Republicans sure do love their terrorists
You may remember this moment, when Senator McCain made a surprise visit to Syrian rebels.
To be fair, he didn't stand with an ISIS terrorist. The guy was a more al-Qaeda related kidnapper.
You might think that GOP leadership wouldn't let this PR disaster happen again, but you would be wrong.
(AP) — Three Republican members of the U.S. Congress made a quick trip Sunday into opposition-held northwest Syria in the first known visit to the war-torn country by American lawmakers in six years. They urged the Biden administration and regional partners to keep up the pressure on Syrian President Bashar Assad.The roughly one-hour stop was a signal of the significant support on Capitol Hill for the opposition in Syria’s long civil war.
U.S. Rep. French Hill of Arkansas, one of the three lawmakers, told The Associated Press by telephone after leaving Syria that the trip was the latest of his several to the region this summer to press the U.S. government and Arab allies to continue pushing for a political resolution to the war.
Unlike McCain these congresspeople visited Turkish-controlled areas, but that doesn't help.
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the umbrella rebel group of mainly Kurdish fighters that the U.S. relied on for years to lead the ground war against ISIS in Syria, says Turkey — a NATO member on the edge of the alliance's geographic border with the Mideast — is allowing ISIS a "safe zone" in northern Syria.
Turkey has long allied itself with head-chopping jihadists, mostly al-Qaeda related.
Yet, the NLF represented only about half of Idlib’s varied cast of Islamist groups. The other half – united in HTS that originated from Jabhat al-Nusra and was inspired by Al-Qaeda’s doctrine of global jihad – turned down the 2018 Turkish offer/push to merge into the NLF. While Turkey’s NLF-based consolidation strategy was initially effective, before long HTS successfully moved against several Turkish-backed NLF groups in Idlib and defeated them in an inter-factional struggle through a mix of co-optation, intimidation and coercion. When it was over, HTS controlled about 90 per cent of Idlib.[
The fact that we've aligned ourselves with terrorists isn't censored. It's just that most Americans refuse to believe it.

McCain with ISIS leadership
on the same trip in 2013 as that pictured in your lead photograph. ISIS leader Al Baghdadi, far left. McCain's staff posted such images on his Senate website until they were scrutinized.
Are those the terrorists that Obama and Hillary armed
out of the embassy in Benghazi so that they could go into Syria and overthrow Assad? Seems it’s not just republicans who are supportive of terrorists. Funny how the republicans weren’t interested in what Hillary was up to in Benghazi that got ambassador Stevens killed. They just focused on why she hadn’t requested more security for the embassy and that she blamed the attack on a video.
Y’all remember that was when republicans found out that Hillary hadn’t turned over her emails during her tenure as SOS and then they subpoenaed them and instead of turning them in she destroyed 30,000 of them and Comey said that was okay because she hadn’t intended to deliberately destroy them. Trump has been asking why she wasn’t prosecuted for this while he as president could declassify any records because he was president.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
It speaks volumes about the political capture of both parties of Washington by thew MIC.
And then just a few years later
McCain is seen doing the same thing with the Ukraine Nazis as well as his sidekick Graham who was also photographed with McCain and his Syrian terrorists. He and Graham were videotaped telling the Nazis that they just had to wait until Obama was out of office and then they would get the weapons promised to them because Obama refused to do it. But lots of congress members have met with Nazis in congress buildings and elsewhere.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
today's terrorist is tomorrow's freedom fighter
Wars are about killing people, lots of people, hopefully the other people. Best avoided if at all possible.
A little propaganda will fix that problem
Al Qaeda changed their name and the Western press called them moderate (head chopper).rebels. See no longer terrorists one of whose branches killed about 3000 people in NYC.
But all the negative press about Iran lately has me thinking something may be afoot.
At this point, can the US and allies afford to keep arming the anti-Assad forces in Syria? Looks like Israel is trying to goad Syria and Iran into a war.
Yes, but this is getting tired
when Democrats are writing 11 figure checks and Jon Stewart gives medals to proud Nazis and "democracy" means it's a God given right to lob cluster bombs into playgrounds if you don't like the language the kids are speaking while they play.
On to Biden since 1973
I'm not accusing you of anything
At least I can't do that without being accused of playing partisan poliitcs.
In fact, even saying "the Dems are terrible, but the Republicans are a small amount worse" (which is a truism to me) will cause some people on the left to denounce you.
It seems very weird to me. I shouldn't have to do a whataboutism when criticising two corrupt parties.
However, I can criticize the Dems all day long without comment from the same people.
Well, as your title suggests,
Well, as your title suggests, you WERE playing partisan politics. Most people here now recognize that there is no functional difference between the establishment majorities of both parties when it come to war and funding terrorists. And if there is a "Left," as you assert, it certainly does not reside in the Dem party.
If this is partisan politics to you
Because there is more of this coming.
@gjohnsit I would expect nothing
I wonder