Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Oct 28, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Brr, had to scrape ice off the car windows before driving to town this week. Tis the season of long sleeves, sipping warm drinks by the fireplace. The heat pump keeping the rest of the house comfortable. Pantry is well stocked just in case a winter storm or other unexpected event prevents the weekly town run.

I am thankful in my small spot of the world life is comfortable. No guarantees it will always remain so, but for now life is good. Tremendous changes happening in the world again, the degree of blowback to the US is the big question.


History has a way of showing us events are often influenced by secret formal and informal agreements. Shooting wars between parties and when their Allies can join a conflict are complicated by laws of war. An example from World War II.

What role did the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Soviet entry into the war play in Japan’s decision to surrender in the Pacific War? Conversations with Tsuyoshi Hasegawa The Asia Pacific Journal October 1, 2023

The Soviet Union was also facing a dilemma. They had decided – as early as October 1944 – to enter the war against Japan.
But there was one problem. The Soviets had decided that the most favorable moment for attack on Japan would be in August. By then preparations would be completed for a surprise attack on all three fronts against Japanese forces in China and Korea, and the weather would be most favorable. But this would be a clear violation of the neutrality pact. So how were they to solve this dilemma? Stalin’s solution was to have the Allied nations invite the Soviet Union to join the war at the forthcoming Potsdam Conference. The Soviet commitment to the Allies, especially for the higher cause of terminating the world war, would trump its legal obligations to Japan. When Harry Hopkins had a series of meetings with Stalin, in May 1945, Hopkins promised to place the joint ultimatum on the agenda of the forthcoming Potsdam Conference.

One might question why Stalin, known as the master of Realpolitik, would care much about the legal commitment. Actually, contrary to the belief that the dictator could ignore legal niceties at will, the Soviet government was careful to observe the legal commitments that it made. Moreover, he did not wish his people to compare the violation of the Neutrality Pact with the Nazis violation of the Non-Aggression Pact.

But after the United States acquired the atomic bomb, it moved to exclude the Soviet Union from entry into the war against Japan, reneging on its earlier promise to place the joint ultimatum on the agenda of the Potsdam Conference. On July 26, a few hours before the official issuance of the Potsdam Proclamation, Secretary of State James Byrnes gave the Soviet delegation the US text of the document. Throughout the Potsdam Conference, the Soviets had been kept in the dark on the American-British deliberations, and the text was sent to Chiang Kai-shek for his approval. The announcement was a total shock to the Soviets. Upon learning about the proclamation, signed by Truman, Churchill, and Chiang Kai-shek, the Soviet Union hastily wrote up its own joint proclamation and asked the United States to postpone the issuance of its proclamation, presumably so that the Soviets could present their own version at the conference. The United States rejected the request. Indeed, it had already been released to the press before Molotov made the request a few hours before the official issuance of the proclamation. Molotov’s request came too late, Byrnes explained. The Soviets were outmaneuvered, and lost the chance to present their version, and their draft was sent to the archives.
Actually, the order to use the atomic bombs (not only the first bomb but also the second) was given on July 25, not by the president – no presidential order was given – but by General Thomas Handy, the acting chief of staff of the Army to General Carl Spaatz of the Army Strategic Air Forces, while General Marshall was away in Potsdam, one day before the Potsdam Proclamation was issued. Spaatz was ordered to “deliver the first special bomb as soon as weather permits visual bombing after about 3 August 1945 on one of the targets: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata and Nagasaki.” Moreover, “Additional bombs will be delivered on the above targets as soon as made ready by the project staff.” The use of the atomic bomb was treated as a routine military matter, just as the decision to carry out conventional strategic bombing that had destroyed 67 Japanese cities prior to the atomic bombing over the preceding four months. The train had already left the station, and barring Japan’s immediate decision to surrender by accepting the Potsdam ultimatum, the atomic bombs were fated to be dropped on one and perhaps two of these targets.
Right after the Hiroshima bomb was dropped, later on the afternoon of August 6, Foreign Minister Togo sent an urgent dispatch to Ambassador Sato in Moscow, noting the dire situation with the new bomb and urging Sato to meet Molotov immediately to inquire about Japan’s request for Soviet mediation. That meant that despite the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the Japanese government was still seeking to terminate the war through Soviet mediation. This is telling evidence that the Hiroshima bomb was not decisive.

And then, after midnight of August 8-9, Soviet Far East time, Soviet tanks rolled into Manchuria and planes attacked Japanese forces. It was only then, on the morning of August 9, that the Supreme War Council was convened for the first time. It had not met following the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. But it was convened immediately after the Soviet attack.
Nevertheless, the best available evidence makes clear that Soviet entry into the war decisively shaped the Japanese decision to surrender in the wake of the atomic bombings and the firebombing destruction of Japan’s cities.

But Japanese hopes of Soviet mediation were stillborn. The Japanese characterized the Soviet action as that of a fire thief (kajiba-dorobō). The Soviet violation of the Japan-Soviet pact had a tremendous psychological effect. The sight of Soviets tanks rolling into Manchuria, Korea, then Sakhalin and the Kurils, was indeed alarming, prompting a fast turnaround by the top policy-makers, including the emperor, with regard to the role of the Soviet Union. If the Soviets continued to advance, they might even gain a decisive voice in the Allied Occupation Council and might claim a part of Japan as their occupation zone, making even the preservation of the current imperial dynasty uncertain. In fact, in the negotiations with Truman, Stalin demanded that the Soviets receive an occupation zone in a part of Hokkaido and a slice of Tokyo.
Suddenly, the fourth provision of Byrnes’ note, which stipulated that Japan’s future polity would be determined by the freely expressed will of the people, became more attractive. And this was the point that the emperor made to Kido calling for unconditional acceptance of the Potsdam terms. In other words, in order to preserve the current imperial dynasty, if not the kokutai as they understood it, Japanese policy-makers, including the emperor, bet on the American side hoping that the United States would be willing to preserve the Imperial House, and specifically, it would be more willing than the Soviets to do so.

From my limited understanding of dominoes falling in the Indo-Pacific the Partner's and Allies forces do not automatically fall under the command of the US, unless one of the countries are attacked by another nation, such as China or North Korea. A reason for continually poking at those nations, then complaining of aggressive actions. The goal is to eventually create the situation to declare "victim of surprise attack" - "we need to defend ourselves, protect a Partner/Allie or get revenge".


Where to find Pepe Escobar's articles this week. If I missed one - please add a link in comments.

Iran-Russia set a western trap in Palestine Oct 27, 2023

The Russia-Iran strategic partnership - with China in the wings - is laying an elaborate, Sun Tzu-tinged trap for the Hegemon in West Asia.

Apart from Israel, there is no entity on the planet capable of switching the focus, in a flash, away from the west's spectacular debacle in Ukraine.

The warmongers in charge of US foreign policy, not exactly Bismarckian stalwarts, believe that if Project Ukraine is unattainable, Project Final Solution in Palestine could instead be a - ethnic cleansing - cakewalk.

A more plausible scenario, though is that Iran-Russia – and the new “axis of evil” Russia-China-Iran – have all it takes to drag the Hegemon into a second quagmire. It’s all about using the enemy’s own, discombobulated flip-flapping to unbalance him and disorient him to oblivion.
Hamas has called on the millions of Palestinians in the diaspora, as well as the whole Arab world and all lands of Islam, to unite. Slowly but surely, a pattern may be discerned: could the Arab world – and great swathes of Islam - be on the verge of significantly uniting to avenge their own “century of humiliation” – much as the Chinese did after WWII with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping? ...
The heart of the matter in any Russian-Iran strategy is the Strait of Hormuz, through which transits at least 20 percent of the world’s oil (nearly 17 million barrels a day) plus 18 percent of liquified natural gas (LNG), which amounts to at least 3.5 billion cubic feet a day.

Iran is able to block the Strait of Hormuz in a flash. For starters, that would be some sort of poetic justice retribution for Israel aiming to gobble up, illegally, all the multibillion-dollar natural gas discovered offshore Gaza: this is, incidentally, one of the absolutely key reasons for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
So when push comes to shove - and way beyond the defense of Palestine and in a scenario of Total War - not only Russia-Iran but key players of the Arab world about to become members of BRICS 11 - such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE - do have what it takes to bring down the US financial system anytime they choose.
Bluntly, at the current incendiary juncture, the Hegemon has found the offramp from its Project Ukraine humiliation. They erroneously believe that the same old Forever War rekindled in West Asia can be “modulated” at will. And if two wars turn into an immense political albatross, as they will, what else is new? They will simply start a new war in the “Indo-Pacific.”

The Palestinian Tragedy: Cui bono? Strategic Culture Foundation Oct 23, 2023

Everything is of course interlinked. Vast swathes of the U.S. Deep State in tandem with the neocon-run “Biden” combo can ride the new bonanza side by side with the Israeli Deep State – their bubble protected by a massive propaganda barrage demonizing all forms of support for the Palestinian plight.

Yet there’s a problem. This “alliance” has just lost – perhaps irretrievably – the overwhelming majority of the Global South/Global Majority, which is viscerally Palestinian. Very well-educated Palestinians living in Gaza and suffering throughout the Unspeakable, fiercely denounce the ambiguous roles of Egypt, Jordan and the UAE while praising Russia, Iran and among Arab nations, Qatar, Algeria and Yemen.
So let’s turn to Dr Mahathir Mohamad: 98 years old (no, not Kissinger); spent his entire adult life in politics, most of it as the Prime Minister of a very important nation (Malaysia); knows every world leader very well, including the current ones in U.S. and Israel; and at this late stage in life, fears nothing and has nothing to lose.

Dr Mahathir does cut to the chase:

” …The crux of the matter is that all these atrocities committed by Israel on the Palestinians stems from the American support for Tel Aviv. If the American Government withdraws its support for Israel and stop all military aid to the regime, Israel would not have carried out the genocide and mass murders of Palestinians with impunity. The United States Government needs to come clean and tell the truth. Israel and its IDF are the terrorists. The United States is blatantly supporting terrorists. So what is the United States?”


Cyber warfare is not a new problem. More players are joining the game - Time to set some new rules.

Ukraine’s IT army is a world first: here’s why it is an important part of the war The Conversation Oct 25, 2025

Ukraine’s recently formed “IT army” is playing a crucial role in the war with Russia, launching disruptive cyber-attacks and data thefts against the Russian government and other high-profile targets such as energy giant Gazprom.

The IT army has thousands of volunteer members around the world, who use Twitter and Telegram channels to communicate, coordinate and report on actions. Its members have already taken part in a wide variety of attacks.
On February 26, 2022, Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov issued a call to arms to all hackers willing to join its IT army and support Ukraine against Russian cyber-attacks and to disrupt Russian networks.

The creation of Ukraine’s IT army is considered a world first in cyber-warfare operations. It is believed to be the first time a state official has openly called on hackers from around the globe to join a nation’s military defensive efforts against an invading force and act as part of its hybrid military operations.

States, hackers agree: Laws of war must apply in cyberspace Asia Times Oct 25, 2023

There are rules in war. International humanitarian law regulates what combatants can and can’t do, with the goal of protecting civilians and limiting suffering.

Most of these laws were developed during the 19th and 20th centuries. But in our own century a new kind of battlefield has emerged: the domain of cyberattacks, digital campaigns and online information operations. All these have played a heightened role in Russia’s war in Ukraine and, increasingly, in the current Israel-Hamas conflict.
In the past month, we have seen three significant developments in this area. Rules for “civilian hackers” have begun to gain traction. A new international humanitarian report has recommended ways forward for governments, tech companies and others. And the International Criminal Court has for the first time signaled that it considers cyber-warfare to fall within its jurisdiction.
On October 18, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) published the final report of its global advisory board on digital threats during armed conflicts.
To safeguard civilians against digital threats, the report includes 25 action-oriented recommendations for belligerents, states, tech companies and humanitarian organizations.
In September, Karim A A Khan, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, signaled that the court would begin “collecting and reviewing” evidence of cyber-warfare. It will also examine “misuse of the Internet to amplify hate speech and disinformation, which may facilitate or even directly lead to the occurrence of atrocities.”

This is the first time the ICC has expressly indicated cyber-warfare and misuse of the Internet fall within its jurisdiction.


McGovern & Johnson- The Intel Roundtable: Can Intel and diplomacy end the Israeli/Hamas War? (29:34) Oct 27, 2023

7:25 begins discussion regarding China
19:00 min mentions during Obama years McGovern et al had an indirect route to forward their opinion Syrian using gas on civilian population was a False Flag. Obama did not directly start war in Syria.

The livestream videos this week by Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current events in Israel/Hamas/Gaza, secondary subject China and third subject Ukraine/Russia conflict. The interviews are generally posted on Monday through Friday if would like to view them in a more timely manner. The link opens in the LIVE column, occasionally an interview only appears in VIDEOS section.

Prof John Mearsheimer and Prof. Jeffrey Sachs have now appeared in multiple interviews providing their views on world events. One concern is both professors are either ignorant of Biden's cognitive decline or think we have not noticed.


What is on your mind today?

16 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Speaking of cyber warfare, the Zion regime has destroyed all internet capabilities in
the Gaza to prevent information from getting out about the ongoing slaughter. All
major news wires have lost contact with their correspondents. Murder in the dark.

Humanitarian organizations and international media have lost contact with their colleagues
amid intensified Israeli bombardment.


thanks for the pot luck, glad you are safe in your spot!

11 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

A busy week here. Perhaps as usual, I've been strewing horse shit. Got more than half the beds well covered and mulched for winter's sleep.
Also got three loads of gravel for our stretch of Sisyphus Way. The road is (I hope) is ready for winter rains and not not destined to be washed to the sea.
Earlier this week we gave the camphouse a well needed cleaning and reorganizing. So like I said a busy week. Of course much more to do. We need to wash windows before cold weather strikes.
Fall colors are lovely and strengthening despite our drought.
Screenshot 2023-10-28 at 10-05-11 Alabama U.S. Drought Monitor.png

Thanks for sorting through and presenting Pepe's work. I've been catching him on occasions on Danny's show (30 min) and the geopolitical economy hour. I like his perspective.

Thanks for the OT!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


I caught a PBS show on Alabama this week. What a beautiful state.

Danny and Pepe are both rockstars in my circle. So is Alan MacLeod.

4 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic
More miles of rivers than any other. Where I live in the NE AL tristate (TN AL GA) is so lovely. We count ourselves lucky.

Our camphouse is a guest cabin (tiny house?) with campfire cooking area. It is where we have picking parties and gatherings. It is beside an old cemetery, 1790's to 1810 early graves and 1908 as the last marked grave. It rang my bell when we settled here. We had to build a road back to where people lived and died for centuries. Come visit if you're ever in NE AL.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

that your heat pump keeps the place mellow. We're having one installed in a couple of weeks. It was originally conceived of as A/C because this last summer was too much without any, but the heat pump will use the existing furnace ducts and will also, allegedly carry most of our heating load, so the furnace will fire up only if it is below 40 outside. That will cut our heating costs since the furnace is gas while the heat pump is electric and we have solar. They were supposed to do the install Tuesday, but put it back a week because workload or something.

So it looks like the Ukies will be hardening the Rus' cyber attackable infrastructure against all future comers for them, which will no doubt futz with our ongoing constant attacks.

It was kind of ironically delicious about the Syrian false flag gas bullshit. Obomber didn't want to admit that those we were casting as good guys engaged in such a thing, so he kept quiet about that aspect of it and therefore had to take a lot of flak about not following through on his "red line" promise to attack Syria. Served him right.

be well and have a good one

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

9 users have voted.
soryang's picture

The video is not available in South Korea although Paramount has an affiliated channel there. Why? I understand that the president Yoon won't attend the memorial service in Seoul because "it was organized by the opposition party," and is, "political." First, it isn't true. Second, Yoon won't apologize for his administration's (his) responsibility for the incident. He is such an inept angry authoritarian that he can't brook the slightest intimation that he or his appointees have made a mistake or worse, in other cases, committed illegal acts. It is simply amazing that he is so politically incompetent that he cannot deal with any situation where criticism might emerge.

...On Tuesday, Paramount released a two-part documentary titled “Crush” on its streaming service, Paramount+, that delves into the tragedy that occurred in Seoul’s Itaewon neighborhood on Oct. 29, 2022.

The documentary is based on 1,500 hours of footage from various sources: cell phones, closed-circuit surveillance cameras, and body cameras. It reenacts recordings of police calls made at the time and points out the systemic problems with the government’s response.

However, the documentary is not available to be streamed in Korea, where the official trailer video posted on the official Paramount+ website and YouTube account only brings up an error screen when you press the play button.

Unlike Netflix and Disney+, Paramount+ has not launched its own platform in South Korea, but provides its content via a branded channel on an already existing OTT platform, Tving. There has been no official statement from Tving on the availability of the documentary.

New Paramount+ documentary dissects Itaewon crowd crush disaster, but is unavailable to view in Korea

Ironically, Yoon made sure he attended the commemoration of the 44th Anniversary of the assassination of dictator Park Chung-hee, and his presence there seated next to former president Park Geun-hye, (Park Chung-hee's daughter) was splashed all over the media in a desperate attempt to salvage his flagging political support within his own party. Yoon was on the prosecution team responsible for presenting the impeachment case against Park. Former president Moon Jae-in had pardoned Park Geun-hye effective Dec. 31, 2021. The Itaewon disaster is associated at least in the mind of the opposition and the survivors with Park's lapses of leadership which played a role in the Sewol Ferry disaster.

We need another nuclear bomb. Really?

Recent unsafe encounters in SCS.

The air intercept incident occurred on Oct. 24. The naval surface incident, Oct 19. Without accurate position and route/course data these incidents are sometimes difficult to judge. Typically this info is not provided. Chinese coast guard vessels had some encounters with Philippine "supply vessels" headed to the Second Thomas Shoal which is a disputed marine feature. SCS probing initiative has some informative materials on these subjects. Of course, they and the US IndoPacific Command have their obvious national bias.

Thanks for the Potluck SOE. I really like that APJJF article on the end of the Japanese war. I try to read that journal regularly.

9 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

soryang's picture

@soryang @soryang Paramount plus purchased the copyright license only for the US. Someone who lives in Japan pointed this out to me. Actually i had heard the copyright explanation in Hankyoreh before. The producer and the distributor are separate parties. So here's the link-

Paramount+ documentary on Itaewon crowd crush can’t be viewed in Korea — here’s why

The explanation is a technical legal explanation. However, I'd be very surprised if this appeared before the general elections in South Korea in April. The video content is likely to inflame the public against Yoon's administration (again) if shown in South Korea. I saw the remarks that the issue has died down in South Korea or words to that effect. I don't believe that. Someone in Japan told me on another chat that the video isn't available in Japan either, which makes sense. He said he would watch it on VPN. Any release of this video in South Korea whenever it may or may not occur has political implications.

I don't buy the explanation of why the disastrous event occurred which the article attributes to the video. (I haven't seen the video). I think there is a direct link to Yoon's arbitrary decision to move the presidential office to old Ministry of Defense building in Yongsan, and the attendant lack of adequate security there, and the substantial diversion of city police resources to presidential security necessitated on a daily basis by moves to a separate presidential residence and relatively small political demonstrations in nearby Yongsan. This was a substantial factor leading to the disaster. This was the opinion of a more than one critic of the Yoon administration, one of whom is a South Korean national security expert. I followed these events very closely.

5 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

toppling of Imran Khan as he was too independent of the rules based order.

12 users have voted.

Soe, lots of good articles in your OT, so many thanks.
Our version of cold weather comes Monday, when the temperature will range between 55 deg. and 35 deg, We, too, are stocked for inclement weather. If roads ice over or flood, there is no way to get in or out of the community.
After a rather dangerous week with a psychotic pro se litigant threatening me, I have 1 more dangerous problem which I believe I have resolved. My client has a violent history of injuring women. We had some intense encounters during her family law case, so I am withdrawing. It will require a hearing and court ruling. One of her past alleged criminal acts was trying to run over her relative with her car. Not feeling secure about walking across the street to enter and exit the courthouse, I obtained the court's permission to appear by phone. This happens Monday morning.
Other than that, we may all be put into a dangerous existence if the Middle East conflict spreads. I am not alone in being concerned about some terrorist attack, whether genuine or a false flag event, happening in the good ol' USA. If anything, it is yet another reason to stock up on necessities.
Well, I will listen to the Judge videos, see if anyone has any good suggestions on how in hell we block this looming disaster. Man, oh man, am I ever ready for suggestions!

10 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@on the cusp goes well and it is the end of this risk.

Work related violent acts for some professions is always there just under the surface. We do not really want to recognize as affecting us personally, always someone else. At some point it is time to maybe to step out of the game or shift to another playing field, especially after some close calls. We only beat the odds so many times.

Cold is relative, any sudden drop in temperature feels chilly. Every fall first freeze I am bundled in heavy coat, gloves and hat for a short trip outside. By spring it is T-shirt at 20 degree for the same excursions.

2 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth have my phone in my pocket.
I only took the young woman's case because I am close friends with her Dad, and he begged me to help her.
No good deed goes unpunished.
have a great Monday!

1 user has voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Pluto's Republic's picture

...... turning your cozy farmhouse into a Bed and Breakfast? Or a Dacha? Or a Writers Retreat. Or a Farm Stay?

I, for one, would enjoy such an experience.

17 Remote & Relaxing Farm Stays on Airbnb

Not to mention, there is really big ROI.




7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Pluto's Republic favorite getaways is a cottage situated on a large ranch near Fredericksburg, TX. I love sitting out on the screened in back porch, watching birds, deer, wild turkeys, and watching turtles swimming around in the tiny pond at the bottom of the foothill.
The occasional plane might make some noise, but it is so far from a highway, you hear absolutely no automobiles, unless a ranch hand is feeding the cows, or re-filling the deer feeder.
I much prefer Vrbo listings to AirBnb. Give it a look.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture


In a similar vein, Mathias Broeckers slams the disgraceful spectacle of the Frankfurt Book Fair shutting down any dissent from the government’s narrative re Israel-Palestine:

https://www.broeckers.com/2023/10/20/kein-kontext-nur-krokodile/   (in German)

7 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


They've all sunk back into their roots, and developed rot. When it comes to psychopathic leaders, there was zero degrees of separation between the good guys and the bad guys. Cat's out of the bag now.


7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Pluto's Republic's picture

...points to the veracity of a point-of-view (which I have mentioned in my posts) that is held by the emergent newer generations of the Global South-Global Majority, who are seeing in Gaza their very first Holocaust. They are forming their own context for understanding the Extreme Abomination that Israel is committing against the people in Gaza, based directly on their own cultural memory of the Atrocities that the West has committed against their own people and against their own country. (All, without the apologia emanating from Israel.) The future belongs to this Global Majority. And they will witnesses the West as it implodes from the excesses of its economic malfeasance, and from its embrace of the insanity and greed of its power-mad psychopathic leaders. They will learn from this 'Lesson of the Ages.'

This was reflected and exemplified in an excerpt from the featured story by Pepe Escobar, today: The Palestinian Tragedy: Cui Bono?

Everything is of course interlinked. Vast swathes of the U.S. Deep State in tandem with the neocon-run “Biden” combo can ride the new bonanza side by side with the Israeli Deep State — their bubble protected by a massive propaganda barrage demonizing all forms of support for the Palestinian plight.

Yet there’s a problem. This “alliance” has just lost – perhaps irretrievably – the overwhelming majority of the Global South/Global Majority, which is viscerally Palestinian.....

So let’s turn to Dr Mahathir Mohamad: 98 years old (no, not Kissinger); spent his entire adult life in politics, most of it as the Prime Minister of a very important nation (Malaysia); knows every world leader very well, including the current ones in U.S. and Israel; and at this late stage in life, fears nothing and has nothing to lose.

Dr Mahathir does cut to the chase:

” …The crux of the matter is that all these atrocities committed by Israel on the Palestinians stems from the American support for Tel Aviv. If the American Government withdraws its support for Israel and stop all military aid to the regime, Israel would not have carried out the genocide and mass murders of Palestinians with impunity. The United States Government needs to come clean and tell the truth. Israel and its IDF are the terrorists. The United States is blatantly supporting terrorists.

So what is the United States?”

Who exactly does deserves the title of

"The Butchers of Tel Aviv"?

9 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
lotlizard's picture

@Pluto's Republic  
has better diplomacy and foreign policy than Germany, who due to its post-WW2 victor-imposed guilt complex is committed to supporting the most extreme form of Zionism, no matter what — thereby painting itself into a corner and ensuring that Germany has nothing to contribute to any discussion of the future in the Middle East, aside from pointing at the most ardently ethnic-supremacist representative of Israel in the room and going, “Ja, ja, what he said.”

6 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


By the way, there has been major world news happening every day pertaining to the Gaza Holocaust.

John Helmer, reporting from Russia, is compiling all of it every fews days, fully aware that the West receives NO News At All. Here are the recent links:

Friday, October 27th, 2023

The Palestinian strategy against Israel is aimed at destroying Israel’s capacity to survive in its present state in a long war. This means attacking the invincibility of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and their so-called Iron Dome defence; this began with the cross-border offensive on October 7, and continues with […]


Monday, October 23rd, 2023

The sudden change of US warfighting plans in defence of Israel, disclosed on Saturday by General Lloyd Austin, the US Defense Secretary, reveals the trap which Russia, China, and Iran have opened, and the desperate measures the US has taken as it falls in. Austin announced that he has “redirected […]

Saturday, October 21st

Since 1943 the US and its European allies, including Germany (Olaf Scholz’s government, not Adolf Hitler’s), have aimed to liquidate the secular nationalist Arab leadership capable of co-existence with the West and a state for the Jewish people. 2. In Palestine Hamas has studied seventy-five years of lessons on […]

I don't have to mention to anyone here to verify sources. The news that comes from c99 is vetted for accuracy or called out as BS or as a false flag event.

:: :: ::

Why Malaysia?

My guess is the they are the only nation in the world to sue George Bush and the US in the International Criminal Court for war crimes in Iraq.

They won — and immediately lost three passenger jets under mysterious circumstances, killing all on board. One over Ukraine. Which put Malaysia Air out of business after 62 years of accident-free flying.

Malaysia is broken now. It will do whatever the US says. So don't look to them to take a courageous stand. They paid the price and want no more.

8 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
soryang's picture

It's not so much that Russia, China, and Iran opened a trap, it's a trap the US created for itself by failing to adjust to reality in a changing world. The excesses of US policy, the continuation of its slavish political commitment to the bizarre Zionist vision, it's "containment" of China, hostility to Iran, etc. It's a situation that it has created for itself out of hubris, incompetence, complacency, and greed. I think that MacGregor has articulated this very well lately. There's another way to manage the world situation but the current US elites still think it's 1991.

I'm sure that all three powers China, Russia, and Iran, would rather avoid the direct confrontation route. Isn't this why Iran uses proxy forces? I think the US waffling and dissimulation with the exception of its declared unwavering support of Israel, and it's Lawrence of Arabia antics in Syria and other Central Command zones, is rendering the situation extremely dangerous. The Chinese only want to protect their own energy supplies and other interests in the region. Russian Kinshals aren't the biggest threat to US naval presence, more likely its Iranian naval assets near the straits of the Persian Gulf and in the Gulf.

I'm surprised if Austin would put a carrier in the Persian Gulf. Imo they are way too vulnerable there. But given the long distances implied in threatening an attack on Iran, to look real, he maybe thinks he must do that. I think its unwise. I often thought, how could Israel attack Iran as a practical matter. Wouldn't they need to refuel enroute, and have permission to cross Arab states enroute? (maybe a launch from a sub?) Instead of "real men go to Tehran," the slogan should be "it's a long way to Tehran." The author points out the failure of the hostage rescue mission, which was entirely a matter of the distances to targets in Iran, which in size is always underestimated unless you are actually a mission planner on the scene who has to pull the charts and look at the fuel logs.

Anyway appreciate the discussion in these articles. Not many people, if any, in the west have a grasp of the big picture in this region, and I found Existential Trap particularly helpful in clarifying my own picture of how dangerous this situation is becoming. MacGregor is definitely right, people have to walk this back. They have to tell Israel where to get off. They have to try some competent diplomacy instead of playing John Wayne the strutting gunfighter. They are looking for a terrible fall.

Oops! Meant to reply to @Pluto'sRepublic

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@soryang @soryang

There is no one up to speed to discuss it with. If people in the US knew what we know, there would be widespread panic.

They are looking for a terrible fall.

My greatest challenge these days is making small talk. And learning how to make a time capsule that will survive.

I'm sure that all three powers China, Russia, and Iran, would rather avoid the direct confrontation route. Isn't this why Iran uses proxy forces?

It's why Iran's national and spiritual doctrines forbid the possession of weapons of mass destruction. Even as a deterrent.

We should probably start saying goodbye to one another.

In my own final assessment, the greatest threat to humankind and to the planet itself, is religion — and the belief in divine intervention. This left our species floundering in spiritual immaturity, unable to evolve consciously, unable to achieve wisdom and enlightenment — all the while possessing the tools of planetary destruction. There's an historical elegance that it finally ends exactly where it all began.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange