Album of the Week 7-27-24

Afternoon folks!

There's some great ear-treats this week. Starting off, there's an album from Albert King and an album with 60's era Chicago blues recordings of James Cotton, Otis Rush and Homesick James. From there, you can boogie with Canned Heat, rock with the MC5 and then mellow out a bit with Bonnie Raitt. Coming into the home stretch, there's a Jorma Kaukonen album of country bluesish tunes and finishing up in the diversity department, there's an album by German prog-rockers Triumvirat.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Here 'tis:

Albert King ~ I'm In A Phone Booth, Baby

Chicago / The Blues / Today Volume 2

Canned Heat ~ Boogie With Canned Heat

MC5 ~ High Time

Bonnie Raitt - Home Plate

Jorma Kaukonen ~ Ain't In No Hurry

Triumvirat - Pompeii

9 users have voted.


joe shikspack's picture


yep, it sounds like the germans have it bad. here in the u.s. we have a constitution with a bill of rights, but it's only a damned piece of paper. it doesn't seem like there's a lot of will lately to protect and defend that bill of rights.

4 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

@joe shikspack

The Constitution is full of really nice words. So’s the Bill of Rights.

It would be nice if any of our current political whores would pay attention to any of those nice words, but that ship sailed at some point. They are now merely regarded as an Inconvenience.

I have no idea what can be done to restore the proper level of understanding and respect with which those words should be regarded, but what we’ve been doing here lately ain’t it.

4 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

lotlizard's picture

The media’s Mighty Wurlitzer is going all out to make us forget all this, by inundating our mental space with a theatrical cacophony of feelgood pro-Kamala propaganda.

8 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

Hey Joe,

Great stack o'disks man!

Triumvirat!?! What is next Amon Duul II ????? Wink

Thanks for all the great sounds!

4 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein