Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Sept 9, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Morning. Farm is keeping me busy and distracted. Harvesting and processing the various fruits, herbs and vegetables has been taking up all spare time the last few weeks. Unusually successful season.


Visualizing history.

A series of English reenactment documentaries are available on tubitv.com. Wartime Farm focuses on the dramatic changes forced onto the British farmers during WWII. Capitalist competition alone had not been able to cause the migration to modern farming methods. Martial law slowly controls all aspects of life and some of its tentacles can be seen in our contemporary society.


Simply bringing back the draft will not solve this problem.

77% of US youth unqualified for military service Asia Times Sept 6, 2023

In March 2023, American Military News reported that a 2020 Pentagon study revealed that 77% of young Americans do not qualify for military service without a waiver due to drug abuse mental or physical problems, or being overweight.

The most prevalent disqualification rates were being overweight (11%), drug and alcohol abuse (8%) and medical/physical health (7%), with the most significant increases in disqualification estimates observed between 2013 and 2020 were for mental health and overweight conditions.
Ben Kensling notes in a July 2023 article for the Wall Street Journal that the US Army expects this year to end up 15,000 recruits short of its 65,000 target, the US Navy ending up 10,000 short of 38,000 recruits, and the US Air Force ending 3,000 short of 27,000 recruits.

While Kensling notes that the US Marine Corps met its target last year of sending 33,000 recruits to boot camp, service leaders have described recruitment as challenging. He also says that Pentagon data shows only 9% of people aged between 16-21 would consider military service, down from 13% before the Covid-19 pandemic.


Resilience - Shorten the supply chain for self production of key products. The concept can be used by individuals and countries.

Russia defies sanctions with homemade Sukhoi Superjet Asia Times Sept 8, 2023

A Russian passenger jet built almost entirely with domestically manufactured components completed its first test flight on August 29, a launch that gave Yakovlev Design Bureau and United Aircraft Corporation’s (UAC) respective shares on the Moscow Exchange a buoyant lift.
The original SSJ-100, constructed largely with foreign parts and components, first flew in 2008. About 40 imported systems and components have been replaced with Russia-made alternatives in the new version.

The indigenously-made parts include the fuselage, avionics, flight control system and auxiliary power unit as well as power supply, air conditioning and fire protection equipment in the plane’s cabin.
Last February, Alexander Neradko, director general of Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency, told media that Airbus and Boeing aircraft operated by Russian airlines could remain in service until 2030 if properly maintained.

That should be enough time for them to be replaced by entirely domestically-made aircraft, though production deadlines in Russia have a tendency to slip.

SMIC bypasses US curbs to make 7nm chips Asia Times Sept 5, 2023

Speed and performance testing conducted by Canadian research firm TechInsights for Bloomberg showed that Mate60 Pro’s speed reached 350 megabits per second, which is on par with Apple Inc’s iPhones. It found that the phone is equipped with 5G wireless capabilities and a system-on-chip (SoC) processor made by SMIC.
Lu says if these estimations are close to reality, it means that Chief Executive Liang Mong-song and his team have made a significant breakthrough in SMIC’s 7nm chip technology. He says other industry players should pay attention to this development.

4 days later....

China bans iPhone while touting Huawei’s Mate60 Pro Asia Times Sept 9, 2023

Shares of Apple Inc have dropped by 6.4% in two days after China reportedly banned employees of central government agencies from using iPhones for security reasons.
The ban notably coincided with Chinese state media’s campaign to promote the launch of Huawei Technologies’ Mate60 Pro, which is equipped with Kirin 9000s, a 7 nanometer chip produced by the local Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC).

Lv Tingjie, a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication, told China Central TV that the launch of Kirin 9000s is a milestone for the development of China’s chip sector. He said the nation’s chip technology gap with the West has now been narrowed to about three to five years.
After US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao on August 28 that there is no room for the US to compromise or negotiate on matters of national security, the China side seemed to have given up on discussing the issues with the US and moved on to other topics.

On August 29, Huawei commenced the sale of its Mate60 Pro. Research firm TechInsights has since found that the phone’s Kirin 9000s was made by SMIC using its N+2 technology.


Maybe an opening of negotiations for Ukraine conflict. Worth a full read.

Ice cracking sounds on frozen lake of US-Russia relations India Punchline by MK Bhadrakumar Sept 8, 2023

Any longtime observer of Russian politics would know that the state of play in the Russian-American tango is best assessed from subplots, often obscure and unnoticed, away from its amphitheatre where gladiators cross swords.
Some compromise formula on Ukraine may still be negotiated. If so, its parameters will be an indicator of the extent to which Moscow and Washington are inclined to bridge their respective interests and expectations.

Meanwhile, on September 6, Blinken embarked on quite an untypical visit to Kiev. There was no fire in his belly. For once, he didn’t threaten Russia or ridicule Putin from Ukrainian soil. Nor did Blinken show much enthusiasm for Kiev’s counteroffensive.

Rather, his focus was on the war’s horrific trail causing human suffering, Ukraine’s post-conflict recovery as a democracy and its economy’s reconstruction. Blinken said repeatedly that he was undertaking the visit on Biden’s instruction.
Meanwhile, in an interesting coincidence, on September 6, Ukraine’s parliament Verkhovna Rada approved the appointment of Rustem Umerov as the new Defence Minister replacing Alexei Reznikov. A Crimean Tatar born in Uzbekistan (USSR), Umerov has no previous military background. But he is trusted by Zelensky and is acceptable to the Americans.

What distinguishes Umerov is that he was a key negotiator at the peace talks with Russia in Istanbul last year in March, which actually resulted in an agreed document (from which Zelensky subsequently retracted under Anglo-American pressure.) Again, he was instrumental in negotiating the Black Sea Grain Initiative (so-called grain deal between Ukraine and Russia) which became operational in July last year at Istanbul. These are straws in the wind that must be duly noted.


There still are those who are looking for a larger conflict.

WW3 has already begun – Ukraine’s security chief Russia Times Sept 8, 2023

Speaking at the Kiev Security Forum on Tuesday, Aleksey Danilov argued that NATO needs Ukraine as a member, as global turbulence is set to continue. “We’re going to strengthen the alliance,” he insisted.

“If somebody thinks that World War III hasn’t started then it’s a huge mistake. It has already begun. It had been underway in a hybrid period for some time and has now entered an active phase,” he said.

Sitting on stage beside former CIA Director General David Petraeus, Danilov said that “if somebody thinks that it [the conflict in Ukraine] is about settling the scores between Kiev and Moscow then it’s a mistake. Things are much more complicated.”


Russia is not going to let the issue disappear into silence.

US Seeks to Establish Global Biological Control - Russian Defense Ministry Sputnik Global News Sept 6, 2023

Russia has documented evidence that the US State Department has been participating in the implementation of the Biosecurity Enhancement Program since 2016, Kirillov told the briefing.
According to the general, the data shows that Washington has been actively taking part in bioresearch in other countries, striving to use third-party performers to conceal the customers and goals of the ongoing research.


NOKO Kim Jong Un may meet Putin - Changing the World's Stage? w/Ray McGovern (23:30 min) Sept 5, 2023
note: a number of US bias regarding North Korea are included in the discussion, inhibiting a nuanced understanding of the historical and potential future relationship between Russia and North Korea.

A Renewed Axis: Growing Military Cooperation Between North Korea and Russia Center for Strategic and International Studies Sept 6, 2023

Moscow has interest in warm water ports on the Korean peninsula for its Pacific Fleet and in energy and transport infrastructure projects that connect Northeast Asia to Siberia and the Eurasian land mass through the Korean peninsula.
The implications of the growing military alignment between North Korea and Russia for the U.S. are clear. The tactical advantage that each foe gains in expanding cooperation complicates U.S. efforts in the war in Ukraine. It is noteworthy in this regard that U.S. officials in condemning DPRK munitions transfers to Russia no longer downplay the supplies as trivial. It also complicates U.S. efforts at shoring up extended deterrence on the Korean peninsula with its South Korean ally as North Korea demonstrates increasingly more capable and potentially survivable ICBMs. In this regard, Putin may be trying to demonstrate that actions taken in Europe by the U.S. will have consequences not just in that theater but also in the Indo-Pacific detrimental to U.S. interests.
There are limits to what the U.S. can do in response to the new Russia-DPRK axis. But there are some policy options that Washington could consider. First, the United States can push the envelope in terms of the deliverables from the Camp David trilateral summit in August such as multi-domain trilateral exercises and enhanced information sharing. The United States can also expand missile warning sharing data arrangements with the ROK and Japan. Second, to counter and deter further ICBM launches by North Korea, Washington could declare that the US and its allies will not rule out neutralizing missiles in flight (particularly if they are not on a lofted trajectory) or on the launchpad. Third, Washington should list Russian entities and individual involved in any DPRK arms deals and seek similar sanctions from like-minded parties. Fourth, it should warn Beijing about neither participating nor condoning the Russia-DPRK axis. Fifth, it should continue to draw attention to Russia-DPRK cooperation at upcoming forums like UN General Assembly, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations this fall by downgrading intelligence for public consumption as part of the DNI transparency program.


Great recap of the 30 plus years leading up to the Ukrainian conflict.

Ukraine War History - Why it was a Predictable Bloodbath w/Jeffrey Sachs (31:52 min) Sept 8, 2023

Includes discussion on expanding areas of negative influences for the US around the globe due to the Ukraine conflict. Sept 6, 2023

Ukraine Shifting the World's Stage w/Col. Doug Macgregor (22:32 min)

Narrowing down who is in-charge of US actions in Ukraine.

Wrongheaded U.S. Leadership in Ukraine - Intel Roundtable Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern (22:48 min starts at 4:41) Sept 8, 2023

The livestream videos this week by Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current Ukraine/Russia conflict. The interviews are generally posted on Monday through Thursday if would like to view them in a more timely manner. The link opens in the LIVE column, occasionally an interview only appears in VIDEOS section.


What is on your mind today?

17 users have voted.


mhagle's picture

Would like to hear about your garden harvest. You may have posted it already so a link would be fine. Glad to hear it was a fantastic harvest!

8 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

QMS's picture

Russia and North Korea share a border of about 40 km. It follows they should also share
logistics, trade and other tangible goods.

This is The Korea–Russia Friendship Bridge


All of this fear mongering by the west is probably related to weakening influence of western
powers. China, Russia and North Korea have no use for the dictates of the neocon empire.

Thanks for the potluck soe. Enjoy your bountiful harvest!

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

soryang's picture

...cites Michael Elleman's analysis that rocket motor technology for the Hwasong 12 and 14 were
likely obtained from illicit sources in Ukraine and/or USSR Russia. (important correction). Victor Cha did not cite the Theodore Postol article which made all sorts of undocumented claims repeated by Ray McGovern in his interview above with the Judge. That conversation is characterized by all sorts of cliches about Kim Jong-un being crazy, somewhat crazy, unstable and so on. This sort of language is used by media personalities who have no real familiarity with the history or situation in North Korea. There is absolutely no evidence that North Korea has received a complete package of ICBM warhead technology and countermeasures capable of defeating US ABM systems. It's significant that Cha didn't allude to the Postol report because he doesn't want to lose his credibility as a conservatively oriented CSIS chair on North Korea for an organization whose goal is sell more weapons for the defense industry.

I've posted this link before on the 38North rebuttal to the CSIS/Postol article which is the foundation for Ray's exaggerated assessment of the state of the North Korean ICBM program. It is still a project in development. Instead of planning new ABM systems airborne in the Korean theater or in space, which apparently is a Postol recommendation, the US should be negotiating with North Korea.

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: North Korea’s HS-18 Is Not a Russian ICBM

This is how tone deaf CSIS can be-

Surprised to see Vincent Brooks in this entourage. Is it the "giant sucking sound" of venality or does he hope to have a moderating influence on MIC extremism?

In regard to the roundtable discussion with the Judge- it bears mentioning that there has been no accountability for Pentagon expenditures for many years. Ray makes a distinction without a difference. The expression The Best and the Brightest coined by David Halberstram in his book about the Vietnam War was always a sardonic dig on the war making "expert" class. Did anyone ever understand it any other way?

South Korea opposition leader Lee Jae-myung was summoned to his fourth interrogation by the police in Suwon. A crowd of about 200 people and dozens of reporters assembled in front of the main police station there. There looked to be two or more times number of police waiting for them. Except for one dispute and shoving match with a guy who looked like a shireum wrestler whom the police took away to prevent disorder, the scene was loud and busy, but uneventful. It was Lee's 9th day on his hunger strike I believe. He looked weak. Earlier reports from yesterday anticipated that he may require a wheel chair if not hospitalization in the next 48 hours. Critics view his strike as a futile gesture but it reflects the impotence of government institutions under Yoon's capricious, incompetent, and corrupt rule. The Yoon administration is openly being compared to the earlier dictatorships of Chun Doo-hwan and Park Chung-hui.

Both the leader of the so called People's Power Party and the newly appointed Chair of the Korea Communications Commission are threatening news organizations releasing audio recordings of phone calls with Kim Man-bae and Yoon himself implicating Yoon and/or Yoon's in law's in corruption scandals or other unfavorable portrayals. The PPP leader called such reporting "fake news" and said that severe punishment up to the "death penalty" would be taken against "anti-state forces." So if you criticize Yoon, one becomes an "anti-state force." The KCC chair said the administration would take a "one strike-out" approach to public media licenses.

One report involved Yoon discussing ( apparently during his candidacy negotiations with the PPP ) the ousting of then PPP party leader Lee Jun-seok three months after Yoon's election. Lee Jun-seok, appeared on progressive news channel OhMyTV (youtube) often viewed as an "anti state" media by the new right, to make his case yesterday. Thus there is a traditional conservative vs Yoon faction, new right extremists, rift in the PPP. I don't particularly like Lee, but I was surprised by his evident charisma and engaging personality. Hong Joon-pyo, a former conservative presidential candidate, now mayor of Daegu, has also been critical of new right extremism manifested by Yoon administration attempts to discredit national heroes who opposed Japanese colonialism and the "anti-state forces" rhetoric coming out of the Yoon faction.

(Source-OhMyTV youtube 9.9) Yoon portrayed as a pro-Japanese traitor on a banner carried by candlelight 56 demonstrators in Seoul.

The 56th Candlelight demo took place today. A South Korea Supreme Court decision in favor of another group of anti-Fukushima waste water dumping advocates allows them to demonstrate within about one km of the presidential office, but severely restricts their numbers and the amount the travel lanes in the street (Samgakchi plaza west side of the Yongsan base) they can occupy to two. This doesn't really seem like a very favorable outcome to me.

Oops this post was directed at SOE's Potluck, I had mucho difficulty posting, sorry about that QmS.

5 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture

We've been busy too trying to keep up with the last of the summer veggies and fruits. Plan to start some wine next week. Plus all the summer mowing, weed eating, and general maintenance.

Our weather has been very pleasant with 60's in the AM and highs in the low 80's. So, at least all the work has been comfortable.

To my mind it is the beginning of the end of the Ukraine proxy war....out of troops and weapons. Heard someone speculate Russia may just hold steady and wait for EU economic collapse. Will they finally realize the US put them on their failed course. Saw another reference to EU irrational hatred of Russia prevents rational solutions? They've sure screwed themselves, and yet keep digging.

Thanks for the OT!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

that I should erase this comment.

3 users have voted.

yesterdays morning ot

I Have made fun of, ridiculed, those
that pushed the Jab and all
the restrictions, discrimination, and
the Bias against the unJabbed

However, I’ve tried Not to
demean those that took the
Jab in Good Faith but were
Deceived into doing so
Especially if they were injured
or contracted ‘rona since

for the second group, my
Sincere apology and regret
if you felt I was targeting
I’ll try to be more specific
in my critiques going forward

The first group I Still
encourage to get as many Jabs
as they wish, regardless of the acknowledgment
of continuous lying now being exposed

oh yeah
The first group can still
Fuck Off as usual

hope this clarifies my feelings/posts
to all and sundry

edit; missed a capital ‘O’

8 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

snoopydawg's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

Vernon Coleman. He started writing about the Rona stuff in 2020 and he hasn’t stopped. If you do then you can read his other articles on his website.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@Tall Bald and Ugly in Group 1.
When I make vax inquiries with my clients, I have tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language to help me wade through the rough waters.
No matter how hard we try to explain ourselves in writing, we simply do not have the context of human contact. Things written in comments and tweets that are not meant to be insulting can be easily construed that way.
Still, there are lots of clearly written insults that abound.
Noam declaring non-vaxxed should be imprisoned and denied food was crystal clear.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Filmed in Ukraine.

Typical that Biden is running an ad from Ukraine since that has what his priorities have been over helping desperate Americans who are falling further behind because of his domestic policies. But I’m sure that it will tickle the shitlip's brains pink.

Make sure that you see the Zelensky double at the bottom of the stairs. I wonder if Biden’s double was there too?

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture


OK, so I get it. He is running on the chaps of being a war president. I understand the
message. Small detail but, his war is not going very well. Like losing big time. Like
Afghanistan, Niger, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine. All of the neocons' wars of choice are
going down the rabbit hole. Except western media can not say that. In an almost
election year, the meme has to be about winning! Democracy in action! How could
anybody question the wisdom of sacrificing your nation for the good of more war?
Ask Germany, Italy, maybe Poland and Turkey. This is not something to be proud of.
Meanwhile, EU and NATO burns. For the sake of what?

9 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

snoopydawg's picture


Did you see the tweet I posted last night where the head of NATO was saying that Ukraine was making advances? A lady said that half a million people have been killed and he callously said that no one said that this would be easy. We lost 58,000 in Vietnam in many years, but Ukraine has lost that many in just 3 months.

During Blinken's time in Ukraine he was filmed walking in a cemetery full of Ukraine flags that showed who had died during the current war. There have been lots of videos showing the flags going on and on and ON to the horizon. It’s beyond sad. Women, the sick and disabled are now going to be sent to die….

For the sake of what?

It’s just criminal at this point. I’d say it’s time for everyone involved to be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. The war was already lost on February 22, 2022 when Russia decided to go in and protect the people of the Donbas and to rid Ukraine of its Nazis.

Did you see Putin’s statement I posted Thursday in the blues? It’s gut wrenching.

"Seeing the Nazis freezes my soul."


10 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg If Biden is going to run as a "war president" he may near the election have to actually get into a shooting war with Russia. Maybe create some false flag incident to justify direct war--bragging about sending HIMARS and F-16s to Ukr may not work. But then again, can use propaganda months before with the help of the mass media to convince Americans he is one badass president regardless of the military situation in Ukr. Biden could even go before Congress for a declaration of war.

Before the 2020 election I posted that a war with Russia was highly likely if Biden won. The hatred of the Russians in the democratic party rivaled the hatred of German Nazis toward European Jews.

If there is a conventional war shootout, the Russians will win as NATO is militarily weak and even pathetic. So that is when nukes from the West may enter the picture.

Gawd, that promo for Biden is so pathetic.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Remember Biden recently sent more troops to Poland and Russia today said that there are 10,000 there. And there are troops in Romania and maybe another 10,000. Plus anyone know what countries Obama sent troops to during his tenure? I just remember writing how he was sending them into countries that border Russia. Plus NATO has sent troops hither and yon too. 300,000? Or was that the number of national guard troops that were recently called up? There is a reason why there are so many so close to Russia.

I think one false flag attack was supposed to be on the nuclear power plant, but Russia made enough noise about it that it was called off. There have been others, but I can’t remember them right now. Oh yeah there was the bomb that landed on a farm in Poland. And one that Zelensky said landed in Romania, but they quickly said it didn’t happen…until the next day when they said it did.

Pathetic indeed. Lame too. Trump should edit it on the scenes of Biden walking and put in scenes where Biden is tripping, or falling on stage or off his bike. Lmao ! that would be funny as hell! I’m playing it in my head right now. ROFL

lol! "Joe Biden entered Ukraine under the cover of night." But what he doesn’t tell us is that he had to get permission from Russia to do it so that they wouldn’t send bombs to Kiev while he was there. But there’s more to the story. While Biden was walking with Zelensky there were air raid sirens going off, but no bombs landing nor any concerns from the 2 gents. False flag? Blinken also got permission from Russia to go to Kiev and while there were bombs landing in the area, no sirens went off. Russia sending a message? "You guys figure out what we are saying."

Biden has a lot riding on Ukraine winning the war. So does NATO and it sure has knocked down the idea that our military equipment is exceptional. Britain has some pie on its face too with 2 challengers being destroyed.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture


thanks MIC for your support of peace

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture

Downtown Castro Valley is having its annual fall festival, all kinds of booths, vendors, kiddie entertainments, etc. Hence, no Farmers' Market today.

The Sukhoi and Mate60 are evidence that US obstreperousness is benefitting the economies and economic and technological growth of its self-declared foes, which is very good news. More good news is the fact that so many US youth are unqualified to be hired killers and.or cannon fodder, as the case may be. (Good news unless they go full AI/Robotic in the military, which the amoral morons in charge could conceivably do.)

So, all in all, good news day. Finally making some headway on some projects, meaning that, of course, many more new ones are arising. But, as Ned Kelly said, such is life.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

more post-game analyses of the West-Dore fight. Ironically, West got challenged, or bloodied, by someone I just learned had endorsed him. Upon further reflection, I have to add more points to the Jimmy column and take away a few more from Cornel.

I'm especially annoyed that he seems clueless and almost uncaring, or uninformed, about the gov't/private disastrous handling of Covid. The covid response is apparently not a high priority for Cornel.

Jimmy made some good points on the identity politics issue also. Cornel would do much better to tone down the White Supremacy rhetoric. And re Trump, he's not going to get broader appeal with the Fascist rhetoric (and while distancing Biden from full- or even half-blown Fascism).

Agree w the Convo Couch main host: I think there's a fair-to-good chance Cornel drops out before the Nov elections. Me: if the stories are true, and he owes the IRS bigly and is behind on child support, he's leaving himself vulnerable to enticing offers of cash/high-paying job by people who want him to drop out to save Biden. And it's possible he doesn't have the strength or willingness to withstand the public fury that will be directed at him for possibly enabling Trump, the Fascist, to win.

5 users have voted.

I have had to run some errands, and am about to watch some of the videos.
Congratulations on your bountiful harvest! People here in East Texas had gardens that had no yield at all. My brother next door had a small garden that had a good start. And then, the brutal sun burned it up completely. All that work and expense for nothing. That may be the last time either of us make the effort.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture


Last year we had about 600 attend. Tomorrow, I will bring my ginger tea, pigs in a blanket,
and my (semi-former) wife's German potatoes salad. It is fun to get together with the whole
town. Meet, greet and eat.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture

Straight Outta Little Compton album?

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

haven't a turntable nor an idea of the cover band but
have so many songs swimming in my head it will be a
wonder if I can remember anybody's name or position
in society, let alone the topic at hand Wink

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

on the Roundtable video is just gobsmacking! I don't want to spoil it. I highly recommend the readers here watch that video to its' end.
Good stuff, soe!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
There were a host of other comments on the way to the final comment that flesh out the magnitude of the the cluster f**k that passes for our intelligence services. Geese-Louise!

6 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

QMS's picture


so music will have to do

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@ovals49 And"Wow!" from beginning to end. outstanding video.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

Karen Kwiatkowski's final comments were revealing. Don't see her as often.

It's generous to call planning this proxy conflict a mistake. That just means it failed. It was intentional.

Thanks for the potluck SOE. Great OT.

6 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang Another Wow! video in this ot and thread.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981