Yoon's impeachment saga continues...

The finance minister and current acting president, Choi Sang-mok, testified at Assembly hearing Feb 6 on the note passed to him December 3, while he was speaking to Yoon directly. Yoon said "refer to it." Choi claims he doesn't know who gave it to him, he didn't read it, that it was already folded, and put it in his pocket. Acting President Choi claims he passed the note to a subordinate for handling (without knowing the contents), and after reading it the next day, he told him to disregard it, because the martial law effort was already over.

(Source- SBS youtube 2.6.2025) "제 얼굴 보시더니"…'쪽지' 받던 순간 증언한 최상목 / SBS 8뉴스

Yoon lied about the note when questioned by the Constitutional Court saying he knew nothing about it, didn't give it to Finance Minister, Choi, and only heard of it later when he read about it in the news. He's obviously lying. I think the body language in the still shot from the video (below) captures Yoon's demeanor, and the reactions of his legal team, which can be read in their expressions. The old guy, top left, the sphinx falling asleep; the younger member right rear, waiting anxiously for the necessary misrepresentations from Yoon; and a rigid poker face from the attorney to Yoon's left, (yes go ahead and say it, as we discussed earlier). What a brazen act. Yet such brazen dishonesty among lawyers and prosecutors in particular was commonplace during Yoon's reign as a senior prosecutor, then Prosecutor General, and then president.

(Source- MBC News youtube 2.7.2025 the last portion of the video is from Yoon's appearance at the CC 1.21.2025)

Yoon is asked, did you give this note to set up an emergency legislative body to finance (the martial law administration's) liquidity to the finance minister? Yoon says no, I knew nothing about it.

The memo gave 3 directives, make arrangements for financial liquidity, set up an emergency legislative body to pass finance legislation, and cut off funding related to the National Assembly.

The significance of the memo is that it is objective evidence of intent contrary to the purported temporary nature of the martial law announcement as contended by Yoon's defense. The memo proves Yoon's intent to disband and replace the National Assembly.

At the Constitutional Court hearing Thursday, Kwak Jong-geun, former Special Forces Commander, testified that when he was giving orders to military forces moving on the National Assembly building the night of December 3, he had left the microphone open at the command center, so that his conversations with the former Defense Minister and others, were heard by many subordinates. Thus, he had been unable to fabricate testimony about the operation, and basically was forced by a minor oversight, to tell the narrative of the operation as it happened.

Constitutional law experts and partisan political pundits from the opposition/democratic party side, believe the last CC hearing sealed Yoon's fate, and the CC has no choice but to dismiss Yoon from presidential office. However, the senior judge at the hearing was making an effort to impeach Genral Gwak's testimony, and previously other adverse witnesses. The opposition is evaluating this as a devil's advocate approach for testing the credibility of the witness. However the senior justice need only persuade two other justices to sway the decision in Yoon's favor, and the impeachment fails. This is because, the ninth judge was not appointed and earlier this week; the CC postponed ruling on the unconstitutionality of the acting president's failure to appoint the third judge in the National Assembly's three judge appointment, as required by constitutional provisions. The (acting) president's role in this regard, is strictly ministerial, and cannot be avoided. Will they ever rule on this? It's pending. If the ninth judge is appointed by the CC, it's likely Yoon will be impeached. Six justices must vote to uphold the impeachment to dismiss Yoon from presidential office. Currently the case has only been heard by eight justices. The last vacancy has not been filled because of resistance by the acting president who refuses to forward the nominee for the ninth seat vacancy. Choi has suggested he will comply with an order to do so, if the CC so orders.

Forthright testimony of Hong Jang-won, Kwak Jong-geun before CC, Yoon impeachment solidifies (홍장원∙곽종근의 솔직한 헌재 증언, 尹 탄핵 인용 굳혔다)

Moreover, it is said that former Commander Kwak at the time gave instructions with the microphone turned on, so the instructions were transmitted to the entire subordinate unit. If you look into it, the truth will be revealed. It is Yoon Seok-yeol, his lawyer, and the People Power Party who are polluting the words with mere wordplay that touches on trivial matters. It is pitiful that he is trying to avoid prison at all costs without showing any presidential behavior. Even petty criminals who are being tried in ordinary criminal trials do not do this.

Yoon Seok-yeol's pettiness does not end here. As it became difficult to change the so-called 'message (content)', he is using the method of attacking the 'messenger (speaker)'. He is constantly raising new issues, such as the words of former First Vice Minister Hong and former Commander Kwak changing or the circumstances not matching. However, the circumstances of the creation of the list of arrest targets including politicians and the actual operation of the arrest team have been sufficiently proven. Rather, the cover-up work of the female counterintelligence commander Yeo after the lifting of martial law was revealed through the statements of his subordinate officers. When he was cornered, Yoon Seok-yeol gained the right to speak at the 6th oral argument date and raised suspicions of 'impeachment work' against former National Intelligence Service Vice Minister Hong and former Commander Kwak. He claimed that the two had conspired with the Democratic Party three days after martial law to impeach him. The delusions of persecution and unreasonableness began again.

There is nothing more to expect from Yoon Seok-yeol, but his behavior has crossed the line. The most representative example is his attack on the Constitutional Court justices. He is claiming that Justices Moon Hyung-bae, Lee Mi-seon, and Jeong Gye-seon and their families should be excluded, citing their political inclinations. His intention is to incite the People Power Party and its supporters to shake the legitimacy of the Constitutional Court trial. It is a very dangerous act that encourages disobedience to the Constitutional Court trial and shakes the foundation of the rule of law. This is something that cannot be done without giving up being president.

Now, the last card Yoon Seok-yeol can play is to buy time. He can create a frame of the opposition party's operation and various conspiracy theories to gather supporters and turn the tables by manipulating public opinion. However, the more Yoon Seok-yeol speaks, the more he reveals lies. When former Commander Kwak called the people he had ordered to be dragged out of the National Assembly "people," Yoon Seok-yeol said, "I never used the word 'people', I just used the word 'people'." However, upon verification, it was revealed that he used this word several times in speeches and other documents. This shows that the person who lies casually is none other than Yoon Seok-yeol himself.

Yoon Seok-yeol said in his address to the nation after martial law that he would “stand firm against impeachment or investigation.” Now, it is right to stop blaming subordinates and responding in a petty-crime manner, and to openly confess the reasons and details of the declaration of martial law and ask for forgiveness. That is the only way for a person who was elected as the President of the Republic of Korea to meet a less shameful end. The Constitutional Court should also end the trial as soon as possible. There is no reason to listen to the absurdity and sophistry of Yoon Seok-yeol and his lawyers any longer.

출처 : 뉴스버스(Newsverse)(https://www.newsverse.kr) google translation

All of this assumes that continued unlawful opposition, "the insurrection," in opposition to Yoon's impeachment won't succeed. If the CC follows the law, the president will be impeached. It's only the legal grounds for impeachment that have "solidified."

Saturday, an estimated 100,000 people demonstrated at Gwanghwamun plaza and then marched through Seoul boulevards in support of Yoon's impeachment. This is spite of chilling temperature, 10 degrees C.

I love spinning the cheering stick when I'm feeling dazed... This is my favorite song during the march these days... This song came out when I was pretty young ㅋㅋㅋ and when I looked it up, I found out it was released in 2000, and I think it's a really easy choreography that even the generations born after that can do (?) together...

Yoon never ordered withdraw of troops from National Assembly, general says

The former leader of the Army Special Warfare Command who commanded martial law troops dispatched to the National Assembly in December testified before the Constitutional Court that President Yoon Suk-yeol had told him to have troops “quickly break down the doors of the National Assembly and drag out everyone inside” as lawmakers “apparently haven’t reached quorum yet.”

Yoon has denied all the charges levied against him, claiming that his opponents are crafting insurrection allegations to get him removed from office, but the special warfare commander has repeatedly confirmed that Yoon gave orders to neutralize the capacity of the National Assembly.

Lt. Gen. Kwak Jong-geun took the stand as a witness in the sixth hearing in the trial for Yoon’s impeachment at the Constitutional Court in Seoul’s Jongno District on Thursday.

“On Dec. 4 [of last year] at 12:30 am, President Yoon called me on a secure line and told me, ‘They apparently haven’t reached quorum yet’ and ordered me to ‘Have troops quickly break down the doors of the National Assembly and drag out the people inside,’” Kwak said, confirming the content of the prosecutors’ criminal indictment of Yoon.

(edited a few times to clarify meaning. See my response below about the redundant "people" confusion in this google translation).

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QMS's picture

Being caught in a lie under sworn testimony
should be grounds for impeachment. Otherwise
the court is not doing its function IMO. Sounds like
Yoon's goose is cooked. Pleading innocence doesn't
cut it.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

soryang's picture


You're right QMS, it should affect the impeachment outcome, his dissimulation, perjury, fraud on the court, etc.

...I didn't tell Gen. Gwak to bring out the representatives (hoe won 회원) I said personnel ( 인원 in won) meaning his soldiers or other personnel apart from the elected representatives in the building. Yoon said he never used the term "people" as Gwak claimed. They appear to be grasping at straws. Yes it is perjury, I suppose the defense can contend, "oh we didn't know he was lying." These are some high powered private lawyers for Yoon's defense.

It should (also) affect his defense to the insurrection charge upon which he's been indicted in a criminal court. He's not showing remorse, but rather an unrepentant dishonest attitude. I read a long statement allegedly handwritten by him in detention a few days ago, in which he again tried to portray himself as a man of the people, concerned about their welfare, trying to provide for their security against threats to their welfare, and trying to restore the economy, while the dictatorship of the National Assembly had paralyzed all of his efforts, necessitating his actions to signal to the people the crisis at hand. It literally made me sick, it was so dishonest.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Dawn's Meta's picture

@soryang to all of us here. QMS' question was mine also, thanks for answering directly.

What a mess so many governments are in. It seems that where the US has played a heavy hand things go to hell in a hand basket, so to speak.


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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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soryang's picture

@Dawn's Meta

He's the leader of the Sarang Jaeil Church, an evangelical church in South Korea. He's a far right demagogue. I assumed that his ties to evangelical organizations were suspicious. Some people may not be receptive to this, but his organization, led demonstrations in Seoul in 2020, that were unlawful, and were believed to have helped spread covid in South Korea. Another "Christian" organization the Sincheonji Church, was proven by the South Korean public health service to have spread covid, from Wuhan, where it had a mission, to South Korea in the early stages of the pandemic (both are viewed as cults by many). Of course, this had a lasting damaging effect on the South Korean economy.

Jeon's organization is indirectly tied to an international organization the World Evangelical Association through the Christian Council of Korea. Ties of South Korea to USAID were in early stages of its post war development. It is now a major donor country. The USAID websites appear to be down still, but I found this interesting post on the US Embassy web site from the Seoul embassy:

U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Philip Goldberg added, “It is a great honor to welcome USAID to the U.S. Mission to the Republic of Korea family. Our two nations have a strong history of bilateral cooperation, and the opening of a USAID office will strengthen our bond so that our global development partnerships around the world will continue to flourish.”

Apparently, it was uploaded in Sept 2022 only months after Yoon took office.

Jeon is the main leader of the street demos and resistance to the Yoon impeachment process. He is alleged to have been an organizer of the group that violently attacked the Western District branch Court that occurred recently when Yoon's detention warrant was renewed. He is currently under investigation for this.

Jeon's demos this year, have a lot in common with some of videos of the Hong Kong demos I've watched in the past. Why do they wave US flags as well as the S.Korean flag? Why do their signs repeat US slogans like "stop the steal?" Why is stop the steal, alleging election fraud, to undermine the legitimacy of the National Assembly, Yoon's primary excuse for the martial law attempt and insurrection? I could go on. Nothing solid here, but a familiar pattern emerges.

Great to hear from you Dawn!

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語必忠信 行必正直

Dawn's Meta's picture

@soryang the ties to Christian churches in South Korea. If there is a way to understand this without sending you on a long mission at some point I would really like to have a sense of it.

Thank you so much.

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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soryang's picture

@Dawn's Meta @Dawn's Meta

Seoul- Right wing demonstrators violate emergency health ban Feb. 20, 2020

Political impact of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk covid 19 cluster Feb 24, 2020

Shincheonji cult and the explosion of covid 19 cases in South Korea Feb 26, 2020

Shincheonji is responsible for Covid 19 getting out of control in South Korea Mar 6, 2020.

...The Shincheonji organization concealed it's activities in Wuhan, China. There is a video of Shincheonji spokesperson on March 2, 2020, making a misleading statement stating they had closed their church in Wuhan in 2018. The Chinese government closed the church, but the congregation's members continued to meet for church activities. In Wuhan, after the epidemic became public knowledge there, the Sincheonji reported they were meeting "online." Allegedly, up to some point in December, they had been meeting several times a week in private locations such as cafes, homes and apartments conducting church related functions in groups as large as 20 or more, in confined spaces. One of these locations was only five kilometers from the seafood marketplace in Wuhan suspected to be a nexus of early covid 19 transmission. Three other locations were not much further away inside Wuhan. The JTBC investigative report disclosed 356 Sincheonji Wuhan members into late 2019. Where are they now? This is under government investigation. The church claims it doesn't have the ability to track the whereabouts of its "210,000" members. A document obtained by the JTBC program showed the church maintained 160 evangelical locations (Gospel rooms) in Wuhan.

According to insiders familiar with the organization's practices, an influx of Shincheonji members into South Korea, from overseas, including Wuhan, probably occurred on or before January 12, 2020, when the annual general assembly of the church took place in Gwacheon, South Korea. At the January 12, general assembly of the church, the presence of members from the Chinese elements of the Seoul chapter of the church was acknowledged on a recorded video.

A former church member reported on Lee Kyu-yon's Spotlight investigative journalism program, (March 6, youtube) that a further influx could have taken place on or after January 19, 2020, in anticipation of the lunar new year's holiday. Both of these potential avenues of transmission took place before the Chinese quarantine on travel outside Wuhan on January 23 took effect. Two spotlight sources, respectively, stated that it would be natural to expect sect travelers from China in South Korea during these two periods in January. The key events took place before the dates cited as pertinent in the New Yorker opinion. According to a source, reported by the SCMP, the members had all left Wuhan for the lunar new year break. Current news broadcasts in South Korea indicate based upon public health tracking, that 63 percent of all covid 19 infections are known to be related, directly and indirectly, to the secretive cult. A look at the cluster distribution around Daegu, Gyeongbuk, and Cheongdo, suggests circumstantially, that the true number is closer to 90 percent. The Daegu cluster is directly related to the Sincheonji church in that city....

NY Times' opinion on South Korea's Shincheonji an anti-democratic ploy

Above is probably the best blog entry on how the Shincheonji moved the virus from Wuhan to ROK, and then spread it. Rashid did a poor job on this NY Times article. A US Korean-American expert on South Korean affairs felt the same way I did about this.

This is Jeon again below:

Love First Church responsible for SARS-CoV-2 upsurge in South Korea Sep 20, 2020

At some point, the South Korean health department and police conducted an investigation into Sincheonji membership rolls, addresses and so on, and investigated the leader of the cult, Lee Man-hui. When Lee "appeared" to be cooperating with the investigation, which he never really did, Jeon from the Sarang Jaeil Church, (the right wing demagogue) began to publicly mock him (for political purposes) for cooperating with the health department's effort to locate infected individuals.

South Korea: Corona virus welcoming party, Season 2 Aug 16, 2020


(Source- 열린공감TV August 15) Lee Man-hui, Sincheonji cult leader, and Jeon Kwang-hun, Chrisian Council of Korea, use covid-19 as a political weapon. The image below them indicates the addition of the judiciary to the conservative prosecution-press cartel applauding the religious fanatics' covid attacks on the democratic administration in South Korea.

Lee Man-hui was arrested and jailed earlier this year, his cult was responsible for the spread of covid-19 in the southern provinces in South Korea around Taegu. At one point, health authorities confirmed his cult was responsible for 60 percent of confirmed cases in South Korea. He has passed the covid 19 torch to Jeon Kwang-hun.

More on the anti Moon Jae-in demonstrations in Seoul. Aug 15, 2020

More than anyone needed to know.

Reference the demos in Seoul at the time, by the far right, the mayor of Seoul, wouldn't take any crap from Jeon's people, the street thugs, etc. Subsequently, he was framed in some sex scandal, accused of rape, and committed suicide. He was the most likely candidate among the dems to become their next presidential candidate. I later heard that the supposed victim allegedly was being supported in high style here in the US, by the conservative mayor who replaced him.

Deceased Mayor Park Won-soon- Trial by Media in South Korea Sep 14, 2020

More than anyone needed to know. Thanks for your interest, Dawn.

(edited to correct the link to my review of the NY Times' opinion on South Korea's Shincheonji an anti-democratic ploy)

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語必忠信 行必正直

soryang's picture

@Dawn's Meta

serendipity, or synchronicity, something like that.

Dawn, tonight, I happened to watch a political pundit in South Korea I have followed on and off for years. He dove into a very similar question, "Does the funding for the fraudulent election story come from US capital?" Meaning money, not the Capitol. I won't name names, here, to protect the presumed innocents, but apparently the source of the story is Lee Jun-seok, leader of the Reform Party, who used to be the leader of the PPP back during Yoon's campaign days before Yoon stabbed him in the back, soon after Yoon was elected.

In any case, what Lee suggested leads to a network, that goes something like this, CPAC (US conservative organization), KCPAC (Korean-American conservative lobbyist org), One Korea Network (this is the type of NGO, USAID or NED would support, but I can't find much on it, or a list of donors). One of the players from the US side, has a place on the South Korea's National Unification Advisory Council. There are believed to be KCPAC ties to the PPP, Yoon, and PPP assembly members. Some of the latter overtly supported the demos outside Hannamdong when Yoon was holed up there, also outside the Seoul Western District Branch Courthouse, when it was invaded and wrecked by a violent mob. The report alleged also that a US special envoy among others attended events related to the NK human rights issues.

Yoon Sang-hyun, National Assembly member has a masters from two of the diplomacy mills in DC. He is also the son-in-law of deceased South Korean dictator Chun Du-hwan (president Yoon's hero). Assemblyman Yoon, was present outside the Western branch courthouse and allegedly was inciting the demonstrators there to riot.

Based on the pundit's analysis, now it makes sense why Jeon has a translator translating his speeches at demonstrations live into English, why his demonstrators carry US flags, why they have stop the steal signs in English, and pictures of Trump and Yoon together, etc. It's for the US observers at home, who can watch what their paying for.

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語必忠信 行必正直

soryang's picture


A lobbyist who met Yoon several times and even secured a high-ranking position in the Democratic Peace Unification Advisory Council Hanguk Ilbo 2.9.2025

尹과 수차례 만나고, 민주평통 요직까지 꿰찬 로비스트

Conspiracy theory of election fraud, Korea-US connection
, Yoon met at least four times since his days as a presidential candidate, exchanged greetings
with Kim Gun-hee at meetings with overseas compatriots, appointed
as a member of the Democratic Peace Unification Advisory Council and special committee chairman, and
exchanged views with Seok Dong-hyun, a close associate of Yoon, as a link to the election fraud

The Hanguk Ilbo website at the link has a English translation option top right when you connect. It has more details about the US-South Korea conservative connection. One NGO I didn't mention was the Korea-US Freedom and Security Policy Center, which one observer characterized as a reserve military group. Another NGO is the Korea-US Alliance Foundation.

This is a schematic of the US NGO links to the Yoon administration peddling the Chinese election fraud conspiracy theory that KCPAC began spreading among the South Korean right wing before Yoon's election as president. I don't expect anyone to read it. This is how I found the Hanguk Ilbo link.

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語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture

Pretty obvious many people can see thru the ruse.
Perhaps he should sign a contract with a talent agency
in Hollywood to promote his imagined innocence? Like
a former president just did. Better messaging it is called.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

The Liberal Moonbat's picture


South Korea is generally considered to be a safe country, with a homicide rate well below the global average...However, violent crime has seen a surge in activity over the past year, with a string of high-profile stabbings reported in recent years....

Interesting...so, why would this be???

3 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

soryang's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat @The Liberal Moonbat

I tried to find crime statistics for 2024, unsuccessfully. I know economic conditions in South Korea are on the downswing, and it is hardest for the young adults, as well as the aged. I understand that in recent years most violent crime in South Korea, is carried out by the 20 to 30 age group. Until 2023 I think the violent crimes were still relatively low.

Not sure what kind of teacher this is, Hakwon or public school? Teachers are under incredible pressure in South Korea, which is unbelievably competitive. Wounds self inflicted by teacher, perhaps. Mental illness? This report is anecdotal in nature, and doesn't really have good citations. imo.

A common social problem in South Korea among students is bullying. Bullying is often carried out by persons of higher social status, often in groups, who feel a sense of impunity because their parents occupy influential or powerful government or corporate positions. Teachers who attempt to discipline or otherwise curtail wrongdoers in the class room or school yard environment who bully fellow classmates, are subject to reprisals by the parents who insist on punishment of the teacher.

Teacher pay is generally felt to be inadequate for their level of education, the state attempts to repress union attempts to improve teacher rights, hours, pay, and other working conditions. Some of the largest demos in South Korea in recent years have been by teacher's unions.

Generally, teachers and lower status students may be the victims of the families of bullies. That said violent crime, and most forms of crime are much lower in South Korea. There is something of a traditional ethic which militates against the infliction of serious bodily harm in South Korea, yet the western concept of simple assault which is fairly strict is not as faithfully honored. (when you harm an individual you are giving affront not only to the individual, but the family line.) Nevertheless, many Koreans don't necessarily view assault without touching as a criminal matter, the way we do, and also the simple battery readily occurs among young people and others in disputes. You can see this in the pushing and shoving contests at demonstrations. The "violence" there of pushing and shoving is regarded as almost symbolic of the intensity of complaint or dissatisfaction with the other, rather than a crime. Ordinarily of course, one should refrain from touching another even in a friendly way out of respect, unless one has a close personal relationship.

Unless a challenge to police authority is involved, where battery or accident results in injury or property damage, there is a strong impetus with police or even among the parties themselves to resolve the matter civilly among themselves by making a what Americans would consider a relatively small payment to the complainant victim or in the case of minors, the victims family, and apologizing. This is often done after an arrest for battery or other petty crime in a dispute, or at the scene of an accident which results in minor damage or injury. Social harmony is a value highly prized in the community of the densely populated state. However, the high priority or social deference given to those in social or political high status positions, often results in crimes being overlooked or blamed in the wrong direction. In a work environment this is called "gap jil" a bad characteristic of bosses, owners, etc., to abuse and threaten those beneath them. (teachers don't get this recourse, they are usually the victims of parents, and school administrations).

A person is much safer from crime in South Korea than most states. Also the carrying and use of weapons of any kind, including knives, is generally prohibited.

The Glory is a current Kdrama about school bullying, impunity, and revenge. I personally found it distasteful, because the focus on excess violence, torture and so on, is more reflective of a sick consumer culture, doing anything to get views than a thoughtful examination of the issues. There also have been quite a few police dramas with serial killers, etc., which give an unrepresentative view of the extremely low murder rate in South Korea. Police dramas are popular as a genre, because of the unique perspective on community life they afford wherever they take place, along with mystery, action and character development. In the past when I watched them frequently, when the violence became gross like an American movie, I'd just turned them off. I don't like gore as a gimmick.

I'm not Korean, so if I posted this on a South Korean message board or social media site, I would bet told I'm full of it, I don't know what I'm talking about, etc., etc., but these are my observations over the years.

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語必忠信 行必正直

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@soryang It was wonderful, and I think I could totally live there.

South Korea, OTOH? I've never been there, but nearly every time I hear about the place, it seems like a really, really sick society, in a Stepfordian-mask-over-quiet-desperation kind of way.

I recall reading some "listicle" talking about how extra messed-up the K-Pop industry is (granted, one should probably take that with salt).

That, and...what does one say about a country that comes up with: https://disgustingfoodmuseum.com/ttongsul-poo-wine-korean-rice-wine-with...

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Sima's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat
those poor parents, and student! Dang.

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so