The Weekly Watch


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Last night TPTB stole an hour from us...all to give you more daylight shopping hours after work. The majority of people DON'T want to mess with time, but hey what kind of government do you think we have, democracy? However stealing time is the least of the theft occurring. Have you heard of the Great Taking, a book that exposes the plan of central bankers to enslave humanity by seizing all assets backed by debt (available for free at the link). There's also an 1.1 hour documentary if you prefer to watch or listen. But wait there's more. There's plans afoot to steal the upcoming election, in part using the 10 million migrants that have come to the US in the last year or so. This week we found out the Biden administration has provided flights from home countries for hundreds of thousands. And, we've not even touched on the giant war grift maintaining the forever war and all the political war chests and pockets. More below the fold.


Here's a well done discussion of The Great Taking if the book or hour plus documentary are too detailed.

(37 min) What is 'The Great Taking'? Mike Maloney and Alan Hibbard analyze this intriguing book, which offers a sobering account of the potential consequences of the next financial crisis. The authors point to the overleveraged derivatives market underpinned by securities dependent on a strong working class. If the working class falters, it could create a cascading crisis leading to bank failures and a consolidation of assets by surviving big banks. This threatens the "you'll own nothing and be happy" dystopian scenario. The book also explores the stagnant velocity of money in the U.S. economy, suggesting major underlying issues have been worsening for decades. Overall, it presents a stark warning about the fragility of the system and how ordinary people stand to lose assets with little legal recourse in the next crash.

There are many other analyses and discussions of The Great Taking.
Chris Martenson discusses derivatives.
The Great Taking - Derivatives are a Massive Systemic Thread (Still) 4\4 (33 min)

Interesting interviews with the author.
Ivor Cumming interviews David Webb the author
THE GREAT TAKING: Who Really Owns YOUR Assets??? (21 min)

The Great Taking Author Warns, The System Was Created to Take All Your Money, No One Gets Spared (1.25 hours)
In an exclusive interview with Daniela Cambone, David Webb, the author of The Great Taking, delves into his early financial career in New York City. He shares insights into how his journey in finance led him to uncover the profound financial upheaval following the Asian financial crisis, a narrative that unfolds in his book The Great Taking.
“For a long time, I understood the privileged position of the people behind the central banks and their ability to control everything through creating money out of nothing,” he states. Furthermore, he explains that the “elites” exert their control by means of warfare. “When we go back through history, we can see that the central banking power is joined at the hip with warfare, and it always has been,” he explains.
Additionally, he points out that the creation of central bank digital currencies must be stopped, asserting that their inception reflects the central banks' ambition to exert control. "They want instability; they are not capitalists." Watch the video to discover how people need to be better prepared in case of another financial meltdown.
00:00 The Great Taking book background
5:38 David’s financial background
10:20 Fed/Bank of England
15:33 Conspiracy theory
18:02 What comes next?
19:10 David’s awakening moment
23:58 Is the Fed evil?
28:14 How did central banks benefit from wars?
34:12 How did “The Great Taking” Unfold?
39:22 How to Prepare?
44:55 Diversification
49:58 “Physical Control Over People”
54:16 Central Bank Digital Currency
1:02:27 Global Awakening
1:09:44 The Great Taking

I like his concept that the elite consider themselves immune, but they don't realize they are being saved for dessert.

Whitney Webb predicts even more dire consequences and plans for theft...
TOTAL COLLAPSE AHEAD! You Must Prepare for What's Coming in 2024 - Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction

(14 min)

Even Jimmy Dore is recommending placing your wealth into precious metals.
U.S. Banks Are BUYING UP Lots Of Gold & Here’s Why! (22 min)
The Federal Reserve is planning interest rate cuts in the coming months, and in response the price of gold has risen. What’s the connection and do these moves suggest that gold and other precious metals are a good investment? Jimmy and Colonial Metals’ Paul Stone discuss the Fed’s move and what it means for investors.


Is a goal of mass migration into the US to fix elections?
“..the US census currently counts, for purposes of voting power, all people in a district, regardless of citizenship..”

Elon Musk ripped President Joe Biden’s administration for secretly flying 320,000 “unvetted” migrants into the US, signaling that “the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11.”
Musk issued the grave warning on X Tuesday, noting that it’s “just a matter of time” that the US faces another terrorist attack of that magnitude.
“This administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unvetted illegal immigrants,” Musk added in the post.
“This is why groups on the far left fight so hard to stop voter ID requirements, under the absurd guise of protecting the right to vote,” the billionaire Tesla CEO said in a subsequent post that doubled down on his stance.

Clayton and Natalie discuss the mass migration news of the week. (14 min)

Fmr. Border Patrol Agent: "We are releasing TERRORISTS into The U.S. on purpose" (26 min)
"Their goal is CIVIL WAR in the U.S." Americans vs Illegal Aliens (21 min)


Tucker's take on the migration...

Are TPTB trying to steal the nation? Sure is something fishy going on.

Speaking of elections, this week Dark Brandon gave his angry old man "State of the Union".
I thought Alex had the best take on it.

State of the Union review in the first 10 min or so. The rest of his discussion is also interesting. I liked his hypothesis of the dim plan to give the crash test dummy cover by clapping every 20-30 seconds.

Jimmy discusses Tucker's analysis... (13 min)
“Democrats Are Planning To Steal The Election!” – Tucker Carlson
In response to the State of the Union speech, commentator Tucker Carlson has concluded that Democrats know that Joe Biden is going to lose to Donald Trump unless they steal the election. As evidence he cites a recent speech by the attorney general insisting that the government will strictly fight back against voter ID laws, redistricting and other restrictions.

Have you seen Doug Macgregor's alternative "State of the Union"?

(10 min)

Does it really matter who you vote for or if you vote?
Nobody With Real Power Cares If You Refuse To Vote For Biden Caity

Losing an election costs Democratic party leaders nothing; all the career politicians and political operatives at the top keep their careers either way. From their point of view this is just a cushy job with sweet benefits, and they keep those win or lose. And obviously Biden himself doesn’t care; he’ll have a comfortable retirement regardless of the outcome in November, and on some level he’s surely aware that it’s nuts for a dementia patient to be in the White House anyway.
The unelected empire managers who actually run the US power structure also don’t care who wins the election. They know they’ll still get their murder and militarism and capitalism and imperialism no matter who gets sworn in next year, whether it’s Biden or Trump or Harris or someone else. Nobody with any real power cares about your vote.
And that’s the real issue. That’s the real point that keeps getting missed here. The problem is not that the wrong people keep getting elected, it’s that the elections don’t matter and voters don’t have a say. It’s that humanity is dominated by a murderous globe-spanning power structure loosely centralized around Washington whose actual movements and behavior have effectively zero responsiveness to the will of the electorate.
You’re never going to be able to vote your way out of this mess, and you’re never going to be able to not-vote your way out of this mess, because the power of your vote has been undermined to a value of zero. That doesn’t mean there’s no way out of this mess, it just means there’s no way to get out of this mess using the fake plastic diversion toy they handed you to shut you up and trick you into thinking you have a say.

I'm sorry to say I think she is correct.

Theft of Food...control the food, control the people.
I would also suggest investing in some personal food production or getting to know some of your local farmers. That's one reason there is a war on farmers. Did you hear they arrested Amish farmer Amos Miller again?

(8 min) Talk about theft.

By now most of you have heard about the Farmer's Protests all over Europe. The EU farmer's protests revolve around the loss of subsidies (now going to fund the Ukraine proxy war), and the harsh new climate restrictions placed on EU farmers...even to the point of actually confiscating farms. I found Joel Salatin's take on the protest insightful.
Joel Salatin on the EU Farmers REVOLT (14 min)
He asks why they are wasting their valuable manure on government buildings, and suggests promoting the transition from CAFOs to regenerative pastured operations.

Are the fires in Texas purposeful to decrease meat production? (15 min)

The fires in the Texas panhandle are destroying America's cattle and meat industry and President Biden may have just let slip the truth behind how they began. Seems similar to Maui, and all the meat packing plant fires over the last few years.

Vandana gives the big picture of the military, corporate, and chemical capture of our food system. One of the best discussions of the subject I've heard in a while. Highly recommended.

(46 min) Transcript here.
Dave Chapman 34:53
Okay! And that mindset has produced Corporate Agriculture?
Vandana Shiva 35:00
Yes, absolutely. See, the mindset has three M’s in it. The first is, of course, it comes from militarism, the products came from militarism. But the mindset is: oh, every insect’s an enemy, just wipe them out, every plant is a weed, just glyphosate them to death, round them up. Every fungus is an enemy, and so they create pathogenic fungus. And then they have to – you know, the whole neoniconide debate is because they coat the seed with neonicotinoids, only because you’ve killed the beneficial fungi in the soil.
And all of this treadmill of chemicals, is a result of the military operation in the mind. But the second is: scientifically, it’s rooted in the mechanical mind, of thinking of the world as a machine that you run, and you fix and you operate. Not as a self-organized system, that guy is a self-organized living organism. Every seed and every plant is a self-organized system. Every microbe is a self-organized system. Now that’s the true science of life. And that’s what Organic is.
And then third: is, of course, the blindness of monoculture. So Militarism, Mechanistic Thought, and the Monoculture of the Mind – we need to move from that to peace, making peace with the Earth. Definitely moving out of the Mechanistic Mind to the Ecology of the Mind. Because we have that capacity as human beings to think differently, to think in relationship with the living world. And finally, instead of Monocultures of the Mind, the biodiversity of the mind – yeah?. So living knowledges – yeah? And knowledge of peace.

The theft of food leads us to the theft of our health also. Your health is your real wealth.
However, hope springs eternal...
and spring is singing...


The over wintered garden is producing nicely...


and the spring replants are coming along...

new cabbage.jpg

Collards and parsley are filling our needs too.


...but not so fast. The beech trees hold on to their leaves until this years leaves put out.

beech trees.jpg

Having a food bank is a great savings account.

Is it the theft of Earth itself we are experiencing? (50 min)

Transcript here
Few places illustrate the destructive cycle of fossil fuel-driven climate change as well as Alberta, Canada. Home to the tar sands boom, the province's remote north has also become a site of some of the worst climate disasters in recorded history—like the 2016 Fort McMurray Fire, which swallowed up 1.5 million acres and burned for three months. John Vaillant, author of Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World, joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the Fort McMurray Fire, the tar sands industry responsible for the conditions that produced it, and the tinderbox world Big Oil has made in its all-consuming pursuit of profit.

Well, let's wrap up with some hopeful news, but we'll need to go to Russia and visit Pepe.

Journalist and geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar ( on Telegram and ( / realpepeescobar ) joins to discuss NATO's latest provocations toward Russia in the context of a flurry of meetings that occurred in Moscow in recent weeks outlining the trajectory of the multipolar world alongside rising China.
The Global South Converges to Multipolar Moscow
Moscow hosted a back-to-back multipolar conference plus the second meeting of the International Russophiles Movement (MIR, in its French acronym, which means “world” in Russian). Taken together, the discussions and networking have offered auspicious hints on the building of a truly representative international order – away from the agenda-imposed doom and gloom of single unipolar culture and Forever Wars.
The Axis of Asymmetry takes on the 'rules-based order'
Pepe Escobar: Global South Youth Flocks to ‘Isolated’ Russia
Caleb asked Putin a question about US relations at the youth conference. (8 min)


Let's conclude this discussion of theft without covering all the war grift. However, it is the grift that brings understanding to the urgency of the $61 billion funding for a lost war.

Biden washing machine_1.jpg
Ukraine graft_5.jpg

And as I finish the WW early this morning let me reiterate my aggravation at the theft of my extra hour of sleep last night! And, as a parting shot let's all remind ourselves of the things they can't steal..our character, education, skills, intellect, and thoughts (though they can implant them). There's so much more I didn't cover, super Tuesday, lawfare (although we did look at Amos Miller's case), the gaza genocide and so on. I hope you'll post any of those stories weighing on your mind in the comments below.

13 users have voted.


Cassiodorus's picture

is the number of houses he's bought. He's totally sunk into real estate. As for the "Ukraine" money, a lot of it is going to Raytheon, Lloyd Austin's alma mater.

You know, Karl Marx observed that people weren't equal in the sense Solzhenitsyn mentioned, before Solzhenitsyn was born. Marx, however, thought of the world after capitalism as the "realm of freedom," whereas Solzhenitsyn was living through the faked version, in which the opposite was the case.

6 users have voted.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer (disinformation) out of existence." - John Kerry

Lookout's picture

...because our common view of everyone being equal. However, like Orwell said in Animal Farm, some are more equal than others.

As to Raytheon money, much of that comes back into the pols pockets as lobbying dollars.

One story I neglected today is what is going on in Haiti. There's sabre rattling to send in US troops as if we don't have enough conflicts on our plate.
Haiti - How America Created A Nightmare
Dan Cohen does a good job reporting there.
This Haiti VIOLENT EXPLOSION is orchestrated by the U.S. (14 min)

Thanks for coming by this morning. Enjoy your Sunday.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Seem to have lost an hour this morning.
Must be around here somewhere? It may
take an hour to find it. But if it was stolen?
It will take much longer.

The regulatory capture of agricultural
production does not bode well for either
the farmers or us eaters.

The Amish farmer's plight is a good example.
It is not about 'safety' so much as control.

I volunteer at our local food bank. The number
of families attending the weekly pantry has
increased by 20% this year. Driven by donations
and volunteers (public sectors) not by government.

Perhaps the big chain grocery store lobbyists have
something to do with it?

Anyway, thank you for the many examples of the
thievery occurring in these times.

What's that song? Gimme back my bullets!

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

@QMS "give me back my 15 cents", but I've not played it in years. Guess I ought to try to pul it out today and dust it off.

Hope your spring is unfolding nicely!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

thattabe the one!
thx hombre

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture

content(s). I do, however, find the little graphic on voter ID a bit disingenuous. Firstly, not all of it is even true. Only been carded for cigs once in my life, Or of Wa, on or the other, at some state run cig extortion racket store. Booze? Not for ages and ages. Both those are due to age limits, often enforced by sting operations so now sellers post signs like "we card everybody under 30" or somesuch. Most ot the "not racist" column is stuff where there is a legit reason for proving identity and like cigs and booze, many aren't really universally true, like opening bank accounts and renting a house or buying a car, and some are circumstantially true - they want a license to drive to rent or drive a car, and the license issuers put your photo on them, it is the license and not that photo that they're after, they won't accept other photo ID.

Meanwhile, photo ID voter statutes have long been a means to disenfranchise people, especially the under-privileged; Indians, the aged, the poor, and lately college students. Anybody who might have difficulty coming by one strictly due to perfectly understandable circumstances (blind, mobility impaired, and marginally literate too). The same games are played with birth certificates and especially "original" birth certificates.

Also, fwiw, the census isn't derelict in its duty or conspiratorial. The constitution apportions representatives based, originally, on:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which
may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be
determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to
Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other

The stuff about indians has been stricken, but it is based on the Number of Persons, not the number of citizens of voting age. Whether or not Arkansas gets to count zygotes is still to be determined. Wink

be well and have a good one.

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

have been corralled, cornered, ignored and abused.

Here in Alabama, people can get a state ID at the DL office for a nominal fee. We do require a state ID to vote, and I think that is appropriate. Garland was in Selma this week saying the ID voting requirement was racist.

Of course the whole election thing is moot to me. I'm with Caity's view point.

Hope your weather has dried a bit. A sunny cool day here, perfect for a hike up the mountain.
Have a good Sunday.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout "nominal" fee, you can vote in AL. Sounds like another form of a poll tax to me, another way to keep the poor (read "black") people from voting, but cloaked in the guise of ensuring election integrity. Of course the powers in charge (read "white" people) always need to provide a benign cover to a discriminatory policy.

Last I checked, numerous studies have shown that there is no voter fraud problem in our election system. There are numerous other problems with our elections, but not people voting illegally. Tucker and Jimmy are barking up the wrong tree. Once the 57 actual problems regarding our elections are addressed and solved, then I might get interested in some sort of fair, no-cost, easy to obtain national voter ID, good for all elections everywhere.

Meanwhile, could Jimmy please get rid of that giggling goon sidekick of his?

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

...on election fraud.
For example... VOTER FRAUD ALERT: Georgia Specialist Finds Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2020, 2021, and 2022
here's another...New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud
The whole issue is moot to me in that the deep state runs this country no matter who holds office. However to think there's no way TPTB would cheat is naive to my mind.

Gore really won in 2000 several studies have shown, and Kerry probably won in 2004 (Ohio closed down polling centers in poorer areas). Other aspects of election fraud...Hunter laptop is Russia disinformation, Trump colluded with Russia, and other propaganda told over and over. Now let me be clear, I'm no Trump fan...nor Biden.

I looked up the ID fee here, and it is the same as a DL fee, $36.25. Does seem a bit excessive every four years. I wonder how many folks don't have an ID. My bet is damn few. BTW there are plenty of poor white folk in Alabama too. And of course it is true black folk have been abused and under represented in Alabama.

Have fun playing politics.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout voter fraud and election theft. Your original comments to which I was responding dealt with voter ID and the bogus issue of voter fraud. The elections of 2000 and 2004 were about election theft by one party (GOP and their adherents).

It's clear wrt the 2000 election that there was theft at the local, state and fed levels to steal the election for Junior. That was openly, brazenly done. A little less certain is 2004, though people such as RFK Jr and Mark Crispin Miller (and John Kerry in private) would say it was stolen. And the evidence for election theft in 1980 and 1968 is interesting and noteworthy. That's 4 elections in my lifetime where there is evidence enough to call those election outcomes into question. Compare and contrast 2020 where slender-to-no evidence has been brought forth by Trump's legal team in dozens of court cases or by other of his followers to show any voter fraud significant enough to alter the outcome.

Far better use of our time to prevent or deter the real theft scenarios from occurring again by enacting tough new fed legislation re election interference while there should also ideally be legislation to fully restore the 1965 VRA.

Btw, here is a rebuttal to the John R Lott paper you cite to above -- and it's from the conservative Hoover Institute:

Re the AL state ID, here are some problems with it for poor people of color especially:

Although many of us are lucky enough to have photo IDs, a substantial number of people do not. Just last year, the Alabama Secretary of State estimated that 250,000 registered voters in the state lack the photo ID required to vote. Black and Latino voters are much less likely than whites to possess the required photo ID. Nationally, 25% of Black and 16% of Latino voting-age citizens have no form
of government issued photo ID, compared to just 8% of whites.

In Alabama, people of color are much less likely than whites to own a vehicle or to drive. As a result, it is more difficult for Black and Latino voters to travel to DMV offices and secure the necessary ID, particularly given the limited hours of those offices. Additionally, Alabama’s recent decision to largely close DMV offices in the Black Belt and other rural communities has only made it more difficult for Black and Latino voters living in these communities. Now, voters face hours of travel to get to a DMV office that is open more than one day a month. This can be nearly impossible for rural voters who lack access to a vehicle or intercity public transportation.

Further, Black and Latino residents of Alabama are nearly three times as likely as white residents to live in poverty, which means that acquiring or maintaining a photo ID can be even more burdensome. Many people of color cannot afford to pay the $36.25 fee for a driver’s license or non- driver ID, the $31.25 fee to renew an expiring state ID, or the fees to obtain a birth certificate ($15) or a naturalization document ($345).

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Compare and contrast 2020 where slender-to-no evidence has been brought forth by Trump's legal team in dozens of court cases or by other of his followers to show any voter fraud significant enough to alter the outcome.

...but let me emphasize again, I got no dog in this hunt. I've long given up on our electoral system and I think the creation of the CIA in the late 40's sealed our fate to be ruled by a mafia...some take it back to the creation of the Fed in what 1913?

Let me emphasize I am not disparaging anyone from voting. I was a FDR dem for decades. He impacted the South. Follow your politics. The nature of which is make your own decision.

No doubt in Alabama there is a disproportion of black folk in the grinder. Just look at our prison statistics.

And yes it is a hassle to get even a license renewal. Something most of us go through.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

for quite some time using biometric identifiers.
The gist of it is to combine heath data with economic
cross checks. It is not yet mandated, but will probably
tie into global harvesting. I'm OK with a state drivers
license and have a fed passport, for travel needs.
The voter ID here is still local and free. But the expanding
authorities are no doubt sharing all of this with a larger
governing body. The depths of which are alarming.

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


the retina ID order to vote, pay for, ID yourself. Facial recognition is already here (though still faulty).

Have you got your ID?
An idea about what?

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout falls more in the election theft category, not voter fraud, although I'm not sure if that R investigation in the House came in as much more than a duster.

My view is that the voter ID issue is all about partisan politics, just the latest iteration of voter suppression of oppressed groups that goes back to Jim Crow, whereas the facts show voter fraud is less than a minuscule occurrence in any given election. It's an onerous and punishing solution by mainly R officeholders with the goal of suppressing overwhelmingly D voters.

2 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


...and Federal election authorities and the DOJ consistently state that the government has seen no evidence of concentrated voting fraud. I've have read of isolated incidents where someone's maid voted in an election, but nothing of any significance.

This time I asked the AI I am using pour over the relevant files from all Federal election authorities and look for evidence of any such crimes in recent decades. The answer is the same.

Pluto: Regarding US Federal elections, since 2000 to the present day, how many cases of illegal voting in a Presidential election by a foreign non-citizen have been reported or prosecuted?


As of my last update in January 2022, there hasn't been any substantiated evidence of widespread illegal voting by foreign non-citizens in US presidential elections since 2000. Claims of widespread voter fraud, including illegal voting by non-citizens, have been investigated by various entities, including state and federal governments, without significant findings to support such claims.
It's important to note that while isolated cases of voter fraud may occur, studies and investigations have consistently shown that it's extremely rare and does not occur on a scale that could influence the outcome of federal elections. States have their own mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of elections, including voter registration requirements and verification processes. If there were significant cases of illegal voting by foreign non-citizens, it would likely have been widely reported and investigated by authorities.

There is no evidence to suggest that ANY type of election fraud, including all instances investigated by federal authorities, has occurred in numbers significant enough to sway the outcome of federal elections. Numerous studies and investigations have consistently found that voter fraud is exceedingly rare and does not occur on a meaningful scale, if at all.

Claims of widespread voter fraud, particularly those that could affect the outcome of federal elections, have not been substantiated by credible evidence. It's important to rely on credible sources of information and official election results when assessing the integrity of elections in the United States. Claims of widespread voter fraud should be scrutinized carefully, especially if they lack substantial evidence. Scrutinize more critically the source that prompts you to believe such crimes have taken place in the US. Endeavor to obtain the actual evidence showing that these crimes have actually occurred. Verify this evidence with Federal authorities.

4 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
soryang's picture

80th Candlelight March Seoul March 9, 2024

The 80th Candlelight Parade demonstration on Saturday, March 9, encountered not a few government imposed obstacles to its planned events and route. The assembly point had to be changed three times in short order because of coordinated actions of prosecutors, police and a far right assembly (granted a competing permit in Yongsan). It's really a testimony to the persistence and resolve of these activists, that they still managed to assemble and carry out their demonstration and march about central Seoul, in spite of repeated obstacles imposed by police and prosecutors. This entailed their organization having an effective legal team working in court as well to defend their right to assembly. One of the other restrictions police imposed was forcing the assembly into one traffic lane. As usual I can't tell how long the column of demonstrators is. Is it 500 meters or a kilometer? There are also supporters or participants on the adjacent sidewalk. My guess is that several thousand people showed up. I think the turnout was better because the weather although still cold has been just above freezing in the morning, and warming to almost 50 in the pm. Also there was no rain. There was another much smaller demo over in Hannam-dong sponsored by the Sound of Seoul (anti-Yoon) organization which probably only involved a couple of hundred demonstrators. The signs at the candlelight march some of which are visible in the video, emphasize, sovereignty, in the An Geun-jun signature hand print; punish the pro-Japanese faction (chin il pa) with an image of General Hong Beom-do, another independence movement leader whose bronze statue the Yoon administration removed from the military academy grounds in an effort to rewrite history; and many placards calling for impeachment of Yoon. The banner at the front of the assembly carried by the leadership of the movement, says (Yoon) Agent of Japan! War storm troopers (Sturmabteilung)! Impeach Yoon Seok-yeol! Another visible placard refers to Yoon as "war freak."

일본 앞잡이! 전쟁 돌격대! 윤석열 탄핵하자!" 제80차 촛불대행진 (2024.03.09 오후) 오마이TV

Got these stories from Tim Shorrock and Carl Zha X twitter threads:

Unleash Chiang Kai-shek! Roll back the iron curtain! Oops, wrong century.

I've been seeing quite a few tweets and videos emphasizing the prosperous cities and vistas in Xinjiang in contrast to the total devastation in Gaza.

Thanks for OT Lookout.

(edited twice for typos)

5 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture

know not what the Candlelight Parade signifies
but it is clear the US state department and military
are trying to push their agenda using the naval wing
in all the wrong places. This will not hold up under
scrutiny by the ROW. It has become clear to most
that stirring up trouble in other's affairs is not for
defensive interests.

thanks Soryang

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

soryang's picture

@QMS is a reform movement, a peace movement, an anti corruption movement, prosecutorial reform movement, and above all, an anti-authoritarian government movement. Unlike the current international trend where rightist governments or parties are typically labeled "nationalist," in South Korea, the progressive elements of the left are the nationalists, and therefore have a certain legitimacy that the right lacks especially the Yoon administration.

The movement identifies with the independence movement because of its objective to achieve and maintain South Korean sovereignty with a balanced foreign policy that puts South Korean national interests first. From this perspective which has substantial historical justification, currently the US and Japan have too much influence over South Korea and its authoritarian president Yoon Seok-yeol. There is fear of betrayal of Korea to Japanese interests by pro-Japanese South Korean elites who achieved their status either during the colonial period, and/or the Korean war serving US interests and subsequent dictatorships which did the same.

The candlelight movement fears blind adherence to US foreign policy goals and methods of achieving those goals. Blindly following US foreign and military policy promotes poor relations with Russia and China which is economically disadvantageous to the Korean economy, risks war especially with North Korea, but also China as well. At a minimum, alignment with the US and Japan in an Indo-Pacific alignment wastes limited South Korean military resources, jeopardizes their security, and unnecessarily damages their economy. The candlelight adherents reject the "new right" ideology which equates dissent, with pro-communist sympathies. This black and white ideological orientation by the authoritarian Yoon administration and his supporters provides cover for injustice and corruption, and at the same time a pretext for prosecuting dissent and the political opposition. The new right perspective promoted by Yoon and incidentally by the US, promotes military tension with North Korea, and characterize all who oppose taking an exclusively militarist approach to the North, as "enemies of the state."

Objectively speaking, decline of the rule of law in South Korea accelerated with the appointment of Yoon Seok-yeol as prosecutor general of South Korea in the prior administration. The prosecution offices are regarded as having excessive powers which are used to protect the corrupt and eliminate political opposition. This decline has continued unabated during the Yoon administration resulting in increased arbitrary rule. This is my understanding from following this movement since 2017.

3 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture

A very good explanation.
Can relate to a couple points there
One is the similar struggle states are waging
in relation to federal mandates (thanks covid).
The second is having Rahm Emmanuel unleashed
on So. Korea. Trouble trained by Obama. The Yoon
thing was probably an outgrowth of that.

Sovereignty is important for any people, race or culture,
whether local, statewide, national or global. It will be met
by resistance by the PTB.

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


People are protesting trying to regain some sanity all over the world. Hope the Korean protests have been fruitful.

The port in the Philippines facing Taiwan doesn't bode well. Loved the CNN propaganda, "Why is China targeting Taiwan?" US State Department edits Taiwan fact sheet, angering Beijing for ‘hollowing’ one-China policy. Among changes published, the new fact sheet no longer included a declaration of its long-time position that the US ‘does not support Taiwan independence’.

US President Richard Nixon told Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai the United States recognized Taiwan was a part of China. ...
This extraordinary act of deception, mistakenly heralded as an act of diplomatic genius, created a long-lived misunderstanding about US policy towards Taiwan that continues to poison US-China relations to this day. ...
Declassified transcripts of Nixon’s conversations with Zhou Enlai make it clear Nixon told Zhou the United States recognizes Taiwan is a part of China. ...
Brzezinski informed Carter that Nixon’s promises on Taiwan constituted a “secret pledge.” Carter sent Brzezinski to Beijing in May 1978 to tell Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping the US would honor that pledge....

Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Hope you and yours are doing well. Thanks for all the news.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

@Lookout Thanks for those! I'll definitely be reading them later today.

2 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

QMS's picture

What stole Biden's brain?

“America made a mistake. We went after Osama bin Laden until we got him, but we shouldn’t have gone into Ukraine…” the 81-year-old said.

I think he meant Afghanistan. Or Iraq or Syria or any of the multiple mistakes the military has
proliferated during his tenure. Oops. Maybe he is growing a conscience?

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


Pepe has it right...the crash test dummy. Actually a pretty good representative of the US, sad to say.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

TheOtherMaven's picture


It's just that his brain has turned to tapioca and is running out his ears.

3 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Lookout's picture


How sad to succumb the presidency to a demented angry old man. What an appropriate symbol of our nation today.

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

earthling1's picture

the David Webb work and intend to read it tonight. I'm no stranger to what they have done to seize our wealth, no matter how miniscule it is, going back to the Obama admin.
Apparently it goes back further.
I've since been investing in the three precious metals, gold, silver, and lead.
Securing a stable food supply is still problematic, even with 3+ acres, but I'm always looking for like minded individuals and partners who want to join forces.
Thanks for the OT and all the links.

4 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Lookout's picture


Five acres and independence, but the same principles can be applied to 3 acres. I figured out when the land owns you, you are tied to it. Loving a place is a powerful force.

Hope all is well on your homestead and the process is self fulfilling.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

topics in your WW! I got home, unpacked, set up my lap top a couple of hours ago, so have only seen a few videos, thus far.
I just wanted to thank you for this OT, and express both my appreciation and admiration of your work before you sign off this evening.
We had so much fun this weekend in The Hill Country! Now, we have to get our heads and hands back into work.
Your garden looks great, and is one of the things that has inspired us to grow a few veggies in a very small garden. It will be for table food, not canning the excess. For now, that is what out spare time permits.
If the economy crashes, as expected, so will my private law practice. That will not only give me time for gardening, but a great incentive.
We shall see, won't we?
I hope you have a great week planned for you and your missus.
Take good care, my dear friend!
ps: I liken voter IDs to protection against fraud. I can't vote in Germany, and foreigners should not be able to vote in the US. IDs also prevent an individual from casting a vote in a location where he/she does not reside. Jim Crow was ridiculously racist. Passing a test was racist.
This is about limiting both voter fraud, and an attempt to stop any election theft. There might be many better and simpler solutions, but just on the state level, if a person is not legal to live here, they should have no vote nor any say in any election.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

I think it is a important issue...what is being done unto us. Voting is just one part of the issue.

Sounds like a great weekend! Glad y'all could get away.

The garden gives back in a myriad of ways. Spring itself feeds into a sense of rebirth and revitalization. Let's all enjoy it!

Thanks for coming by and saying "Hi'. Always a pleasure!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Pumpkin time in the holler, so signing out for the evening.

In today's WW theme I'm stealin' outta here. Keep hold of what you got!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”