T-Rump. Le deluge.
Trump and HRC - two sides of the same coin.
The Working Class will suffer horribly under either.
One is just more upfront about what he plans to do than the other. Fascist Hell or a slow political Death by a Thousand Cuts...take your pick.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I pick slow death
because then there's still a (slim) chance for us and especially the kids. Also because of this:
"Why, he could be talking about today!" (No shit)
"This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter."
(No subject)
(Yes subject)
Because, despite a media and a DNC that totally backed Billary, sanders got more than 750,000 votes. In New York. In her home state.
That is still a YUGE accomplishment.
Actually from the way Jimmy Dore on TYT
described it tonight, they are both one face of the coin. His definition is the part where government and corporations are one.
From Wikipedia:
Which part of that doesn't fit HRC?
And how does not fit the current US America?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Hillary's more likely to get us into nuclear war
Only Cruz is as scary that way as she is. Trump is into negotiation and also opposes the TPP, while she'd support it.
I hate that we're talking Least Worsts again, and that they're so bad.
Bernie or Bust!
I actually am not afraid of Trump...
I think all in hall he may be less damaging in the long term.
Potential Positives of a Trump over Clinton Presidency:
1. He is unlikely to bring in the TPP
2. I actually believe despite his ramblings to the ignorant RW masses, he is much less of a WarHawk than Clinton in all likelihood.
3. We can keep his craziest of ideas tied up and be just as obstructionists as the Republicans, and many of the Establishment republicans will be on board with this as well.
4. It puts us in position to build a viable 3rd party, possibly uniting with the greens to make a "New Progressive Party" and we can pick Aqua for our color.
5. I know he will be completely horrible in most ways but remember, EVEN his kids couldn't vote for him because they are not registered Republicans and I doubt he will even try to do half the shit he is claiming to do, and of that shit that he does, we can drag it out at least until 2018.
6. I am doubtful that he will survive for a 2nd term. I think there is a strong chance that both "Establishments" (not the base, but the real power brokers) will unite to impeach him if he gives them the slightest reason as a message to future interlopers.
A Hillary win on the other hand virtually guarantees likely 8 more years of progressive priorties such as the climate, the death penalty, fair trade vs free trade, etc of sitting on the sidelines while the DLC/3rd way group further entrenches their power.
The 3rd way needs to become the party's past before the party becomes a part of the past itself...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
If you ignore the media
If you ignore the media propaganda and his bullshit talk to win the nomination, his policies are similar to Bernies. The important thing is that he blocks Hillary and will can beat him in 2020 with Elizabeth Warren.
7. Even HRC supporters will join in
with blocking anything he does (as well as the Republicans). If HRC wins her supporters will be perfectly happy with the status quo--until her policies adversely affect them.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
While I agree
that the fight must continue, I think this election cycle has made clear that progressives are battling against the Democratic Party. I see no hope of re-taking the party, or even any value in doing so. The party -- both its apparatus and the majority of its constituents -- have made clear what it stands for.
The future lies elsewhere.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Very important point
The Democratic Party as it currently exists is our opponent, not our ally. It is frightening to contemplate, but little is likely to change in politics until the Democratic Party grows so weak that it is possible either to depose the current corporate leadership, or replace the party with a grassroots movement. Building that movement and giving it coherence and structure has always appeared to be the next step after the Sanders campaign, no matter what Bernie's fate.
Putting time or money into the Democratic Party is working against our own interests at this point. It's time we grew up and moved on. Hopefully Bernie will continue to guide the transition of the movement, rather than assist the attempted co-optation by the party.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I Will Forever Despise The Clintons For What They Have Done
to my party, the Democratic wing of the Democratic party, the party of FDR.
I hope indictments fly towards them, and the Clinton Foundation is unmasked as the pay-for-play, money laundering operation that it is, involving arms sales to foreign governments and quid pro quo.
As Bob Herbert wrote in his 2001 NYT Cut Him Loose column
I don't trust either one of them to do good for America or its citizens. Privatizing social security will probably be one of HRC's first acts if we don't get the Senate in November.
Only a Democrat can destroy Social Security.
Get ready for more catfood if HRC is elected in November. A Rethug not so much...he would wreck havoc in other ways. That is why I believe the Oli's are backing Hillary - they want to finally destroy SS.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
That is a truth and there will be another grand compromise
praised as the best we could do by the Party faithful
Over My Dead Body
will those fuckers steal my retirement.
They already have stolen people's retirement
with MPRA. It was in the 2014 omibus bill for which many Democrats voted yes.
If Bernie is not elected President I see many protests in our future. Which we will have time for as most of us won't have jobs.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
I hear what you're saying
but they haven't formally denied anyone for that reason yet.
I forsee much civil unrest, the way we seem to be headed. The Powers That Be are in fact making peaceful revolution impossible.
Yup. Like many, my retirement plan
is now to die at my desk at work.
No smiley.
Yeah me too...
Or to shoot myself when I can no longer work to feed myself and pay my bills and pay for my medical care.
America! Such a civilized country.
As only a Democrat could have repealed
Glass-Steagall. As only a Democrat could pass "Welfare to Work." And while not only a Democrat could pass Three Strikes laws, that sure as hell helped. Right up until today I don't think I had fully committed to really not vote Democrat to at least mitigate the damage, but now, I'm voting Green or not voting at all if I can't do that. NO more damned ConservaDem fucking sell out shill gets my vote or my money.
I was still paying to get NYT online. Cancelled that after the Krugman and even Charles Blow's Billary love and told the guy on the phone that was exactly why.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
interesting video with Richard Charnin
his web pages are at:
but the more recent video link is
once statistics and quality control is applied in the machine voting process, we can finally see how the system is being manipulated in a number of ways, all based on fraud and/or disenfranchisement in one form or another. The so-called Brooklyn purge, selective hours in certain voting locations, broken voting machines. And then you have the central tabulators.
Our elections have been largely kabuki since 2000
The difference this time is the HRC faction have used the system against the Left Wing of their own party.
Henry Kissinger is smiling.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
We legitimize it by voting
Maybe we should start a movement to convince people to not vote. If the rich are going to do whatever the hell they want anyway, might as well make it official.
Oh yeah...
that'll work...
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
It'll only work fine for a small number of people
And that's the point. It seems too many folks have bought into the idea of social Darwinism, and this is the result.
And yes, I am being sarcastic about the voting.
I would rather work to encourage people to build a 3rd party
over that.
If I am gonna work for a goal, it's gonna be one that at least has SOME chance of netting positive results.
We only have two choices, Ballots or Bullets, and I would much prefer ballots.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thank the voters
Ultimately, the state of the country is the fault of the voters. At the end of the day, the citizenry by and large adores wealth as the ultimate sign of success, so this is what we get.
My anger is directed at the Clinton voters....
women, black and hispanic.... My only hope is they go first into the hell they've created....war, back alley butchers, food pantries, and immigration for deportation. They apparently love their kids being in debt up to their ears, they should join them. Seriously, the only solution is to move out of the country - for as long as western Europe is allowed to exist. The crooks are global and escape will soon be impossible. Maybe we can get OR, CA and WA to secede and form its own country.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"Pity please, the ones who serve. They only get what they deserve."
-"At Seventeen", Janis Ian
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Clinton Voters
I was thinking the same thing. Weak, incurious minds were easily primed to vote Clinton. The constant barrage of "Bernie Bad, Hillary Good" by the MSM, celebrities, and pundits was effective propaganda. The unending stroking of the lizard brain with "I'm With HER" messaging of 1960s and 1970s women's lib sloganeering made a huge difference also. For boomer women it really is about electing the first woman president. Nothing else matters. For Hispanics and Blacks, the absence of MSM truth-telling about the real affect of Clinton legislation on their lives, worked like a charm. I'm sure those groups still think the Clinton years gave us jobs and prosperity because Bill took credit for the big Wall Street bubble. Name recognition was a big factor. And the buying (or money-laundering) of the DNC gave Hill all the delegates she needed, up front, to intimidate any candidate who dared to challenge her. Then there's Bill's polling place shenanigans, and multi-state board of elections snafus. All told, despite these crushing odds against him, Bernie is magnificent.
Exactly how I feel
Thank you for expressing it so well.
Weak and fearful....
Older black man was interviewed on TV. When asked why he voted for Hillary, he said he was "afraid of Trump".
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Europeans don't want us, they have enough problems of their own
yeah, strange how blinded Europeans (and many more)
still believe that the US is a country of choice for immigrants, and blinded Americans believe they could find relief from neo-cons selling out their country and neglecting democratic rights of their own citizens in Europe.
There are no greener pastures anywhere on the globe, just a little bit different grass seeds to cover up the same shit of human failures in their respective political systems. So, I think, getting rid of the weed in your lawns might be what is needed right now. Always difficult to know when to walk away and when to stay put and fight.
They thought they could bury us, they didn't know we were seeds
It'll take a lot of seeds
Bury seeds deep enough and they don't survive, particularly if the topsoil is thin. Put a layer of weed cloth and gravel on top, and that's that.
Our college kids are flocking to their universities
and never coming back.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You know what would be a lot of fun?
If someone--Anonymous or some other hacker--would "readjust" the results in all of the states next week, and Sanders won landslides in all of them. Picture the Clinton campaign and the people who are manipulating he system going, "Whattttt???? They would be demanding refunds from all the people they bribed. And how is she going to complain?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'd rather see someone release those speech transcripts
or some other big damaging item. You know there's a mountain of it out there somewhere.
I don't like the idea of compromising voting results, even with the best of intentions. The whole point of this is to be better than they are. (Not that you are actually serious - but the Hillbots "win at all costs, even if you have to cheat" mentality really bothers me)
But I've often thought that maybe someone unskewed the votes during the first Obama election - remember Rove being so sure he was going to lose, and getting all flustered on air when his planned cheat failed? Or at least, that's what it looked like. And I certainly wouldn't be surprised coming from the likes of Rove.
And I'd totally be down with Anonymous or someone else keeping the voting fair and free of the shenanigans we've been seeing, if that were possible.
I think that the results in
I think that the results in NY might be a reflection of the power that the MSM has in America, but it is probably more complicated than that.
I was born in Brooklyn, where my parents had been born and raised. My mother is a defiant Hillary supporter. My father, I’m sure would be supporting Sanders if he were still here. I’m highly reluctant to ask my siblings who they support at this point, since my guess (knowing them so well) is that I would be disappointed. What does that say to me? … something like, find hope elsewhere. I feel so saddened, yet hopeful still, at the same time. I guess that makes me confused.
You Aren't Confused
You can still see reality. You haven't surrendered your thinking brain to corporatism in trade for the latest iToy. You aren't telling yourself that everything is wonderful and that your betters will care for you in the best possible way.
But you ARE frustrated that you are a sentient being trapped in a herd of bovine-brains who don't see that the cattle cars are taking us all to slaughter, just so that a few insane people can enjoy more - at least until they make this planet uninhabitable.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
That consoles,
but also burns.
Thank you, neoconned.
The bit about bovine-brains is spot on. However, as a teacher, I see the hope of a spark in everyone. But it's hard to compete as Media funnels boorishness and avarice and indifference, with a base-coat of fear, into viewers/listeners. Hard to stay on top of that. Hard to wake people up to critical thinking and skeptical inquiry.
For many of them "this is still the best country there is" meme
is hard to dislodge - even after mentioning that huge number of folks living in prisons and ghettos don't see things that way. They stop and pause for a second and then store that info in some dark corner of their minds and continue on their priviliged way.
Just World fallacy
It's those people's fault. In prison? Don't do drugs. Want to be wealthy? Work hard. See, that was easy.
And it's so insidious...
I wish everyone would read "Nickle and Dimed" by Ehrenreich. Its not a perfect book, but it goes some way to dispelling the "work hard" mythos of America.
Good book indeed
Her "Bait and Switch" is the middle class version.
Romney told the kids to borrow money from their folks to
get their businesses started. Why they couldn't think of that themselves just shows how dumb those damn kids are.
Won't anyone think of the children!?
Unfortunately, the people that are going to be hurt the most are the newest voters. Stuff like this just confirms what they already believe about politics in general--it's all grift in the end. We get it in our minds that the only way to lose is to not play, which just cements behavior like this further.
Disgusting and shameless, and the worst part is that we play right into it anyway.
It is shameful,
especially if the future is controlled by the past; and because the children need a brighter future.
The children (and my two) deserve better
But the Boomers and the Greatest will not cede Power to the ones who will have to survive in increasingly perilous times. I am willing to hand it down to them. I guess that makes me a Good Boomer. Nice to be here @c99 in similar company.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Please qualify that Boomer-bashing by noting these folks are
Establishment 'winners' (who will be screaming bloody murder when their social security checks are cut if they win). There really are a bunch of us from that era that never gave up fighting their corruption and we aren't about to stop now. Remember we have kids and grandkids and a world full of other people's kids whose futures we care about HUGEly.
Boomer here
With my own two millennial kids, I'm with them and backing Senator Sanders with all I've got. It's their future after all. FUCK th oligarchs, may they rot in hell.
it has become more and more evident that...
...the Democratic Party of today is yesterdays Republicans. Republicans have moved so far right that Democrats are now the middle with no leftward party for progressives.
We have numbers counted now thru this election. New party time.
I want Bernie to continue campaigning through all 50 states so we know just how many we are. We will have a network to build upon through the connections made during this primary. New fucking party time and let's build it.
Not yet, anyway
At this point, my only hope for this election cycle is that it ends the two-party system.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Change the voting system first
First past the post naturally gravitates towards a two-party system, according to Duverger's Law.
Beware of Goldwater Girls bearing Gifts
The Clintons drug the party to the right and then the opportunistic refugees from the GOP have flooded in to make help cement the Clinton takeover. Those folks are the true enemy and of the worst sort: a political fifth column ensuring that the future of the current two parties is the far right and the not quite so far right.
Bill Clinton pushed the Rs to the far right
He co-opted all their programs (welfare "reform," crack down on crime and mass incarceration, repeal of New Deal economic protections, NAFTA, GATT, "normalized" trade with China) and snatched their donors. The Rs immediately ran screaming into lala land. Hillary Clinton still has their donors. Except Birchers like the Koch Brothers. Our choice is now between corporatists and maniacs. The Clintons may be the worst thing that ever happened to this country. They destroyed the liberal voice once and for all as a viable part of American politics. We now live in the howling wilderness the Birchers used to inhabit, dismissed as "fringe" by our own party.
Twain Disciple
Good morning, Nightowls and Insomniacs
Is it "Game Over" now, or what? Is Bernie hopelessly out of reach of the nomination? Don't the rest of the primaries matter any more?
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
If they were honest, for sure...but it is obvious to me
at least that the fix is in. So he cannot win the nomination as he will need to win the rest of the contests by getting at least 57% to 60%+ of the vote. If they can fix NY with all the light being shone on it...then TPTB can fix anything. And he cannot get those results.
The Establishment will not let Bernie win now ... however that does not mean we give up - we need to fight all the way to 2020 and beyond.
The rest of the Primaries DO MATTER! If Bernie goes to the Convention down a little the Progressive Wing will still have some modicum of power. If we give up and he goes in and gets trounced, TPTB will say see...the Left isn't really viable. And it will be that much harder in the future.
Gotta think and act Long Term.
The old Democratic Party is dead...time will tell if we can resuscitate the corpse.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I Just Watched Z, One of my Favorite Movies
For those unfamiliar with it (It won Best Foreign Film in 1969), it's a fictionalized account of the 1963 assassination of a popular pacifist politician. Of course the fascist police, military, and thugs were all in on the plot. It reminds me, again, that I can't stop fighting for what I know is the right moral path.
The primaries aren't over until the convention in Philly. Who knows what dirt will be churned up about the Clintons in the meantime. I don't consider either one of them Democrats, and they certainly shouldn't be leading the Democratic party or selling off overnights to the Lincoln bedroom or inviting Henry Fucking Kissinger to the White House.
Saw "Z" in 1969 in Italy
Z - Il est Vivant! [Wikipedia]
Greek military junta of 1967–74 [Wikipedia]
Georgios Papadopoulos [Wikipedia]
Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line
Anti-Revisionism in Greece ‘The Rule of the Colonels’ -the military Junta 1967-1974 PDF
It's disheartening that any semblance of a slight drift to the Left gets put down again and again and again. As the Right gains more and more power, repression continues unabated and gains more strength - leaving Reason and Equity to founder or pick up the Sword. The Revolution will not be comfortable.
[edited for formatting]
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
"think twice, that's my only advice" ...
great voice
The day the DP told me to fuck off you are not wanted
They have become the Republican Party of 68
You may be on to something, LaFem.
In fact, before it's all said and done, Hillary Clinton may become the Democratic party's very own Richard Nixon.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
When they impeach her,
I've certainly going to cheer for the Republicans. Maybe this time they'll get enough votes.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If they're busy impeaching her,
and she's busy being impeached, that should at least slow the anti-human being legislation they would otherwise be enacting.
Twain Disciple
It was Rahm mouthing those words, but the message
was clear, no matter the source.
The Union movement is basically dead also
They finally had a candidate who will support and fight with them and what do they do? They mostly back Hillary Clinton who will use them as a door mat once she is elected. Compared to the union leaders of 100 years ago the American union leaders of today are a bunch of gutless gasbags who couldn't fight if their lives depended on it. If they continue on this road I'd doubt if there will be any American unions left in 25 years.
Sadly my brother in law is one.
And you are right ... the official Union leadership of today are the oligarch's pets that been bought and paid for - they cherish their comforts more than they want solidarity. They don't understand that they exist solely at their master's whims...
On the other hand the rank and file still have the passion; we can only hope the next Joe Hill or Ceasar Chavez rises from their fire sooner rather than later to provide real leadership and direction.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Revolutions don't end with elections
On to the convention and the 2018 elections!
Disappointing to see the despair here.
Revolutions don't end with elections.
We need to rack up the delegate counts and be bold and loud at the convention. Don't forget your state conventions!
We need to identify candidates for the mid terms and get to work.
All of our organizing was also a petri dish for new leaders, new candidates.
Revolutions don't end with elections
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius
I keep fighting. Without a doubt.
But I'm heartsick this morning. It's been a rigged game for so long. For so long we've been given the electoral choice of Corporatist X or Corporatist Y. Now we finally have a real choice. And the people still choose Hillary.
I'll keep fighting. I just want this one day to grieve for what my country will probably become.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Out of the ashes of despair the Phoenix will arise.
perhaps that was the little bird's message to us...
But some of us need a few moments to grieve, get angry and Howl today...I truly believe that the future of the Political Revolution will be well served with tenacity and grit and optimism once the pain is addressed.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Exactly. We have a good idea how many we are. Built connections
Through phone banking and canvassing. Bernie will go all the way so we would have a network of our own in all fifty states. All 50.
We supported Sanders, no telling what committed people can do.
Build the party we want.
And support down ticket candidates that share our views.
Right, there is an Opposition coalescing
so that needs to be fed.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Democracy as a factory
In the mass-production of 'widgets' on an assembly line, it is always needed to introduce quality control or quality assurance in some points of that process to monitor the final output. We can look at democracy as the factory, our factory, the people's factory, and its final product or 'widget' is the vote or paper ballot of each citizen in our nation or society.
It is impossible to check the dimensions every single 'widget' to see if our factory or democracy-machine is producing the designed output, widgets being 'clean votes', all the time. Millions of widgets need to be finished and ready to be 'sold' in the marketplace. Right away or even in real time would be better.
In that manufacturing process, tolerances will 'drift' away or deviate from an acceptable norm. This is normal in the real world and can be expected if not predicted with some degree of precision. A certain number of 'widgets' will always fail to meet acceptable standards.
Here's the problem. Some departments in our factory, i guess that we have 50 states or individual departments within our great factory of democracy, each one producing widgets like the rest, there are possibly some very crooked supervisors of those departments which have outlawed the use of quality control in that production process. Are they making counterfeits? Are they cooking the books to avoid meeting the quotas required by our factory?
We have scientific tools to expose the defects in our mass production. But apparently some Luddites are in charge. Who hired them? We have to fire them and put them in the unemployment line. Permanently. They can live on welfare, but not work in a responsible position in our factory. We have competent supervisors and workers who can produce a quality product. Let's get this factory running exactly like our original CEOs first wanted it to work.
Wed Morning Blues
I'm too blue to offer anything but sighs and grumbling. Once again, progressives have been told to go around to the back door and someone will fix them a plate of left-overs. It is, indeed, the death of The Democratic Party and it has had it coming for some time. I am changing my registration to “Non-affiliated”. Open primaries in NC make that a smart move anyway. I would like to see the Democratic rolls drop 30% the week Hillary is nominated – IF she is. I say, “Fight on all the way through California and tell delegates to NEVER “make it unanimous”, to walk out quietly when it is decided.
If the the “membership” of both parties combined was only 40 -50 percent of registered voters, this country would be better off.
There is a ditty that I have been told fighter pilots used to sing in WWII when they took off on a mission, that went something like:
Oh my name is Sam Small, Sammy Small.
My name's Sammy Small – fuck them all!
Fuk'em all. Fuk'em all. Fuk'em all.
Carroll Quigley said it best
Carroll Quigley was a professor of history at Georgetown University, and one of Bill Clinton's early mentors - in fact, it was Quigley who recommended him for a Rhodes Scholarship. He was an unapologetic Machiavellian, whose cynical view of what modern democracy should look like was encapsulated in the following quote from his book "Tragedy And Hope - A History Of The World In Our Time":
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.
These words, circa 1966, seem quite prophetic in anticipating the Democratic Party's total capitulation to corporate interests, and the adoption of neo-liberalism (aka corporatism) as the de facto guiding philosophy of the entire political establishment, encompassing both of the mainstream parties. Of course, Quigley would be the first to agree that it would not be desirable for the two parties to be 100% identical, so in order to give the commoners a rooting interest they have conveniently split on a handful of "boutique" social issues.
Which is not to in any way belittle the importance of such things as legal abortion or gay rights, but the fact remains that on the meta-issues that most profoundly affect the quality of life for the vast majority, there is very little space between mainstream Republican and mainstream Democrat. What should now be crystal clear to all is that there is no way to defeat this utterly rancid, debased and corrupt system by working within it. Attempting to form tactical alliances with corporate tools like Clinton or Obama is a recipe for nothing more than permanent dis-empowerment and further entrenchment of the status quo.
inactive account
The Democrats stopped being the party of FDR in the 90's
Democratic voters are a little slow.
no, the party of FDR
died in the 1960s. As Gore Vidal, on numerous occasions, astutely observed, FDR's Democratic Party was a melange of "Tammany Hall and the Ku Klux Klan." The Klan wing started breaking for the Republicans, big time, in the '60s.
I was so busy mourning the death of the Dem Party that I didn't notice a sleeping cat on the floor right by my chair. The sight of her calmed my frazzled nerves.
Maybe life does go on. We'll figure something out.
Let's keep talking, okay?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.