Album of the Week 1-25-25
Afternoon folks!
Leading off this week is an album from Magic Slim followed by some more Chicago blues from Detroit Junior, Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson and Queen Sylvia Embry. After that it's on to blues rock with albums from John Mayall and Catfish Hodge. I've found some more Funkadelic albums hiding in the basement and there's another one this week. After that we've got some acoustic country blues similar to the work of Jimmy Rodgers from a fellow named Cliff Carlisle. We finish off with an album from a great dobro player, Mike Auldridge.
Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!
Here 'tis:
Living Chicago Blues ~ Volume 6
John Mayall ~ New Year, New Band, New Company
Catfish Hodge ~ Bout With The Blues
Funkadelic ~ Let's Take It To The Stage

Thank you joe
For a second I wondered whether one could overdose on the abundance of blues anthology, but then I heard these simple words from Magic Slim, and realised what a silly question that is ...
"You can’t loose what you ain't got, you can’t miss what you never had"
Enjoy the weekend
afternoon janis...
overdose on the blues? perish the thought!
have a great weekend!
for the Mike Auldridge, Joe. He was an innovator that changed the resonator (dobro). His jazz stylings changed the course of the instrument from its conventional bluegrass and country beginnings and opened the door for players like Jerry Douglas.
And of course, there's his awesome playing with Seldom Scene, one of my favorite bluegrass bands.
RIP, Mr. Auldridge.
evening jtc...
i was lucky that auldridge and the seldom scene were local bands for me. i got to see them a lot over the years, also auldridge's other band chesapeake. auldridge has always been my favorite dobro player.
have a great weekend!
How do independents organize?
Hey Joe, I was just wondering... we have politicians who run as Independent and voters who are registered as such in some states, but why should that preclude them from organizing together? The "American Independent Party" is ultra rightwing.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
evening bondibox...
i think that independents are effectively boxed out of serious national organization by the stranglehold that the two party corporations have on the process. i would guess that independents will have a chance to organize if one of the two parties collapses and goes the way of the whigs.
Get Off Your Ass and Jam
Hi Joe,
That was a great Magic Slim album. He was great. Always spot on with the real deal feeling...
That Funkadelic album was great too. E#specially since George Clinton had fairly lost his ace in Eddie Hazel at the time, with all that momentum. My understanding is that Get Off Your Ass and Jam was what George was preaching to Eddie, trying to get him to play and record. He was too wasted. That lead solo I think is Paul Warren (P.W. and the Explorers maybe was a 80's LA band he had, very poppy) He is a blazing great lead player though... there are youtube vids...
Thanks for the great soundscapes man@
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
evening dystopian...
yeah, magic slim was one of my favorite performers, they aren't making any more like him.
get off your ass and jam has always been something of an earworm for me and the reason that i picked up that album when it came out. i have a few more funkadelic albums that i came across recently, i'll see if i can get them cleaned up and posted one of these days.